Fix routing between BE & FE and fix event creation

Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <>
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Citharel 2019-03-05 12:07:58 +01:00
parent f59335a540
commit a9d0a4275d
5 changed files with 66 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -43,14 +43,13 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Prop, Vue, Watch } from "vue-property-decorator";
import { AUTH_USER_ACTOR } from "@/constants";
import { Component, Vue, Watch } from "vue-property-decorator";
import { SEARCH } from "@/graphql/search";
import { CURRENT_USER_CLIENT } from "@/graphql/user";
import { onLogout } from "@/vue-apollo";
import { deleteUserData } from "@/utils/auth";
import { LOGGED_PERSON } from "@/graphql/actor";
import { IActor, IPerson } from '../types/actor.model';
import { IActor, IPerson } from '@/types/actor.model';
import { RouteName } from '@/router'

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export interface IActor {
id: string;
id?: string;
url: string;
name: string;
domain: string|null;
@ -10,6 +10,17 @@ export interface IActor {
bannerUrl: string;
export class Actor implements IActor {
avatarUrl: string = '';
bannerUrl: string = '';
domain: string | null = null;
name: string = '';
preferredUsername: string = '';
summary: string = '';
suspended: boolean = false;
url: string = '';
export interface IPerson extends IActor {
@ -18,6 +29,8 @@ export interface IGroup extends IActor {
members: IMember[];
export class Person extends Actor implements IPerson {}
export enum MemberRole {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { IActor } from './actor.model';
import {Actor, IActor} from './actor.model';
export enum EventStatus {
@ -70,3 +70,24 @@ export interface IEvent {
// online_address: Address;
// phone_address: string;
export class EventModel implements IEvent {
begins_on: Date = new Date();
category: Category = Category.MEETING;
description: string = '';
ends_on: Date = new Date();
join_options: EventJoinOptions = EventJoinOptions.FREE;
large_image: string = '';
local: boolean = true;
participants: IParticipant[] = [];
publish_at: Date = new Date();
status: EventStatus = EventStatus.CONFIRMED;
thumbnail: string = '';
title: string = '';
url: string = '';
uuid: string = '';
visibility: EventVisibility = EventVisibility.PUBLIC;
attributedTo: IActor = new Actor();
organizerActor: IActor = new Actor();

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
import {Category} from "../../types/event.model";
import {EventJoinOptions} from "../../types/event.model";
<h1 class="title">
@ -36,55 +34,34 @@ import {EventJoinOptions} from "../../types/event.model";
// import Location from '@/components/Location';
import {CREATE_EVENT, EDIT_EVENT} from "@/graphql/event";
import {Component, Prop, Vue} from "vue-property-decorator";
import {Category, EventJoinOptions, EventStatus, EventVisibility, IEvent} from "@/types/event.model";
import {
} from "@/types/event.model";
import {LOGGED_PERSON} from "@/graphql/actor";
import {IPerson} from "@/types/actor.model";
import {IPerson, Person} from "@/types/actor.model";
apollo: {
loggedPerson: {
export default class CreateEvent extends Vue {
@Prop({ required: false, type: String }) uuid!: string;
loggedPerson!: IPerson;
loggedPerson: IPerson = new Person();
categories: string[] = Object.keys(Category);
event!: IEvent; // FIXME: correctly type an event
// created() {
// if (this.uuid) {
// this.fetchEvent();
// }
// }
async created() {
// We put initialization here because we need loggedPerson to be ready before initializing event
const { data } = await this.$apollo.query({ query: LOGGED_PERSON });
this.loggedPerson = data.loggedPerson;
this.event = {
title: "",
organizerActor: this.loggedPerson,
attributedTo: this.loggedPerson,
description: "",
begins_on: new Date(),
ends_on: new Date(),
category: Category.MEETING,
participants: [],
uuid: "",
url: "",
local: true,
status: EventStatus.CONFIRMED,
visibility: EventVisibility.PUBLIC,
join_options: EventJoinOptions.FREE,
thumbnail: "",
large_image: "",
publish_at: new Date()
event: IEvent = new EventModel();
createEvent(e: Event) {
this.event.organizerActor = this.loggedPerson;
this.event.attributedTo = this.loggedPerson;
if (this.uuid === undefined) {
if (this.event.uuid === "") {
mutation: CREATE_EVENT,
@ -104,7 +81,7 @@ export default class CreateEvent extends Vue {
.catch(error => {
} else {

View File

@ -65,6 +65,15 @@ defmodule MobilizonWeb.Router do
get("/@:name/feed/:format", FeedController, :actor)
scope "/", MobilizonWeb do
# Because the "/events/:uuid" route caches all these, we need to force them
get("/events/create", PageController, :index)
get("/events/list", PageController, :index)
get("/events/:uuid/edit", PageController, :index)
scope "/", MobilizonWeb do
get("/@:name", PageController, :actor)