2019-06-30 14:32:41 +02:00

274 lines
7.0 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright (C) 2019 Quentin GIBEAUX <>
# Copyright (C) 2019 Frédéric COUCHET <>
# Copyright (C) 2019 Christian Pierre MOMON <>
# This file is part of lav-outils from "April/Libre à vous !"
# This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use JSON;
use Data::Dumper;
use utf8;
my ($help,$config,$verbose,$dryrun);
my $meta_data_script = "lav-outils/podcasts/scripts/";
my $verbose;
my $mp3;
my $textwebpage="<ul>\n";
GetOptions ("help" => \$help,
"config=s" => \$config,
"mp3" => \$mp3,
"verbose" => \$verbose,
"dryrun" => \$dryrun);
if($help) {
} elsif( not $config ) {
print " /!\\ Missing config arg\n\n";
sub usage {
print <<EOS
Exec commands to cut and process LAV! podcast with json file containing the timestamps and sections to be cut.
Needs JSON perl library (apt install libjson-perl)
$0 --config conf_file.json
--config conf_file.json the configuration file containing stuff
--mp3 generate mp3 files
--help show this message
--verbose increase verbosity
--dryrun print commands without executing them
sub read_config {
my ($filename) = @_;
my $json_text = do { #read all the file in one shot
open(my $json_fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename)
or die("Can't open \$filename\": $!\n");
local $/;
my $json = JSON->new;
my $data = $json->decode($json_text);
return $data;
sub process {
my ($config,$mp3,$verbose,$dryrun)=@_;
my $data = read_config($config);
my $short_date = $data->{short_date};
my $year = substr $short_date,0,4;
my $long_date = $data->{long_date};
my $source_name = "libre-a-vous-$short_date";
my $title = "Libre à vous ! du $long_date sur Cause Commune";
my $short_description = $data->{short_description};
my $ffmpeg_bin = $data->{ffmpeg_bin};
my $option_mp3_meta_data_script;
my @formats_files;
if($mp3) {
@formats_files = qw/ogg mp3/;
$option_mp3_meta_data_script = "yes";
else {
@formats_files = qw/ogg/;
$option_mp3_meta_data_script = "no";
for my $chapter (values @{$data->{chapters}}) {
my $start = $chapter->{start_timestamp};
my $end = $chapter->{end_timestamp};
my $short_chapter_name = $chapter->{short_chapter_name};
my $chapter_title = $chapter->{chapter_title};
# cutting chapter
my $command = "$ffmpeg_bin -y -i $source_name.ogg -vn -acodec copy -ss \"$start\" -to \"$end\" $source_name-$short_chapter_name.ogg";
if($dryrun) {
print "$command\n";
} else {
my @ret = `$command`;
if($?) {
print "Error while cutting $short_chapter_name\n";
if($verbose) {
print Dumper @ret;
print Dumper $data;
return 0;
# putting metadata
my $url = "$short_date/$source_name-$short_chapter_name.ogg";
my $command = "$meta_data_script -s \"$source_name-$short_chapter_name.ogg\" -d \"output\" -u \"$url\" -t \"$title - Partie $chapter_title\" -p \"$ffmpeg_bin\" -y \"$year\" -m \"$option_mp3_meta_data_script\"";
if($dryrun) {
print "$command\n";
} else {
my @ret = `$command`;
if($?) {
print "Error while setting metadata in $short_chapter_name\n";
if($verbose) {
print Dumper @ret;
print Dumper $data;
return 0;
# Update string for web site
my $command = "mediainfo --Inform=\"Audio;%Duration/String%\" output.ogg";
if($dryrun) {
print "$command\n";
} else {
my @ret = `$command`;
if($?) {
print "Error while updating string for web site\n";
if($verbose) {
print Dumper @ret;
print Dumper $data;
return 0;
} else {
$ret[0] =~ s/s/secondes/ig;
$ret[0] =~ s/min/minutes/ig;
my $url2 = $url =~ s/\.ogg/\.mp3/r;
$textwebpage = $textwebpage . "<li><a href=\"$url\">$chapter_title</a> (format OGG) (et <a href=\"$url2\">format MP3</a>) ($ret[0])</li>\n";
# renaming to target OGG and MP3
foreach my $format (@formats_files) {
my $target_name = "$source_name-$short_chapter_name.$format";
my $command = "mv output.$format $target_name";
if($dryrun) {
print "$command\n";
} else {
my @ret = `$command`;
if($?) {
print "Error while renaming $short_chapter_name.$format\n";
if($verbose) {
print Dumper @ret;
print Dumper $data;
return 0;
# hashing
my $command = "sha1sum $target_name > $target_name.sha1";
if($dryrun) {
print "$command\n";
} else {
my @ret = `$command`;
if($?) {
print "Error while hashing $target_name\n";
if($verbose) {
print Dumper @ret;
print Dumper $data;
return 0;
# putting metadata in main podcast
my $url = "$short_date/$source_name.ogg";
my $command = "$meta_data_script -s \"$source_name.ogg\" -d \"output\" -u \"$url\" -t \"$title - $short_description\" -p \"$ffmpeg_bin\" -y \"$year\" -m \"$option_mp3_meta_data_script\"";
if($dryrun) {
print "$command\n";
} else {
my @ret = `$command`;
if($?) {
print "Error while setting metadata in $source_name\n";
if($verbose) {
print Dumper @ret;
print Dumper $data;
return 0;
# renaming to target OGG and MP3
foreach my $format (@formats_files) {
my $command = "mv output.$format $source_name.$format";
if($dryrun) {
print "$command\n";
} else {
my @ret = `$command`;
if($?) {
print "Error while renaming $source_name.$format\n";
if($verbose) {
print Dumper @ret;
print Dumper $data;
return 0;
# hashing
my $command = "sha1sum $source_name.$format > $source_name.$format.sha1";
if($dryrun) {
print "$command\n";
} else {
my @ret = `$command`;
if($?) {
print "Error while hashing $source_name.$format\n";
if($verbose) {
print Dumper @ret;
print Dumper $data;
return 0;
$textwebpage = $textwebpage . "</ul>\n\n";
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
my $url = "$long_date-sur-radio-cause-commune";
$url=~s/ /-/g;
print "\nText for the web page of the radio program : $url\n\n";
print "$textwebpage\n\n";
print "Add the html code on $url\n\n";
if(! $mp3) {
print "MP3 files not generated, please use --mp3 option to generate them\n";