Revert "Temporary remove recent last_item refactor"

This reverts commit 1820b4f63b.
This commit is contained in:
Christophe Romain 2017-08-14 15:25:45 +02:00
parent e19d1e9571
commit 68fb12153e
1 changed files with 178 additions and 234 deletions

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
%% exports for hooks %% exports for hooks
-export([presence_probe/3, caps_add/3, caps_update/3, -export([presence_probe/3, caps_add/3, caps_update/3,
in_subscription/6, out_subscription/4, in_subscription/6, out_subscription/4,
on_user_offline/3, remove_user/2, on_user_online/1, on_user_offline/2, remove_user/2,
disco_local_identity/5, disco_local_features/5, disco_local_identity/5, disco_local_features/5,
disco_local_items/5, disco_sm_identity/5, disco_local_items/5, disco_sm_identity/5,
disco_sm_features/5, disco_sm_items/5, disco_sm_features/5, disco_sm_items/5,
@ -89,11 +89,7 @@
%% API and gen_server callbacks %% API and gen_server callbacks
-export([start/2, stop/1, init/1, -export([start/2, stop/1, init/1,
handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3, depends/2, export/1]). terminate/2, code_change/3, depends/2, export/1, mod_opt_type/1]).
-export([send_loop/1, mod_opt_type/1]).
-define(LOOPNAME, ejabberd_mod_pubsub_loop).
%%==================================================================== %%====================================================================
%% API %% API
@ -300,7 +296,9 @@ init([ServerHost, Opts]) ->
?MODULE, process_commands, IQDisc), ?MODULE, process_commands, IQDisc),
Plugins Plugins
end, Hosts), end, Hosts),
ejabberd_hooks:add(sm_remove_connection_hook, ServerHost, ejabberd_hooks:add(c2s_session_opened, ServerHost,
?MODULE, on_user_online, 75),
ejabberd_hooks:add(c2s_terminated, ServerHost,
?MODULE, on_user_offline, 75), ?MODULE, on_user_offline, 75),
ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_identity, ServerHost, ejabberd_hooks:add(disco_local_identity, ServerHost,
?MODULE, disco_local_identity, 75), ?MODULE, disco_local_identity, 75),
@ -337,34 +335,16 @@ init([ServerHost, Opts]) ->
false -> false ->
ok ok
end, end,
{_, State} = init_send_loop(ServerHost, Hosts),
{ok, State}.
init_send_loop(ServerHost, Hosts) ->
NodeTree = config(ServerHost, nodetree), NodeTree = config(ServerHost, nodetree),
Plugins = config(ServerHost, plugins), Plugins = config(ServerHost, plugins),
LastItemCache = config(ServerHost, last_item_cache),
MaxItemsNode = config(ServerHost, max_items_node),
PepMapping = config(ServerHost, pep_mapping), PepMapping = config(ServerHost, pep_mapping),
PepOffline = config(ServerHost, ignore_pep_from_offline),
Access = config(ServerHost, access),
DBType = gen_mod:db_type(ServerHost, ?MODULE), DBType = gen_mod:db_type(ServerHost, ?MODULE),
State = #state{hosts = Hosts, server_host = ServerHost, {ok, #state{hosts = Hosts, server_host = ServerHost,
access = Access, pep_mapping = PepMapping, access = Access, pep_mapping = PepMapping,
ignore_pep_from_offline = PepOffline, ignore_pep_from_offline = PepOffline,
last_item_cache = LastItemCache, last_item_cache = LastItemCache,
max_items_node = MaxItemsNode, nodetree = NodeTree, max_items_node = MaxItemsNode, nodetree = NodeTree,
plugins = Plugins, db_type = DBType}, plugins = Plugins, db_type = DBType}}.
