Updated all translation files

Simply running:
 make; make translations
This commit is contained in:
Badlop 2017-10-06 10:02:16 +02:00
parent 6f922275eb
commit d37d43495b
53 changed files with 59057 additions and 47938 deletions

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Administració de "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Es necessita tenir privilegis d'administrador"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Un nom per al node"}.
{"All activity","Tota l'activitat"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Permetre que aquesta Jabber ID es puga subscriure a aquest node pubsub"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Permetre que els usuaris canviin el tema"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Permetre que els usuaris fagen peticions a altres usuaris"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Permetre que els usuaris envien invitacions"}.
@ -24,10 +22,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permetre als visitants canviar el sobrenom"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Permetre als visitants enviar missatges privats a"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permetre als visitants enviar text d'estat en les actualitzacions de presència"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Permetre als visitants enviar peticions de veu"}.
{"All Users","Tots els usuaris"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Es necessita contrasenya per a entrar en aquesta sala"}.
@ -69,8 +65,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Elimina el missatge del dis de tots els hosts"}.
{"Delete Selected","Eliminar els seleccionats"}.
{"Delete User","Eliminar Usuari"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Entrega de notificacions d'events"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Enviar payloads junt a les notificacions d'events"}.
{"Disc only copy","Còpia sols en disc"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Mostrar grups:"}.
@ -88,9 +82,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","Web d'administració del ejabberd"}.
{"Empty Rooms","Sales buides "}.
{"Enable logging","Habilitar el registre de la conversa"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Activar l'emmagatzematge de missatges"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Codificació pel servidor ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Finalitzar Sesió d'Usuari"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Introdueix llista de {mòdul, [opcions]}"}.
@ -105,14 +97,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Servidor Erlang Jabber"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Exemple: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Excloure Jabber IDs de la comprovació CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exporta totes les taules a un fitxer SQL:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportar dades de tots els usuaris del servidor a arxius PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportar dades d'usuaris d'un host a arxius PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","No s'ha pogut extraure el JID de la teva aprovació de petició de veu"}.
{"Family Name","Cognom"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Emplena camps per a buscar usuaris Jabber que concorden"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Emplena el formulari per a buscar usuaris Jabber. Afegix * al final d'un camp per a buscar subcadenes."}.
@ -123,7 +113,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Obtenir la última connexió d'Usuari"}.
{"Get User Password","Obtenir Contrasenya d'usuari"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Obtenir Estadístiques d'Usuari"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Concedir veu a aquesta persona?"}.
{"Group ","Grup "}.
{"has been banned","Has sigut banejat"}.
@ -146,8 +135,6 @@
{"Improper message type","Tipus de missatge incorrecte"}.
{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Connexions s2s d'entrada"}.
{"Incorrect password","Contrasenya incorrecta"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Afiliació invàlida: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Rol invàlid: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","Adreça IP"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","Canal d'IRC (no posis la primera #)"}.
@ -163,7 +150,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","No està permès l'enviament de missatges privats a la sala"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registre de compte Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","El Jabber ID ~s no és vàlid"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Entra a canal d'IRC"}.
{"joins the room","Entrar a la sala"}.
@ -190,8 +176,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Crear una sala pública"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Número màxim d'ocupants"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Màxim # d'elements que persistixen"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Màxim tamany del payload en bytes"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Necessites ser membre d'aquesta sala per a poder entrar"}.
@ -199,10 +183,7 @@
{"Message body","Missatge"}.
{"Middle Name","Segon nom"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Interval mínim entre peticions de veu (en segons)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Es necessita tenir privilegis de moderador"}.
{"moderators only","només moderadors"}.
{"Modified modules","Mòduls modificats"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Mòduls en ~p"}.
@ -217,22 +198,14 @@
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registre del sobrenom en "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","El sobrenom ~s no existeix a la sala"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","No hi ha proveedor per al missatge anunci"}.
{"No Data","No hi ha dades"}.
{"Node ID","ID del Node"}.
{"Node not found","Node no trobat"}.
{"Node ~p","Node ~p"}.
{"No limit","Sense Llímit"}.
{"No resource provided","Recurs no disponible"}.
{"Not Found","No Trobat"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Notificar subscriptors quan els elements són eliminats del node"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Notificar subscriptors quan canvia la configuració del node"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Notificar subscriptors quan el node és eliminat"}.
{"Number of occupants","Número d'ocupants"}.
{"Number of online users","Número d'usuaris connectats"}.
{"Number of registered users","Número d'Usuaris Registrats"}.
@ -243,7 +216,6 @@
{"Online Users","Usuaris conectats"}.
{"Online Users:","Usuaris en línia:"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Sols enviar notificacions als usuaris disponibles"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Només membres poden consultar l'arxiu de missatges d'aquesta sala"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Només els moderadors i participants poden canviar l'assumpte d'aquesta sala"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Només els moderadors poden canviar l'assumpte d'aquesta sala"}.
@ -258,7 +230,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Connexions s2s d'eixida"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Es requerixen privilegis de propietari de la sala"}.
{"Password ~b","Contrasenya ~b"}.
@ -269,21 +240,16 @@
{"Period: ","Període: "}.
{"Permanent rooms","Sales permanents"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Persistir elements al guardar"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Recorda que aquestes opcions només fan còpia de seguretat de la base de dades Mnesia. Si estàs utilitzant el mòdul d'ODBC també deus de fer una còpia de seguretat de la base de dades de SQL a part."}.
{"Please specify file name.","Per favor especifica el nom del fitxer."}.
{"Please specify file size.","Per favor especifica la mida del fitxer."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Si us plau, espera una mica abans d'enviar una nova petició de veu"}.
{"Port ~b","Port ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Presentar Jabber ID's reals a"}.
{"private, ","privat"}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Petició de subscriptor PubSub"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Eliminar tots els elements quan el publicant relevant es desconnecti"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room"," En aquesta sala no es permeten sol·licituds als membres de la conferència"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","Còpia en RAM i disc"}.
{"RAM copy","Còpia en RAM"}.
@ -309,13 +275,11 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restaurar una còpia de seguretat binària ara mateix."}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Restaurar una còpia de seguretat en format de text pla ara mateix:"}.
{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Rols per als que sí se difon la seua presencia"}.
{"Room Configuration","Configuració de la sala"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Se t'ha denegat el crear la sala per política del servei"}.
{"Room description","Descripció de la sala:"}.
{"Room Occupants","Nombre d'ocupants"}.
{"Room title","Títol de la sala"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Llista de grups que tenen permés subscriures"}.
{"Roster","Llista de contactes"}.
{"Roster of ","Llista de contactes de "}.
{"Roster size","Tamany de la llista"}.
@ -333,7 +297,6 @@
{"Server ~b","Servidor ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Configurar el missatge del dia i enviar a tots els usuaris"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Escriure missatge del dia en tots els hosts i enviar-ho als usuaris connectats"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Grups de contactes compartits"}.
@ -342,9 +305,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Apager el Servei"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s et convida a la sala ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alguns clients Jabber poden emmagatzemar la teva contrasenya al teu ordinador. Fes servir aquesta característica només si saps que el teu ordinador és segur."}.
{"Specify the access model","Especificar el model d'accés"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Especifica el tipus de missatge d'event"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Especificar el model del publicant"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s's cua de missatges offline"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Iniciar mòduls en "}.
@ -361,29 +321,26 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Adreça del Subscriptor"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","El Nickname està siguent utilitzat per una altra persona"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","El nickname ja està registrat per una altra persona"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","El CAPTCHA es vàlid."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La verificació CAPTCHA ha fallat"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Les col.leccions amb les que un node està afiliat"}.
{"the password is","la contrasenya és"}.
{"The password is too weak","La contrasenya és massa simple"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","La contrasenya del teu compte Jabber s'ha canviat correctament."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Hi ha hagut un error canviant la contrasenya: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Hi ha hagut un error creant el compte: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hi ha hagut un error esborrant el compte: "}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Esta adreça IP està a la llista negra en ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Això no distingeix majúscules de minúscules: macbeth es el mateix que MacBeth i Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Aquesta pàgina permet crear un compte Jabber en aquest servidor Jabber. El teu JID (Jabber IDentifier; Identificador Jabber) tindrà aquesta forma: usuari@servidor. Si us plau, llegeix amb cura les instruccions per emplenar correctament els camps."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Aquesta pàgina permet anul·lar el registre d'un compte Jabber en aquest servidor Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Aquesta sala no és anònima"}.
{"Time delay","Temps de retard"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Massa peticions de CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Massa autenticacions (~p) han fallat des d'aquesta adreça IP (~s). L'adreça serà desbloquejada en ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Massa missatges sense haver reconegut la seva recepció"}.
{"To","Per a"}.
{"To ~s","A ~s"}.
@ -406,7 +363,6 @@
{"Update script","Script d'actualització"}.
{"Uptime:","Temps en marxa"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","És obligatori utilitzar STARTTLS"}.
{"User JID","JID del usuari "}.
{"User Management","Gestió d'Usuaris"}.
{"Username:","Nom d'usuari:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Els usuaris no tenen permís per a crear comptes tan depresa"}.
@ -419,19 +375,15 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","Hosts virtuals"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Els visitants no tenen permés canviar el seus Nicknames en esta sala"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Els visitants no poden enviar missatges a tots els ocupants"}.
{"Voice request","Petició de veu"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Les peticions de veu es troben desactivades en aquesta conferència"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Quan s'ha enviat l'última publicació"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Permetre subscripcions"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Podràs canviar la teva contrasenya més endavant utilitzant un client Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Has sigut bloquejat en aquesta sala"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Deus d'omplir el camp \"Nickname\" al formulari"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Necessites un client amb suport x:data i de CAPTCHA para poder registrar-te"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Necessites un client amb suport x:data per a poder registrar el sobrenom"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Necessites un client amb suport x:data per a configurar les opcions de mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Necessites un client amb suport x:data per a configurar la sala"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necessites un client amb suport x:data per a poder buscar"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","La teva llista de privacitat activa ha denegat l'encaminament d'aquesta stanza."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La cua de missatges offline és plena. El missatge ha sigut descartat"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Administrace "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Potřebujete práva administrátora"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Přívětivé jméno pro uzel"}.
{"All activity","Všechny aktivity"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Povolit tomuto Jabber ID odebírat tento pubsub uzel?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Povolit uživatelům měnit téma místnosti"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Povolit uživatelům odesílat požadavky (query) ostatním uživatelům"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Povolit uživatelům posílání pozvánek"}.
@ -24,10 +22,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Povolit návštěvníkům měnit přezdívku"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Povolit návštěvníkům odesílat soukromé zprávy"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Povolit návštěvníkům posílat stavové zprávy ve statusu"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Povolit uživatelům posílat žádosti o voice práva"}.
{"All Users","Všichni uživatelé"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Pro vstup do místnosti musíte zadat heslo"}.
{"April",". dubna"}.
{"August",". srpna"}.
@ -69,8 +65,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","Smazat zprávu dne"}.
