# A digest of all events over a period of time class DigestsController < ApplicationController has_scope :region, :locality, :tag has_scope :near, type: :hash, using: %i[location distance] has_scope :moderated, default: nil, allow_blank: true has_scope :period, allow_blank: true, type: :hash, using: %i[year week], default: ( lambda do { year: (Time.zone.today + 7.days).year, week: (Time.zone.today + 7.days).cweek } end) before_action :set_week, if: -> { params[:period] } before_action :set_events, only: [:show] def show render :markdown end private def set_week return unless params[:period][:week].present? @week = Date.commercial params[:period][:year].to_i, params[:period][:week].to_i end def set_events @week ||= Time.zone.today + 7.days @events = apply_scopes Event end end