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(ServerHost, ?LOOPNAME),
Pid = case whereis(Proc) of
undefined ->
SendLoop = spawn(?MODULE, send_loop, [State]),
register(Proc, SendLoop),
Loop ->
{Pid, State}.
depends(ServerHost, Opts) -> depends(ServerHost, Opts) ->
Host = gen_mod:get_opt_host(ServerHost, Opts, <<"pubsub.@HOST@">>), Host = gen_mod:get_opt_host(ServerHost, Opts, <<"pubsub.@HOST@">>),
@ -414,94 +394,6 @@ terminate_plugins(Host, ServerHost, Plugins, TreePlugin) ->
TreePlugin:terminate(Host, ServerHost), TreePlugin:terminate(Host, ServerHost),
ok. ok.
get_subscribed(User, Server) ->
Items = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(roster_get, Server, [], [{User, Server}]),
fun(#roster{jid = LJID, subscription = Sub})
when Sub == both orelse Sub == from ->
{true, LJID};
(_) ->
end, Items).
send_loop(State) ->
{presence, JID, _Pid} ->
ServerHost = State#state.server_host,
Host = host(State#state.server_host),
DBType = State#state.db_type,
LJID = jid:tolower(JID),
BJID = jid:remove_resource(LJID),
fun(PType) ->
Subs = get_subscriptions_for_send_last(Host, PType, DBType, JID, LJID, BJID),
fun({NodeRec, _, _, SubJID}) ->
{_, Node} = NodeRec#pubsub_node.nodeid,
Nidx =,
Options = NodeRec#pubsub_node.options,
[send_items(Host, Node, Nidx, PType, Options, SubJID, last)
|| NodeRec#pubsub_node.type == PType]
if not State#state.ignore_pep_from_offline ->
{User, Server, Resource} = LJID,
Contacts = get_subscribed(User, Server),
fun({U, S, R}) when S == ServerHost ->
case user_resources(U, S) of
[] -> %% offline
PeerJID = jid:make(U, S, R),
self() ! {presence, User, Server, [Resource], PeerJID};
_ -> %% online
%% this is already handled by presence probe
(_) ->
%% we can not do anything in any cases
end, Contacts);
true ->
{presence, User, Server, Resources, JID} ->
spawn(fun() ->
Host = host(State#state.server_host),
Owner = jid:remove_resource(jid:tolower(JID)),
lists:foreach(fun(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {_, Node}, type = Type, id = Nidx, options = Options}) ->
case match_option(Options, send_last_published_item, on_sub_and_presence) of
true ->
lists:foreach(fun(Resource) ->
LJID = {User, Server, Resource},
Subscribed = case get_option(Options, access_model) of
open -> true;
presence -> true;
whitelist -> false; % subscribers are added manually
authorize -> false; % likewise
roster ->
Grps = get_option(Options, roster_groups_allowed, []),
{OU, OS, _} = Owner,
element(2, get_roster_info(OU, OS, LJID, Grps))
if Subscribed -> send_items(Owner, Node, Nidx, Type, Options, LJID, last);
true -> ok
_ ->
tree_action(Host, get_nodes, [Owner, JID]))
stop ->
%% ------- %% -------
%% disco hooks handling functions %% disco hooks handling functions
%% %%
@ -660,12 +552,12 @@ disco_items(Host, Node, From) ->
end. end.
%% ------- %% -------
%% presence hooks handling functions %% presence and session hooks handling functions
%% %%
-spec caps_add(jid(), jid(), [binary()]) -> ok. -spec caps_add(jid(), jid(), [binary()]) -> ok.
caps_add(#jid{luser = U, lserver = S, lresource = R}, #jid{lserver = Host} = JID, _Features) caps_add(#jid{lserver = S1} = From, #jid{lserver = S2} = To, _Features)
when Host =/= S -> when S1 =/= S2 ->
%% When a remote contact goes online while the local user is offline, the %% When a remote contact goes online while the local user is offline, the
%% remote contact won't receive last items from the local user even if %% remote contact won't receive last items from the local user even if
%% ignore_pep_from_offline is set to false. To work around this issue a bit, %% ignore_pep_from_offline is set to false. To work around this issue a bit,
@ -675,30 +567,36 @@ caps_add(#jid{luser = U, lserver = S, lresource = R}, #jid{lserver = Host} = JID
%% contact becomes available; the former is also executed when the local %% contact becomes available; the former is also executed when the local
%% user goes online (because that triggers the contact to send a presence %% user goes online (because that triggers the contact to send a presence
%% packet with CAPS). %% packet with CAPS).
presence(Host, {presence, U, S, [R], JID}); send_last_pep(To, From);
caps_add(_From, _To, _Feature) -> caps_add(_From, _To, _Feature) ->
ok. ok.
