Thomas Citharel d9cc9f5842
Improve the message when loading comments below event
Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <>
2020-12-04 15:07:27 +01:00

23 lines
926 B

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`CommentTree renders a comment tree 1`] = `
<b-notification-stub active="true" duration="2000" animation="fade">The organiser has chosen to close comments.</b-notification-stub>
<p class="loading has-text-centered">
Loading comments…
exports[`CommentTree renders a comment tree 2`] = `
<b-notification-stub active="true" duration="2000" animation="fade">The organiser has chosen to close comments.</b-notification-stub>
<transition-stub name="comment-empty-list" mode="out-in">
<transition-group-stub tag="ul" name="comment-list" class="comment-list">
<comment-stub comment="[object Object]" event="[object Object]" class="root-comment"></comment-stub>
<comment-stub comment="[object Object]" event="[object Object]" class="root-comment"></comment-stub>