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# Firefox Send is a brand name and should not be localized.
title = Firefox Send
siteFeedback = 意見回饋
importingFile = 匯入中…
encryptingFile = 加密中…
decryptingFile = 解密中…
downloadCount =
{ $num ->
2017-12-06 04:07:23 +01:00
*[other] { $num } 次下載
timespanHours =
{ $num ->
2017-12-06 04:07:23 +01:00
*[other] { $num } 小時
copiedUrl = 已複製!
unlockInputPlaceholder = 密碼
unlockButtonLabel = 解鎖
downloadButtonLabel = 下載
downloadFinish = 下載完成
fileSizeProgress = { $partialSize },共 { $totalSize }
sendYourFilesLink = 試用 Firefox Send
errorPageHeader = 有些東西不對勁!
fileTooBig = 檔案太大無法上傳。檔案大小限制為 { $size }。
linkExpiredAlt = 鏈結已過期
notSupportedHeader = 不支援您的瀏覽器。
notSupportedLink = 為什麼我的瀏覽器不支援?
notSupportedOutdatedDetail = 很可惜,此版本的 Firefox 不支援 Firefox Send 所需的 Web 技術。請更新瀏覽器後再使用。
updateFirefox = 更新 Firefox
deletePopupCancel = 取消
deleteButtonHover = 刪除
footerLinkLegal = 法律資訊
footerLinkPrivacy = 隱私權
footerLinkCookies = Cookie
passwordTryAgain = 密碼不正確,請再試一次。
javascriptRequired = Firefox Send 需要開啟 JavaScript 功能
whyJavascript = 為什麼 Firefox Send 需要 JavaScript 才能使用?
enableJavascript = 請開啟 JavaScript 功能後再試一次。
# A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of hours and minutes remaining as digits, example "13h 47m"
expiresHoursMinutes = { $hours } 時 { $minutes } 分
# A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of minutes remaining as digits, example "56m"
expiresMinutes = { $minutes } 分鐘
# A short status message shown when the user enters a long password
maxPasswordLength = 最大密碼長度: { $length }
# A short status message shown when there was an error setting the password
passwordSetError = 無法設定此密碼
## Send version 2 strings
# Firefox Send, Send, Firefox, Mozilla are proper names and should not be localized
-send-brand = Firefox Send
-send-short-brand = Send
-firefox = Firefox
-mozilla = Mozilla
introTitle = 簡單而私密的檔案共享服務
introDescription = { -send-brand } 讓您可透過點對點加密的方式來分享檔案,並提供會自動失效的鏈結。這樣一來就可以保留分享時的隱私,也確保檔案不會永久保存於網路上。
notifyUploadEncryptDone = 已加密您的檔案,可以傳送
# downloadCount is from the downloadCount string and timespan is a timespanMinutes string. ex. 'Expires after 2 downloads or 25 minutes'
archiveExpiryInfo = { $downloadCount } 次下載或 { $timespan } 後失效
timespanMinutes =
{ $num ->
*[other] { $num } 分鐘
timespanDays =
{ $num ->
*[other] { $num } 天
timespanWeeks =
{ $num ->
*[other] { $num } 週
fileCount =
{ $num ->
*[other] { $num } 個檔案
# size is a localized number followed by a unit of bytes, ex. 2.5GB
totalSize = 總大小: { $size }
# the next line after the colon contains a file name
copyLinkDescription = 複製鏈結即可分享您的檔案:
copyLinkButton = 複製鏈結
downloadTitle = 下載檔案
trySendDescription = 快試試 { -send-brand },簡單而安全地分享檔案。
# count will always be > 10
tooManyFiles =
{ $count ->
*[other] 一次僅能上傳 { $count } 個檔案。
# count will always be > 10
tooManyArchives =
{ $count ->
*[other] 僅允許 { $count } 個壓縮檔。
expiredTitle = 此鏈結已經過期。
downloadFirefox = 下載 { -firefox }
legalTitle = { -send-short-brand } 隱私權公告
legalDateStamp = 1.0 版2019 年 3 月 12 日生效
# A short representation of a countdown timer containing the number of days, hours, and minutes remaining as digits, example "2d 11h 56m"
expiresDaysHoursMinutes = { $days } 天 { $hours } 小時 { $minutes } 分鐘
addFilesButton = 選擇要上傳的檔案
uploadButton = 上傳
# the first part of the string 'Drag and drop files or click to send up to 1GB'
dragAndDropFiles = 拖放檔案到此處
# the second part of the string 'Drag and drop files or click to send up to 1GB'
# size is a localized number followed by a unit of bytes, ex. 2.5GB
orClickWithSize = 或點擊即可傳送最大 { $size }
addPassword = 使用密碼保護
emailPlaceholder = 輸入您的電子郵件地址
# size is a localized number followed by a unit of bytes, ex. 2.5GB
signInSizeBump = 登入後即可傳送最大 { $size }
signInButton = 登入 / 註冊
accountBenefitTitle = 註冊 { -firefox } 帳號或登入
# size is a localized number followed by a unit of bytes, ex. 2.5GB
accountBenefitLargeFiles = 分享最大 { $size }
accountBenefitDownloadCount = 分享檔案給更多人
accountBenefitTimeLimit =
{ $count ->
*[other] 將檔案鏈結保留 { $count } 天有效
accountBenefitSync = 從任何裝置管理分享的檔案
accountBenefitMoz = 了解其他 { -mozilla } 服務的更多資訊
signOut = 登出
okButton = 確定
downloadingTitle = 下載中
noStreamsWarning = 此瀏覽器無法解密這麼大的檔案。
noStreamsOptionCopy = 複製鏈結,用其他瀏覽器開啟
noStreamsOptionFirefox = 試試我們最愛的瀏覽器
noStreamsOptionDownload = 繼續使用目前的瀏覽器