-spec caps_update(jid(), jid(), [binary()]) -> ok. -spec caps_update(jid(), jid(), [binary()]) -> ok.
caps_update(#jid{luser = U, lserver = S, lresource = R}, #jid{lserver = Host} = JID, _Features) -> caps_update(From, To, _Features) ->
presence(Host, {presence, U, S, [R], JID}). send_last_pep(To, From).
-spec presence_probe(jid(), jid(), pid()) -> ok. -spec presence_probe(jid(), jid(), pid()) -> ok.
presence_probe(#jid{luser = U, lserver = S}, #jid{luser = U, lserver = S}, _Pid) -> presence_probe(#jid{luser = U, lserver = S}, #jid{luser = U, lserver = S}, _Pid) ->
%% ignore presence_probe from my other ressources %% ignore presence_probe from my other ressources
%% to not get duplicated last items
ok; ok;
presence_probe(#jid{lserver = S} = From, #jid{lserver = S} = To, Pid) -> presence_probe(#jid{lserver = S} = From, #jid{lserver = S} = To, _Pid) ->
presence(S, {presence, From, Pid}), send_last_pep(To, From);
presence(S, {presence, From#jid.luser, S, [From#jid.lresource], To});
presence_probe(_From, _To, _Pid) -> presence_probe(_From, _To, _Pid) ->
%% ignore presence_probe from remote contacts, %% ignore presence_probe from remote contacts, those are handled via caps_add
%% those are handled via caps_add
ok. ok.
presence(ServerHost, Presence) -> -spec on_user_online(ejabberd_c2s:state()) -> ejabberd_c2s:state().
gen_mod:get_module_proc(ServerHost, ?LOOPNAME) ! Presence, on_user_online(C2SState) ->
ok. JID = maps:get(jid, C2SState),
-spec on_user_offline(ejabberd_c2s:state(), atom()) -> ejabberd_c2s:state().
on_user_offline(#{jid := JID} = C2SState, _Reason) ->
on_user_offline(C2SState, _Reason) ->
%% ------- %% -------
%% subscription hooks handling functions %% subscription hooks handling functions
@ -707,14 +605,8 @@ presence(ServerHost, Presence) ->
-spec out_subscription( -spec out_subscription(
binary(), binary(), jid(), binary(), binary(), jid(),
subscribed | unsubscribed | subscribe | unsubscribe) -> boolean(). subscribed | unsubscribed | subscribe | unsubscribe) -> boolean().
out_subscription(User, Server, JID, subscribed) -> out_subscription(User, Server, To, subscribed) ->
Owner = jid:make(User, Server), send_last_pep(jid:make(User, Server), To),
{PUser, PServer, PResource} = jid:tolower(JID),
PResources = case PResource of
<<>> -> user_resources(PUser, PServer);
_ -> [PResource]
presence(Server, {presence, PUser, PServer, PResources, Owner}),
true; true;
out_subscription(_, _, _, _) -> out_subscription(_, _, _, _) ->
true. true.
