mirror of https://github.com/processone/ejabberd.git synced 2024-11-24 16:23:40 +01:00

Clean up get_certificate code

This commit is contained in:
Konstantinos Kallas 2017-07-07 17:37:44 +03:00
parent 56fc0efbc8
commit 5866124138
2 changed files with 228 additions and 162 deletions

View File

@ -25,3 +25,7 @@
-type handle_resp_fun() :: fun(({ok, proplist(), proplist()}) -> {ok, _, nonce()}).
-type acme_challenge() :: #challenge{}.
-type account_opt() :: string().
-type pem_certificate() :: bitstring().

View File

@ -23,6 +23,179 @@
%% Command Functions
%% Check Validity of command options
-spec is_valid_account_opt(string()) -> boolean().
is_valid_account_opt("old-account") -> true;
is_valid_account_opt("new-account") -> true;
is_valid_account_opt(_) -> false.
%% Get Certificate
%% Needs a hell lot of cleaning
-spec get_certificates(url(), string(), account_opt()) ->
[{'ok', bitstring(), 'saved'} | {'error', bitstring(), _}] |
{'error', _}.
get_certificates(CAUrl, HttpDir, NewAccountOpt) ->
get_certificates0(CAUrl, HttpDir, NewAccountOpt)
E:R ->
%% ?ERROR_MSG("Unknown ~p:~p", [E, R]),
{error, get_certificates}
-spec get_certificates0(url(), string(), account_opt()) ->
[{'ok', bitstring(), 'saved'} | {'error', bitstring(), _}] |
{'error', _}.
get_certificates0(CAUrl, HttpDir, "old-account") ->
%% Read Persistent Data
{ok, Data} = read_persistent(),
%% Get the current account
case get_account_persistent(Data) of
none ->
?ERROR_MSG("No existing account", []),
{error, no_old_account};
{ok, _AccId, PrivateKey} ->
get_certificates1(CAUrl, HttpDir, PrivateKey)
get_certificates0(CAUrl, HttpDir, "new-account") ->
%% Get contact from configuration file
{ok, Contact} = get_config_contact(),
%% Generate a Key
PrivateKey = generate_key(),
%% Create a new account
{ok, Id} = create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey),
%% Write Persistent Data
{ok, Data} = read_persistent(),
NewData = set_account_persistent(Data, {Id, PrivateKey}),
ok = write_persistent(NewData),
get_certificates1(CAUrl, HttpDir, PrivateKey).
-spec get_certificates1(url(), string(), jose_jwk:key()) ->
{'ok', [{'ok', pem_certificate()} | {'error', _}]} |
{'error', _}.
get_certificates1(CAUrl, HttpDir, PrivateKey) ->
%% Read Config
{ok, Hosts} = get_config_hosts(),
%% Get a certificate for each host
PemCertKeys = [get_certificate(CAUrl, Host, PrivateKey, HttpDir) || Host <- Hosts],
%% Save Certificates
SavedCerts = [save_certificate(Cert) || Cert <- PemCertKeys],
%% Format the result to send back to ejabberdctl
%% Result
-spec get_certificate(url(), bitstring(), jose_jwk:key(), string()) ->
{'ok', pem_certificate()} |
{'error', _}.
get_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) ->
?INFO_MSG("Getting a Certificate for domain: ~p~n", [DomainName]),
case create_new_authorization(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) of
{ok, _Authz} ->
create_new_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey);
{error, authorization} ->
{error, DomainName, authorization}
%% TODO:
%% Find a way to ask the user if he accepts the TOS
create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey) ->
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
Req0 = [{ <<"contact">>, [Contact]}],
{ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{<<"id">>, AccIdInt} = lists:keyfind(<<"id">>, 1, Account),
AccId = integer_to_list(AccIdInt),
Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}],
{ok, _Account2, _Nonce2} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce1),
{ok, AccId}
E:R ->
create_new_authorization(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) ->
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
Req0 = [{<<"identifier">>,
{[{<<"type">>, <<"dns">>},
{<<"value">>, DomainName}]}},
{<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>}],
{ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce1} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{ok, AuthzId} = location_to_id(AuthzUrl),
Challenges = get_challenges(Authz),
{ok, ChallengeUrl, KeyAuthz} =
acme_challenge:solve_challenge(<<"http-01">>, Challenges, {PrivateKey, HttpDir}),
{ok, ChallengeId} = location_to_id(ChallengeUrl),
Req3 = [{<<"type">>, <<"http-01">>},{<<"keyAuthorization">>, KeyAuthz}],
{ok, SolvedChallenge, Nonce2} = ejabberd_acme_comm:complete_challenge(
{CAUrl, AuthzId, ChallengeId}, PrivateKey, Req3, Nonce1),
{ok, AuthzValid, _Nonce} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}),
