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@ -7,23 +7,17 @@ PDFTEX = pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode
NEED_RERUN = '(There were undefined references|Rerun (me )?to get (cross-references|the bars) right)|((Reference|Citation).*undefined)|(Label.*multiply defined)'
IMG_PNG = $(wildcard includes/screenshots/*.png) $(wildcard includes/images/*.png)
IMG_PNG_SMALL = $(subst screenshots,screenshots/vignettes, $(subst images,images/vignettes, ${IMG_PNG}))
IMG_PNG_SMALL = $(subst screenshots,screenshots/vignettes, ${IMG_PNG})
includes/screenshots/vignettes/%.png: includes/screenshots/%.png
convert $< -resize 200 $@
includes/images/vignettes/%.png: includes/images/%.png
convert $< -resize 200 $@
IMG_JPG = $(wildcard includes/screenshots/*.jpg) $(wildcard includes/images/*.jpg)
IMG_JPG_SMALL = $(subst screenshots,screenshots/vignettes, $(subst images,images/vignettes, ${IMG_JPG}))
IMG_JPG_SMALL = $(subst screenshots,screenshots/vignettes, ${IMG_JPG})
includes/screenshots/vignettes/%.jpg: includes/screenshots/%.jpg
convert $< -resize 200 $@
includes/images/vignettes/%.jpg: includes/images/%.jpg
convert $< -resize 200 $@
all : ${PDF}
wget "" -O $@
@ -34,11 +28,11 @@ guide_libre_asso.tex:
sed -i $@ -e 's/\\description/\\descriptif/g'
vim -c '%s/^\(\s*\*.*\)\n\(\s*[^*]\|\n\)/\1\r\\end{itemize}\r\2/g' -c '%s/^\(\s*[^*].*\|\)\n\s*\*/\1\r\\begin{itemize}\r*/g' -c '%s/^\s*\*/\\item/' -c ':x' $@
guide.pdf: guide.tex guide_libre_asso.tex lolipop.cls ${IMG_PNG} ${IMG_JPG}
guide.pdf: guide.tex guide_libre_asso.tex lolipop.cls ${IMG_PNG}
${PDFTEX} $<
if egrep -q $(NEED_RERUN) $(subst tex,log,$<) ; then ${PDFTEX} $< ; fi
version_html/tmp/guide.html: guide.tex guide_libre_asso.tex lolipop.hva ${IMG_PNG_SMALL} ${IMG_JPG_SMALL}
version_html/tmp/guide.html: guide.tex guide_libre_asso.tex lolipop.hva ${IMG_PNG_SMALL}
cd version_html/tmp &&\
hevea -I ../../ $< 2> guide.log &&\
if egrep -q $(NEED_RERUN) guide.log ; then hevea -I ../../ $< 2> guide.log; fi
@ -60,7 +54,7 @@ clean:
rm -fv $(TEMP) version_html/tmp/*
mrproper: clean
rm -fv guide.pdf guide_libre_asso.* version_html/guide.html ${IMG_PNG_SMALL} ${IMG_JPG_SMALL}
rm -fv guide.pdf guide_libre_asso.* version_html/guide.html
distclean: mrproper