@ -883,7 +775,9 @@ terminate(_Reason,
false -> false ->
ok ok
end, end,
ejabberd_hooks:delete(sm_remove_connection_hook, ServerHost, ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_session_opened, ServerHost,
?MODULE, on_user_online, 75),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_terminated, ServerHost,
?MODULE, on_user_offline, 75), ?MODULE, on_user_offline, 75),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_identity, ServerHost, ejabberd_hooks:delete(disco_local_identity, ServerHost,
?MODULE, disco_local_identity, 75), ?MODULE, disco_local_identity, 75),
@ -901,12 +795,6 @@ terminate(_Reason,
?MODULE, remove_user, 50), ?MODULE, remove_user, 50),
ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_handle_info, ServerHost, ejabberd_hooks:delete(c2s_handle_info, ServerHost,
?MODULE, c2s_handle_info, 50), ?MODULE, c2s_handle_info, 50),
case whereis(gen_mod:get_module_proc(ServerHost, ?LOOPNAME)) of
undefined ->
?ERROR_MSG("~s process is dead, pubsub was broken", [?LOOPNAME]);
Pid ->
Pid ! stop
lists:foreach( lists:foreach(
fun(Host) -> fun(Host) ->
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_DISCO_INFO), gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, Host, ?NS_DISCO_INFO),
@ -1797,7 +1685,7 @@ subscribe_node(Host, Node, From, JID, Configuration) ->
Nidx =, Nidx =,
Type = TNode#pubsub_node.type, Type = TNode#pubsub_node.type,
Options = TNode#pubsub_node.options, Options = TNode#pubsub_node.options,
send_items(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, Options, Subscriber, last), send_items(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, Options, Subscriber, 1),
ServerHost = serverhost(Host), ServerHost = serverhost(Host),
ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_subscribe_node, ServerHost, ejabberd_hooks:run(pubsub_subscribe_node, ServerHost,
[ServerHost, Host, Node, Subscriber, SubId]), [ServerHost, Host, Node, Subscriber, SubId]),
@ -2069,8 +1957,6 @@ purge_node(Host, Node, Owner) ->
%% @doc <p>Return the items of a given node.</p> %% @doc <p>Return the items of a given node.</p>
%% <p>The number of items to return is limited by MaxItems.</p> %% <p>The number of items to return is limited by MaxItems.</p>
%% <p>The permission are not checked in this function.</p> %% <p>The permission are not checked in this function.</p>
%% @todo We probably need to check that the user doing the query has the right
%% to read the items.
-spec get_items(host(), binary(), jid(), binary(), -spec get_items(host(), binary(), jid(), binary(),
binary(), [binary()], undefined | rsm_set()) -> binary(), [binary()], undefined | rsm_set()) ->
{result, pubsub()} | {error, stanza_error()}. {result, pubsub()} | {error, stanza_error()}.
@ -2153,43 +2039,23 @@ get_allowed_items_call(Host, Nidx, From, Type, Options, Owners, RSM) ->
{PS, RG} = get_presence_and_roster_permissions(Host, From, Owners, AccessModel, AllowedGroups), {PS, RG} = get_presence_and_roster_permissions(Host, From, Owners, AccessModel, AllowedGroups),
node_call(Host, Type, get_items, [Nidx, From, AccessModel, PS, RG, undefined, RSM]). node_call(Host, Type, get_items, [Nidx, From, AccessModel, PS, RG, undefined, RSM]).
get_last_items(Host, Type, Nidx, LJID, Count) -> get_last_items(Host, Type, Nidx, LJID, 1) ->
case get_cached_item(Host, Nidx) of case get_cached_item(Host, Nidx) of
undefined -> undefined ->
case node_action(Host, Type, get_last_items, [Nidx, LJID, Count]) of case node_action(Host, Type, get_last_items, [Nidx, LJID, 1]) of
{result, Items} -> Items; {result, Items} -> Items;
_ -> [] _ -> []
end; end;
LastItem -> LastItem ->
[LastItem] [LastItem]
%% @doc <p>Resend the items of a node to the user.</p>
%% @todo use cache-last-item feature
send_items(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, Options, LJID, last) ->
case get_last_items(Host, Type, Nidx, LJID, 1) of
[LastItem] ->
Stanza = items_event_stanza(Node, Options, [LastItem]),
dispatch_items(Host, LJID, Node, Stanza);
_ ->
end; end;
send_items(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, Options, LJID, Number) when Number > 0 -> get_last_items(Host, Type, Nidx, LJID, Count) when Count > 1 ->
Stanza = items_event_stanza(Node, Options, get_last_items(Host, Type, Nidx, Number, LJID)), case node_action(Host, Type, get_last_items, [Nidx, LJID, Count]) of
dispatch_items(Host, LJID, Node, Stanza); {result, Items} -> Items;
send_items(Host, Node, _Nidx, _Type, Options, LJID, _) -> _ -> []
Stanza = items_event_stanza(Node, Options, []), end;
dispatch_items(Host, LJID, Node, Stanza). get_last_items(_Host, _Type, _Nidx, _LJID, _Count) ->
dispatch_items({FromU, FromS, FromR}, To, Node, Stanza) ->
SenderResource = user_resource(FromU, FromS, FromR),
ejabberd_sm:route(jid:make(FromU, FromS, SenderResource),
{send_filtered, {pep_message, <<((Node))/binary, "+notify">>},
jid:make(FromU, FromS), jid:make(To),
dispatch_items(From, To, _Node, Stanza) ->
xmpp:set_from_to(Stanza, service_jid(From), jid:make(To))).
