ejabberd can be embedded in an Elixir application

This commit is contained in:
Mickael Remond 2015-04-04 17:42:12 +02:00
parent 7d3b2cad26
commit ea8db9967f
4 changed files with 115 additions and 3 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
/ebin/ /ebin/
/ejabberd.init /ejabberd.init
/ejabberdctl.example /ejabberdctl.example
/include/XmppAddr.hrl XmppAddr.hrl
/rel/ejabberd/ /rel/ejabberd/
/src/XmppAddr.asn1db /src/XmppAddr.asn1db
/src/XmppAddr.erl /src/XmppAddr.erl

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Compile.Asn1 do
use Mix.Task
alias Mix.Compilers.Erlang
@recursive true
@manifest ".compile.asn1"
@moduledoc """
Compile ASN.1 source files.
When this task runs, it will check the modification time of every file, and
if it has changed, the file will be compiled. Files will be
compiled in the source directory with a .erl extension and generate a .hrl file.
You can force compilation regardless of modification times by passing
the `--force` option.
## Command line options
* `--force` - forces compilation regardless of modification times
## Configuration
* `:asn1_paths` - directories to find asn1 files. Defaults to `["asn1"]`.
@doc """
Runs this task.
@spec run(OptionParser.argv) :: :ok | :noop
def run(args) do
{opts, _, _} = OptionParser.parse(args, switches: [force: :boolean])
project = Mix.Project.config
source_paths = project[:asn1_paths] || ["asn1"]
dest_paths = project[:erlc_paths]
mappings = Enum.zip(source_paths, dest_paths)
options = project[:asn1_options] || []
Erlang.compile(manifest(), mappings, :asn1, :erl, opts[:force], fn
input, output ->
options = options ++ [:noobj, outdir: Erlang.to_erl_file(Path.dirname(output))]
:asn1ct.compile(Erlang.to_erl_file(input), options)
@doc """
Returns ASN.1 manifests.
def manifests, do: [manifest]
defp manifest, do: Path.join(Mix.Project.manifest_path, @manifest)
@doc """
Cleans up compilation artifacts.
def clean do

mix.exs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
defmodule Ejabberd.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project
def project do
[app: :ejabberd,
version: "15.03.0",
elixir: "~> 1.0",
elixirc_paths: ["lib"],
compile_path: ".",
compilers: Mix.compilers,
erlc_options: erlc_options,
deps: deps]
def application do
[mod: {:ejabberd_app, []},
applications: [:kernel, :stdlib]]
defp erlc_options do
includes = Path.wildcard(Path.join("..", "/*/include"))
[:debug_info, {:d, :NO_EXT_LIB}] ++ Enum.map(includes, fn(path) -> {:i, path} end)
defp deps do
{:p1_xml, github: "processone/xml"},
{:p1_logger, github: "processone/p1_logger"},
{:p1_yaml, github: "processone/p1_yaml"},
{:p1_tls, github: "processone/tls"},
{:p1_stringprep, github: "processone/stringprep"},
{:p1_zlib, github: "processone/zlib"},
{:p1_cache_tab, github: "processone/cache_tab"},
{:p1_utils, github: "processone/p1_utils"},
{:p1_iconv, github: "processone/eiconv"},
{:esip, github: "processone/p1_sip"},
{:p1_stun, github: "processone/stun"},
{:ehyperloglog, github: "vaxelfel/eHyperLogLog"},
{:p1_mysql, github: "processone/mysql"},
{:p1_pgsql, github: "processone/pgsql"},
{:eredis, github: "wooga/eredis"}

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ start() ->
%% If not specified, the default value 'ejabberd.yml' is assumed. %% If not specified, the default value 'ejabberd.yml' is assumed.
%% @spec () -> string() %% @spec () -> string()
get_ejabberd_config_path() -> get_ejabberd_config_path() ->
case application:get_env(config) of case get_env_config() of
{ok, Path} -> Path; {ok, Path} -> Path;
undefined -> undefined ->
case os:getenv("EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH") of case os:getenv("EJABBERD_CONFIG_PATH") of
@ -95,6 +95,18 @@ get_ejabberd_config_path() ->
end end
end. end.
-spec get_env_config() -> {ok, string()} | undefined.
get_env_config() ->
%% First case: the filename can be specified with: erl -config "/path/to/ejabberd.yml".
case application:get_env(config) of
R = {ok, _Path} -> R;
undefined ->
%% Second case for embbeding ejabberd in another app, for example for Elixir:
%% config :ejabberd,
%% file: "config/ejabberd.yml"
application:get_env(ejabberd, file)
%% @doc Read the ejabberd configuration file. %% @doc Read the ejabberd configuration file.
%% It also includes additional configuration files and replaces macros. %% It also includes additional configuration files and replaces macros.
%% This function will crash if finds some error in the configuration file. %% This function will crash if finds some error in the configuration file.
@ -679,7 +691,10 @@ is_file_readable(Path) ->
end. end.
get_version() -> get_version() ->
list_to_binary(element(2, application:get_key(ejabberd, vsn))). case application:get_key(ejabberd, vsn) of
undefined -> "";
{ok, Vsn} -> list_to_binary(Vsn)
-spec get_myhosts() -> [binary()]. -spec get_myhosts() -> [binary()].