en: 'true': Yes 'false': No attributes: id: ID name: Name email: Email locality_0: Local locality_1: National created_at: Created updated_at: Modified created: Created %{date} ago updated: Updated %{date} ago # Base de données activerecord: models: event: Event user: Modérator orga: Orga kind: Kind city: City region: Region admin_user: Admin comment: Comment i18n/backend/active_record/translation: Content attributes: user: login: Login password: Password lastname: Name firstname: First name city: majname: Uppercase name postalcode: Zip code inseecode: INSEE code regioncode: Region code orga: kind: Type name: Name description: Description place_name: Place name address: Address city: City department: Department region: Region url: Web address diaspora: diaspora* feed: Syndication contact: Contact submitter: Soumetteur submission_time: En attente depuis tags: Tags active: Active kind: name_association: Association name_enterprise: Enterprise name_glug: GLUG name_provider: ISP name_institution: Institution name_thirdPlace: Third place event: title: Title start_time: Start end_time: End repeat: Repeat rule: Règle rule_values: daily: Daily weekly: Weekly monthly: Monthly monthly_day: Nth day of the month yearly: Yearly description: Description place_name: Place name address: Address city: City region: Region locality: Scope url: URL contact: Contact submitter: Submitter submission_time: Waiting for tags: Tags reason: Reason region: name_values: all: All regions note: contents: Your comment i18n/backend/active_record/translation: locale: Language key: Key value: Value interpolations: Interpolations is_proc: Procedure? errors: models: event: attributes: end_time: before_start: can not be before start