# This is the central ADL class, where are managed all events class Event < ActiveRecord::Base extend SimpleCalendar strip_attributes has_paper_trail ignore: [:last_updated, :lock_version, :secret, :submitter, :decision_time, :latitude, :longitude] belongs_to :region # This is the scheduled first event belongs_to :event has_many :notes, dependent: :destroy has_many :events, dependent: :destroy validates :title, presence: true validate :end_after_start RULES = %w(daily weekly monthly).freeze validates :rule, inclusion: RULES validates :description, presence: true validates :city, presence: true validates :region, presence: true validates :url, presence: true, format: %r{\Ahttps?:\/\/.*\..*\z} validates :contact, email: true validates :submitter, email: true validates :tags, presence: true, format: /\A[\p{Alnum}\s-]*\z/ geocoded_by :full_address # after_validation :geocode, if: -> (obj) { obj.address_changed? } after_validation :geocode # Mechanism to store some reason which can be used when sending notifications attr_accessor :reason before_validation EventCallbacks before_create EventCallbacks after_create EventCallbacks before_update EventCallbacks after_update EventCallbacks after_destroy EventCallbacks scope :moderated, ->(*) { where moderated: true } scope :unmoderated, ->(*) { where moderated: false } scope :last_year, -> { where '? <= end_time', 1.year.ago } scope :past, -> { where 'start_time <= ?', Time.zone.now } scope :future, -> { where '? <= end_time', Time.zone.now } scope :daylimit, ->(d) { where 'end_time <= ?', d.to_i.days.from_now } scope :year, (lambda do |year| where '? <= end_time and start_time <= ?', Date.new(year.to_i, 1, 1).beginning_of_week, Date.new(year.to_i, 12, 31).end_of_week.end_of_day end) scope :month, (lambda do |start_date| where '? <= end_time and start_time <= ?', start_date.to_date.beginning_of_month.beginning_of_week, start_date.to_date.end_of_month.end_of_week.end_of_day end) scope :period, (lambda do |year, week| start_date = DateTime.commercial(year.to_i, week.to_i) where '? <= end_time and start_time <= ?', start_date, start_date.end_of_week.end_of_day end) scope :region, ->(region) { where region: region unless region == 'all' } scope :locality, ->(locality) { where locality: locality } scope :tag, ->(tag) { where 'tags like ?', "%#{tag}%" } scope :geo, -> { where 'latitude is not null and longitude is not null' } before_validation on: :create do self.submission_time = Time.zone.now self.decision_time = Time.zone.now # Populate submitter using contact info if absent self.submitter = contact if submitter.blank? end before_validation on: :update do self.latitude = nil if address_changed? self.longitude = nil if address_changed? end def as_json(_options = {}) { type: 'Feature', properties: { id: id, name: title, start_time: start_time, end_time: end_time, place_name: place_name, address: address, city: city, locality: locality, tags: tags, popupContent: "#{self}" }, geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [longitude, latitude] } } end def full_address # Region seems to disturb openstreetmap :( # [address, city, region.try(:name)].compact.join ', ' [address, city].compact.join ', ' end def schedule IceCube::Schedule.new(start_time, end_time: end_time) do |s| s.add_recurrence_rule IceCube::Rule.send(rule).count(repeat + 1) end end def hashtags tags.split.map { |tag| "##{tag.tr('-', '_').camelize :lower}" } end def to_s "#{start_time.to_date} #{city}: #{title} #{hashtags.join(' ')}" end def to_tweet url = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.event_url( self, host: ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:host] ) tweet = "#{self} #{url}" if tweet.size >= 140 tweet = "#{tweet[0, tweet.rindex(/\s/, 140 - url.size)]} #{url}" end tweet end private def end_after_start errors.add :end_time, :before_start if !end_time.blank? && !start_time.blank? && end_time <= start_time end end