@import "_extends.scss"; @import "_api-forms-ext.scss"; //date popover $border-light: 1px solid #ddd; $button-bgcolor: #f5f5f5; %ws-button { background: #ccc; padding: em(5) em(8); display: inline-block; border: em(1) solid transparent; } .input-picker { overflow: visible; font-size: 13px; outline: none; text-align: center; font-family: sans-serif; width: em(360); min-width: em(270); max-width: 98vw; .ws-po-outerbox { -webkit-transform: translate(0, 30%); transform: translate(0, 30%); } &[data-vertical="bottom"] .ws-po-outerbox { -webkit-transform: translate(0, -30%); transform: translate(0, -30%); } &.time-popover, &.datetime-local-popover { width: em(415); } &.time-popover { .ws-prev, .ws-next, .ws-super-prev, .ws-super-next { display: none; } } &.ws-size-2 { width: em(675); min-width: em(670); } &.ws-size-3 { width: em(985); min-width: em(982); } &.color-popover { width: 590px; min-width: 575px; } abbr[title] { cursor: help; } li, button { font-size: em(13); line-height: em(16); color: #000; transition: all 400ms; } .ws-focus, :focus { outline: 1px dotted #000; } .ws-po-box { position: relative; padding: em(15) em(20); direction: ltr; } .ws-picker-controls { position: absolute; top: em(15); > button { box-sizing: content-box; border: em(1) solid #ccc; padding: 0; width: em(24); height: em(24); background: #eee; z-index: 1; color: #333; &.ws-year-btn:after, &:before { display: inline-block; content: ""; width: 0px; height: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-top: em(3.8); } &:hover { border-color: #666; color: #000; } &[disabled]{ opacity: 0.4; border-color: #eee; color: #ddd; } } } .prev-controls, .ws-po-box[dir="rtl"] .next-controls { left: em(20); right: auto; > .ws-year-btn:after, > button:before { border-width: 0.35em 0.6em 0.35em 0; border-color: transparent #333 transparent transparent; margin-left: -0.1em; } > .ws-year-btn { margin-right: em(3); margin-left: 0; &[disabled] { display: none; } } } .next-controls, .ws-po-box[dir="rtl"] .prev-controls { right: em(20); left: auto; > button:before { margin-left: em(1.5); } > .ws-year-btn:after, > button:before { border-width: 0.35em 0 0.35em 0.6em; border-color: transparent transparent transparent #333; margin-right: -0.1em; } > .ws-year-btn { margin-left: em(3); margin-right: 0; &[disabled] { display: none; } } } &.ws-po-visible .ws-picker-controls > button { &:after, &:before { content: " "; } } .ws-po-box[dir="rtl"] { direction: rtl; } &.time-popover .ws-picker-body { padding-top: em(36); } .ws-picker-body { @extend %clearfix; position: relative; padding: em(40) 0 0; zoom: 1; margin: 0 em(-10); } .ws-button-row { @extend %clearfix; position: relative; margin: em(10) 0 0; border-top: em(1) solid #eee; padding: em(10) 0 0; text-align: left; z-index: 2; > button { @extend %ws-button; border: em(1) solid #ccc; background-color: #ddd; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ececec 0%, #ddd 100%); transition: border-color 200ms linear; float: left; &.ws-empty { float: right; } } } .ws-po-box[dir="rtl"] .ws-button-row > button { float: right; &.ws-empty { float: left; } } &[data-currentview="setMonthList"] .ws-picker-header > select, &[data-currentview="setYearList"] .ws-picker-header > select{ max-width: 90%; } &[data-currentview="setDayList"] .ws-picker-header > select { max-width: 40%; } &[data-currentview="setDayList"] .ws-picker-header > .month-select { max-width: 50%; } &.time-popover .ws-picker-header { top: em(-30); button { font-size: em(15); } } .ws-picker-header { position: absolute; top: em(-40); right: 0; left: 0; margin: 0 em(35); > button { display: inline-block; width: 100%; margin: 0; padding: em(4) 0; font-weight: 700; color: #000; > .month-digit, > .monthname-short { display: none; } &:after { content: " "; margin: -0.1em 0.5em 0; width: 0px; height: 0px; border-style: solid; border-width: 0 0.3em 0.6em 0.3em; border-color: transparent transparent #333 transparent; vertical-align: middle; } &:hover { text-decoration: underline; } &[disabled]:after { display: none !important; } &[disabled]:hover { text-decoration: none; } } } .picker-grid { @extend %clearfix; position: relative; zoom: 1; overflow: hidden; /* negative padding of td */ margin: 0 em(-2); .monthname, .month-digit { display: none; } } &.ws-size-1 .picker-list { float: none; width: auto; } .picker-list { @extend %clearfix; position: relative; zoom: 1; width: em(290); float: left; margin: 0 10px; background: #fff; tr { border: 0; } th, td { padding: em(2); text-align: center; } &.day-list td { padding: em(0.5) em(2); > button { padding: em(5.5) 0; } } &.time-list { > .ws-picker-header > button > .monthname { display: inline; } td { padding: em(1) em(5); > button { padding: em(6.85) 0; } } } td > button { display: block; padding: em(20.669) 0; width: 100%; color: #000; background-color: #fff; &.othermonth { color: #888; } &:hover, &.checked-value { color: #fff; background: #000; } &[disabled], &[disabled]:hover { color: #888; background-color: #fff; } } table { width: 100%; margin: 0; border: 0 none; border-collapse: collapse; table-layout: fixed; } th, td.week-cell { font-size: em(13); line-height: em(16); padding-bottom: em(3); text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 700; } } .ws-options { margin: em(10) 0 0; border-top: em(1) solid #eee; padding: em(10) 0 0; text-align: left; h5 { margin: 0 0 em(5); padding: 0; font-size: em(14); font-weight: bold; } ul, li { padding: 0; margin: 0; list-style: none; } button { @extend %clearfix; display: block; padding: em(4); width: 100%; text-align: left; &.ws-focus, &:focus, &:hover { color: #fff; background: #000; } &[disabled], &[disabled].ws-focus, &[disabled]:focus, &[disabled]:hover { color: #888; background: #fff; text-decoration: none; } .ws-value { float: left; } .ws-label { float: right; font-size: 96%; } } } /* Selector API: */ .ws-week, .ws-year-btn { display: none; } } .ws-picker-controls > button { display: inline-block; } .ws-picker-header > button:after { display: none; } .ws-picker-header select { display: none; } /* helper classes to hide show/hide specific picker features */ @each $class in $pickerapis { .input-picker[data-class~="#{$class}"], .#{$class} .input-picker { @extend %#{$class}; } }