Rewrite several modules to use XML generator

This commit is contained in:
Evgeniy Khramtsov 2016-07-29 13:21:00 +03:00
parent b31ebd2ea0
commit f91f2bc3d2
11 changed files with 252 additions and 372 deletions

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
-include("ejabberd_http.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_http.hrl").
-include("mod_roster.hrl"). -include("mod_roster.hrl").
-include("jlib.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl").
-record(state, -record(state,
{access_commands = [] :: list(), {access_commands = [] :: list(),

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
-include("ejabberd_commands.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_commands.hrl").
-include("mod_roster.hrl"). -include("mod_roster.hrl").
-include("ejabberd_sm.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_sm.hrl").
-include("jlib.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl").
%%% %%%
%%% gen_mod %%% gen_mod
@ -879,20 +879,22 @@ set_presence(User, Host, Resource, Type, Show, Status, Priority)
when is_integer(Priority) -> when is_integer(Priority) ->
BPriority = integer_to_binary(Priority), BPriority = integer_to_binary(Priority),
set_presence(User, Host, Resource, Type, Show, Status, BPriority); set_presence(User, Host, Resource, Type, Show, Status, BPriority);
set_presence(User, Host, Resource, Type, Show, Status, Priority) -> set_presence(User, Host, Resource, Type, Show, Status, Priority0) ->
Priority = if is_integer(Priority0) -> Priority0;
true -> binary_to_integer(Priority0)
case ejabberd_sm:get_session_pid(User, Host, Resource) of case ejabberd_sm:get_session_pid(User, Host, Resource) of
none -> none ->
error; error;
Pid -> Pid ->
USR = jid:to_string(jid:make(User, Host, Resource)), From = jid:make(User, Host, Resource),
US = jid:to_string(jid:make(User, Host, <<>>)), To = jid:make(User, Host),
Message = {route_xmlstreamelement, Presence = #presence{from = From, to = To,
{xmlel, <<"presence">>, type = jlib:binary_to_atom(Type),
[{<<"from">>, USR}, {<<"to">>, US}, {<<"type">>, Type}], show = jlib:binary_to_atom(Show),
[{xmlel, <<"show">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Show}]}, status = xmpp:mk_text(Status),
{xmlel, <<"status">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Status}]}, priority = Priority},
{xmlel, <<"priority">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Priority}]}]}}, Pid ! {route, From, To, Presence},
Pid ! Message,
ok ok
end. end.
@ -930,20 +932,12 @@ user_sessions_info(User, Host) ->
%%% %%%
set_nickname(User, Host, Nickname) -> set_nickname(User, Host, Nickname) ->
R = mod_vcard:process_sm_iq( VCard = xmpp:encode(#vcard_temp{nickname = Nickname}),
{jid, User, Host, <<>>, User, Host, <<>>}, case mod_vcard:set_vcard(User, jid:nameprep(Host), VCard) of
{jid, User, Host, <<>>, User, Host, <<>>}, {error, badarg} ->
{iq, <<>>, set, <<>>, <<"en">>, error;
{xmlel, <<"vCard">>, [ ok ->
{<<"xmlns">>, <<"vcard-temp">>}], [ ok
{xmlel, <<"NICKNAME">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Nickname}]}
case R of
{iq, <<>>, result, <<>>, _L, []} ->
_ ->
end. end.
get_vcard(User, Host, Name) -> get_vcard(User, Host, Name) ->
@ -967,26 +961,17 @@ set_vcard(User, Host, Name, Subname, SomeContent) ->
%% %%
%% Internal vcard %% Internal vcard
get_module_resource(Server) ->
case gen_mod:get_module_opt(Server, ?MODULE, module_resource, fun(A) -> A end, none) of
none -> list_to_binary(atom_to_list(?MODULE));
R when is_binary(R) -> R
get_vcard_content(User, Server, Data) -> get_vcard_content(User, Server, Data) ->
[{_, Module, Function, _Opts}] = ets:lookup(sm_iqtable, {?NS_VCARD, Server}), case mod_vcard:get_vcard(jid:nodeprep(User), jid:nameprep(Server)) of
JID = jid:make(User, Server, get_module_resource(Server)), [_|_] = Els ->
IQ = #iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_VCARD}, case get_vcard(Data, Els) of
IQr = Module:Function(JID, JID, IQ),
[A1] = IQr#iq.sub_el,
case A1#xmlel.children of
[_|_] ->
case get_vcard(Data, A1) of
[false] -> throw(error_no_value_found_in_vcard); [false] -> throw(error_no_value_found_in_vcard);
ElemList -> ?DEBUG("ELS ~p", [ElemList]), [fxml:get_tag_cdata(Elem) || Elem <- ElemList] ElemList -> ?DEBUG("ELS ~p", [ElemList]), [fxml:get_tag_cdata(Elem) || Elem <- ElemList]