%% @doc <p>Return the list of affiliations as an XMPP response.</p> %% @doc <p>Return the list of affiliations as an XMPP response.</p>
-spec get_affiliations(host(), binary(), jid(), [binary()]) -> -spec get_affiliations(host(), binary(), jid(), [binary()]) ->
@ -2536,14 +2402,15 @@ get_subscriptions_for_send_last(Host, PType, sql, JID, LJID, BJID) ->
{result, Subs} = node_action(Host, PType, {result, Subs} = node_action(Host, PType,
get_entity_subscriptions_for_send_last, get_entity_subscriptions_for_send_last,
[Host, JID]), [Host, JID]),
[{Node, Sub, SubId, SubJID} [{Node, SubId, SubJID}
|| {Node, Sub, SubId, SubJID} <- Subs, || {Node, Sub, SubId, SubJID} <- Subs,
Sub =:= subscribed, (SubJID == LJID) or (SubJID == BJID)]; Sub =:= subscribed, (SubJID == LJID) or (SubJID == BJID)];
% sql version already filter result by on_sub_and_presence
get_subscriptions_for_send_last(Host, PType, _, JID, LJID, BJID) -> get_subscriptions_for_send_last(Host, PType, _, JID, LJID, BJID) ->
{result, Subs} = node_action(Host, PType, {result, Subs} = node_action(Host, PType,
get_entity_subscriptions, get_entity_subscriptions,
[Host, JID]), [Host, JID]),
[{Node, Sub, SubId, SubJID} [{Node, SubId, SubJID}
|| {Node, Sub, SubId, SubJID} <- Subs, || {Node, Sub, SubId, SubJID} <- Subs,
Sub =:= subscribed, (SubJID == LJID) or (SubJID == BJID), Sub =:= subscribed, (SubJID == LJID) or (SubJID == BJID),
match_option(Node, send_last_published_item, on_sub_and_presence)]. match_option(Node, send_last_published_item, on_sub_and_presence)].
@ -2932,8 +2799,9 @@ get_options_for_subs(Host, Nidx, Subs, true) ->
broadcast_stanza(Host, _Node, _Nidx, _Type, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth, NotifyType, BaseStanza, SHIM) -> broadcast_stanza(Host, _Node, _Nidx, _Type, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth, NotifyType, BaseStanza, SHIM) ->
NotificationType = get_option(NodeOptions, notification_type, headline), NotificationType = get_option(NodeOptions, notification_type, headline),
BroadcastAll = get_option(NodeOptions, broadcast_all_resources), %% XXX this is not standard, but usefull BroadcastAll = get_option(NodeOptions, broadcast_all_resources), %% XXX this is not standard, but usefull
From = service_jid(Host), Stanza = add_message_type(
Stanza = add_message_type(BaseStanza, NotificationType), xmpp:set_from(BaseStanza, service_jid(Host)),
%% Handles explicit subscriptions %% Handles explicit subscriptions
SubIDsByJID = subscribed_nodes_by_jid(NotifyType, SubsByDepth), SubIDsByJID = subscribed_nodes_by_jid(NotifyType, SubsByDepth),
lists:foreach(fun ({LJID, _NodeName, SubIDs}) -> lists:foreach(fun ({LJID, _NodeName, SubIDs}) ->
@ -2956,7 +2824,7 @@ broadcast_stanza(Host, _Node, _Nidx, _Type, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth, NotifyType
end, end,
lists:foreach(fun(To) -> lists:foreach(fun(To) ->
ejabberd_router:route( ejabberd_router:route(
xmpp:set_from_to(StanzaToSend, From, jid:make(To))) xmpp:set_to(StanzaToSend, jid:make(To)))
end, LJIDs) end, LJIDs)
end, SubIDsByJID). end, SubIDsByJID).