{"Delete Selected","Smazat vybrané"}.
{"Delete User","Smazat uživatele"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Doručovat upozornění na události"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Doručovat náklad s upozorněním na událost"}.
{"Disc only copy","Jen kopie disku"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Zobrazené skupiny:"}.
@ -88,9 +82,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","Webová administrace ejabberd"}.
{"Empty Rooms","Prázdné konference"}.
{"Enable logging","Zaznamenávat konverzace"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Povolit ukládání historie zpráv"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Kódování pro server ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Ukončit sezení uživatele"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Vložte seznam modulů {Modul, [Parametry]}"}.
@ -105,14 +97,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Příklad: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].2\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Vyloučit Jabber ID z procesu CAPTCHA ověřování"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Zálohovat všechny tabulky jako SQL dotazy do souboru:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportovat všechny uživatele do souboru ve formátu PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportovat uživatele na hostiteli do souboru ve formátu PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Došlo k chybě při získávání Jabber ID z vaší žádosti o voice práva"}.
{"Family Name","Příjmení"}.
{"February",". února"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Vyplňte políčka pro vyhledání uživatele Jabberu"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Pro vyhledání uživatele Jabberu vyplňte formulář (na konec přidejte znak * pro vyhledání podřetězce)"}.
@ -123,7 +113,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Získat čas podleního přihlášení uživatele"}.
{"Get User Password","Získat heslo uživatele"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Získat statistiky uživatele"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Udělit voice práva této osobě?"}.
{"Group ","Skupina "}.
{"has been banned","byl(a) zablokován(a)"}.
@ -146,8 +135,6 @@
{"Improper message type","Nesprávný typ zprávy"}.
{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Příchozí s2s spojení:"}.
{"Incorrect password","Nesprávné heslo"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Neplatné přiřazení: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Neplatná role: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","IP adresy"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC kanál (bez počátečního #)"}.
@ -163,7 +150,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Není povoleno odesílat soukromé zprávy do konference"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registrace účtu Jabberu"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s je neplatné"}.
{"January",". ledna"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Vstoupit do IRC kanálu"}.
{"joins the room","vstoupil(a) do místnosti"}.
@ -190,8 +176,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Nastavit místnost jako veřejnou"}.
{"March",". března"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Počet účastníků"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Maximální počet položek, které je možné natrvalo uložit"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Maximální náklad v bajtech"}.
{"May",". května"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Pro vstup do místnosti musíte být členem"}.
@ -199,10 +183,7 @@
{"Message body","Tělo zprávy"}.
{"Middle Name","Druhé jméno"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Minimální interval mezi žádostmi o voice práva (v sekundách)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Potřebujete práva moderátora"}.
{"moderators only","moderátorům"}.
{"Modified modules","Aktualizované moduly"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Moduly v ~p"}.
@ -217,22 +198,14 @@
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrace přezdívky na "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Přezdívka ~s v místnosti neexistuje"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Zpráva neobsahuje text"}.
{"No Data","Žádná data"}.
{"Node ID","ID uzlu"}.
{"Node not found","Uzel nenalezen"}.
{"Node ~p","Uzel ~p"}.
{"No limit","Bez limitu"}.
{"No resource provided","Nebyl poskytnut žádný zdroj"}.
{"Not Found","Nenalezeno"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Upozornit odběratele na odstranění položek z uzlu"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Upozornit odběratele na změnu nastavení uzlu"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Upozornit odběratele na smazání uzlu"}.
{"November",". listopadu"}.
{"Number of occupants","Počet účastníků"}.
{"Number of online users","Počet online uživatelů"}.
{"Number of registered users","Počet registrovaných uživatelů"}.
{"October",". října"}.
@ -243,7 +216,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Online uživatelé:"}.
{"Online Users","Online uživatelé"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Doručovat upozornění jen právě přihlášeným uživatelům"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Pouze moderátoři mají povoleno měnit téma místnosti"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Jen moderátoři a účastníci mají povoleno měnit téma této místnosti"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Jen moderátoři mají povoleno měnit téma místnosti"}.
@ -258,7 +230,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Odchozí s2s spojení"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Jsou vyžadována práva vlastníka"}.
{"Password ~b","Heslo ~b"}.
@ -269,21 +240,16 @@
{"Period: ","Čas: "}.
{"Permanent rooms","Stálých konferencí"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Uložit položky natrvalo do úložiště"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Podotýkáme, že tato nastavení budou zálohována do zabudované databáze Mnesia. Pokud používáte ODBC modul, musíte zálohovat svoji SQL databázi samostatně."}.
{"Please specify file name.","Zvolit jméno souboru."}.
{"Please specify file size.","Zvolit velikost souboru."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Prosím, počkejte chvíli před posláním nové žádosti o voice práva"}.
{"Port ~b","Port ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Odhalovat skutečná Jabber ID"}.
{"private, ","soukromá, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Žádost odběratele PubSub"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Smazat všechny položky, pokud se příslušný poskytovatel odpojí"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Požadavky (queries) na členy konference nejsou v této místnosti povolené"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","Kopie RAM a disku"}.
{"RAM copy","Kopie RAM"}.
@ -309,13 +275,11 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Okamžitě obnovit binární zálohu:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Okamžitě obnovit zálohu z textového souboru:"}.
{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Role, pro které je zpráva o stavu šířena"}.
{"Room Configuration","Nastavení místnosti"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Pravidla služby nepovolují vytvořit místnost"}.
{"Room description","Popis místnosti"}.
{"Room Occupants","Počet účastníků"}.
{"Room title","Název místnosti"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Skupiny kontaktů, které mohou odebírat"}.
{"Roster of ","Seznam kontaktů "}.
{"Roster","Seznam kontaktů"}.
{"Roster size","Velikost seznamu kontaktů"}.
@ -341,9 +305,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Vypnout službu"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s vás zve do místnosti ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Někteří klienti umí uložit vaše heslo na disk počítače. Tuto funkci používejte, pouze pokud věříte zabezpečení svého počítače."}.
{"Specify the access model","Uveďte přístupový model"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Zvolte typ zpráv pro události"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Specifikovat model pro publikování"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Fronta offline zpráv uživatele ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Spustit moduly na "}.
{"Start Modules","Spustit moduly"}.
@ -360,29 +321,26 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Adresa odběratele"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Přezdívka je již používána jiným členem"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Přezdívka je zaregistrována jinou osobou"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","CAPTCHA souhlasí."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Ověření CAPTCHA se nezdařilo"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Kolekce, se kterými je uzel spřízněn"}.
{"the password is","heslo je"}.
{"The password is too weak","Heslo je příliš slabé"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Heslo vašeho účtu Jabberu bylo úspěšně změněno."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Při změně hesla došlo k chybě: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Při vytváření účtu došlo k chybě."}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Při mazání účtu došlo k chybě: "}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","IP adresa je blokována na ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Zde nezáleží na velikosti písmen: macbeth je stejný jako MacBeth a Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Na této stránce si můžete vytvořit účet na tomto serveru Jabberu. Vaše JID (Jabber IDentifikátor) bude mít tvar: uživatelskéjméno@server. Přečtěte si prosím pozorně instrukce pro vyplnění údajů."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Zde můžete zrušit registraci účtu na tomto serveru Jabberu."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Tato místnost není anonymní"}.
{"Time delay","Časový posun"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Přiliš mnoho CAPTCHA žádostí"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Příliš mnoho (~p) chybných pokusů o přihlášení z této IP adresy (~s). Adresa bude zablokována do ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Příliš mnoho nepotvrzených stanz"}.
{"To ~s","Pro ~s"}.
@ -405,7 +363,6 @@
{"Update script","Aktualizované skripty"}.
{"Uptime:","Čas běhu:"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Je vyžadováno STARTTLS"}.
{"User JID","Jabber ID uživatele"}.
{"User Management","Správa uživatelů"}.
{"Username:","Uživatelské jméno:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Je zakázáno registrovat účty v tak rychlém sledu"}.
@ -416,21 +373,17 @@
{"vCard User Search","Hledání uživatelů podle vizitek"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Virtuální hostitelé"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Návštěvníkům této místnosti je zakázáno měnit přezdívku"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Návštevníci nemají povoleno zasílat zprávy všem účastníkům konference"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Voice žádosti jsou v této konferenci zakázány"}.
{"Voice request","Žádost o voice práva"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Kdy odeslat poslední publikovanou položku"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Povolit odebírání"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Později můžete své heslo změnit pomocí klienta Jabberu."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Byl jste vyloučen z této místnosti"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Musíte vyplnit políčko \"Přezdívka\" ve formuláři"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Pro registraci potřebujete klienta s podporou x:data a CAPTCHA"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Pro registraci přezdívky potřebujete klienta s podporou x:data"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Pro konfiguraci mod_irc potřebujete klienta s podporou x:data"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Ke konfiguraci místnosti potřebujete klienta podporujícího x:data"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","K vyhledávání potřebujete klienta podporujícího x:data"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Vaše nastavení soukromí znemožnilo směrování této stance."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Fronta offline zpráv pro váš kontakt je plná. Zpráva byla zahozena."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Administration von "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Administratorenrechte benötigt"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Ein merkbarer Name für den Knoten"}.
{"All activity","Alle Aktivitäten"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Dieser Jabber-ID das Abonnement dieses pubsub-Knotens erlauben?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Erlaube Benutzern das Thema zu ändern"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Erlaube Benutzern Informationen über andere Benutzer abzufragen"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Erlaube Benutzern Einladungen zu senden"}.
@ -24,10 +22,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Erlaube Besuchern ihren Benutzernamen zu ändern"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Erlaube Besuchern das Senden von privaten Nachrichten an"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Erlaube Besuchern einen Text bei Statusänderung zu senden"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Anfragen von Sprachrechten für Benutzer erlauben"}.
{"All Users","Alle Benutzer"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Sie brauchen ein Passwort um diesen Raum zu betreten"}.
@ -69,8 +65,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Lösche Nachricht des Tages auf allen Hosts"}.
{"Delete Selected","Markierte löschen"}.
{"Delete User","Benutzer löschen"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Ereignisbenachrichtigung zustellen"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Nachrichten mit Ereignis-Benachrichtigungen zustellen"}.
{"Disc only copy","Nur auf Festplatte"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Angezeigte Gruppen:"}.
@ -88,9 +82,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd Web-Admin"}.
{"Empty Rooms","Leere Räume"}.
{"Enable logging","Protokollierung aktivieren"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Nachrichtenarchivierung aktivieren"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Kodierung für Server ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Benutzer-Sitzung beenden"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Geben sie eine Liste bestehend aus {Modul, [Optionen]} ein"}.
@ -105,14 +97,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Beispiel: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Von CAPTCHA Überprüfung ausgeschlossene Jabber IDs"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Alle Tabellen als SQL Abfragen in eine Datei exportieren:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Alle Benutzerdaten des Servers in PIEFXIS Dateien (XEP-0227) exportieren:"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Alle Benutzerdaten des Hosts in PIEFXIS Dateien (XEP-0227) exportieren:"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Fehler beim Auslesen der JID aus der Anfragenbestätigung für Sprachrechte"}.
