mod_stream_mgmt: Don't crash on disabled ACK timer

Don't attempt to start an ACK timer if 'ack_timeout' is set to

Thanks to Ingo Jrgensmann for reporting the bug.
This commit is contained in:
Holger Weiss 2020-01-14 01:17:01 +01:00
parent ec035e3c41
commit 243dc06733
1 changed files with 11 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -494,11 +494,10 @@ update_num_stanzas_in(State, _El) ->
send_rack(#{mgmt_ack_timer := _} = State) -> send_rack(#{mgmt_ack_timer := _} = State) ->
State; State;
send_rack(#{mgmt_xmlns := Xmlns, send_rack(#{mgmt_xmlns := Xmlns,
mgmt_stanzas_out := NumStanzasOut, mgmt_stanzas_out := NumStanzasOut} = State) ->
mgmt_ack_timeout := AckTimeout} = State) -> State1 = State#{mgmt_stanzas_req => NumStanzasOut},
TRef = erlang:start_timer(AckTimeout, self(), ack_timeout), State2 = start_ack_timer(State1),
State1 = State#{mgmt_ack_timer => TRef, mgmt_stanzas_req => NumStanzasOut}, send(State2, #sm_r{xmlns = Xmlns}).
send(State1, #sm_r{xmlns = Xmlns}).
-spec resend_rack(state()) -> state(). -spec resend_rack(state()) -> state().
resend_rack(#{mgmt_ack_timer := _, resend_rack(#{mgmt_ack_timer := _,
@ -713,6 +712,13 @@ restart_pending_timer(#{mgmt_pending_timer := TRef} = State, NewTimeout) ->
restart_pending_timer(State, _NewTimeout) -> restart_pending_timer(State, _NewTimeout) ->
State. State.
-spec start_ack_timer(state()) -> state().
start_ack_timer(#{mgmt_ack_timeout := infinity} = State) ->
start_ack_timer(#{mgmt_ack_timeout := AckTimeout} = State) ->
TRef = erlang:start_timer(AckTimeout, self(), ack_timeout),
State#{mgmt_ack_timer => TRef}.
-spec cancel_ack_timer(state()) -> state(). -spec cancel_ack_timer(state()) -> state().
cancel_ack_timer(#{mgmt_ack_timer := TRef} = State) -> cancel_ack_timer(#{mgmt_ack_timer := TRef} = State) ->
misc:cancel_timer(TRef), misc:cancel_timer(TRef),