end; end;
[] -> [] ->
throw(error_no_vcard_found) throw(error_no_vcard_found);
error ->
end. end.
get_vcard([<<"TEL">>, TelType], {_, _, _, OldEls}) -> get_vcard([<<"TEL">>, TelType], {_, _, _, OldEls}) ->
@ -1011,25 +996,19 @@ set_vcard_content(User, Server, Data, SomeContent) ->
[Bin | _] when is_binary(Bin) -> SomeContent; [Bin | _] when is_binary(Bin) -> SomeContent;
Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> [SomeContent] Bin when is_binary(Bin) -> [SomeContent]
end, end,
[{_, Module, Function, _Opts}] = ets:lookup(sm_iqtable, {?NS_VCARD, Server}),
JID = jid:make(User, Server, get_module_resource(Server)),
IQ = #iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_VCARD},
IQr = Module:Function(JID, JID, IQ),
%% Get old vcard %% Get old vcard
A4 = case IQr#iq.sub_el of A4 = case mod_vcard:get_vcard(jid:nodeprep(User), jid:nameprep(Server)) of
[A1] -> [A1] ->
{_, _, _, A2} = A1, {_, _, _, A2} = A1,
update_vcard_els(Data, ContentList, A2); update_vcard_els(Data, ContentList, A2);
[] -> [] ->
update_vcard_els(Data, ContentList, []) update_vcard_els(Data, ContentList, []);
error ->
end, end,
%% Build new vcard %% Build new vcard
SubEl = {xmlel, <<"vCard">>, [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"vcard-temp">>}], A4}, SubEl = {xmlel, <<"vCard">>, [{<<"xmlns">>,<<"vcard-temp">>}], A4},
IQ2 = #iq{type=set, sub_el = SubEl}, mod_vcard:set_vcard(User, jid:nameprep(Server), SubEl),
Module:Function(JID, JID, IQ2),
ok. ok.
take_vcard_tel(TelType, [{xmlel, <<"TEL">>, _, SubEls}=OldEl | OldEls], NewEls, Taken) -> take_vcard_tel(TelType, [{xmlel, <<"TEL">>, _, SubEls}=OldEl | OldEls], NewEls, Taken) ->
@ -1090,11 +1069,7 @@ add_rosteritem(LU, LS, User, Server, Nick, Group, Subscription, Xattrs) ->
subscribe(LU, LS, User, Server, Nick, Group, Subscription, _Xattrs) -> subscribe(LU, LS, User, Server, Nick, Group, Subscription, _Xattrs) ->
ItemEl = build_roster_item(User, Server, {add, Nick, Subscription, Group}), ItemEl = build_roster_item(User, Server, {add, Nick, Subscription, Group}),
mod_roster:set_items( mod_roster:set_items(LU, LS, #roster_query{items = [ItemEl]}).
{xmlel, <<"query">>,
[{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_ROSTER}],
delete_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server) -> delete_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server) ->
case unsubscribe(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server) of case unsubscribe(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server) of
@ -1107,11 +1082,7 @@ delete_rosteritem(LocalUser, LocalServer, User, Server) ->
unsubscribe(LU, LS, User, Server) -> unsubscribe(LU, LS, User, Server) ->
ItemEl = build_roster_item(User, Server, remove), ItemEl = build_roster_item(User, Server, remove),
mod_roster:set_items( mod_roster:set_items(LU, LS, #roster_query{items = [ItemEl]}).
{xmlel, <<"query">>,
[{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_ROSTER}],
%% ----------------------------- %% -----------------------------
%% Get Roster %% Get Roster
@ -1201,28 +1172,16 @@ push_roster_item(LU, LS, R, U, S, Action) ->
ejabberd_router:route(jid:remove_resource(LJID), LJID, ResIQ). ejabberd_router:route(jid:remove_resource(LJID), LJID, ResIQ).
build_roster_item(U, S, {add, Nick, Subs, Group}) -> build_roster_item(U, S, {add, Nick, Subs, Group}) ->
{xmlel, <<"item">>, #roster_item{jid = jid:make(U, S),
[{<<"jid">>, jid:to_string(jid:make(U, S, <<>>))}, name = Nick,
{<<"name">>, Nick}, subscription = jlib:binary_to_atom(Subs),
{<<"subscription">>, Subs}], groups = [Group]};
[{xmlel, <<"group">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Group}]}]
build_roster_item(U, S, remove) -> build_roster_item(U, S, remove) ->
{xmlel, <<"item">>, #roster_item{jid = jid:make(U, S), subscription = remove}.
[{<<"jid">>, jid:to_string(jid:make(U, S, <<>>))},
{<<"subscription">>, <<"remove">>}],
build_iq_roster_push(Item) -> build_iq_roster_push(Item) ->
{xmlel, <<"iq">>, #iq{type = set, id = <<"push">>,
[{<<"type">>, <<"set">>}, {<<"id">>, <<"push">>}], sub_els = [#roster_query{items = [Item]}]}.
[{xmlel, <<"query">>,
[{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_ROSTER}],
build_broadcast(U, S, {add, _Nick, Subs, _Group}) -> build_broadcast(U, S, {add, _Nick, Subs, _Group}) ->