{ok, AuthzValid}
E:R ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p getting an authorization for domain: ~p~n",
[{E,R}, DomainName]),
{error, authorization}
create_new_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey) ->
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
CSRSubject = [{commonName, bitstring_to_list(DomainName)}],
{CSR, CSRKey} = make_csr(CSRSubject),
{NotBefore, NotAfter} = not_before_not_after(),
Req =
[{<<"csr">>, CSR},
{<<"notBefore">>, NotBefore},
{<<"NotAfter">>, NotAfter}
{ok, {CertUrl, Certificate}, Nonce1} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce0),
{ok, CertId} = location_to_id(CertUrl),
DecodedCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(list_to_binary(Certificate), plain),
PemEntryCert = public_key:pem_entry_encode('Certificate', DecodedCert),
{_, CSRKeyKey} = jose_jwk:to_key(CSRKey),
PemEntryKey = public_key:pem_entry_encode('ECPrivateKey', CSRKeyKey),
PemCertKey = public_key:pem_encode([PemEntryKey, PemEntryCert]),
{ok, DomainName, PemCertKey}
E:R ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p getting an authorization for domain: ~p~n",
[{E,R}, DomainName]),
{error, certificate}
%% Certificate Request Functions
@ -34,7 +207,7 @@
%% TODO: Make this function handle more signing keys
%% 1. Derive oid from Key
%% 2. Derive the whole algo objects from Key
%% TODO: Encode Strings using length.
%% TODO: Encode Strings using length using a library function
-spec make_csr(proplist()) -> {binary(), jose_jwk:key()}.
make_csr(Attributes) ->
@ -192,6 +365,13 @@ get_challenges(Body) ->
{<<"challenges">>, Challenges} = proplists:lookup(<<"challenges">>, Body),
not_before_not_after() ->
%% TODO: Make notBefore and notAfter like they do it in other clients
{MegS, Sec, MicS} = erlang:timestamp(),
NotBefore = xmpp_util:encode_timestamp({MegS-1, Sec, MicS}),
NotAfter = xmpp_util:encode_timestamp({MegS+1, Sec, MicS}),
{NotBefore, NotAfter}.
is_error({error, _}) -> true;
is_error(_) -> false.
@ -237,19 +417,47 @@ set_account_persistent(Data = #data{}, {AccId, PrivateKey}) ->
NewAcc = #data_acc{id = AccId, key = PrivateKey},
Data#data{account = NewAcc}.
get_config_contact() ->
save_certificate({error, _, _} = Error) ->
save_certificate({ok, DomainName, Cert}) ->
{ok, CertDir} = get_config_cert_dir(),
DomainString = bitstring_to_list(DomainName),
CertificateFile = filename:join([CertDir, DomainString ++ "_cert.pem"]),
case file:write_file(CertificateFile, Cert) of
ok ->
{ok, DomainName, saved};
{error, Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p saving certificate at file: ~p",
[Reason, CertificateFile]),
{error, DomainName, saving}
E:R ->
{error, DomainName, saving}
get_config_acme() ->
case ejabberd_config:get_option(acme, undefined) of
undefined ->
?ERROR_MSG("No acme configuration has been specified", []),
{error, configuration};
Acme ->
{ok, Acme}
get_config_contact() ->
case get_config_acme() of
{ok, Acme} ->
case lists:keyfind(contact, 1, Acme) of
{contact, Contact} ->
{ok, Contact};
false ->
?ERROR_MSG("No contact has been specified", []),
{error, configuration_contact}
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason}
get_config_hosts() ->
@ -261,166 +469,20 @@ get_config_hosts() ->
{ok, Hosts}
%% Command Functions
%% Check Validity of command options
is_valid_account_opt("old-account") -> true;
is_valid_account_opt("new-account") -> true;
is_valid_account_opt(_) -> false.
%% Get Certificate
%% Needs a hell lot of cleaning
get_certificates(CAUrl, HttpDir, NewAccountOpt) ->
get_certificates0(CAUrl, HttpDir, NewAccountOpt)
E:R ->
get_certificates0(CAUrl, HttpDir, "old-account") ->
%% Read Persistent Data
{ok, Data} = read_persistent(),
%% Get the current account
case get_account_persistent(Data) of
none ->
?ERROR_MSG("No existing account", []),
{error, no_old_account};
{ok, _AccId, PrivateKey} ->
get_certificates1(CAUrl, HttpDir, PrivateKey)
get_config_cert_dir() ->
case get_config_acme() of
{ok, Acme} ->
case lists:keyfind(cert_dir, 1, Acme) of
{cert_dir, CertDir} ->
{ok, CertDir};
false ->
?ERROR_MSG("No certificate directory has been specified", []),
{error, configuration_cert_dir}
get_certificates0(CAUrl, HttpDir, "new-account") ->
%% Get contact from configuration file
{ok, Contact} = get_config_contact(),
%% Generate a Key
PrivateKey = generate_key(),
%% Create a new account
{ok, Id} = create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey),
