Skip reading pep nodes that we know won't be requested due to caps

This commit is contained in:
Paweł Chmielowski 2021-01-25 19:58:22 +01:00
parent 6c2bd91f01
commit 07d28c3898
1 changed files with 47 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ disco_items(Host, Node, From) ->
-spec caps_add(jid(), jid(), [binary()]) -> ok.
caps_add(JID, JID, _Features) ->
%% Send the owner his last PEP items.
send_last_pep(JID, JID);
send_last_pep(JID, JID, _Features);
caps_add(#jid{lserver = S1} = From, #jid{lserver = S2} = To, _Features)
when S1 =/= S2 ->
%% When a remote contact goes online while the local user is offline, the
@ -564,20 +564,20 @@ caps_add(#jid{lserver = S1} = From, #jid{lserver = S2} = To, _Features)
%% contact becomes available; the former is also executed when the local
%% user goes online (because that triggers the contact to send a presence
%% packet with CAPS).
send_last_pep(To, From);
caps_add(_From, _To, _Feature) ->
send_last_pep(To, From, _Features);
caps_add(_From, _To, _Features) ->
-spec caps_update(jid(), jid(), [binary()]) -> ok.
caps_update(From, To, _Features) ->
send_last_pep(To, From).
send_last_pep(To, From, _Features).
-spec presence_probe(jid(), jid(), pid()) -> ok.
presence_probe(#jid{luser = U, lserver = S}, #jid{luser = U, lserver = S}, _Pid) ->
%% ignore presence_probe from my other resources
presence_probe(#jid{lserver = S} = From, #jid{lserver = S} = To, _Pid) ->
send_last_pep(To, From);
send_last_pep(To, From, unknown);
presence_probe(_From, _To, _Pid) ->
%% ignore presence_probe from remote contacts, those are handled via caps_add
@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ on_user_offline(C2SState, _Reason) ->
-spec out_subscription(presence()) -> any().
out_subscription(#presence{type = subscribed, from = From, to = To}) ->
if From#jid.lserver == To#jid.lserver ->
send_last_pep(jid:remove_resource(From), To);
send_last_pep(jid:remove_resource(From), To, unknown);
true ->
@ -3151,17 +3151,37 @@ send_last_items(JID) ->
% true ->
% ok
% end.
-spec send_last_pep(jid(), jid()) -> ok.
send_last_pep(From, To) ->
send_last_pep(From, To, Features) ->
ServerHost = From#jid.lserver,
Host = host(ServerHost),
Publisher = jid:tolower(From),
Owner = jid:remove_resource(Publisher),
NotifyNodes =
case Features of
_ when is_list(Features) ->
fun(V) ->
Vs = byte_size(V) - 7,
case V of
<<NotNode:Vs/binary, "+notify">> ->
{true, NotNode};
_ ->
end, Features);
_ ->
case tree_action(Host, get_nodes, [Owner, infinity]) of
Nodes when is_list(Nodes) ->
fun(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {_, Node}, type = Type, id = Nidx, options = Options}) ->
case match_option(Options, send_last_published_item, on_sub_and_presence) of
MaybeNotify =
case NotifyNodes of
unknown -> true;
_ -> lists:member(Node, NotifyNodes)
case MaybeNotify andalso match_option(Options, send_last_published_item, on_sub_and_presence) of
true ->
case delivery_permitted(From, To, Options) of
true ->