echarp 2fae5c09a4 Migration to the gem high_voltage: « Easily include static pages in your Rails app»
This replaces the "application" directory where were stored some common static pages
2016-10-31 23:44:44 +01:00

89 lines
2.3 KiB

= title t('.title')
#{t '.helper'}
= form_tag events_url, method: :get do
= label_tag :future, t('.past')
= check_box_tag :future, :false
%span.helper= t '.past_helper'
#{t '.period_year_helper'}
= label_tag 'period[year]', t('.period_year')
= number_field_tag 'period[year]', params['period[year]'],
placeholder: "Ex: #{( + 7.days).year}"
= label_tag 'period[week]', t('.period_week')
= number_field_tag 'period[week]', params['period[week]'],
placeholder: "Ex: #{( + 7.days).cweek}"
= label_tag 'near[location]', t('.near_location')
= text_field_tag 'near[location]', params['near[location]'],
placeholder: t('.near_location_helper')
= label_tag 'near[distance]', t('.near_distance')
= number_field_tag 'near[distance]', params['near[distance]'],
placeholder: t('.near_distance_helper')
= label_tag :region, t('.region')
= select_tag :region,
options_from_collection_for_select(Region.all, :id, :name),
include_blank: true
= label_tag :tag, t('.tag')
= text_field_tag :tag
= label_tag :iframe, t('.iframe')
= check_box_tag :iframe, :false
%span.helper= t '.iframe_helper'
= button_tag do
= t '.events'
= button_tag formaction: maps_url do
= t '.map'
= button_tag formaction: maps_url(format: :json) do
= t '.geojson'
= button_tag formaction: events_url(format: :json) do
%em.fa {}
= t '.json'
= button_tag formaction: events_url(format: :rss) do
= t '.rss'
= button_tag formaction: events_url(format: :ics) do
= t '.ics'
= button_tag formaction: events_url(format: :xml) do
= t '.xml'
= button_tag formaction: orgas_url do
= t '.orgas'
= button_tag formaction: digest_url(:markdown) do
= t '.digest'