build_broadcast(U, S, list_to_atom(binary_to_list(Subs))); build_broadcast(U, S, list_to_atom(binary_to_list(Subs)));
@ -1268,17 +1227,9 @@ get_last(User, Server) ->
%% <aa xmlns='bb'>Cluth</aa> %% <aa xmlns='bb'>Cluth</aa>
private_get(Username, Host, Element, Ns) -> private_get(Username, Host, Element, Ns) ->
From = jid:make(Username, Host, <<>>), Els = mod_private:get_data(jid:nodeprep(Username), jid:nameprep(Host),
To = jid:make(Username, Host, <<>>), [Ns, Element]),
IQ = {iq, <<>>, get, ?NS_PRIVATE, <<>>, binary_to_list(fxml:element_to_binary(xmpp:encode(#private{xml_els = Els}))).
{xmlel, <<"query">>,
[{xmlel, Element, [{<<"xmlns">>, Ns}], []}]}},
ResIq = mod_private:process_sm_iq(From, To, IQ),
[{xmlel, <<"query">>,
[{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_PRIVATE}],
[SubEl]}] = ResIq#iq.sub_el,
private_set(Username, Host, ElementString) -> private_set(Username, Host, ElementString) ->
case fxml_stream:parse_element(ElementString) of case fxml_stream:parse_element(ElementString) of
@ -1291,13 +1242,9 @@ private_set(Username, Host, ElementString) ->
end. end.
private_set2(Username, Host, Xml) -> private_set2(Username, Host, Xml) ->
From = jid:make(Username, Host, <<>>), NS = fxml:get_tag_attr_s(<<"xmlns">>, Xml),
To = jid:make(Username, Host, <<>>), mod_private:set_data(jid:nodeprep(Username), jid:nameprep(Host),
IQ = {iq, <<>>, set, ?NS_PRIVATE, <<>>, [{NS, Xml}]),
{xmlel, <<"query">>,
[{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_PRIVATE}],
mod_private:process_sm_iq(From, To, IQ),
ok. ok.
%%% %%%
@ -1395,23 +1342,25 @@ send_packet_all_resources(FromJID, ToU, ToS, ToR, Packet) ->
ejabberd_router:route(FromJID, ToJID, Packet). ejabberd_router:route(FromJID, ToJID, Packet).
build_packet(Type, Subject, Body) -> build_packet(Type, Subject, Body) ->
Tail = if Subject == <<"">>; Type == <<"chat">> -> []; #message{type = jlib:binary_to_atom(Type),
true -> [{xmlel, <<"subject">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Subject}]}] body = xmpp:mk_text(Body),
end, subject = xmpp:mk_text(Subject)}.
{xmlel, <<"message">>,
[{<<"type">>, Type}, {<<"id">>, randoms:get_string()}],
[{xmlel, <<"body">>, [], [{xmlcdata, Body}]} | Tail]
send_stanza(FromString, ToString, Stanza) -> send_stanza(FromString, ToString, Stanza) ->
case fxml_stream:parse_element(Stanza) of try
{error, Error} -> #xmlel{} = El = fxml_stream:parse_element(Stanza),
{error, Error}; #jid{} = From = jid:from_string(FromString),
XmlEl -> #jid{} = To = jid:to_string(ToString),
#xmlel{attrs = Attrs} = XmlEl, Pkt = xmpp:decode(El, [ignore_els]),
From = jid:from_string(proplists:get_value(<<"from">>, Attrs, FromString)), ejabberd_router:route(From, To, Pkt)
To = jid:from_string(proplists:get_value(<<"to">>, Attrs, ToString)), catch _:{xmpp_codec, Why} ->
ejabberd_router:route(From, To, XmlEl) io:format("incorrect stanza: ~s~n", [xmpp:format_error(Why)]),
{error, Why};
_:{badmatch, {error, Why}} ->
io:format("invalid xml: ~p~n", [Why]),
{error, Why};
_:{badmatch, error} ->
{error, "JID malformed"}
end. end.
send_stanza_c2s(Username, Host, Resource, Stanza) -> send_stanza_c2s(Username, Host, Resource, Stanza) ->
@ -1427,17 +1376,15 @@ send_stanza_c2s(Username, Host, Resource, Stanza) ->
end. end.
privacy_set(Username, Host, QueryS) -> privacy_set(Username, Host, QueryS) ->
From = jid:make(Username, Host, <<"">>), From = jid:make(Username, Host),
To = jid:make(<<"">>, Host, <<"">>), To = jid:make(Host),
QueryEl = fxml_stream:parse_element(QueryS), QueryEl = fxml_stream:parse_element(QueryS),
StanzaEl = {xmlel, <<"iq">>, [{<<"type">>, <<"set">>}], [QueryEl]}, SubEl = xmpp:decode(QueryEl),
IQ = jlib:iq_query_info(StanzaEl), IQ = #iq{type = set, id = <<"push">>, sub_els = [SubEl]},
ejabberd_hooks:run_fold( ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(privacy_iq_set,
privacy_iq_set, Host,
Host, {error, xmpp:err_feature_not_implemented()},
[From, To, IQ]
ok. ok.
%%% %%%
@ -1618,5 +1565,4 @@ is_glob_match(String, <<"!", Glob/binary>>) ->
is_glob_match(String, Glob) -> is_glob_match(String, Glob) ->
is_regexp_match(String, ejabberd_regexp:sh_to_awk(Glob)). is_regexp_match(String, ejabberd_regexp:sh_to_awk(Glob)).
mod_opt_type(module_resource) -> fun (A) -> A end; mod_opt_type(_) -> [].
mod_opt_type(_) -> [module_resource].