{"Family Name","Nachname"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Füllen sie die Felder aus, um nach bestimmten Jabber-Benutzern zu suchen"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Füllen sie die Felder aus, um nach passenden Jabber-Benutzern zu suchen (beenden Sie ein Feld mit *, um auch nach Teilzeichenketten zu suchen)"}.
{"From ~s","Von ~s"}.
@ -123,7 +113,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","letzte Anmeldezeit abrufen"}.
{"Get User Password","Benutzer-Passwort abrufen"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Benutzer-Statistiken abrufen"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Sprachrechte dieser Person erteilen?"}.
{"Group ","Gruppe "}.
{"has been banned","wurde gebannt"}.
@ -146,8 +135,6 @@
{"Improper message type","Unzulässiger Nachrichtentyp"}.
{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Eingehende s2s-Verbindungen:"}.
{"Incorrect password","Falsches Passwort"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Ungültige Mitgliedschaft: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Ungültige Rolle: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","IP Adressen"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC Channel (ohne dem ersten #)"}.
@ -163,7 +150,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Es ist nicht erlaubt private Nachrichten an den Raum zu schicken"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber Konto Anmeldung"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Die Jabber-ID ~s ist ungültig"}.
{"Join IRC channel","IRC Channel beitreten"}.
{"joins the room","betretet den Raum"}.
@ -190,8 +176,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Raum öffentlich suchbar machen"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Maximale Anzahl von Teilnehmern"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Maximale Anzahl dauerhaft zu speichernder Einträge"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Maximale Nutzlastgrösse in Bytes"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Um diesen Raum zu betreten müssen sie Mitglied sein"}.
@ -199,10 +183,7 @@
{"Message body","Nachrichtentext"}.
{"Middle Name","Zweiter Vorname"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Mindestdauer zwischen Anfragen für Sprachrechte (in Sekunden)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Moderatorrechte benötigt"}.
{"moderators only","ausschliesslich Moderatoren"}.
{"Modified modules","Geänderte Module"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Module bei ~p"}.
@ -217,22 +198,14 @@
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrieren des Benutzernames auf "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Der Benutzername ~s existiert im Raum nicht"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Kein Text für die Ankündigungsnachricht angegeben"}.
{"No Data","Keine Daten"}.
{"Node ID","Knoten-ID"}.
{"Node not found","Knoten nicht gefunden"}.
{"Node ~p","Knoten ~p"}.
{"No limit","Keine Begrenzung"}.
{"No resource provided","Keine Ressource angegeben"}.
{"Not Found","Nicht gefunden"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Abonnenten benachrichtigen, wenn Einträge vom Knoten entfernt werden"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Abonnenten benachrichtigen, wenn sich die Knotenkonfiguration ändert"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Abonnenten benachrichtigen, wenn der Knoten gelöscht wird"}.
{"Number of occupants","Anzahl der Teilnehmer"}.
{"Number of online users","Anzahl der angemeldeten Benutzer"}.
{"Number of registered users","Anzahl der registrierten Benutzer"}.
@ -243,7 +216,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Angemeldete Benutzer:"}.
{"Online Users","Angemeldete Benutzer"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Benachrichtigungen nur an verfügbare Benutzer schicken"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Nur Mitglieder dürfen den Verlauf dieses Raumes abrufen"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Nur Moderatoren und Mitglieder dürfen das Thema in diesem Raum ändern"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Nur Moderatoren dürfen das Thema in diesem Raum ändern"}.
@ -258,7 +230,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Ausgehende s2s-Verbindungen"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Besitzerrechte benötigt"}.
{"Password ~b","Passwort ~b"}.
@ -269,21 +240,16 @@
{"Period: ","Zeitraum: "}.
{"Permanent rooms","Permanente Chaträume"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Einträge dauerhaft speichern"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Beachten sie, das diese Optionen nur die eingebaute Mnesia-Datenbank sichern. Wenn sie das ODBC-Modul verwenden, müssen sie die SQL-Datenbank manuell sichern."}.
{"Please specify file name.","Bitte geben Sie den Dateinamen an."}.
{"Please specify file size.","Bitte geben Sie die Dateigröße an."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Bitte warten sie ein wenig, bevor sie eine weitere Anfrage für Sprachrechte senden"}.
{"Port ~b","Port ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Echte Jabber-IDs anzeigen für"}.
{"private, ","privat, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","PubSub-Abonnenten-Anfrage"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Alle Einträge entfernen, wenn der relevante Veröffentlicher offline geht"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Anfragen an die Teilnehmer sind in diesem Raum nicht erlaubt"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","RAM und Festplatte"}.
{"RAM copy","Nur RAM"}.
@ -309,13 +275,11 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Stelle binäre Sicherung sofort wieder her:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Stelle Klartext-Sicherung sofort wieder her:"}.
{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Rollen, für die der Status übertragen wird"}.
{"Room Configuration","Raum-Konfiguration"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Anlegen des Raumes aufgrund der Dienstrichtlinien verweigert"}.
{"Room description","Raum Beschreibung"}.
{"Room Occupants","Teilnehmer in diesem Raum"}.
{"Room title","Raumname"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Kontaktlisten-Gruppen die abonnieren dürfen"}.
{"Roster of ","Kontaktliste von "}.
{"Roster size","Kontaktlistengröße"}.
@ -333,7 +297,6 @@
{"Server ~b","Server ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Setze Nachricht des Tages und sende sie an alle angemeldeten Benutzer"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Setze Nachricht des Tages auf allen Hosts und sende sie an alle angemeldeten Benutzer"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Gruppen der gemeinsamen Kontaktliste"}.
@ -342,9 +305,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Dienst herunterfahren"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s lädt sie in den Raum ~s ein"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Einige Jabber Client Programme speichern ihr Passwort auf ihrem Computer. Verwenden sie diese Möglichkeit nur auf Computern, die sie als sicher einstufen."}.
{"Specify the access model","Geben sie das Zugangsmodell an"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Geben sie den Ereignis-Nachrichtentyp an"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Geben sie das Publikationsmodell an"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s's Offline-Nachrichten-Warteschlange"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Starte Module auf "}.
{"Start Modules","Module starten"}.
@ -361,30 +321,27 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Abonnenten-Adresse"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Dieser Benutzername wird bereits von einem Teilnehmer genutzt"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Dieser Benutzername wurde bereits von jemand anderem registriert"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Die Verifizierung ist gültig."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Die CAPTCHA Verifizierung schlug fehl"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Sammlungen, mit denen ein Knoten verknüpft ist"}.
{"the password is","das Passwort lautet"}.
{"The password is too weak","Das Passwort ist zu einfach"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Das Passwort von ihrem Jabber Konto wurde geändert."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Ändern des Passworts auf: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Erstellen des Kontos auf: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Es trat ein Fehler beim Löschen des Kontos auf: "}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Diese IP Adresse ist blockiert in ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Groß/Klein-Schreibung spielt hierbei keine Rolle: macbeth ist gleich MacBeth und Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Diese Seite erlaubt das anlegen eines Jabber Kontos auf diesem Jabber Server. Ihre JID (Jabber IDentifier) setzt sich folgend zusammen: benutzername@server. Bitte lesen sie die Hinweise genau durch, um die Felder korrekt auszufüllen."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Diese Seite erlaubt es, ein Jabber Konto von diesem Server zu entfernen."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Dieser Raum ist nicht anonym"}.
{"Time delay","Zeitverzögerung"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Zu viele CAPTCHA Anfragen"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Zu viele (~p) fehlgeschlagene Anmeldeversuche von dieser IP Adresse (~s). Die Adresse wird bis ~s UTC blockiert."}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Zu viele unbestätigte Stanzas"}.
{"To ~s","An ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Alle Chaträume"}.
@ -407,7 +364,6 @@
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Verwendung von STARTTLS erforderlich"}.
{"User JID","Benutzer JID"}.
{"User Management","Benutzerverwaltung"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Benutzer dürfen Konten nicht so schnell registrieren"}.
@ -417,21 +373,17 @@
{"vCard User Search","vCard-Benutzer-Suche"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Virtuelle Hosts"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Besucher dürfen in diesem Raum ihren Benutzernamen nicht ändern"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Besucher dürfen nicht an alle Teilnehmer Nachrichten verschicken"}.
{"Voice request","Anfrage für Sprachrechte"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Anfragen für Sprachrechte sind in diesem Raum deaktiviert"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Wann das letzte veröffentlichte Objekt gesendet werden soll"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Ob Abonnements erlaubt sind"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Sie können das Passwort später mit einem Jabber Client Programm ändern."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Sie wurden aus diesem Raum verbannt"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Sie müssen das Feld \"Benutzername\" ausfüllen"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Sie benötigen einen Client, der x:data und CAPTCHA unterstützt, um Ihren Benutzernamen zu registrieren"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Sie benötigen einen Client, der x:data unterstützt, um Ihren Benutzernamen zu registrieren"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Sie benötigen einen Client, der x:data unterstützt, um die mod_irc-Einstellungen zu konfigurieren"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Sie benötigen einen Client, der x:data unterstützt, um den Raum zu konfigurieren"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Sie benötigen einen Client, der x:data unterstützt, um die Suche verwenden zu können"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Ihre aktive Privacy Liste hat die Weiterleitung des Stanzas unterbunden."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Ihre Offline-Nachrichten-Warteschlange ist voll. Die Nachricht wurde verworfen."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Διαχείριση του"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Aπαιτούνται προνόμια διαχειριστή"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Ένα φιλικό όνομα για τον κόμβο"}.
{"All activity","Όλες οι δραστηριότητες"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Επιτρέπετε σε αυτή την Jabber Ταυτότητα να εγγραφεί σε αυτό τον κόμβο Δημοσίευσης-Εγγραφής;"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Επιτρέψετε στους χρήστες να αλλάζουν το θέμα"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Επιτρέπστε στους χρήστες να ερωτούν άλλους χρήστες"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Επιτρέψετε στους χρήστες να αποστέλλουν προσκλήσεις"}.
@ -23,10 +21,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Επιτρέψετε στους επισκέπτες να αλλάζου ψευδώνυμο"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Επιτρέψετε στους χρήστες να αποστέλλουν ιδιωτικά μηνύματα σε"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Επιτρέψτε στους επισκέπτες να αποστέλλουν κατάσταση στις ενημερώσεις παρουσίας"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Επιτρέψτε στους επισκέπτες να στέλνουν αιτήματα φωνής"}.
{"All Users","Όλοι οι χρήστες"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Απαιτείται κωδικός πρόσβασης για είσοδο σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}.
@ -66,8 +62,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","Διαγράψτε το μήνυμα της ημέρας"}.
{"Delete Selected","Διαγραφή επιλεγμένων"}.
{"Delete User","Διαγραφή Χρήστη"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Κοινοποιήσεις παράδοσης"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Κοινοποιήσεις με την παράδοση φορτίων"}.
