Thomas Citharel 334d66bf5d
Add admin interface to manage instances subscriptions
Signed-off-by: Thomas Citharel <>
2019-12-15 21:56:16 +01:00

224 lines
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defmodule MobilizonWeb.API.ReportTest do
use Mobilizon.DataCase
import Mobilizon.Factory
alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor
alias Mobilizon.Events.{Comment, Event}
alias Mobilizon.Reports.{Note, Report}
alias Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Activity
alias Mobilizon.Users
alias Mobilizon.Users.User
alias MobilizonWeb.API.Reports
describe "reports" do
test "creates a report on a event" do
%Actor{url: relay_reporter_url} = Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Relay.get_actor()
%Actor{id: reporter_id} = insert(:actor)
%Actor{id: reported_id, url: reported_url} = reported = insert(:actor)
%Event{id: event_id, url: event_url} = _event = insert(:event, organizer_actor: reported)
comment = "This is not acceptable"
assert {:ok, %Activity{} = flag_activity, _} ={
reporter_id: reporter_id,
reported_id: reported_id,
content: comment,
event_id: event_id,
comments_ids: [],
forward: false
assert %Activity{
actor: ^relay_reporter_url,
data: %{
"type" => "Flag",
"cc" => [],
"content" => ^comment,
"object" => [^reported_url, ^event_url]
} = flag_activity
test "creates a report on several comments" do
%Actor{url: relay_reporter_url} = Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Relay.get_actor()
%Actor{id: reporter_id} = insert(:actor)
%Actor{id: reported_id, url: reported_url} = reported = insert(:actor)
%Comment{id: comment_1_id, url: comment_1_url} =
_comment_1 = insert(:comment, actor: reported)
%Comment{id: comment_2_id, url: comment_2_url} =
_comment_2 = insert(:comment, actor: reported)
comment = "This is really not acceptable"
assert {:ok, %Activity{} = flag_activity, _} ={
reporter_id: reporter_id,
reported_id: reported_id,
content: comment,
event_id: nil,
comments_ids: [comment_1_id, comment_2_id]
assert %Activity{
actor: ^relay_reporter_url,
data: %{
"type" => "Flag",
"content" => ^comment,
"object" => [^reported_url, ^comment_1_url, ^comment_2_url],
"to" => [],
"cc" => [],
"actor" => ^relay_reporter_url
} = flag_activity
test "creates a report that gets federated" do
%Actor{url: relay_reporter_url} = Mobilizon.Service.ActivityPub.Relay.get_actor()
%Actor{id: reporter_id} = insert(:actor)
%Actor{id: reported_id, url: reported_url} = reported = insert(:actor)
%Comment{id: comment_1_id, url: comment_1_url} =
_comment_1 = insert(:comment, actor: reported)
%Comment{id: comment_2_id, url: comment_2_url} =
_comment_2 = insert(:comment, actor: reported)
comment = "This is really not acceptable, remote admin I don't know"
encoded_comment = HtmlSanitizeEx.strip_tags(comment)
assert {:ok, %Activity{} = flag_activity, _} ={
reporter_id: reporter_id,
reported_id: reported_id,
content: comment,
event_id: nil,
comments_ids: [comment_1_id, comment_2_id],
forward: true
assert %Activity{
actor: ^relay_reporter_url,
data: %{
"type" => "Flag",
"actor" => ^relay_reporter_url,
"cc" => [^reported_url],
"content" => ^encoded_comment,
"object" => [^reported_url, ^comment_1_url, ^comment_2_url],
"to" => []
local: true,
recipients: [^reported_url]
} = flag_activity
test "updates report state" do
%Actor{id: reporter_id} = insert(:actor)
%Actor{id: reported_id} = reported = insert(:actor)
%Comment{id: comment_1_id} = _comment_1 = insert(:comment, actor: reported)
assert {:ok, %Activity{} = flag_activity, %Report{id: report_id} = _report} ={
reporter_id: reporter_id,
reported_id: reported_id,
content: "This is not a nice thing",
event_id: nil,
comments_ids: [comment_1_id],
forward: true
%Report{} = report = Mobilizon.Reports.get_report(report_id)
%User{} = manager_user = insert(:user, role: :moderator)
%Actor{} = manager_actor = insert(:actor, user: manager_user)
{:ok, new_report} = Reports.update_report_status(manager_actor, report, :resolved)
assert new_report.status == :resolved
test "updates report state with not acceptable status" do
%Actor{id: reporter_id} = insert(:actor)
%Actor{id: reported_id} = reported = insert(:actor)
%Comment{id: comment_1_id} = _comment_1 = insert(:comment, actor: reported)
assert {:ok, %Activity{} = flag_activity, %Report{id: report_id} = _report} ={
reporter_id: reporter_id,
reported_id: reported_id,
content: "This is not a nice thing",
event_id: nil,
comments_ids: [comment_1_id],
forward: true
%Report{} = report = Mobilizon.Reports.get_report(report_id)
%Actor{} = manager_actor = insert(:actor)
{:error, "Unsupported state"} = Reports.update_report_status(manager_actor, report, :test)
describe "note reports" do
test "creates a note on a report" do
%User{} = moderator_user = insert(:user, role: :moderator)
%Actor{} = moderator_actor = insert(:actor, user: moderator_user)
%Report{} = report = insert(:report)
assert {:ok, %Note{} = _note} =
"I'll take care of this later today"
test "doesn't create a note on a report when not moderator" do
%User{} = user = insert(:user)
%Actor{} = actor = insert(:actor, user: user)
%Report{} = report = insert(:report)
assert {:error,
"You need to be a moderator or an administrator to create a note on a report"} =
Reports.create_report_note(report, actor, "I'll take care of this later today")
test "deletes a note on a report" do
%User{} = moderator_user = insert(:user, role: :moderator)
%Actor{} = moderator_actor = insert(:actor, user: moderator_user)
%Note{} = note = insert(:report_note, moderator: moderator_actor)
assert {:ok, %Note{}} = Reports.delete_report_note(note, moderator_actor)
test "deletes a note on a report with a different moderator actor" do
%Note{} = note = insert(:report_note)
%User{} = other_moderator_user = insert(:user, role: :moderator)
%Actor{} = other_moderator_actor = insert(:actor, user: other_moderator_user)
assert {:error, "You can only remove your own notes"} =
Reports.delete_report_note(note, other_moderator_actor)
test "try deletes a note on a report with a actor not moderator anymore" do
%User{} = moderator_user = insert(:user, role: :moderator)
%Actor{} = moderator_actor = insert(:actor, user: moderator_user)
%Note{} = note = insert(:report_note, moderator: moderator_actor)
Users.update_user(moderator_user, %{role: :user})
assert {:error,
"You need to be a moderator or an administrator to create a note on a report"} =
Reports.delete_report_note(note, moderator_actor)