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
-export([start/2, stop/1, process/2, mod_opt_type/1, depends/2]). -export([start/2, stop/1, process/2, mod_opt_type/1, depends/2]).
-include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("ejabberd.hrl").
-include("jlib.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl").
-include("logger.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl").
-include("ejabberd_http.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_http.hrl").

View File

@ -51,9 +51,6 @@
-include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("ejabberd.hrl").
-include("logger.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl").
-include("ejabberd_http.hrl"). -include("ejabberd_http.hrl").
-include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl").
-record(state, -record(state,

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("ejabberd.hrl").
-include("logger.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl").
-include("jlib.hrl"). -include("jid.hrl").
-define(HOOKS, [offline_message_hook, -define(HOOKS, [offline_message_hook,
sm_register_connection_hook, sm_remove_connection_hook, sm_register_connection_hook, sm_remove_connection_hook,

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("ejabberd.hrl").
-include("logger.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl").
-include("jlib.hrl"). -include("xmpp.hrl").
-record(pres_counter, -record(pres_counter,
{dir, start, count, logged = false}). {dir, start, count, logged = false}).
@ -52,27 +52,24 @@ depends(_Host, _Opts) ->
[]. [].
check_packet(_, _User, Server, _PrivacyList, check_packet(_, _User, Server, _PrivacyList,
{From, To, #xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs}}, Dir) -> {From, To, #presence{type = Type}}, Dir) ->
case Name of IsSubscription = case Type of
<<"presence">> -> subscribe -> true;
IsSubscription = case fxml:get_attr_s(<<"type">>, Attrs) subscribed -> true;
of unsubscribe -> true;
<<"subscribe">> -> true; unsubscribed -> true;
<<"subscribed">> -> true; _ -> false
<<"unsubscribe">> -> true; end,
<<"unsubscribed">> -> true; if IsSubscription ->
_ -> false JID = case Dir of
end, in -> To;
if IsSubscription -> out -> From
JID = case Dir of end,
in -> To; update(Server, JID, Dir);
out -> From true -> allow
end, end;
update(Server, JID, Dir); check_packet(_, _User, _Server, _PrivacyList, _Pkt, _Dir) ->
true -> allow allow.
_ -> allow
update(Server, JID, Dir) -> update(Server, JID, Dir) ->
StormCount = gen_mod:get_module_opt(Server, ?MODULE, count, StormCount = gen_mod:get_module_opt(Server, ?MODULE, count,

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
-behaviour(gen_mod). -behaviour(gen_mod).
-export([start/2, stop/1, process_sm_iq/1, import/3, -export([start/2, stop/1, process_sm_iq/1, import/3,
remove_user/2, get_data/2, export/1, import/1, remove_user/2, get_data/2, get_data/3, export/1, import/1,
mod_opt_type/1, set_data/3, depends/2]). mod_opt_type/1, set_data/3, depends/2]).
-include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("ejabberd.hrl").