@ -2965,55 +2833,142 @@ broadcast_stanza({LUser, LServer, LResource}, Publisher, Node, Nidx, Type, NodeO
%% Handles implicit presence subscriptions %% Handles implicit presence subscriptions
SenderResource = user_resource(LUser, LServer, LResource), SenderResource = user_resource(LUser, LServer, LResource),
NotificationType = get_option(NodeOptions, notification_type, headline), NotificationType = get_option(NodeOptions, notification_type, headline),
Stanza = add_message_type(BaseStanza, NotificationType), Stanza = add_message_type(
xmpp:set_from(BaseStanza, jid:make(LUser, LServer)),
%% set the from address on the notification to the bare JID of the account owner %% set the from address on the notification to the bare JID of the account owner
%% Also, add "replyto" if entity has presence subscription to the account owner %% Also, add "replyto" if entity has presence subscription to the account owner
%% See XEP-0163 1.1 section 4.3.1 %% See XEP-0163 1.1 section 4.3.1
ejabberd_sm:route(jid:make(LUser, LServer, SenderResource), ejabberd_sm:route(jid:make(LUser, LServer, SenderResource),
{pep_message, <<((Node))/binary, "+notify">>, {pep_message, <<((Node))/binary, "+notify">>,
jid:make(LUser, LServer),
add_extended_headers( add_extended_headers(
Stanza, extended_headers([Publisher]))}); Stanza, extended_headers([Publisher]))});
broadcast_stanza(Host, _Publisher, Node, Nidx, Type, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth, NotifyType, BaseStanza, SHIM) -> broadcast_stanza(Host, _Publisher, Node, Nidx, Type, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth, NotifyType, BaseStanza, SHIM) ->
broadcast_stanza(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth, NotifyType, BaseStanza, SHIM). broadcast_stanza(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, NodeOptions, SubsByDepth, NotifyType, BaseStanza, SHIM).
-spec c2s_handle_info(ejabberd_c2s:state(), term()) -> ejabberd_c2s:state(). -spec c2s_handle_info(ejabberd_c2s:state(), term()) -> ejabberd_c2s:state().
c2s_handle_info(#{server := Server} = C2SState, c2s_handle_info(#{lserver := LServer} = C2SState,
{pep_message, Feature, From, Packet}) -> {pep_message, Feature, Packet}) ->
LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), [maybe_send_pep_stanza(LServer, USR, Caps, Feature, Packet)
lists:foreach( || {USR, Caps} <- mod_caps:list_features(C2SState)],
fun({USR, Caps}) ->
Features = mod_caps:get_features(LServer, Caps),
case lists:member(Feature, Features) of
true ->
To = jid:make(USR),
NewPacket = xmpp:set_from_to(Packet, From, To),
false ->
end, mod_caps:list_features(C2SState)),
{stop, C2SState}; {stop, C2SState};
c2s_handle_info(#{server := Server} = C2SState, c2s_handle_info(#{lserver := LServer} = C2SState,
{send_filtered, {pep_message, Feature}, From, To, Packet}) -> {pep_message, Feature, Packet, USR}) ->
LServer = jid:nameprep(Server), case mod_caps:get_user_caps(USR, C2SState) of
case mod_caps:get_user_caps(To, C2SState) of {ok, Caps} -> maybe_send_pep_stanza(LServer, USR, Caps, Feature, Packet);
{ok, Caps} -> error -> ok
Features = mod_caps:get_features(LServer, Caps),
case lists:member(Feature, Features) of
true ->
NewPacket = xmpp:set_from_to(Packet, From, To),
false ->
error ->
end, end,
{stop, C2SState}; {stop, C2SState};
c2s_handle_info(C2SState, _) -> c2s_handle_info(C2SState, _) ->
C2SState. C2SState.
