- Fixes rich media parsers, so that some resource links work again
- Fixes some depreciated calls that were removed in OTP24
- Fixes groups not being refreshed after joining a group
- Fixes the notice that is shown when joining a group that the content may not be available right away - because the group is remote - being shown everytime, even when the group is local
- Allow to remove user location setting and location information on an event or group
- Instance level feeds are now shown on the instance About page, and are exposed as `rel=alternate` links, if instance level feeds are activated in the config
- Webfinger module now queries the host-meta XRD endpoint to detect the webfinger well-known endpoint
- Instance maximum upload sizes are now exposed in the API
- Improve handling of media files which are too heavy
- Improve details when editing or showing an user through CLI
- More strict browser compatibility
- Renamed "Close events" to "Nearby events" ("close" is too close to "closed")
- Improved Sentry integration
### Fixes
- Fixed accessing a group discussion page without being a member (the page was just broken)
- Fixed reloading the members list after excluding a member
- Fixed comments being closed under an event message when not connected
- Fixed path issue when fetching favicon for resources
- Fixed content type and size missing for profile avatars
- Fixed HTTP clients user-agent not using runtime configuration
- Fixed the `support` folder not being copied into releases
- Fixed the participation button position when text is too long or in some cases
- Fixed the incorrect CSP configuration
- Fixed discussions being sent to followers instead of members
- Fixed showing broken public UI for deleted/suspended group
- Fixed warning when getting out of creating/editing an unsaved event that was broken for some languages
- Fixed addresses being not trimmed in the iCalendar exports
This version introduces a new way to install and host Mobilizon: Elixir releases. This is the new default way of installing Mobilizon. Please read [UPGRADE.md](./UPGRADE.md#upgrading-from-10-to-11) for details on how to migrate to Elixir binary releases or stay on source install.
### Added
- **Add a group activity logbook**
- **Possibility for user to define a location in their settings to get close events**
- **Support for Elixir releases and runtime.exs, allowing to change configuration without recompiling**
- Support for Sentry
- Added support for custom plural rules on front-end (only Gaelic supported for now)
- Added possibility to bookmark search by location through geohash
- Add ENV parameter to allow Docker users to specify the IP which Mobilizon listens on
- Add instance-wide ICS & Atom feeds of public events (disabled by default)
- Add user and profile secret (tokened) feeds
- Runit configuration files
### Changed
- Prune done background jobs
- Improved search form
- Improved backend error page
- Added a confirmation step before deleting a conversation
- The default configuration for Mobilizon now listens only on the local interface
- Creating an event from the group page configures the event creation interface with the group as organizer
- Only provide executables for unix
### Removed
- Support for Elixir versions <1.11
### Fixes
- Fixed editing a group discussion
- Fixed accessing terms and privacy pages
- Fixed refreshing only groups which are stale
- Fixed success message when validating group follower
- Fixed formatted dates using system locale instead of browser/Mobilizon's locale
- Fixed federating draft status
- Fixed group draft posts being sent to followers
- Fixed detecting membership status on group page
- Fixed admin language selection
- Fixed geospatial configuration only being evaluated at compile-time, not at runtime
- Handle ActivityPub Fetcher returning text that's not JSON
- Fix accessing a group profile when not a member
- Fixed accessing the homepage with no location setting defined
- Fixed location field not showing in preferences if setting not already set
- Fixed lasts events published order on the homepage
- Fixed a typo in range/radius showing the wrong radius for close events on homepage
- Fixed hashtags disappearing from content
- Fixed close events order
- Fixed group posts edition
- Fixed validating new email with bad token
- Fixed `.well-known/host-meta` not being accessible with correct `Accept` header
- Fixed posts default publish date overriding remote ones
- Fixed getting a page description in some cases when creating a resource
- Fixed getting metadata from tweets when creating a resource
- Fixed bad handling of duplicate usernames
- Fixed handling of bad URIs to proxify
- Fixed creating discussion with title containing only spaces
- Fixed registering new user account with same email as unconfirmed
- Fixed handling changing default actor unlogged
- Fixed handling getting organized events from an actor when not authorized
- Fixed empty comments being allowed
- Fixed the number of group followers per page
- Fixed issue when selecting a location in your settings
- Fixed group feeds not showing when you are a member of the group
- Fixed handling feeds with unknown format
- Fixed a couple of issues when viewing a remote group
- Fixed issues with the attributed organizer when creating an event
- Fixed HTML entities not being decoded in icalendar exports and feeds
- Fixed instance follows being auto-approved
- Fixed parsing the IP from the MOBILIZON_INSTANCE_LISTEN_IP env variable for Docker
This version introduces a new way to install and host Mobilizon: Elixir releases. This is the new default way of installing Mobilizon. Please read [UPGRADE.md](./UPGRADE.md#upgrading-from-10-to-11) for details on how to migrate to Elixir binary releases or stay on source install.
