Add ircsock as parameter, fix first test

This commit is contained in:
Shauna 2014-08-05 11:38:35 -04:00
parent eb60ae54ad
commit 7085d526ca
2 changed files with 25 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ class fake_ircsock(object):
self.sent_message = msg
def fake_irc_start():
global ircsock
ircsock = fake_ircsock()
return ircsock
@ -80,18 +80,19 @@ def irc_start(): # pragma: no cover (this excludes this function from testing)
".\n".format(botnick)) # bot authentication
ircsock.send("NICK {}\n".format(botnick)) # Assign the nick to the bot.
ircsock.send("JOIN {} \n".format(channel)) # Joins channel
return ircsock
# Creates a separate thread for incoming messages (to combat concurrency issues)
def thread_start(): # pragma: no cover (this excludes this function from testing)
def thread_start(ircsock): # pragma: no cover (this excludes this function from testing)
global q
q = queue.Queue() # Creates a Queue that will hold the incoming messages.
t = Thread(target=msg_handler()) # Creates a separate thread running msg_hander function (below)
t = Thread(target=msg_handler(ircsock)) # Creates a separate thread running msg_hander function (below)
t.daemon = True
# Reads the messages from the server and adds them to the Queue and prints
# them to the console. This function will be run in a thread, see below.
def msg_handler(): # pragma: no cover (this excludes this function from testing)
def msg_handler(ircsock): # pragma: no cover (this excludes this function from testing)
while True:
new_msg = ircsock.recv(2048) # receive data from the server
new_msg = new_msg.strip('\n\r') # removing any unnecessary linebreaks
@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ def get_regex(options):
# Welcomes the "person" passed to it.
def welcome_nick(newcomer):
def welcome_nick(newcomer, ircsock):
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG {0} :Welcome {1}! The channel is pretty quiet "
"right now, so I though I'd say hello, and ping some people "
"(like {2}) that you're here. If no one responds for a "
@ -124,10 +125,10 @@ def welcome_nick(newcomer):
"\n".format(channel, newcomer, greeter_string("and", channel_greeters)))
# Checks and manages the status of newcomers.
def process_newcomers(bot, newcomerlist, welcome=1):
def process_newcomers(bot, newcomerlist, ircsock, welcome=1):
for person in newcomerlist:
if welcome == 1:
welcome_nick(person.nick, ircsock)
@ -140,11 +141,11 @@ def parse_messages(ircmsg):
return None, None
# Parses messages and responds to them appropriately.
def message_response(bot, ircmsg, actor):
def message_response(bot, ircmsg, actor, ircsock):
# if someone other than a newcomer speaks into the channel
if ircmsg.find("PRIVMSG " + channel) != -1 and actor not in [i.nick for i in bot.newcomers]:
process_newcomers(bot,bot.newcomers,welcome=0) # Process/check newcomers without welcoming them
process_newcomers(bot,bot.newcomers, ircsock, welcome=0) # Process/check newcomers without welcoming them
# if someone (other than the bot) joins the channel
if ircmsg.find("JOIN " + channel) != -1 and actor != botnick:
@ -160,17 +161,17 @@ def message_response(bot, ircmsg, actor):
# If someone talks to (or refers to) the bot.
if botnick.lower() and "PRIVMSG".lower() in ircmsg.lower():
bot_hello(random.choice(hello_list), actor)
bot_hello(random.choice(hello_list), actor, ircsock)
# If someone tries to change the wait time...
if ircmsg.find(botnick + " --wait-time ") != -1:
bot.wait_time = wait_time_change(actor, ircmsg) # call this to check and change it
bot.wait_time = wait_time_change(actor, ircmsg, ircsock) # call this to check and change it
# If the server pings us then we've got to respond!
if ircmsg.find("PING :") != -1:
@ -178,11 +179,11 @@ def message_response(bot, ircmsg, actor):
# Responds to a user that inputs "Hello Mybot".
def bot_hello(greeting, actor):
def bot_hello(greeting, actor, ircsock):
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG {0} :{1} {2}\n".format(channel, greeting, actor))
# Explains what the bot is when queried.
def bot_help():
def bot_help(ircsock):
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG {} :I'm a bot! I'm from here <https://github"
".com/shaunagm/oh-irc-bot>. You can change my behavior by "
"submitting a pull request or by talking to shauna"
@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ def greeter_string(conjunction, greeters):
return greeterstring
# Changes the wait time from the channel.
def wait_time_change(actor, ircmsg):
def wait_time_change(actor, ircmsg, ircsock):
for admin in channel_greeters:
if actor == admin:
finder ='\d\d*','--wait-time \d\d*', ircmsg)
@ -216,7 +217,7 @@ def wait_time_change(actor, ircmsg):
"assistance.\n".format(channel, actor, greeter_string("or", channel_greeters)))
# Responds to server Pings.
def pong():
def pong(ircsock):
ircsock.send("PONG :pingis\n")
@ -225,15 +226,15 @@ def pong():
def main():
ircsock = irc_start()
WelcomeBot = Bot()
while 1: # Loop forever
process_newcomers(WelcomeBot, [i for i in WelcomeBot.newcomers if i.around_for() > WelcomeBot.wait_time])
process_newcomers(WelcomeBot, ircsock, [i for i in WelcomeBot.newcomers if i.around_for() > WelcomeBot.wait_time])
if q.empty() == 0: # If the queue is not empty...
ircmsg, actor = parse_messages(q.get()) # parse the next msg in the queue
if ircmsg is not None: # If we were able to parse it
message_response(WelcomeBot, ircmsg, actor) # Respond to the parsed message
message_response(WelcomeBot, ircmsg, actor, ircsock) # Respond to the parsed message
if __name__ == "__main__": # This line tells the interpreter to only execute main() if the program is being run, not imported.

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@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ class TestProcessNewcomers(unittest.TestCase):
def test_welcome_nick(self):
newbot.process_newcomers(, [i for i in if i.around_for() >], welcome=1)
ircsock = newbot.fake_irc_start()
newbot.process_newcomers(, newcomerlist=[i for i in if i.around_for() >], ircsock=ircsock, welcome=1)
self.assertEqual(newbot.ircsock.sent_message, "PRIVMSG #openhatch-bots :Welcome Hermione! The channel is pretty quiet right now, so I though I'd say hello, and ping some people (like shauna) that you're here. If no one responds for a while, try emailing us at or just try coming back later. FYI, you're now on my list of known nicknames, so I won't bother you again.\n")
def tearDown(self):