{"Disc only copy","Αντίγραφο μόνο σε δίσκο"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Εμφανίσμενες Ομάδες:"}.
@ -99,13 +93,11 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Διακομιστής"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Παράδειγμα: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Εξαίρεση από τις ταυτότητες Jabber, ή CAPTCHA πρόκληση"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Εξαγωγή δεδομένων όλων των χρηστών του διακομιστή σε PIEFXIS αρχεία (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Εξαγωγή δεδομένων των χρηστών κεντρικού υπολογιστή σε PIEFXIS αρχεία (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Απέτυχε η εξαγωγή JID από την έγκριση του αιτήματος φωνής σας"}.
{"Family Name","Επώνυμο"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Συμπληρώστε τα πεδία για να αναζητήσετε οποιαδήποτε ταιριάζοντα Jabber χρήστη"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Συμπληρώστε τη φόρμα για να αναζητήσετε οποιαδήποτε Jabber χρήστη που ταιριάζει (Προσθέστε * στο τέλος τού πεδίου για να ταιριάξει σε μεγαλύτερες γραμματοσηρές)"}.
{"From ~s","Από ~s"}.
@ -116,7 +108,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Έκθεση Τελευταίας Ώρας Σύνδεσης Χρήστη"}.
{"Get User Password","Έκθεση Κωδικού Πρόσβασης Χρήστη"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Έκθεση Στατιστικών Χρήστη"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Παραχώρηση φωνής σε αυτό το άτομο;"}.
{"Group ","Ομάδα"}.
{"has been banned","έχει απαγορευθεί"}.
@ -138,8 +129,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Εισαγωγή Χρηστών από αρχεία σειράς jabberd14"}.
{"Improper message type","Ακατάλληλο είδος μηνύματος"}.
{"Incorrect password","Εσφαλμένος κωδικός πρόσβασης"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Άκυρη υπαγωγή: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Άκυρος ρόλο: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","Διευθύνσεις IP"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC κανάλι (μην τεθεί το πρώτο #)"}.
@ -153,7 +142,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Δεν επιτρέπεται να στείλει προσωπικά μηνύματα για τη διάσκεψη"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Δεν επιτρέπεται η αποστολή προσωπικών μηνυμάτων"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Εγγραφή λογαριασμού Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Η Jabber Ταυτότητα ~s είναι άκυρη"}.
{"Jabber ID","Ταυτότητα Jabber"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Είσοδος στο IRC κανάλι"}.
@ -180,8 +168,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Κάντε την δημόσια αναζήτηση δυνατή για αυτή την αίθουσα"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Μέγιστος αριθμός συμετεχόντων"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Μέγιστος αριθμός μόνιμων στοιχείων"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Μέγιστο μέγεθος φορτίου σε bytes"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Απαιτείται αίτηση συμετοχής για είσοδο σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}.
@ -189,9 +175,7 @@
{"Message body","Περιεχόμενο μηνυμάτως"}.
{"Middle Name","Πατρώνυμο"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Ελάχιστο χρονικό διάστημα μεταξύ αιτημάτων φωνής (σε δευτερόλεπτα)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Aπαιτούνται προνόμια συντονιστή"}.
{"moderators only","συντονιστές μόνο"}.
{"Modified modules","Τροποποιημένα modules"}.
@ -204,20 +188,12 @@
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Ψευδώνυμο ~s δεν υπάρχει σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Δεν προμηθεύτικε περιεχόμενο ανακοινώσης"}.
{"No Data","Κανένα στοιχείο"}.
{"Node ID","Ταυτότητα Κόμβου"}.
{"Node not found","Κόμβος δεν βρέθηκε"}.
{"No limit","Χωρίς όριο"}.
{"No resource provided","Δεν προμηθεύτικε πόρος"}.
{"Not Found","Δεν Βρέθηκε"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Ειδοποιηση στους συνδρομητές όταν αφαίρούντε στοιχεία από τον κόμβο"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Ειδοποιηση στους συνδρομητές όταν αλλάζει η διαμόρφωση κόμβου"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Ειδοποιηση στους συνδρομητές όταν ο κόμβος διαγράφεται"}.
{"Number of occupants","Αριθμός συμετεχόντων"}.
{"Number of online users","Αριθμός συνδεδεμένων χρηστών"}.
{"Number of registered users","Αριθμός εγγεγραμμένων χρηστών"}.
@ -228,7 +204,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Online Χρήστες:"}.
{"Online Users","Συνδεμένοι χρήστες"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Παράδωση κοινοποιήσεων μόνο σε διαθέσιμους χρήστες"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Μόνο οι συντονιστές και οι συμμετέχοντες μπορούν να αλλάξουν το θέμα αυτής της αίθουσας"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Μόνο οι συντονιστές μπορούν να αλλάξουν το θέμα αυτής της αίθουσας"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Μόνο οι συντονιστές μπορούν να εγκρίνουν τις αιτήσεις φωνής"}.
@ -251,19 +226,16 @@
{"Path to File","Τοποθεσία Αρχείου"}.
{"Period: ","Περίοδος: "}.
{"Persist items to storage","Μονιμη αποθήκευση στοιχείων"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Παρακαλώ σημειώστε ότι οι επιλογές αυτές θα αποθήκευσουν Αντιγράφο Ασφαλείας μόνο της ενσωματωμένης βάσης δεδομένων Mnesia. Εάν χρησιμοποιείτε το module ODBC, θα πρέπει επίσης να κάνετε χωριστά Αντιγράφο Ασφαλείας της SQL βάση δεδομένων σας ."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Παρακαλώ, περιμένετε για λίγο πριν την αποστολή νέου αιτήματος φωνής"}.
{"Port ~b","Θύρα ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Παρούσιαση πραγματικών ταυτοτήτων Jabber σε"}.
{"private, ","ιδιωτικό,"}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Αίτηση συνδρομητή Δημοσίευσης-Εγγραφής"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Διαγραφή όλων των στοιχείων όταν ο σχετικός εκδότης αποσυνδέεται"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Ερωτήματα πρώς τα μέλη της διασκέψεως δεν επιτρέπονται σε αυτήν την αίθουσα"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","Αντίγραφο μόνο σε RAM καί δίσκο"}.
{"RAM copy","Αντίγραφο σε RAM"}.
@ -293,7 +265,6 @@
{"Room description","Περιγραφή Αίθουσας"}.
{"Room Occupants","Συμετεχόντες Αίθουσας σύνεδριασης"}.
{"Room title","Τίτλος Αίθουσας "}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Ομάδες Καταλόγου Επαφών μπορούν να εγγραφούν"}.
{"Roster of ","Καταλόγος Επαφών τού"}.
{"Roster size","Μέγεθος Καταλόγου Επαφών"}.
{"Roster","Καταλόγος Επαφών"}.
@ -319,9 +290,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Κλείσιμο Υπηρεσίας"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s σας προσκαλεί στην αίθουσα ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Μερικοί πελάτες Jabber μπορεί να αποθηκεύσουν τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας στον υπολογιστή σας. Χρησιμοποιήστε αυτό το χαρακτηριστικό μόνο εάν εμπιστεύεστε την ασφάλεια του υπολογιστή σας."}.
{"Specify the access model","Καθορίστε το μοντέλο πρόσβασης"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Καθορίστε τον τύπο μηνύματος συμβάντος"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Καθορίστε το μοντέλο εκδότη"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Η Σειρά Χωρίς Σύνδεση Μηνύματων τού ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Εκκίνηση Modules στο "}.
{"Start Modules","Εκκίνηση Modules"}.
@ -338,14 +306,12 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Διεύθυνση Συνδρομητή"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Αυτό το ψευδώνυμο είναι ήδη σε χρήση από άλλον συμμετέχων"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Αυτό το ψευδώνυμο είναι καταχωρημένο από άλλο πρόσωπο"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Το CAPTCHA είναι έγκυρο."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Η επαλήθευση της εικόνας CAPTCHA απέτυχε"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Οι συλλογές με την οποία είναι ένας κόμβος συνδέεται"}.
{"The password is too weak","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι πολύ ασθενές"}.
{"the password is","ο κωδικός πρόσβασης είναι"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Ο κωδικός πρόσβασης του Jabber λογαριασμού σας έχει αλλάξει επιτυχώς."}.
@ -355,6 +321,7 @@
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Ανεξαρτήτως με πεζά ή κεφαλαία: 'μιαλεξη' είναι το ίδιο με 'ΜιαΛέξη' και 'Μιαλέξη'."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Αυτή η σελίδα σας επιτρέπει να δημιουργήσετε ένα λογαριασμό Jabber σε αυτόν το διακομιστή Jabber. JID σας (Jabber Identifier) θα είναι της μορφής: όνομαρήστη@διακομιστής_Jabber. Παρακαλώ διαβάστε προσεκτικά τις οδηγίες για να συμπληρώσετε σωστά τα πεδία."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Η σελίδα αυτή δίνει τη δυνατότητα να καταργήσετε την καταχώρηση ενός λογαριασμό Jabber σε αυτόν το διακομιστή Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Η αίθουσα αυτή δεν είναι ανώνυμη"}.
{"Time delay","Χρόνος καθυστέρησης"}.
@ -378,7 +345,6 @@
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Απαιτείται χρήση STARTTLS "}.
{"User JID","JID Χρήστη"}.
{"User Management","Διαχείριση χρηστών"}.
{"Username:","Όνομα χρήστη"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Οι χρήστες δεν επιτρέπεται να εγγραφούν λογαριασμούς τόσο γρήγορα"}.
@ -393,15 +359,12 @@
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Τα αιτήματα φωνής είναι απενεργοποιημένα, σε αυτό το συνέδριο"}.
{"Voice request","Αίτημα φωνής"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Πότε να αποσταλθεί το τελευταίο στοιχείο που δημοσιεύθηκε"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Εάν επιτρέποντε συνδρομές"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Μπορείτε αργότερα να αλλάξετε τον κωδικό πρόσβασής σας χρησιμοποιώντας έναν πελάτη Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Σας έχει απαγορευθεί η είσοδος σε αυτή την αίθουσα"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Θα πρέπει να συμπληρώσετε το πεδίο \"Ψευδώνυμο\" στη φόρμα"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Χρειάζεστε ένα x:data και CAPTCHA ικανό πελάτη για εγγραφή"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Χρειάζεστε ένα x:data ικανό πελάτη για εγγραφή με ψευδώνυμο"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Χρειάζεστε ένα x:data ικανό πελάτη για να ρυθμίσετε το mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Χρειάζεστε ένα x:data ικανό πελάτη για να ρυθμίσετε την αίθουσα "}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Χρειάζεστε ένα x:data ικανό πελάτη για αναζήτηση"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Ο ενεργός κατάλογος απορρήτου, έχει αρνηθεί τη δρομολόγηση αυτής της στροφής (stanza)."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Η μνήμη χωρίς σύνδεση μήνυματών είναι πλήρης. Το μήνυμα έχει απορριφθεί."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Mastrumado de "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Administrantaj rajtoj bezonata"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Kromnomo por ĉi tiu nodo"}.
