var SCRUTARI_L10N = { lang:'en', '_ advice_complexity':'Check if you can simplify the search', '_ and':'AND', '_ button_check_all':'Check all', '_ button_close':'Close', '_ button_filter_off':'Turn filter off', '_ button_filter_on':'Turn filter on', '_ button_parameters':'Filters and options', '_ button_remove':'Remove', '_ button_submit':'Search', '_ button_uncheck_all':'Uncheck all', '_ colon':':', '_ error.empty.parametervalue':'Error: the search only has meaningless characters!', '_ error.empty.searchtoken':'Empty search term', '_ error.unknown.attribute':'Unknown attribute', '_ error.unknown.fichesearchresult':'Search ID unknown', '_ error.unknown.operandtype':'Operand type unknown', '_ error.unknown.scope':'Unknown field', '_ error.wrong.missingword':'Missing word', '_ error.wrong.notletterordigitcharacter':'Incorrect character', '_ error.wrong.operand_add':'Malformed operand', '_ error.wrong.operand_date':'Malformed date', '_ error.wrong.operationsyntax':'Syntax error in the advanced search', '_ error.wrong.unclosedquote':'Unclosed quote', '_ error.wrong.unexpectedspace':'Unexpected space', '_ fiche_motscles_many':'Keywords:', '_ fiche_motscles_one':'Keyword:', '_ filter_off':'[off]', '_ filter_on':'[on]', '_ link_atom':'ATOM feed', '_ link_ods':'Table in ODS format', '_ link_permalink':'Permalink', '_ link_poweredby':'Search powered by Scrutari', '_ loading_pagination':'Loading…', '_ loading_search':'Searching…', '_ mode_help':'Help on relationships between search terms', '_ mode_intersection':'And', '_ mode_operation':'Advanced', '_ mode_title':'Relationship between terms:', '_ mode_union':'Or', '_ or':'OR', '_ periode_help':'Help on limiting to a period', '_ periode_title':'Limited to a period:', '_ ponderation_date':'Date', '_ ponderation_help':'Help on classification priority', '_ ponderation_pertinence':'Relevance', '_ ponderation_title':'Classification priority:', '_ result_none':'No results for the requested search', '_ stats_filter_short':'Filter:', '_ stats_filter_title':'Number of references the search will apply to on the basis of the active filters', '_ stats_global_short':'Total:', '_ stats_global_title':'Total number of references in the search engine', '_ stats_result_short':'Result:', '_ stats_result_title':'Number of references that answer the search criteria', '_ title_download':'Retrieving all references:', '_ title_filter_base':'Database filter', '_ title_filter_category':'Document type filter', '_ title_filter_corpus':'Corpus filter', '_ title_filter_lang':'Language filter', '_ title_history':'Search\u00A0history:', '_ title_main':'Scrutari search', '_ title_options':'Search options\u00A0', '_ title_share':'Share:', '_ title_subsearch':'Searching latest results:', '_ wildchar_end':'“*” is added automatically at the end of the word', '_ button_subsearch':'Filter', '_ help_mode.html':'

Simple search (And / Or options): the spaces are delimiters for the search terms; if the option And is selected, a reference has to include all the search terms; if the selected option is Or, a reference has to include at least one of the terms.

The asterisk * indicates a truncation:

If the option “*” automatically added to the end of the word is ticked, all the words are considered to have a truncation on the right (unless they are in quotation marks).

We use straight quotation marks to indicate a sequence of words. It is possible to indicate truncations inside quotation marks:

The following rules apply:

Advanced search (“Advanced” option): the advanced search uses the same principles as the simple search in terms of syntax (asterisk * for truncations, quotation marks for sequences) but the space is no longer a delimiter; instead, we use three operators:

We use brackets to form logical groups.


All syntax errors (including the use of characters other than numbers, unauthorized letters and a space for separating words not in quotation marks) produce an error message.

It is possible to restrict the search for a word to a given field by prefixing a term. Possible prefixes are:


See Search syntax on the Scrutari website (in french)

', '_ help_periode.html':'

This field is used to restrict references to those that correspond to a given period. It is possible to specify:

It is worth noting that, frequently, only the year of a given reference is known. This means that in certain configurations, specifying the month will not produce any results.

', '_ help_ponderation.html':'

Configuration of ranking priority will affect the order results are displayed in:

' };