View File

@ -33,24 +33,17 @@
-export([init/1, handle_info/2, handle_call/3, -export([init/1, handle_info/2, handle_call/3,
handle_cast/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). handle_cast/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-export([start_link/2, add_listener/2, -export([start_link/2, add_listener/2, process_disco_info/1,
process_disco_items/1, process_vcard/1, process_bytestreams/1,
transform_module_options/1, delete_listener/1]). transform_module_options/1, delete_listener/1]).
-include("ejabberd.hrl"). -include("ejabberd.hrl").
-include("logger.hrl"). -include("logger.hrl").
-define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_proxy65_service). -define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_proxy65_service).
-record(state, -record(state, {myhost = <<"">> :: binary()}).
{myhost = <<"">> :: binary(),
serverhost = <<"">> :: binary(),
name = <<"">> :: binary(),
stream_addr = [] :: [attr()],
port = 0 :: inet:port_number(),
ip = {127,0,0,1} :: inet:ip_address(),
acl = none :: atom()}).
%%%------------------------ %%%------------------------
%%% gen_server callbacks %%% gen_server callbacks
@ -62,34 +55,32 @@ start_link(Host, Opts) ->
[Host, Opts], []). [Host, Opts], []).
init([Host, Opts]) -> init([Host, Opts]) ->
State = parse_options(Host, Opts), IQDisc = gen_mod:get_opt(iqdisc, Opts, fun gen_iq_handler:check_type/1,
ejabberd_router:register_route(State#state.myhost, Host), one_queue),
{ok, State}. MyHost = gen_mod:get_opt_host(Host, Opts, <<"proxy.@HOST@">>),
gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_DISCO_INFO,
?MODULE, process_disco_info, IQDisc),
gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS,
?MODULE, process_disco_items, IQDisc),
gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_VCARD,
?MODULE, process_vcard, IQDisc),
gen_iq_handler:add_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_BYTESTREAMS,
?MODULE, process_bytestreams, IQDisc),
ejabberd_router:register_route(MyHost, Host),
{ok, #state{myhost = MyHost}}.
terminate(_Reason, #state{myhost = MyHost}) -> terminate(_Reason, #state{myhost = MyHost}) ->
ejabberd_router:unregister_route(MyHost), ok. ejabberd_router:unregister_route(MyHost),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_DISCO_INFO),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_VCARD),
gen_iq_handler:remove_iq_handler(ejabberd_local, MyHost, ?NS_BYTESTREAMS).
handle_info({route, From, To, handle_info({route, From, To, #iq{} = Packet}, State) ->
#xmlel{name = <<"iq">>} = Packet}, ejabberd_router:process_iq(From, To, Packet),
State) ->
IQ = jlib:iq_query_info(Packet),
case catch process_iq(From, IQ, State) of
Result when is_record(Result, iq) ->
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, jlib:iq_to_xml(Result));
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
?ERROR_MSG("Error when processing IQ stanza: ~p",
Err = jlib:make_error_reply(Packet,
ejabberd_router:route(To, From, Err);
_ -> ok
{noreply, State}; {noreply, State};
handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}.
handle_call(get_port_ip, _From, State) ->
{reply, {port_ip, State#state.port, State#state.ip},
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
{reply, ok, State}. {reply, ok, State}.
@ -102,185 +93,122 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}.
%%%------------------------ %%%------------------------
add_listener(Host, Opts) -> add_listener(Host, Opts) ->
State = parse_options(Host, Opts),
NewOpts = [Host | Opts], NewOpts = [Host | Opts],
ejabberd_listener:add_listener({State#state.port, ejabberd_listener:add_listener(get_port_ip(Host),
mod_proxy65_stream, NewOpts). mod_proxy65_stream, NewOpts).
delete_listener(Host) -> delete_listener(Host) ->
Proc = gen_mod:get_module_proc(Host, ?PROCNAME), catch ejabberd_listener:delete_listener(get_port_ip(Host),
{port_ip, Port, IP} = gen_server:call(Proc,
catch ejabberd_listener:delete_listener({Port, IP},
mod_proxy65_stream). mod_proxy65_stream).
%%%------------------------ %%%------------------------
%%% IQ Processing %%% IQ Processing
%%%------------------------ %%%------------------------
-spec process_disco_info(iq()) -> iq().
process_disco_info(#iq{type = set, lang = Lang} = IQ) ->
Txt = <<"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed">>,
xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang));
process_disco_info(#iq{type = get, to = To, lang = Lang} = IQ) ->
Host = ejabberd_router:host_of_route(To#jid.lserver),
Name = gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, mod_proxy65, name,
fun iolist_to_binary/1,
<<"SOCKS5 Bytestreams">>),
Info = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(disco_info, Host,
[], [Host, ?MODULE, <<"">>, <<"">>]),
IQ, #disco_info{xdata = Info,
identities = [#identity{category = <<"proxy">>,
type = <<"bytestreams">>,