send_items(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, Options, LJID, Number) ->
send_items(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, Options, Host, LJID, LJID, Number).
send_items(Host, Node, Nidx, Type, Options, Publisher, SubLJID, ToLJID, Number) ->
case get_last_items(Host, Type, Nidx, SubLJID, Number) of
[] ->
Items ->
Stanza = items_event_stanza(Node, Options, Items),
send_stanza(Publisher, ToLJID, Node, Stanza)
send_stanza({LUser, LServer, _} = Publisher, USR, Node, BaseStanza) ->
Stanza = xmpp:set_from(BaseStanza, jid:make(LUser, LServer)),
USRs = case USR of
{PUser, PServer, <<>>} ->
[{PUser, PServer, PRessource}
|| PRessource <- user_resources(PUser, PServer)];
_ ->
{pep_message, <<((Node))/binary, "+notify">>,
Stanza, extended_headers([Publisher])),
To}) || To <- USRs];
send_stanza(Host, USR, _Node, Stanza) ->
xmpp:set_from_to(Stanza, service_jid(Host), jid:make(USR))).
maybe_send_pep_stanza(LServer, USR, Caps, Feature, Packet) ->
Features = mod_caps:get_features(LServer, Caps),
case lists:member(Feature, Features) of
true ->
ejabberd_router:route(xmpp:set_to(Packet, jid:make(USR)));
false ->
send_last_items(JID) ->
ServerHost = JID#jid.lserver,
Host = host(ServerHost),
DBType = config(ServerHost, db_type),
LJID = jid:tolower(JID),
BJID = jid:remove_resource(LJID),
fun(PType) ->
Subs = get_subscriptions_for_send_last(Host, PType, DBType, JID, LJID, BJID),
fun({#pubsub_node{nodeid = {_, Node}, type = Type, id = Nidx,
options = Options}, _, SubJID})
when Type == PType->
send_items(Host, Node, Nidx, PType, Options, Host, SubJID, LJID, 1);
(_) ->
end, config(ServerHost, plugins)).
% pep_from_offline hack can not work anymore, as sender c2s does not
% exists when sender is offline, so we can't get match receiver caps
% does it make sens to send PEP from an offline contact anyway ?
% case config(ServerHost, ignore_pep_from_offline) of
% false ->
% Roster = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(roster_get, ServerHost, [],
% [{JID#jid.luser, ServerHost}]),
% lists:foreach(
% fun(#roster{jid = {U, S, R}, subscription = Sub})
% when Sub == both orelse Sub == from,
% S == ServerHost ->
% case user_resources(U, S) of
% [] -> send_last_pep(jid:make(U, S, R), JID);
% _ -> ok %% this is already handled by presence probe
% end;
% (_) ->
% ok %% we can not do anything in any cases
% end, Roster);
% true ->
% ok
% end.
send_last_pep(From, To) ->
ServerHost = From#jid.lserver,
Host = host(ServerHost),
Publisher = jid:tolower(From),
Owner = jid:remove_resource(Publisher),
fun(#pubsub_node{nodeid = {_, Node}, type = Type, id = Nidx, options = Options}) ->
case match_option(Options, send_last_published_item, on_sub_and_presence) of
true ->
LJID = jid:tolower(To),
Subscribed = case get_option(Options, access_model) of
open -> true;
presence -> true;
whitelist -> false; % subscribers are added manually
authorize -> false; % likewise
roster ->
Grps = get_option(Options, roster_groups_allowed, []),
{OU, OS, _} = Owner,
element(2, get_roster_info(OU, OS, LJID, Grps))
if Subscribed -> send_items(Owner, Node, Nidx, Type, Options, Publisher, LJID, LJID, 1);
true -> ok
_ ->
tree_action(Host, get_nodes, [Owner, From])).
