@import compass @import font-awesome * padding: 0 max-width: 100% margin-left: auto margin-right: auto +box-sizing(border-box) html color: black height: 100% text-align: center font-family: georgia, serif background-color: #9CC5EE // Integrating adl in another website &.iframe background-color: transparent body border: none background-color: transparent .region_selector, .lug_search, .formats, #banner display: none body border: 1px solid #68A6E5 margin: 0.3em padding: 10px padding-top: 0 background-color: white header, main, footer * +transition-duration(0.5s) a +link-colors(#258, #2E97FF, #2E97FF, #258, #2E97FF) &:link, &:visited font-weight: bold text-decoration: none #flash_messages .flash color: white border: solid 1px #007ba0 margin: 1em auto padding: 0.5em 1.1em max-width: 50em font-size: x-large text-align: justify background-color: #008cba +box-shadow(0 0 0.3em gray) +border-radius(3px) &.notice border-color: #3a945b background-color: #43ac6a &.alert border-color: #de2b0f background-color: #f04124 h3.warning color: white margin: 0 padding: 1em text-align: center background-color: orange +box-shadow(0 0 0.3em gray) +inline-block() +border-radius(1em) header.top img.logo float: left margin-left: 20px ul.countries float: right width: 80px font-size: 0.7em line-height: 1em margin-left: 29px margin-right: 11px list-style-type: none li text-align: left & a:before white-space: nowrap margin-right: 0.75em &.map_france a:before content: image-url('france.png') &.map_quebec a:before content: image-url('quebec.png') &.map_belgique a:before content: image-url('belgique.png') &.map_suisse a:before content: image-url('suisse.png') h1 font-size: 2.1em letter-spacing: 2px h2 font: size: 1.2em style: italic weight: normal margin-top: -0.5em main, body.mce-content-body position: relative & > * max-width: 80em h1 margin: 10px auto 5px auto letter-spacing: 2px h2 margin: 50px auto 20px h3 margin: 1.1em auto 1em font-size: 1.2em text-align: left ul, ol text-align: left li margin-left: 2em p text-align: justify &.label text-align: center span.label:after content: ':' hr margin: 10px 20px &.mce-content-body margin: 0 border: solid thin transparent font-size: initial min-height: 100% font-family: georgia, serif iframe border: none max-width: 100% margin-bottom: 1.6em +border-radius(1em) fieldset border: none margin: 1em auto padding: 1em +box-shadow(1px 1px 5px gray) +border-radius(0.4em) legend float: left color: gray padding: 0 1em margin-top: -1.6em background-color: white h2 margin-top: 0 label text-align: right padding-right: 0.4em .mce-tinymce border: 1px solid darkgray +box-shadow(1px 1px 2px lightgray) +border-radius(0.4em) input, textarea, select, a.button, button, .select2-container ul color: black margin: 3px 0 border: 1px solid darkgray outline: none padding: 0.2em 0.4em font-size: inherit font-family: inherit background-color: white +box-shadow(1px 1px 2px lightgray) +border-radius(0.4em) &:focus background-color: #F0F8FF +box-shadow(1px 1px 4px gray) &[type=radio] +box-shadow(none) &[type=radio] + label text-align: left &[type=submit], &.button, button color: black border: none cursor: pointer margin: 3px 0.4em padding: 0.2em 0.6em font-size: larger font-weight: bolder background-color: #9CC5EE +box-shadow(2px 2px 2px gray) select, option color: black padding: 2px 4px background-color: white button.ws-popover-opener color: darkgray background-color: transparent .field_with_errors display: inline input, textarea, select, a.button background-color: pink /* input, textarea, select color: black margin: 3px 0 border: 1px solid #868686 padding: 0.2em 0.8em font-family: georgia, serif background-color: white +border-radius(0.7em) &:focus outline: 0 background-color: #F0F8FF input[type=submit] border: none font-size: x-large +box-shadow(0 0 1em lightblue) +text-shadow(1px 1px 1px white) &:hover +box-shadow(5px 5px 5px lightblue) footer.bottom nav clear: both a display: inline-block padding: 1.8% em.fa font-size: x-large &:hover +text-shadow(0 0 1em lightgray) #loading top: 45% left: 45% color: gray display: none position: fixed font-size: 10vw vertical-align: baseline +text-shadow(0 0 4px gray) .select2-container ul min-width: 6em .select2-container-multi.select2-container-active .select2-choices, .select2-drop border: none !important +box-shadow(1px 1px 4px gray) // Otherwise the cross to remove tags is centered .select2-container *, .select2-choices * margin: initial +transition-duration(0)