name = translate:translate(Lang, Name)}],
%% disco#info request -spec process_disco_items(iq()) -> iq().
process_iq(_, process_disco_items(#iq{type = set, lang = Lang} = IQ) ->
#iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_INFO, lang = Lang} = Txt = <<"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed">>,
IQ, xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang));
#state{name = Name, serverhost = ServerHost}) -> process_disco_items(#iq{type = get} = IQ) ->
Info = ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(disco_info, ServerHost, xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ, #disco_items{}).
[], [ServerHost, ?MODULE, <<"">>, <<"">>]),
IQ#iq{type = result, -spec process_vcard(iq()) -> iq().
sub_el = process_vcard(#iq{type = set, lang = Lang} = IQ) ->
[#xmlel{name = <<"query">>, Txt = <<"Value 'set' of 'type' attribute is not allowed">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_DISCO_INFO}], xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_not_allowed(Txt, Lang));
children = iq_disco_info(Lang, Name) ++ Info}]}; process_vcard(#iq{type = get, lang = Lang} = IQ) ->
%% disco#items request Desc = translate:translate(Lang, <<"ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams module">>),
process_iq(_, Copyright = <<"Copyright (c) 2003-2016 ProcessOne">>,
#iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS} = IQ, _) -> xmpp:make_iq_result(
IQ#iq{type = result, IQ, #vcard_temp{fn = <<"ejabberd/mod_proxy65">>,
sub_el = url = ?EJABBERD_URI,
[#xmlel{name = <<"query">>, desc = <<Desc/binary, $\n, Copyright/binary>>}).
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_DISCO_ITEMS}],
children = []}]}; -spec process_bytestreams(iq()) -> iq().
%% vCard request process_bytestreams(#iq{type = get, from = JID, to = To, lang = Lang} = IQ) ->
process_iq(_, Host = To#jid.lserver,
#iq{type = get, xmlns = ?NS_VCARD, lang = Lang} = IQ, ServerHost = ejabberd_router:host_of_route(Host),
_) -> ACL = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_proxy65, access,
IQ#iq{type = result, fun acl:access_rules_validator/1,
sub_el = all),
[#xmlel{name = <<"vCard">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_VCARD}],
children = iq_vcard(Lang)}]};
%% bytestreams info request
#iq{type = get, sub_el = SubEl, lang = Lang,
xmlns = ?NS_BYTESTREAMS} =
#state{acl = ACL, stream_addr = StreamAddr,
serverhost = ServerHost}) ->
case acl:match_rule(ServerHost, ACL, JID) of case acl:match_rule(ServerHost, ACL, JID) of
allow -> allow ->
StreamHostEl = [#xmlel{name = <<"streamhost">>, StreamHost = get_streamhost(Host, ServerHost),
attrs = StreamAddr, children = []}], xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ, #bytestreams{hosts = [StreamHost]});
IQ#iq{type = result, deny ->
sub_el = xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_forbidden(<<"Denied by ACL">>, Lang))
[#xmlel{name = <<"query">>,
attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_BYTESTREAMS}],
children = StreamHostEl}]};
deny ->
Txt = <<"Denied by ACL">>,
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERRT_FORBIDDEN(Lang, Txt)]}
end; end;
%% bytestream activation request process_bytestreams(#iq{type = set, lang = Lang,
process_iq(InitiatorJID, sub_els = [#bytestreams{sid = undefined}]} = IQ) ->
#iq{type = set, sub_el = SubEl, lang = Lang, Why = {missing_attr, <<"sid">>, <<"query">>, ?NS_BYTESTREAMS},
xmlns = ?NS_BYTESTREAMS} = Txt = xmpp:format_error(Why),
IQ, xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang));
#state{acl = ACL, serverhost = ServerHost}) -> process_bytestreams(#iq{type = set, lang = Lang,
sub_els = [#bytestreams{sid = SID}]} = IQ)
when SID == <<"">> orelse length(SID) > 128 ->
Why = {bad_attr_value, <<"sid">>, <<"query">>, ?NS_BYTESTREAMS},
Txt = xmpp:format_error(Why),
xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_bad_request(Txt, Lang));
process_bytestreams(#iq{type = set, lang = Lang,
sub_els = [#bytestreams{activate = undefined}]} = IQ) ->
Why = {missing_cdata, <<"">>, <<"activate">>, ?NS_BYTESTREAMS},
Txt = xmpp:format_error(Why),
xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_jid_malformed(Txt, Lang));
process_bytestreams(#iq{type = set, lang = Lang, from = InitiatorJID, to = To,
sub_els = [#bytestreams{activate = TargetJID,
sid = SID}]} = IQ) ->
ServerHost = ejabberd_router:host_of_route(To#jid.lserver),
ACL = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_proxy65, access,
fun acl:access_rules_validator/1,
case acl:match_rule(ServerHost, ACL, InitiatorJID) of case acl:match_rule(ServerHost, ACL, InitiatorJID) of
allow -> allow ->
ActivateEl = fxml:get_path_s(SubEl, Target = jid:to_string(jid:tolower(TargetJID)),
[{elem, <<"activate">>}]), Initiator = jid:to_string(jid:tolower(InitiatorJID)),
SID = fxml:get_tag_attr_s(<<"sid">>, SubEl), SHA1 = p1_sha:sha(<<SID/binary, Initiator/binary, Target/binary>>),