When media files were uploaded and added in events and posts bodies, they were only attached to the profile that uploaded them, not to the event or post. This task attaches them back to their entity so that the command to clean orphan media files doesn't remove them.
Profile avatars and banners were previously only proxified and cached. Now we save them locally. Refreshing all remote actors will save profile media locally instead.
**This release adds new migrations, be sure to run them before restarting Mobilizon**
### Added
- **Possibility to join open groups** (local and remote). Possibility in the group settings to pick if the group is open to new members or not.
Note: The group default setting is closed. You need to manually set your group as open in the group settings.
- **Docker support** (@Pascoual). See [documentation](https://docs.joinmobilizon.org/administration/docker/)
- Added steps to the onboarding process on first login, including a profile and federation presentation step
- Added a regular job to refresh remote groups once in a while
### Changed
- Adapted the demo mode to reflect changes (Mobilizon is no longer in beta)
- User language is now saved in localStorage (allowing to load the right locale right away, and in the future allowing to pick custom language without account https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon/-/issues/375)
### Fixed
- Fixed group list, group members and instance followers/followings pagination
- Fixed detecting file MIME type if the file hasn't got a filename
- Changed a few sentences that didn't sounded english (@mkljczk)
- Fixed instance custom privacy policy not being applied
- Fixed demo warning always displaying on the text version of emails
- Fixed language picker not loading languages and saving the preference
- Fixed groups created without collections URLs and added a repair step to add them to local groups where these are missing
- Strengthen upload picture and filter code and tests
- Add link to mobilizon.org on the bottom of the about page to register
### Fixed
- Fix several front-end routes being accessible without authentification and make them redirect to login page (no information was given, the pages were just empty)
- Fallback version code to Mix project version value if there's no Git information
- Fix identity avatar change flicking or showing wrong avatar for identity
- Fix public group page when description/list of events/list of posts are empty
- Make sure `"to"` and `"cc"` in ActivityStreams are always lists (@vpzomtrrfrt)
- Show if user is disabled in [`mix mobilizon.users.show` task](https://docs.joinmobilizon.org/administration/CLI%20tasks/manage_users/#show-an-users-details)
- Improved [ActivityPub documentation](https://docs.joinmobilizon.org/contribute/activity_pub/), especially for group federation.
- Show instance languages on instance about page
- Add fancy pictures on footer and 404 page
### Changed
- The [`mix mobilizon.users.delete` task](https://docs.joinmobilizon.org/administration/CLI%20tasks/manage_users/#delete-an-user) behaviour completely deletes the user, unless the `--keep_email` option is given (can be used to prevent someone registering again with the same email).
- Deleting your own account completely deletes user information (it previously kept the email information).
- The administration dashboard now shows more information on local events, groups and followed/following instances
### Fixed
- Significantly improve front-end build times and build in modern mode (with ES modules). The front-end payload is also quite lighter (loads each view asynchronously)
- Don't count deactivated/suspended users in public statistics
- Fix account settings for 3rd-party auth users
- Disable sending reset password emails to disabled users
- Fix display of event edit page on mobile
- Fix events from former followed instances showing up on explore page or in search
- The member management has received a couple fixes
- Handle issue when nothing was found when doing a reverse geocode (when drag&dropping the marker on map)
- Fix issue when searching by username with our own domain
- Fix issue with wrong redirection for remote groups when deleting a post
- Make sure only group moderators (and higher) can update/delete group events and group posts.
- Fix OEmbed preview generator parser
- Fix an issue with hostname validator in preview generator
- We added `application/ld+json` as acceptable MIME type for ActivityPub requests, so you'll need to recompile the `mime` library we use before recompiling Mobilizon:
- The [nginx configuration](https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon/-/blob/master/support/nginx/mobilizon.conf) has been changed with improvements and support for custom error pages.
Config has moved from `.env` files to a more traditional way to handle things in the Elixir world, with `.exs` files.
To migrate existing configuration, you can simply run `mix mobilizon.instance gen` and fill in the adequate values previously in `.env` files (you don't need to perform the operations to create the database).
A minimal file template [is available](https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon/blob/master/priv/templates/config.template.eex) to check for missing configuration.
Also make sure to remove the `EnvironmentFile=` line from the systemd service and set `Environment=MIX_ENV=prod` instead. See [the updated file](https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon/blob/master/support/systemd/mobilizon.service).