{"All activity","Ĉiu aktiveco"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Ĉu permesi ĉi tiun Jabber ID aboni al la jena PubAbo-nodo"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Permesu uzantojn ŝanĝi la temon"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Permesu uzantojn informpeti aliajn uzantojn"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Permesu uzantojn sendi invitojn"}.
@ -23,10 +21,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permesu al vizitantoj ŝanĝi siajn kaŝnomojn"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Permesu uzantojn sendi privatajn mesaĝojn al"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permesu al vizitantoj sendi statmesaĝon en ĉeest-sciigoj"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Permesu uzantojn sendi voĉ-petojn"}.
{"All Users","Ĉiuj Uzantoj"}.
{"anyone","iu ajn"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Pasvorto estas bezonata por eniri ĉi tiun babilejon"}.
@ -68,8 +64,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Forigu mesaĝo de la tago je ĉiu gastigo"}.
{"Delete Selected","Forigu elektata(j)n"}.
{"Delete User","Forigu Uzanton"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Liveru event-sciigojn"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Liveru aĵojn de event-sciigoj"}.
{"Disc only copy","Nur disk-kopio"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Montrataj grupoj:"}.
@ -88,7 +82,6 @@
{"Enable logging","Ŝaltu protokoladon"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Ŝaltu mesaĝo-arkivo"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Enkodigo por servilo ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Haltigu Uzant-seancon"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Enmetu liston de {Modulo, [Elektebloj]}"}.
@ -103,14 +96,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang-a Jabber-Servilo"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Ekzemplo: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"sekreto\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.iutestservilo.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Esceptu Ĵabber-identigilojn je CAPTCHA-defio"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Eksportu ĉiuj tabeloj kiel SQL-informmendo al dosierujo:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Eksportu datumojn de ĉiuj uzantoj en servilo al PIEFXIS dosieroj (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Eksportu datumoj de uzantoj en gastigo al PIEFXIS dosieroj (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Malsukcesis ekstrakti JID-on de via voĉ-pet-aprobo"}.
{"Family Name","Lasta Nomo"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Kompletigu la formon por serĉi rekonata Jabber-uzanto"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Kompletigu la formon por serĉi rekonata Jabber-uzanto (Aldonu * je la fino de la kampo por rekoni subĉenon"}.
@ -121,7 +112,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Montru tempon de lasta ensaluto"}.
{"Get User Password","Montru pasvorton de uzanto"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Montru statistikojn de uzanto"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Koncedu voĉon al ĉi-persono?"}.
{"Group ","Grupo "}.
{"has been banned","estas forbarita"}.
@ -143,8 +133,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Importu uzantojn de jabberd14-uzantdosieroj"}.
{"Improper message type","Malĝusta mesaĝo-tipo"}.
{"Incorrect password","Nekorekta pasvorto"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Nevalida aparteneco: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Nevalida rolo: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","IP-adresoj"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC-babilejo (ne aldonu #-prefikson)"}.
@ -159,7 +147,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nur partoprenantoj rajtas sendi privatajn mesaĝojn al la babilejo"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Ĵabber-konto registrado"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s estas nevalida"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Eniras IRC-babilejon"}.
{"joins the room","eniras la babilejo"}.
@ -186,8 +173,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Farigu babilejon publike trovebla"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Limigo de nombro de partoprenantoj"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Maksimuma kiomo de eroj en konservado"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Maksimuma aĵo-grando je bajtoj"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Membreco estas bezonata por eniri ĉi tiun babilejon"}.
@ -195,9 +180,7 @@
{"Message body","Teksto de mesaĝo"}.
{"Middle Name","Meza Nomo"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Minimuma intervalo inter voĉ-petoj (je sekundoj)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Moderantaj rajtoj bezonata"}.
{"moderators only","moderantoj sole"}.
{"Modified modules","Ĝisdatigitaj moduloj"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Moduloj je ~p"}.
@ -212,22 +195,14 @@
{"Nickname Registration at ","Kaŝnomo-registrado je "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Kaŝnomo ~s ne ekzistas en la babilejo"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Neniu teksto donita por anonc-mesaĝo"}.
{"No Data","Neniu datumo"}.
{"Node ID","Nodo ID"}.
{"Node not found","Nodo ne trovita"}.
{"Node ~p","Nodo ~p"}.
{"No limit","Neniu limigo"}.
{"No resource provided","Neniu risurco donita"}.
{"Not Found","Ne trovita"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Sciigu abonantoj kiam eroj estas forigita de la nodo"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Sciigu abonantoj kiam la agordo de la nodo ŝanĝas"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Sciigu abonantoj kiam la nodo estas forigita"}.
{"Number of occupants","Nombro de ĉeestantoj"}.
{"Number of online users","Nombro de konektataj uzantoj"}.
{"Number of registered users","Nombro de registritaj uzantoj"}.
@ -238,7 +213,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Konektataj uzantoj:"}.
{"Online Users","Konektataj Uzantoj"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Nur liveru sciigojn al konektataj uzantoj"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Nur moderigantoj kaj partoprenantoj rajtas ŝanĝi la temon en ĉi tiu babilejo"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Nur moderigantoj rajtas ŝanĝi la temon en ĉi tiu babilejo"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Nur moderigantoj povas aprobi voĉ-petojn"}.
@ -262,19 +236,16 @@
{"Period: ","Periodo: "}.
{"Permanent rooms","Permanentaj babilejoj"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Savu erojn en konservado"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Rimarku ke ĉi tiuj elektebloj nur sekurkopias la propran Mnesia-datumbazon. Se vi uzas la ODBC-modulon, vi ankaŭ devas sekurkopii tiujn SQL-datumbazoj aparte."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Bonvolu atendi iomete antaŭ ol sendi plian voĉ-peton"}.
{"Port ~b","Pordo ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Montru verajn Jabber ID-ojn al"}.
{"private, ","privata, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","PubAbo abonpeto"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Forigu ĉiujn erojn kiam la rilata publikanto malkonektiĝas"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Malpermesas informmendoj al partoprenantoj en ĉi tiu babilejo"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","RAM- kaj disk-kopio"}.
{"RAM copy","RAM-kopio"}.
@ -305,7 +276,6 @@
{"Room description","Babilejo-priskribo"}.
{"Room Occupants","Nombro de ĉeestantoj"}.
{"Room title","Babilejo-nomo"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Kontaktlist-grupoj kiuj rajtas aboni"}.
{"Roster of ","Kontaktlisto de "}.
{"Roster size","Kontaktlist-grando"}.
@ -331,9 +301,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Haltigu Servon"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s invitas vin al la babilejo ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Kelkaj Ĵabber-klientoj povas memori vian pasvorton je via komputilo. Nur uzu tiun eblon se vi fidas ke via komputilo estas sekura."}.
{"Specify the access model","Specifu atingo-modelon"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Specifu tipo de event-mesaĝo"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Enmetu publikadan modelon"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Mesaĝo-atendovico de ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Startu modulojn je "}.
{"Start Modules","Startu Modulojn"}.
@ -350,30 +317,27 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Abonanta adreso"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Tiu kaŝnomo jam estas uzata de alia partoprenanto"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Kaŝnomo estas registrita de alia persono"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","La CAPTCHA ĝustas"}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La CAPTCHA-kontrolado malsukcesis"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Aro kun kiu nodo estas filigita"}.
{"the password is","la pasvorto estas"}.
{"The password is too weak","La pasvorto estas ne sufiĉe forta"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","La pasvorto de via Ĵabber-konto estas sukcese ŝanĝata."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Estis eraro dum ŝanĝi de la pasvortro:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Estis eraro dum kreado de la konto:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Estis eraro dum forigado de la konto:"}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Ĉi tiu IP-adreso estas barata in ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Uskleco ne signifas: macbeth estas la sama ol MacBeth kaj Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Jena paĝo ebligas kreadon de Ĵabber-konto je ĉi-Ĵabber-servilo. Via JID (Ĵabber-IDentigilo) estos ĉi-tiel: uzantnomo@servilo. Bonvolu legu bone la instrukciojn por korekta enmetigo de la kampoj. "}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Jena pagxo ebligas malregistri Jxabber-konton je ĉi-servilo."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ĉi tiu babilejo ne estas anonima"}.
{"Time delay","Prokrasto"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Tro multaj CAPTCHA-petoj"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Tro da malsukcesaj aŭtentprovoj (~p) de ĉi tiu IP-adreso (~s). La adreso estos malbarata je ~s UTC."}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Tro da neagnoskitaj stancoj"}.
{"To ~s","Al ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Babilejoj"}.
@ -395,7 +359,6 @@
{"Update script","Ĝisdatigo-skripto"}.
{"Uptime:","Daŭro de funkciado"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Uzo de STARTTLS bezonata"}.
{"User JID","Uzant-JID"}.
{"User Management","Uzanto-administrado"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Ne estas permesata al uzantoj registri tiel rapide"}.
@ -411,15 +374,12 @@
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Voĉ-petoj estas malebligita en jena babilejo"}.
{"Voice request","Voĉ-peto"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Kiam sendi la laste publicitan eron"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Ĉu permesi aboni"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Poste vi povas ŝanĝi vian pasvorton per Ĵabber-kliento."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Vi estas malpermesata en ĉi tiu babilejo"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Vi devas kompletigi la \"Kaŝnomo\" kampon"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Vi bezonas klienton subtenante x:data-funkcio kaj CAPTCHA por registri kaŝnomon"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Vi bezonas klienton subtenante x:data-funkcio por registri kaŝnomon"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Vi bezonas klienton kun x:data-funkcio por agordi mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Vi bezonas klienton kun x:data-funkcio por agordi la babilejon"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Vi bezonas klienton kun x:data-funkcio por serĉado"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Via aktiva privatec-listo malpermesas enkursigi ĉi-tiun pakaĵon"}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Mesaĝo-atendovico de la senkonekta kontakto estas plena. La mesaĝo estas forĵetita"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Administración de "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Se necesita privilegios de administrador"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Un nombre sencillo para el nodo"}.
{"All activity","Toda la actividad"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","¿Deseas permitir a este Jabber ID que se subscriba a este nodo PubSub?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Permitir a los usuarios cambiar el asunto"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Permitir a los usuarios consultar a otros usuarios"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Permitir a los usuarios enviar invitaciones"}.
@ -24,10 +22,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permitir a los visitantes cambiarse el apodo"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Permitir a los visitantes enviar mensajes privados a"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permitir a los visitantes enviar texto de estado en las actualizaciones de presencia"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Permitir a los visitantes enviar peticiones de voz"}.
{"All Users","Todos los usuarios"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Se necesita contraseña para entrar en esta sala"}.
@ -69,8 +65,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Borrar el mensaje del día en todos los dominios"}.
{"Delete Selected","Eliminar los seleccionados"}.
{"Delete User","Borrar usuario"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Entregar notificaciones de eventos"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Enviar contenidos junto con las notificaciones de eventos"}.
