Do not rely on behaviour info when doing config validation

This commit is contained in:
Evgeniy Khramtsov 2015-06-29 22:50:15 +03:00
parent 87d6ad395f
commit 3c12d1a960
1 changed files with 3 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -718,16 +718,13 @@ get_modules_with_options() ->
{ok, Mods} = application:get_key(ejabberd, modules), {ok, Mods} = application:get_key(ejabberd, modules),
lists:foldl( lists:foldl(
fun(Mod, D) -> fun(Mod, D) ->
Attrs = Mod:module_info(attributes), case catch Mod:opt_type('') of
Behavs = proplists:get_value(behaviour, Attrs, []), Opts when is_list(Opts) ->
case lists:member(ejabberd_config, Behavs) or (Mod == ?MODULE) of
true ->
Opts = Mod:opt_type(''),
lists:foldl( lists:foldl(
fun(Opt, Acc) -> fun(Opt, Acc) ->
dict:append(Opt, Mod, Acc) dict:append(Opt, Mod, Acc)
end, D, Opts); end, D, Opts);
false -> {'EXIT', {undef, _}} ->
end end
end, dict:new(), [?MODULE|Mods]). end, dict:new(), [?MODULE|Mods]).