%% Write Persistent Data
{ok, Data} = read_persistent(),
NewData = set_account_persistent(Data, {Id, PrivateKey}),
ok = write_persistent(NewData),
get_certificates1(CAUrl, HttpDir, PrivateKey).
get_certificates1(CAUrl, HttpDir, PrivateKey) ->
%% Read Config
{ok, Hosts} = get_config_hosts(),
%% Get a certificate for each host
PemCertKeys = [get_certificate(CAUrl, Host, PrivateKey, HttpDir) || Host <- Hosts],
{ok, PrivateKey, PemCertKeys}.
get_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) ->
?INFO_MSG("Getting a Certificate for domain: ~p~n", [DomainName]),
case create_new_authorization(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) of
{ok, _Authz} ->
create_new_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey);
{error, authorization} ->
{error, {authorization, {host, DomainName}}}
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason}
%% TODO:
%% Find a way to ask the user if he accepts the TOS
create_new_account(CAUrl, Contact, PrivateKey) ->
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
Req0 = [{ <<"contact">>, [Contact]}],
{ok, {TOS, Account}, Nonce1} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:new_account(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{<<"id">>, AccIdInt} = lists:keyfind(<<"id">>, 1, Account),
AccId = integer_to_list(AccIdInt),
Req1 = [{ <<"agreement">>, list_to_bitstring(TOS)}],
{ok, _Account2, _Nonce2} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:update_account({CAUrl, AccId}, PrivateKey, Req1, Nonce1),
{ok, AccId}
E:R ->
create_new_authorization(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey, HttpDir) ->
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
Req0 = [{<<"identifier">>,
{[{<<"type">>, <<"dns">>},
{<<"value">>, DomainName}]}},
{<<"existing">>, <<"accept">>}],
{ok, {AuthzUrl, Authz}, Nonce1} =
ejabberd_acme_comm:new_authz(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req0, Nonce0),
{ok, AuthzId} = location_to_id(AuthzUrl),
Challenges = get_challenges(Authz),
{ok, ChallengeUrl, KeyAuthz} =
acme_challenge:solve_challenge(<<"http-01">>, Challenges, {PrivateKey, HttpDir}),
{ok, ChallengeId} = location_to_id(ChallengeUrl),
Req3 = [{<<"type">>, <<"http-01">>},{<<"keyAuthorization">>, KeyAuthz}],
{ok, SolvedChallenge, Nonce2} = ejabberd_acme_comm:complete_challenge(
{CAUrl, AuthzId, ChallengeId}, PrivateKey, Req3, Nonce1),
{ok, AuthzValid, _Nonce} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_authz_until_valid({CAUrl, AuthzId}),
{ok, AuthzValid}
E:R ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p getting an authorization for domain: ~p~n",
[{E,R}, DomainName]),
{error, authorization}
create_new_certificate(CAUrl, DomainName, PrivateKey) ->
{ok, Dirs, Nonce0} = ejabberd_acme_comm:directory(CAUrl),
CSRSubject = [{commonName, bitstring_to_list(DomainName)}],
{CSR, CSRKey} = make_csr(CSRSubject),
{NotBefore, NotAfter} = not_before_not_after(),
Req =
[{<<"csr">>, CSR},
{<<"notBefore">>, NotBefore},
{<<"NotAfter">>, NotAfter}
{ok, {CertUrl, Certificate}, Nonce1} = ejabberd_acme_comm:new_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req, Nonce0),
{ok, CertId} = location_to_id(CertUrl),
DecodedCert = public_key:pkix_decode_cert(list_to_binary(Certificate), plain),
PemEntryCert = public_key:pem_entry_encode('Certificate', DecodedCert),
{_, CSRKeyKey} = jose_jwk:to_key(CSRKey),
PemEntryKey = public_key:pem_entry_encode('ECPrivateKey', CSRKeyKey),
PemCertKey = public_key:pem_encode([PemEntryKey, PemEntryCert]),
{ok, PemCertKey}
E:R ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error: ~p getting an authorization for domain: ~p~n",
[{E,R}, DomainName]),
{error, certificate}
not_before_not_after() ->
%% TODO: Make notBefore and notAfter like they do it in other clients
{MegS, Sec, MicS} = erlang:timestamp(),
NotBefore = xmpp_util:encode_timestamp({MegS-1, Sec, MicS}),
NotAfter = xmpp_util:encode_timestamp({MegS+1, Sec, MicS}),
{NotBefore, NotAfter}.
%% Debugging Funcs -- They are only used for the development phase
@ -546,7 +608,7 @@ new_user_scenario(CAUrl, HttpDir) ->
Req5 = [{<<"certificate">>, Base64Cert}],
{ok, [], Nonce10} = ejabberd_acme_comm:revoke_cert(Dirs, PrivateKey, Req5, Nonce9),
{ok, Certificate3, Nonce11} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_cert(CertUrl),
{ok, Certificate3, Nonce11} = ejabberd_acme_comm:get_cert({CAUrl, CertId}),
{Account2, Authz3, CSR, Certificate, PrivateKey}.