{"Disc only copy","Copia en disco solamente"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Mostrar grupos:"}.
@ -88,9 +82,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd Web Admin"}.
{"Empty Rooms","Salas vacías"}.
{"Enable logging","Guardar históricos"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Activar el almacenamiento de mensajes"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Codificación del servidor ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Cerrar sesión de usuario"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Introduce lista de {módulo, [opciones]}"}.
@ -105,14 +97,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Servidor Jabber en Erlang"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Ejemplo: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Excluir Jabber IDs de las pruebas de CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exportar todas las tablas a un fichero SQL:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportar datos de todos los usuarios del servidor a ficheros PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportar datos de los usuarios de un dominio a ficheros PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Fallo al extraer el Jabber ID de tu aprobación de petición de voz"}.
{"Family Name","Apellido"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Rellena campos para buscar usuarios Jabber que concuerden"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Rellena el formulario para buscar usuarios Jabber. Añade * al final de un campo para buscar subcadenas."}.
@ -123,7 +113,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Ver fecha de la última conexión de usuario"}.
{"Get User Password","Ver contraseña de usuario"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Ver estadísticas de usuario"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","¿Conceder voz a esta persona?"}.
{"Group ","Grupo "}.
{"has been banned","ha sido bloqueado"}.
@ -146,8 +135,6 @@
{"Improper message type","Tipo de mensaje incorrecto"}.
{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Conexiones S2S entrantes:"}.
{"Incorrect password","Contraseña incorrecta"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Afiliación no válida: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Rol no válido: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","Direcciones IP"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","Canal IRC (no pongas el # del principio)"}.
@ -163,7 +150,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir el envio de mensajes privados a la sala"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registro de Cuenta Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","El Jabber ID ~s no es válido"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Entrar en canal IRC"}.
{"joins the room","entra en la sala"}.
@ -190,8 +176,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Sala públicamente visible"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Número máximo de ocupantes"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Máximo # de elementos que persisten"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Máximo tamaño del contenido en bytes"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Necesitas ser miembro de esta sala para poder entrar"}.
@ -199,10 +183,7 @@
{"Message body","Cuerpo del mensaje"}.
{"Middle Name","Segundo nombre"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Intervalo mínimo entre peticiones de voz (en segundos)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Se necesita privilegios de moderador"}.
{"moderators only","solo moderadores"}.
{"Modified modules","Módulos modificados"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Módulos en ~p"}.
@ -217,22 +198,14 @@
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registro del apodo en "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","El apodo ~s no existe en la sala"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","No se ha proporcionado cuerpo de mensaje para el anuncio"}.
{"No Data","Sin datos"}.
{"Node ID","Nodo ID"}.
{"Node not found","Nodo no encontrado"}.
{"Node ~p","Nodo ~p"}.
{"No limit","Sin límite"}.
{"No resource provided","No se ha proporcionado recurso"}.
{"Not Found","No encontrado"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Notificar subscriptores cuando los elementos se borran del nodo"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Notificar subscriptores cuando cambia la configuración del nodo"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Notificar subscriptores cuando el nodo se borra"}.
{"Number of occupants","Número de ocupantes"}.
{"Number of online users","Número de usuarios conectados"}.
{"Number of registered users","Número de usuarios registrados"}.
@ -243,7 +216,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Usuarios conectados:"}.
{"Online Users","Usuarios conectados"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Solo enviar notificaciones a los usuarios disponibles"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Solo miembros pueden consultar el archivo de mensajes de la sala"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Solo los moderadores y participantes pueden cambiar el asunto de esta sala"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Solo los moderadores pueden cambiar el asunto de esta sala"}.
@ -258,7 +230,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Conexiones S2S salientes"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Se requieren privilegios de propietario de la sala"}.
{"Password ~b","Contraseña ~b"}.
@ -269,21 +240,16 @@
{"Period: ","Periodo: "}.
{"Permanent rooms","Salas permanentes"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Persistir elementos al almacenar"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Ten en cuenta que estas opciones solo harán copia de seguridad de la base de datos Mnesia embebida. Si estás usando ODBC tendrás que hacer también copia de seguridad de tu base de datos SQL."}.
{"Please specify file name.","Por favor especifica el nombre del fichero."}.
{"Please specify file size.","Por favor especifica el tamaño del fichero."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Por favor, espera un poco antes de enviar otra petición de voz"}.
{"Port ~b","Puerto ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Los Jabber ID reales pueden verlos"}.
{"private, ","privado"}.
{"Publish-Subscribe","Servicio de Publicar-Subscribir"}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Petición de subscriptor de PubSub"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Borra todos los elementos cuando el publicador relevante se desconecta"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","En esta sala no se permiten solicitudes a los miembros de la sala"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","Copia en RAM y disco"}.
{"RAM copy","Copia en RAM"}.
@ -309,13 +275,11 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restaurar inmediatamente copia de seguridad binaria:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Restaurar copias de seguridad de texto plano inmediatamente:"}.
{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Roles para los que sí se difunde su Presencia"}.
{"Room Configuration","Configuración de la sala"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Se te ha denegado crear la sala por política del servicio"}.
{"Room description","Descripción de la sala"}.
{"Room Occupants","Ocupantes de la sala"}.
{"Room title","Título de la sala"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Grupos de contactos que pueden suscribirse"}.
{"Roster","Lista de contactos"}.
{"Roster of ","Lista de contactos de "}.
{"Roster size","Tamaño de la lista de contactos"}.
@ -333,7 +297,6 @@
{"Server ~b","Servidor ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Poner mensaje del dia y enviar a todos los usuarios conectados"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Poner mensaje del día en todos los dominios y enviar a los usuarios conectados"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Grupos Compartidos"}.
@ -342,9 +305,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Detener el servicio"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s te invita a la sala ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Algunos clientes Jabber pueden recordar tu contraseña en la máquina. Usa esa opción solo si confías en que la máquina que usas es segura."}.
{"Specify the access model","Especifica el modelo de acceso"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Especifica el tipo del mensaje de evento"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Especificar el modelo del publicante"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Cola de mensajes diferidos de ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Iniciar módulos en "}.
@ -361,29 +321,26 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Dirección del subscriptor"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Ese apodo ya está siendo usado por otro ocupante"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","El apodo ya está registrado por otra persona"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","El CAPTCHA es válido."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La verificación de CAPTCHA ha fallado"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Las colecciones a las que un nodo está afiliado"}.
{"the password is","la contraseña es"}.
{"The password is too weak","La contraseña es demasiado débil"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","La contraseña de tu cuenta Jabber se ha cambiado correctamente."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Hubo un error cambiando la contraseña."}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Hubo uno error al crear la cuenta:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Hubo un error borrando la cuenta."}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Esta dirección IP está en la lista negra en ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","No importa si usas mayúsculas: macbeth es lo mismo que MacBeth y Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta página te permite crear una cuenta Jabber este servidor Jabber. Tu JID (Jabber IDentificador) será de la forma: nombredeusuario@servidor. Por favor lee detenidamente las instrucciones para rellenar correctamente los campos."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Esta página te permite borrar tu cuenta Jabber en este servidor Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Sala no anónima"}.
{"Time delay","Retraso temporal"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Demasiadas peticiones de CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Demasiadas (~p) autenticaciones fallidas de esta dirección IP (~s). La dirección será desbloqueada en ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Demasiados mensajes sin haber reconocido recibirlos"}.
{"To ~s","A ~s"}.
@ -406,7 +363,6 @@
{"Update script","Script de actualización"}.
{"Uptime:","Tiempo desde el inicio:"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Es obligatorio usar STARTTLS"}.
{"User JID","Jabber ID del usuario"}.
{"User Management","Administración de usuarios"}.
{"Username:","Nombre de usuario:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Los usuarios no tienen permitido crear cuentas con tanta rapidez"}.
@ -419,19 +375,15 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","Dominios Virtuales"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Los visitantes no tienen permitido cambiar sus apodos en esta sala"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Los visitantes no pueden enviar mensajes a todos los ocupantes"}.
{"Voice request","Petición de voz"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Las peticiones de voz están desactivadas en esta sala"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Cuando enviar el último elemento publicado"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Permitir subscripciones"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Puedes cambiar tu contraseña después, usando un cliente Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Has sido bloqueado en esta sala"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Debes rellenar el campo \"Apodo\" en el formulario"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data y CAPTCHA para registrarte"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para poder registrar el apodo"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para configurar las opciones de mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para configurar la sala"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para poder buscar"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Tu lista de privacidad activa ha denegado el encío de este paquete."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Tu cola de mensajes diferidos de contactos está llena. El mensaje se ha descartado."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Administration de "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Les droits d'administrateur sont nécessaires"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Un nom convivial pour le noeud"}.
{"All activity","Toute activité"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Autoriser ce Jabber ID à s'abonner à ce nœud PubSub"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Autoriser les utilisateurs à changer le sujet"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Permettre aux utilisateurs d'envoyer des requêtes aux autres utilisateurs"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Permettre aux utilisateurs d'envoyer des invitations"}.
@ -23,10 +21,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Autoriser les visiteurs à changer de pseudo"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Autoriser les visiteurs à envoyer des messages privés"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Autoriser les visiteurs à envoyer un message d'état avec leur présence"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Permettre aux visiteurs d'envoyer des demandes de 'voice'"}.
{"All Users","Tous les utilisateurs"}.
{"anyone","tout le monde"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Un mot de passe est nécessaire pour accèder à ce salon"}.
@ -68,8 +64,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","Supprimer le message du jour"}.
{"Delete Selected","Suppression des éléments sélectionnés"}.
{"Delete User","Supprimer l'utilisateur"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Envoyer les notifications d'événement"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Inclure le contenu du message avec la notification"}.
{"Description:","Description :"}.
{"Disc only copy","Copie sur disque uniquement"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Groupes affichés :"}.
@ -88,7 +82,6 @@
{"Enable logging","Activer l'archivage"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Activer l'archivage de messages"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Codage pour le serveur ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Terminer la session de l'utilisateur"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Entrez une liste de {Module, [Options]}"}.
@ -103,13 +96,11 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Serveur Jabber Erlang"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Exemple: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Exempter des Jabberd IDs du test CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exporter toutes les tables en tant que requêtes SQL vers un fichier:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exporter les données de tous les utilisateurs du serveur vers un fichier PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exporter les données utilisateurs d'un hôte vers un fichier PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Family Name","Nom de famille"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Remplissez les champs pour rechercher un utilisateur Jabber"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Remplissez le formulaire pour recherche un utilisateur Jabber (Ajouter * à la fin du champ pour chercher n'importe quelle fin de chaîne"}.
@ -120,7 +111,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Récupérer la dernière date de connexion de l'utilisateur"}.
{"Get User Password","Récupérer le mot de passe de l'utilisateur"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Récupérer les statistiques de l'utilisateur"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Accorder 'voice' à cet utilisateur"}.
{"Group ","Groupe "}.
{"has been banned","a été banni"}.