case catch case mod_proxy65_sm:activate_stream(SHA1, InitiatorJID,
jid:from_string(fxml:get_tag_cdata(ActivateEl)) TargetJID, ServerHost) of
of ok ->
TargetJID xmpp:make_iq_result(IQ);
when is_record(TargetJID, jid), SID /= <<"">>, false ->
byte_size(SID) =< 128, TargetJID /= InitiatorJID -> Txt = <<"Failed to activate bytestream">>,
Target = xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_item_not_found(Txt, Lang));
jid:to_string(jid:tolower(TargetJID)), limit ->
Initiator = Txt = <<"Too many active bytestreams">>,
jid:to_string(jid:tolower(InitiatorJID)), xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_resource_constraint(Txt, Lang));
SHA1 = p1_sha:sha(<<SID/binary, Initiator/binary, Target/binary>>), conflict ->
case mod_proxy65_sm:activate_stream(SHA1, InitiatorJID, Txt = <<"Bytestream already activated">>,
TargetJID, ServerHost) xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_conflict(Txt, Lang));
of Err ->
ok -> IQ#iq{type = result, sub_el = []}; ?ERROR_MSG("failed to activate bytestream from ~s to ~s: ~p",
false -> [Initiator, Target, Err]),
Txt = <<"Failed to activate bytestream">>, xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_internal_server_error())
IQ#iq{type = error, end;
sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERRT_ITEM_NOT_FOUND(Lang, Txt)]}; deny ->
limit -> Txt = <<"Denied by ACL">>,
Txt = <<"Too many active bytestreams">>, xmpp:make_error(IQ, xmpp:err_forbidden(Txt, Lang))
IQ#iq{type = error, end.
sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERRT_RESOURCE_CONSTRAINT(Lang, Txt)]};
conflict ->
Txt = <<"Bytestream already activated">>,
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERRT_CONFLICT(Lang, Txt)]};
_ ->
IQ#iq{type = error,
_ ->
Txt = <<"Malformed JID">>,
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERRT_BAD_REQUEST(Lang, Txt)]}
deny ->
Txt = <<"Denied by ACL">>,
IQ#iq{type = error, sub_el = [SubEl, ?ERRT_FORBIDDEN(Lang, Txt)]}
%% Unknown "set" or "get" request
process_iq(_, #iq{type = Type, sub_el = SubEl} = IQ, _)
when Type == get; Type == set ->
IQ#iq{type = error,
%% IQ "result" or "error".
process_iq(_, _, _) -> ok.
%%%------------------------- %%%-------------------------
%%% Auxiliary functions. %%% Auxiliary functions.
%%%------------------------- %%%-------------------------
#xmlel{name = <<"feature">>,
attrs = [{<<"var">>, Feat}], children = []}).
iq_disco_info(Lang, Name) ->
[#xmlel{name = <<"identity">>,
attrs =
[{<<"category">>, <<"proxy">>},
{<<"type">>, <<"bytestreams">>},
{<<"name">>, translate:translate(Lang, Name)}],
children = []},
iq_vcard(Lang) ->
[#xmlel{name = <<"FN">>, attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, <<"ejabberd/mod_proxy65">>}]},
#xmlel{name = <<"URL">>, attrs = [],
children = [{xmlcdata, ?EJABBERD_URI}]},
#xmlel{name = <<"DESC">>, attrs = [],
children =
<<"ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams module">>))/binary,
"\nCopyright (c) 2003-2016 ProcessOne">>}]}].
parse_options(ServerHost, Opts) ->
MyHost = gen_mod:get_opt_host(ServerHost, Opts,
Port = gen_mod:get_opt(port, Opts,
fun(P) when is_integer(P), P>0, P<65536 -> P end,
ACL = gen_mod:get_opt(access, Opts, fun acl:access_rules_validator/1,
Name = gen_mod:get_opt(name, Opts, fun iolist_to_binary/1,
<<"SOCKS5 Bytestreams">>),
IP = gen_mod:get_opt(ip, Opts,
fun(S) ->
{ok, Addr} = inet_parse:address(
end, get_my_ip()),
HostName = gen_mod:get_opt(hostname, Opts,
fun iolist_to_binary/1,
StreamAddr = [{<<"jid">>, MyHost},
{<<"host">>, HostName},
{<<"port">>, jlib:integer_to_binary(Port)}],
#state{myhost = MyHost, serverhost = ServerHost,
name = Name, port = Port, ip = IP,
stream_addr = StreamAddr, acl = ACL}.
transform_module_options(Opts) -> transform_module_options(Opts) ->
lists:map( lists:map(
fun({ip, IP}) when is_tuple(IP) -> fun({ip, IP}) when is_tuple(IP) ->
@ -291,6 +219,33 @@ transform_module_options(Opts) ->
Opt Opt
end, Opts). end, Opts).
-spec get_streamhost(binary(), binary()) -> streamhost().
get_streamhost(Host, ServerHost) ->
{Port, IP} = get_port_ip(ServerHost),
HostName = gen_mod:get_module_opt(ServerHost, mod_proxy65, hostname,
fun iolist_to_binary/1,
#streamhost{jid = jid:make(Host),
host = HostName,
port = Port}.
-spec get_port_ip(binary()) -> {pos_integer(), inet:ip_address()}.
get_port_ip(Host) ->
Port = gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, mod_proxy65, port,
fun(P) when is_integer(P), P>0, P<65536 ->
IP = gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, mod_proxy65, ip,
fun(S) ->
{ok, Addr} = inet_parse:address(
end, get_my_ip()),
{Port, IP}.
-spec get_my_ip() -> inet:ip_address().
get_my_ip() -> get_my_ip() ->
{ok, MyHostName} = inet:gethostname(), {ok, MyHostName} = inet:gethostname(),
case inet:getaddr(MyHostName, inet) of case inet:getaddr(MyHostName, inet) of

