Disable cypress tests

Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <tcit@tcit.fr>
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Citharel 2020-06-03 19:04:22 +02:00
parent 083ed0ecdb
commit 1b6a4d9ad2

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@ -77,30 +77,30 @@ exunit:
- mix coveralls
stage: test
- name: mdillon/postgis:11
alias: postgres
- mix deps.get
- cd js
- yarn install
- npx cypress install # just to be sure
- yarn run build
- cd ../
- MIX_ENV=e2e mix ecto.create
- MIX_ENV=e2e mix ecto.migrate
- MIX_ENV=e2e mix run priv/repo/e2e.seed.exs
- MIX_ENV=e2e mix phx.server &
- cd js
- npx wait-on http://localhost:4000
- if [ -z "$CYPRESS_KEY" ]; then npx cypress run; else npx cypress run --record --parallel --key $CYPRESS_KEY; fi
expire_in: 2 day
- js/tests/e2e/screenshots/**/*.png
- js/tests/e2e/videos/**/*.mp4
# cypress:
# stage: test
# services:
# - name: mdillon/postgis:11
# alias: postgres
# script:
# - mix deps.get
# - cd js
# - yarn install
# - npx cypress install # just to be sure
# - yarn run build
# - cd ../
# - MIX_ENV=e2e mix ecto.create
# - MIX_ENV=e2e mix ecto.migrate
# - MIX_ENV=e2e mix run priv/repo/e2e.seed.exs
# - MIX_ENV=e2e mix phx.server &
# - cd js
# - npx wait-on http://localhost:4000
# - if [ -z "$CYPRESS_KEY" ]; then npx cypress run; else npx cypress run --record --parallel --key $CYPRESS_KEY; fi
# artifacts:
# expire_in: 2 day
# paths:
# - js/tests/e2e/screenshots/**/*.png
# - js/tests/e2e/videos/**/*.mp4
stage: deploy