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Shauna 2013-12-22 11:47:38 -05:00
parent 12de7a4db5
commit a62790497d
1 changed files with 42 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ class newcomer(object): # Newcomer class created when someone joins the room
def aroundFor(self):
return time.time() - self.born
# Functions
def ping(): # Responds to server Pings.
ircsock.send("PONG :pingis\n")
@ -63,10 +62,11 @@ def welcome(newcomer): # This welcomes a specific person.
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG "+ channel +" :Welcome "+ newcomer + "!\n")
ircsock.send("PRIVMSG "+ channel +" :(pssst shauna there's someone here)\n")
#### Main function
newList = []
helloArray = ['Hello','hello','Hi','hi','Hey','hey','Yo','yo ','Sup','sup']
helpArray = ['Help','help','Info','info','faq','FAQ','explain yourself','EXPLAIN YOURSELF']
while 1:
@ -85,8 +85,6 @@ while 1:
i.changeStatus(1) # set status to "someone has spoken in channel" for all waiting newcomers
if ircmsg.find(botnick) != -1 and ircmsg.find("PRIVMSG #") != -1: # If someone talks to (or refers to) the bot
helloArray = ['Hello','hello','Hi','hi','Hey','hey','Yo','yo ','Sup','sup']
helpArray = ['Help','help','Info','info','faq','FAQ','explain yourself','EXPLAIN YOURSELF']
if any(x in ircmsg for x in helloArray):
if any(y in ircmsg for y in helpArray):