# Organisations related to this agenda class Orga < ApplicationRecord acts_as_taggable strip_attributes has_paper_trail ignore: %i[last_updated secret submitter decision_time lock_version latitude longitude] belongs_to :region belongs_to :kind validates :kind, presence: true validates :name, presence: true validates :region, presence: true validates :url, format: %r{\Ahttps?:\/\/.*\..*\z} validates :diaspora, allow_blank: true, format: %r{\Ahttps?:\/\/.*\..*\z} validates :feed, allow_blank: true, format: %r{\Ahttps?:\/\/.*\..*\z} validates :contact, allow_blank: true, email: true validates :submitter, allow_blank: true, email: true geocoded_by :full_address # after_validation :geocode, if: -> (obj) { obj.address_changed? } after_validation :geocode scope :active, -> { where active: true } scope :moderated, -> { where moderated: true } scope :unmoderated, -> { where moderated: false } # Only present to simplify maps_controller, to have the same scopes as events scope :locality, -> {} scope :daylimit, -> {} scope :future, -> {} scope :period, ->(_year, _week) {} scope :kind, ->(kind) { where kind: kind } scope :region, (lambda do |region| return if region.nil? || region == 'all' temp = Region.find region where region: [temp, temp.regions].flatten end) scope :tag, ->(tag) { tagged_with tag } scope :geo, -> { where 'latitude is not null and longitude is not null' } scope :active, -> { where active: true } before_validation do # Populate submitter using contact info if absent self.submitter ||= contact self.secret ||= SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32)[0...32] self.submission_time ||= Time.zone.now end after_create do send_secret if submitter.present? # Send email to moderators when an new orga is received ModerationorgaMailer.create(self).deliver_now! end after_update do send_secret if secret_changed? || submitter_changed? if moderated_changed? OrgaMailer.accept(self).deliver_now! # Send email to moderators when an orga is accepted ModerationorgaMailer.accept(self).deliver_now! else OrgaMailer.update(self).deliver_now! # Send email to moderators when an orga is updated ModerationorgaMailer.update(self).deliver_now! end end before_destroy do OrgaMailer.destroy(self).deliver_now! if submitter.present? # Send email to moderators when an orga is deleted ModerationorgaMailer.destroy(self).deliver_now! if submitter.present? end def send_secret OrgaMailer.create(self).deliver_now! end def name_as_tag name.gsub(/\AL'/, '').gsub(/[\s\*'\.]/, '-').delete ':' end def as_json(_options = {}) { type: 'Feature', properties: { id: id, icon: kind.icon, name: name, place_name: place_name, address: address, city: city, tags: tags, popupContent: "#{self}" }, geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [longitude, latitude] } } end def full_address [address, city, region.try(:name), region.try(:code)].compact.join ', ' end def to_s "[#{kind.name}] #{name}" end end