subscribed_nodes_by_jid(NotifyType, SubsByDepth) -> subscribed_nodes_by_jid(NotifyType, SubsByDepth) ->
NodesToDeliver = fun (Depth, Node, Subs, Acc) -> NodesToDeliver = fun (Depth, Node, Subs, Acc) ->
NodeName = case Node#pubsub_node.nodeid of NodeName = case Node#pubsub_node.nodeid of
@ -3186,9 +3141,6 @@ node_owners_call(_Host, _Type, _Nidx, Owners) ->
%% @doc <p>Return the maximum number of items for a given node.</p> %% @doc <p>Return the maximum number of items for a given node.</p>
%% <p>Unlimited means that there is no limit in the number of items that can %% <p>Unlimited means that there is no limit in the number of items that can
%% be stored.</p> %% be stored.</p>
%% @todo In practice, the current data structure means that we cannot manage
%% millions of items on a given node. This should be addressed in a new
%% version.
-spec max_items(host(), [{atom(), any()}]) -> non_neg_integer(). -spec max_items(host(), [{atom(), any()}]) -> non_neg_integer().
max_items(Host, Options) -> max_items(Host, Options) ->
case get_option(Options, persist_items) of case get_option(Options, persist_items) of
@ -3792,14 +3744,6 @@ subid_shim(SubIds) ->
extended_headers(Jids) -> extended_headers(Jids) ->
[#address{type = replyto, jid = Jid} || Jid <- Jids]. [#address{type = replyto, jid = Jid} || Jid <- Jids].
-spec on_user_offline(ejabberd_sm:sid(), jid(), ejabberd_sm:info()) -> ok.
on_user_offline(_, JID, _) ->
{User, Server, Resource} = jid:tolower(JID),
case user_resources(User, Server) of
[] -> purge_offline({User, Server, Resource});
_ -> ok
-spec purge_offline(ljid()) -> ok. -spec purge_offline(ljid()) -> ok.
purge_offline(LJID) -> purge_offline(LJID) ->
Host = host(element(2, LJID)), Host = host(element(2, LJID)),
@ -3840,7 +3784,7 @@ purge_offline(LJID) ->
end end
end, lists:usort(lists:flatten(Affs))); end, lists:usort(lists:flatten(Affs)));
{Error, _} -> {Error, _} ->
?DEBUG("on_user_offline ~p", [Error]) ?ERROR_MSG("can not purge offline: ~p", [Error])
end. end.
-spec purge_offline(host(), ljid(), binary()) -> ok | {error, stanza_error()}. -spec purge_offline(host(), ljid(), binary()) -> ok | {error, stanza_error()}.
@ -3852,13 +3796,13 @@ purge_offline(Host, LJID, Node) ->
{result, {[], _}} -> {result, {[], _}} ->
ok; ok;
{result, {Items, _}} -> {result, {Items, _}} ->
{User, Server, _} = LJID, {User, Server, Resource} = LJID,
PublishModel = get_option(Options, publish_model), PublishModel = get_option(Options, publish_model),
ForceNotify = get_option(Options, notify_retract), ForceNotify = get_option(Options, notify_retract),
{_, NodeId} = Node#pubsub_node.nodeid, {_, NodeId} = Node#pubsub_node.nodeid,
lists:foreach(fun lists:foreach(fun
(#pubsub_item{itemid = {ItemId, _}, modification = {_, {U, S, _}}}) (#pubsub_item{itemid = {ItemId, _}, modification = {_, {U, S, R}}})
when (U == User) and (S == Server) -> when (U == User) and (S == Server) and (R == Resource) ->
case node_action(Host, Type, delete_item, [Nidx, {U, S, <<>>}, PublishModel, ItemId]) of case node_action(Host, Type, delete_item, [Nidx, {U, S, <<>>}, PublishModel, ItemId]) of
{result, {_, broadcast}} -> {result, {_, broadcast}} ->
broadcast_retract_items(Host, NodeId, Nidx, Type, Options, [ItemId], ForceNotify), broadcast_retract_items(Host, NodeId, Nidx, Type, Options, [ItemId], ForceNotify),