@ -142,8 +132,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Importer des utilisateurs depuis un fichier spool Jabberd 1.4"}.
{"Improper message type","Mauvais type de message"}.
{"Incorrect password","Mot de passe incorrect"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Affiliation invalide : ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Role invalide : ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","Adresses IP"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","Canal IRC (ne pas insérer le premier caractère #)"}.
@ -158,7 +146,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Il n'est pas permis d'envoyer des messages \"normaux\" à la conférence"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Enregistrement du Compte Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Le Jabber ID ~s n'est pas valide"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Rejoindre un canal IRC"}.
{"joins the room","rejoint le salon"}.
@ -185,8 +172,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Rendre le salon public"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Nombre maximum d'occupants"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Nombre maximum d'éléments à stocker"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Taille maximum pour le contenu du message en octet"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Vous devez être membre pour accèder à ce salon"}.
{"Members:","Membres :"}.
@ -194,9 +179,7 @@
{"Message body","Corps du message"}.
{"Middle Name","Autre nom"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Intervalle minimum entre les demandes de 'voice' (en secondes)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Les droits de modérateur sont nécessaires"}.
{"moderators only","modérateurs seulement"}.
{"Modified modules","Modules mis à jour"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Modules sur ~p"}.
@ -211,22 +194,14 @@
{"Nickname Registration at ","Enregistrement d'un pseudo sur "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Le pseudo ~s n'existe pas dans ce salon"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Pas de corps de message pour l'annonce"}.
{"No Data","Aucune information disponible"}.
{"Node ID","Identifiant du nœud"}.
{"Node not found","Noeud non trouvé"}.
{"Node ~p","Noeud ~p"}.
{"No limit","Pas de limite"}.
{"No resource provided","Aucune ressource fournie"}.
{"Not Found","Nœud non trouvé"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Avertir les abonnés lorsque des éléments sont supprimés sur le nœud"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Avertir les abonnés lorsque la configuration du nœud change"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Avertir les abonnés lorsque le nœud est supprimé"}.
{"Number of occupants","Nombre d'occupants"}.
{"Number of online users","Nombre d'utilisateurs en ligne"}.
{"Number of registered users","Nombre d'utilisateurs enregistrés"}.
@ -237,7 +212,6 @@
{"Online","En ligne"}.
{"Online Users:","Utilisateurs connectés:"}.
{"Online Users","Utilisateurs en ligne"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Envoyer les notifications uniquement aux utilisateurs disponibles"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Seuls les modérateurs et les participants peuvent changer le sujet dans ce salon"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Seuls les modérateurs peuvent changer le sujet dans ce salon"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Seuls les occupants peuvent envoyer des messages à la conférence"}.
@ -260,18 +234,15 @@
{"Pending","En suspens"}.
{"Period: ","Période :"}.
{"Permanent rooms","Salons persistent"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Stockage persistant des éléments"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Ces options sauvegardent uniquement la base de données interne Mnesia. Si vous utilisez le module ODBC vous devez sauvegarde votre base SQL séparément."}.
{"Port ~b","Port ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Rendre le Jabber ID réel visible pour"}.
{"private, ","privé"}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Demande d'abonnement PubSub"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Purger tous les items lorsque publieur est hors-ligne"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Les requêtes sur les membres de la conférence ne sont pas autorisé dans ce salon"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","Copie en mémoire vive (RAM) et sur disque"}.
{"RAM copy","Copie en mémoire vive (RAM)"}.
@ -302,7 +273,6 @@
{"Room description","Description :"}.
{"Room Occupants","Occupants du salon"}.
{"Room title","Titre du salon"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Groupes de liste de contact autorisés à s'abonner"}.
{"Roster","Liste de contacts"}.
{"Roster of ","Liste de contact de "}.
{"Roster size","Taille de la liste de contacts"}.
@ -328,9 +298,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Arrêter le service"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s vous a invité dans la salle de discussion ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Certains clients Jabber peuvent stocker votre mot de passe sur votre ordinateur. N'utilisez cette fonctionnalité que si vous avez confiance en la sécurité de votre ordinateur."}.
{"Specify the access model","Définir le modèle d'accès"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Définir le type de message d'événement"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Définir le modèle de publication"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s messages en file d'attente"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Démarrer les modules sur "}.
@ -347,29 +314,26 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Adresse de l'abonné"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Le pseudo est déjà utilisé par un autre occupant"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Le pseudo est enregistré par une autre personne"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Le CAPTCHA est valide"}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La vérification du CAPTCHA a échoué"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Les collections avec lesquelle un nœud est affilié"}.
{"the password is","le mot de passe est"}.
{"The password is too weak","Le mot de passe est trop faible"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Le mot de passe de votre compte Jabber a été changé avec succès."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Il y a eu une erreur en changeant le mot de passe :"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Il y a eu une erreur en créant le compte :"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Il y a eu une erreur en effaçant le compte :"}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Cette adresse IP est blacklistée dans ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","C'est insensible à la casse : macbeth est identique à MacBeth et Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Cette page permet de créer un compte Jabber sur ce serveur Jabber. Votre JID (Jabber IDentifier, identifiant Jabber) sera de la forme : nom@serveur. Prière de lire avec attention les instructions pour remplir correctement ces champs."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Cette page permet d'effacer un compte Jabber sur ce serveur Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ce salon n'est pas anonyme"}.
{"Time delay","Délais"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Trop (~p) d'authentification ont échoué pour cette adresse IP (~s). L'adresse sera débloquée à ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Trop de stanzas sans accusé de réception (ack)"}.
{"To ~s","A ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Nombre de salons"}.
@ -391,7 +355,6 @@
{"Update script","Script de mise à jour"}.
{"Uptime:","Temps depuis le démarrage :"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","L'utilisation de STARTTLS est impérative"}.
{"User JID","JID de l'utilisateur "}.
{"User Management","Gestion des utilisateurs"}.
{"Username:","Nom d'utilisateur :"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Les utilisateurs ne sont pas autorisés à enregistrer des comptes si rapidement"}.
@ -406,15 +369,12 @@
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Les visiteurs ne sont pas autorisés à envoyer des messages à tout les occupants"}.
{"Voice request","Demande de 'voice'"}.
{"When to send the last published item","A quel moment envoyer le dernier élément publié"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Autoriser l'abonnement ?"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Vous pouvez changer votre mot de passe plus tard en utilisant un client Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Vous avez été exclus de ce salon"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Vous devez préciser le champ \"pseudo\" dans le formulaire"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Vous avez besoin d'un client prenant en charge x:data et CAPTCHA pour enregistrer un pseudo"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Vous avez besoin d'un client prenant en charge x:data pour enregistrer un pseudo"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Vous avez besoin d'un client supportant x:data pour configurer le module IRC"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Vous avez besoin d'un client supportant x:data pour configurer le salon"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Vous avez besoin d'un client supportant x:data pour faire une recherche"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Votre règle de flitrage active a empêché le routage de ce stanza."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La file d'attente de message de votre contact est pleine. Votre message a été détruit."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%% -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
{"Access Configuration","Configuración de accesos"}.
{"Access Control List Configuration","Configuración da Lista de Control de Acceso"}.
{"Access control lists","Listas de Control de Acceso"}.
@ -13,29 +14,34 @@
{"Administration of ","Administración de "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Necesítase privilexios de administrador"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Un nome para o nodo"}.
{"All activity","Toda a actividade"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Desexas permitir a este JabberID que se subscriba a este nodo PubSub?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Permitir aos usuarios cambiar o asunto"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Permitir aos usuarios consultar a outros usuarios"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Permitir aos usuarios enviar invitacións"}.
{"Allow users to send private messages","Permitir aos usuarios enviar mensaxes privadas"}.
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permitir aos visitantes cambiarse o alcume"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Permitir aos visitantes enviar mensaxes privadas a"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permitir aos visitantes enviar texto de estado nas actualizacións depresenza"}.
{"All Users","Todos os usuarios"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Necesítase contrasinal para entrar nesta sala"}.
{"Backup","Gardar copia de seguridade"}.
{"Backup","Copia de seguridade"}.
{"Backup Management","Xestión de copia de seguridade"}.
{"Backup of ~p","Copia de seguridade de ~p"}.
{"Backup to File at ","Copia de seguridade de arquivos en "}.
{"Bad format","Mal formato"}.
{"CAPTCHA web page","CAPTCHA páxina Web"}.
{"Change Password","Cambiar contrasinal"}.
{"Change User Password","Cambiar contrasinal de usuario"}.
{"Chatroom configuration modified","Configuración de la sala modificada"}.
{"Characters not allowed:","Caracteres non permitidos:"}.
{"Chatroom configuration modified","Configuración da sala modificada"}.
{"Chatroom is created","Creouse a sala"}.
{"Chatroom is destroyed","Destruíuse a sala"}.
{"Chatroom is started","Iniciouse a sala"}.
{"Chatroom is stopped","Detívose a sala"}.
{"Chatrooms","Salas de charla"}.
{"Choose a username and password to register with this server","Escolle un nome de usuario e contrasinal para rexistrarche neste servidor"}.
{"Choose modules to stop","Selecciona módulos a deter"}.
@ -51,6 +57,7 @@
{"CPU Time:","Tempo consumido de CPU:"}.
{"Database","Base de datos"}.
{"Database Tables at ~p","Táboas da base de datos en ~p"}.
{"Database Tables Configuration at ","Configuración de táboas da base de datos en "}.
{"Default users as participants","Os usuarios son participantes por defecto"}.
@ -58,18 +65,18 @@
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Borrar a mensaxe do día en todos os dominios"}.
{"Delete Selected","Eliminar os seleccionados"}.
{"Delete User","Borrar usuario"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Entregar notificacións de eventos"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Enviar payloads xunto coas notificacións de eventos"}.
{"Disc only copy","Copia en disco soamente"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Mostrar grupos:"}.
{"Dump Backup to Text File at ","Exporta copia de seguridade a ficheiro de texto en "}.
{"Dump to Text File","Exportar a ficheiro de texto"}.
{"Edit Properties","Editar propiedades"}.
{"Either approve or decline the voice request.","Aproba ou rexeita a petición de voz."}.
{"ejabberd IRC module","Módulo de IRC para ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd MUC module","Módulo de MUC para ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd Multicast service","Servizo Multicast de ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd Publish-Subscribe module","Módulo de Publicar-Subscribir de ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams module","ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams module"}.
{"ejabberd SOCKS5 Bytestreams module","Módulo SOCKS5 Bytestreams para ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd vCard module","Módulo vCard para ejabberd"}.
{"ejabberd Web Admin","Ejabberd Administrador Web"}.
@ -85,16 +92,17 @@
{"Enter path to text file","Introduce ruta ao ficheiro de texto"}.
{"Enter the text you see","Introduza o texto que ves"}.
{"Enter username and encodings you wish to use for connecting to IRC servers. Press 'Next' to get more fields to fill in. Press 'Complete' to save settings.","Introduce o nome de usuario e codificaciones de carácteres que queiras usar ao conectar nos servidores de IRC. Presione 'Siguiente' para obtener más campos para rellenar Presione 'completo' para guardar axustes."}.
