echarp 86684e6bf2 Intermediary upgrade to rails 5 2017-11-11 12:44:09 +01:00
concerns Version initiale 2013-11-13 23:09:38 +01:00
application_controller.rb Intermediary upgrade to rails 5 2017-11-11 12:44:09 +01:00
digests_controller.rb Migration to Ruby on Rails 5.1 2017-10-21 22:12:19 +02:00
events_controller.rb Region filtering should now work with countries and their sub regions 2017-09-17 18:25:34 +02:00
maps_controller.rb Latest active_admin version should work with adl. 2017-07-28 00:35:14 +02:00
moderations_controller.rb Latest active_admin version should work with adl. 2017-07-28 00:35:14 +02:00
notes_controller.rb Bundle update and subsequent cleaning up related to the new rubocop version 2017-04-22 20:01:47 +02:00
orgas_controller.rb Orgas filtering can now use the near scope 2017-09-17 23:43:04 +02:00
regions_controller.rb Latest active_admin version should work with adl. 2017-07-28 00:35:14 +02:00
stats_controller.rb Latest active_admin version should work with adl. 2017-07-28 00:35:14 +02:00
tags_controller.rb Latest active_admin version should work with adl. 2017-07-28 00:35:14 +02:00
users_controller.rb Bundle update and subsequent cleaning up related to the new rubocop version 2017-04-22 20:01:47 +02:00
versions_controller.rb It is now possible to follow events' and organisations' versions. Refs #15 2016-01-10 01:10:22 +01:00