View File

@ -38,14 +38,12 @@
-record(state, {max_connections = infinity :: non_neg_integer() | infinity}). -record(state, {max_connections = infinity :: non_neg_integer() | infinity}).
-record(bytestream, -record(bytestream,
{sha1 = <<"">> :: binary() | '$1', {sha1 = <<"">> :: binary() | '$1',
target :: pid() | '_', target :: pid() | '_',
initiator :: pid() | '_', initiator :: pid() | '_',
active = false :: boolean() | '_', active = false :: boolean() | '_',
jid_i = {<<"">>, <<"">>, <<"">>} :: ljid() | '_'}). jid_i = {<<"">>, <<"">>, <<"">>} :: jid:ljid() | '_'}).
-define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_proxy65_sm). -define(PROCNAME, ejabberd_mod_proxy65_sm).

View File

@ -62,9 +62,7 @@ log_user_receive(Packet, _C2SState, _JID, From, To) ->
log_packet(From, To, Packet, To#jid.lserver), log_packet(From, To, Packet, To#jid.lserver),
Packet. Packet.
log_packet(From, To, log_packet(From, To, Packet, Host) ->
#xmlel{name = Name, attrs = Attrs, children = Els},
Host) ->
Loggers = gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, ?MODULE, loggers, Loggers = gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, ?MODULE, loggers,
fun(L) -> fun(L) ->
lists:map( lists:map(
@ -76,22 +74,11 @@ log_packet(From, To,
end end
end, L) end, L)
end, []), end, []),
ServerJID = #jid{user = <<"">>, server = Host, ServerJID = jid:make(Host),
resource = <<"">>, luser = <<"">>, lserver = Host, FixedPacket = xmpp:set_from_to(Packet, From, To),
lresource = <<"">>},
NewAttrs =
jid:to_string(To), Attrs),
FixedPacket = #xmlel{name = Name, attrs = NewAttrs,
children = Els},
lists:foreach(fun (Logger) -> lists:foreach(fun (Logger) ->
ejabberd_router:route(ServerJID, ejabberd_router:route(ServerJID,
#jid{user = <<"">>, jid:make(Logger),
server = Logger,
resource = <<"">>,
luser = <<"">>,
lserver = Logger,
lresource = <<"">>},
#xmlel{name = <<"route">>, #xmlel{name = <<"route">>,
attrs = [], attrs = [],
children = children =

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
-export([start/2, init/3, stop/1, get_sm_features/5, -export([start/2, init/3, stop/1, get_sm_features/5,
process_local_iq/1, process_sm_iq/1, string2lower/1, process_local_iq/1, process_sm_iq/1, string2lower/1,
remove_user/2, export/1, import/1, import/3, depends/2, remove_user/2, export/1, import/1, import/3, depends/2,
process_search/1, process_vcard/1, process_search/1, process_vcard/1, get_vcard/2,
disco_items/5, disco_features/5, disco_identity/5, disco_items/5, disco_features/5, disco_identity/5,
mod_opt_type/1, set_vcard/3, make_vcard_search/4]). mod_opt_type/1, set_vcard/3, make_vcard_search/4]).
@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ make_vcard_search(User, LUser, LServer, VCARD) ->
orgunit = OrgUnit, orgunit = OrgUnit,
lorgunit = LOrgUnit}. lorgunit = LOrgUnit}.
-spec set_vcard(binary(), binary(), xmlel()) -> any(). -spec set_vcard(binary(), binary(), xmlel()) -> {error, badarg} | ok.
set_vcard(User, LServer, VCARD) -> set_vcard(User, LServer, VCARD) ->
case jid:nodeprep(User) of case jid:nodeprep(User) of
error -> error ->