2022-07-12 07:45:02 +02:00

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Contribution Guidelines

Thanks for contributing to Converse.js

Support questions

The Github issue tracker is used for bug reports and feature requests, not for general tech support.

For support, you can join our XMPP webchat. Instead of the webchat, you can also open the room in your XMPP client, click here.

You can also ask questions on StackOverflow

Contributing Code

Please follow the usual Github workflow. Create a fork of this repository, make your changes and then submit a pull request.

Before submitting a pull request

Please read the style guide and make sure that your code follows it.

Add tests for your bugfix or feature

Add a test for any bug fixed or feature added.

Tests can be found in various ./tests folders in the Converse source code.

To run the tests, you can run make check on Linux and Mac, or ./node_modules/bin/karma start karma.conf on Windows.