{"Enter username, encodings, ports and passwords you wish to use for connecting to IRC servers","Introduza o nome de usuario, codificaciones de carácter, portos e contrasinal que pretende utilizar a conectar a servidores de IRC"}.
{"Enter username, encodings, ports and passwords you wish to use for connecting to IRC servers","Introduce o nome de usuario, codificaciones de carácteres, portos e contrasinai que queiras usar ao conectar nos servidores de IRC"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Servidor Jabber en Erlang"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Exemplo: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exportar todas as táboas a un ficheiro SQL:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportar datos de todos os usuarios do servidor a ficheros PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportar datos de todos os usuarios do servidor a ficheros PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportar datos dos usuarios dun dominio a ficheiros PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Fallo ao extraer o Jabber ID da túa aprobación de petición de voz"}.
{"Family Name","Apelido"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Rechea campos para buscar usuarios Jabber que concuerden"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Enche o formulario para buscar usuarios Jabber. Engade * ao final dun campo para buscar subcadenas."}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Enche o formulario para buscar usuarios Jabber (Engade * ao final dun campo para buscar subcadenas)"}.
{"From ~s","De ~s"}.
@ -108,24 +116,24 @@
{"has been banned","foi bloqueado"}.
{"has been kicked because of an affiliation change","foi expulsado debido a un cambio de afiliación"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","foi expulsado por mor dun sistema de peche"}.
{"has been kicked because of a system shutdown","foi expulsado porque o sistema vaise a deter"}.
{"has been kicked because the room has been changed to members-only","foi expulsado, porque a sala cambiouse a só-membros"}.
{"has been kicked","foi expulsado"}.
{" has set the subject to: "," puxo o asunto: "}.
{"If you don't see the CAPTCHA image here, visit the web page.","Si non ves a imaxe CAPTCHA aquí, visita a páxina web."}.
{"If you want to specify different ports, passwords, encodings for IRC servers, fill this list with values in format '{\"irc server\", \"encoding\", port, \"password\"}'. By default this service use \"~s\" encoding, port ~p, empty password.","Se quere especificar codificaciones de caracteres diferentes, contrasinal ou servidor IRC rechea esta lista con valores no formato '{\"servidor irc\", \"codificación\", \"porto\", \"contrasinal\"}'. Este servizo utiliza por defecto a codificación \"~s\", porto ~p, sen contrasinal."}.
{"Import Directory","Importar directorio"}.
{"Import File","Importar ficheiro"}.
{"Import user data from jabberd14 spool file:","Importar usuario de fichero spool de jabberd14:"}.
{"Import user data from jabberd14 spool file:","Importar usuario de ficheiro spool de jabberd14:"}.
{"Import User from File at ","Importa usuario desde ficheiro en "}.
{"Import users data from a PIEFXIS file (XEP-0227):","Importar usuarios desde un fichero PIEFXIS"}.
{"Import users data from a PIEFXIS file (XEP-0227):","Importar usuarios en un fichero PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Import users data from jabberd14 spool directory:","Importar usuarios do directorio spool de jabberd14:"}.
{"Import Users from Dir at ","Importar usuarios desde o directorio en "}.
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Importar usuarios de ficheiros spool de jabberd-1.4"}.
{"Improper message type","Tipo de mensaxe incorrecta"}.
{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Conexións S2S saíntes:"}.
{"Incorrect password","Contrasinal incorrecta"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Afiliación non válida: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Rol non válido: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","Direccións IP"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","Canle de IRC (non poñer o primeiro #)"}.
@ -135,14 +143,15 @@
{"IRC username","Nome de usuario en IRC"}.
{"IRC Username","Nome de usuario en IRC"}.
{"is now known as","cámbiase o nome a"}.
{"It is not allowed to send error messages to the room. The participant (~s) has sent an error message (~s) and got kicked from the room","Non está permitido enviar mensaxes de erro á sala. Este participante (~s) enviou unha mensaxe de erro (~s) e foi expulsado da sala"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Non está permitido enviar mensaxes privadas"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Non está permitido enviar mensaxes privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir o envio de mensaxes privadas á sala"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Rexistro de conta Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","O Jabber ID ~s non é válido"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Entrar en canle IRC"}.
{"joins the room","entra en la sala"}.
{"joins the room","entra na sala"}.
{"Join the IRC channel here.","Únete á canle de IRC aquí."}.
{"Join the IRC channel in this Jabber ID: ~s","Únete á canle de IRC con este IDE de Jabber: ~s"}.
@ -155,6 +164,7 @@
{"Listened Ports at ","Portos de escoita en "}.
{"Listened Ports","Portos de escoita"}.
{"List of modules to start","Lista de módulos a iniciar"}.
{"List of rooms","Lista de salas"}.
{"Low level update script","Script de actualización a baixo nivel"}.
{"Make participants list public","A lista de participantes é pública"}.
{"Make room CAPTCHA protected","Protexer a sala con CAPTCHA"}.
@ -165,52 +175,50 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Sala publicamente visible"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Número máximo de ocupantes"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Máximo # de elementos que persisten"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Máximo tamaño do payload en bytes"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Necesitas ser membro desta sala para poder entrar"}.
{"Memorize your password, or write it in a paper placed in a safe place. In Jabber there isn't an automated way to recover your password if you forget it.","Memorice o seu contrasinal ou escribilo nun papel colocado nun lugar seguro. En Jabber non hai unha forma automatizada para recuperar o seu contrasinal si a esquece"}.
{"Message body","Corpo da mensaxe"}.
{"Middle Name","Segundo nome"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Necesítase privilexios de moderador"}.
{"moderators only","só moderadores"}.
{"Modified modules","Módulos Modificados"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Módulos en ~p"}.
{"Multi-User Chat","Salas de Charla"}.
{"New Password:","Novo contrasinal:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Rexistro do alcume en "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","O alcume ~s non existe na sala"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Non se proporcionou corpo de mensaxe para o anuncio"}.
{"No Data","Sen datos"}.
{"Node ID","Nodo IDE"}.
{"Node not found","Nodo non atopado"}.
{"Node ~p","Nodo ~p"}.
{"No limit","Sen límite"}.
{"No resource provided","Non se proporcionou recurso"}.
{"Not Found","Non atopado"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Notificar subscriptores cando os elementos bórranse do nodo"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Notificar subscriptores cando cambia a configuración do nodo"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Notificar subscriptores cando o nodo bórrase"}.
{"Number of occupants","Número de ocupantes"}.
{"Number of online users","Número de usuarios conectados"}.
{"Number of registered users","Número de usuarios rexistrados"}.
{"Offline Messages","Mensaxes diferidas"}.
{"Offline Messages:","Mensaxes sen conexión:"}.
{"Old Password:","Contrasinal anterior:"}.
{"Online Users:","Usuarios conectados:"}.
{"Online Users","Usuarios conectados"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Só enviar notificacións aos usuarios dispoñibles"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Só membros poden consultar o arquivo de mensaxes da sala"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Só os moderadores e os participantes se lles permite cambiar o tema nesta sala"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Só os moderadores están autorizados a cambiar o tema nesta sala"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Só os moderadores poden aprobar peticións de voz"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Só os ocupantes poden enviar mensaxes á sala"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","Só os ocupantes poden enviar solicitudes á sala"}.
{"Only service administrators are allowed to send service messages","Só os administradores do servizo teñen permiso para enviar mensaxes de servizo"}.
@ -224,18 +232,19 @@
{"Password ~b","Contrasinal ~b"}.
{"Password Verification:","Verificación da contrasinal"}.
{"Password Verification","Verificación da contrasinal"}.
{"Path to Dir","Ruta ao directorio"}.
{"Path to File","Ruta ao ficheiro"}.
{"Period: ","Periodo: "}.
{"Persist items to storage","Persistir elementos ao almacenar"}.
{"Permanent rooms","Salas permanentes"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Ten en conta que estas opcións só farán copia de seguridade da base de datos Mnesia. Se está a utilizar o módulo de ODBC, tamén necesita unha copia de seguridade da súa base de datos SQL por separado."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Por favor, espera un pouco antes de enviar outra petición de voz"}.
{"Port ~b","Porto ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Os Jabber ID reais poden velos"}.
{"private, ","privado"}.
@ -244,10 +253,13 @@
{"RAM and disc copy","Copia en RAM e disco"}.
{"RAM copy","Copia en RAM"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","Está seguro de quere borrar a mensaxe do dia?"}.
{"Really delete message of the day?","¿Está seguro que quere borrar a mensaxe do dia?"}.
{"Recipient is not in the conference room","O receptor non está na sala de conferencia"}.
{"Register a Jabber account","Rexistrar unha conta Jabber"}.
{"Registered nicknames","Alcumes rexistrados"}.
{"Registered Users:","Usuarios rexistrados:"}.
{"Registered Users","Usuarios rexistrados"}.
{"Registration in mod_irc for ","Rexistro en mod_irc para"}.
{"Remote copy","Copia remota"}.
{"Remove All Offline Messages","Borrar Todas as Mensaxes Sen conexión"}.
@ -258,7 +270,7 @@
{"Restart Service","Reiniciar o servizo"}.
{"Restore Backup from File at ","Restaura copia de seguridade desde o ficheiro en "}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Restaurar copia de seguridade binaria no seguinte reinicio de ejabberd (require menos memoria que se instantánea):"}.
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","Restaurar copia de seguridade binaria no seguinte reinicio de ejabberd (require menos memoria):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restaurar inmediatamente copia de seguridade binaria:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Restaurar copias de seguridade de texto plano inmediatamente:"}.
@ -267,7 +279,6 @@
{"Room description","Descrición da sala"}.
{"Room Occupants","Ocupantes da sala"}.
{"Room title","Título da sala"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Lista de grupos autorizados a subscribir"}.
{"Roster","Lista de contactos"}.
{"Roster of ","Lista de contactos de "}.
{"Roster size","Tamaño da lista de contactos"}.
@ -278,12 +289,13 @@
{"Script check","Comprobación de script"}.
{"Search Results for ","Buscar resultados por "}.
{"Search users in ","Buscar usuarios en "}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Enviar anuncio a todos los usuarios conectados"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users","Enviar anuncio a todos os usuarios conectados"}.
{"Send announcement to all online users on all hosts","Enviar anuncio a todos os usuarios conectados en todos os dominios"}.
{"Send announcement to all users","Enviar anuncio a todos os usuarios"}.
{"Send announcement to all users on all hosts","Enviar anuncio a todos os usuarios en todos os dominios"}.
{"Server ~b","Servidor ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Pór mensaxe do dia e enviar a todos os usuarios conectados"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Pór mensaxe do día en todos os dominios e enviar aos usuarios conectados"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Grupos Compartidos"}.
@ -291,8 +303,7 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Táboa Ordinaria"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Deter o servizo"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s invítache á sala ~s"}.
{"Specify the access model","Especifica o modelo de acceso"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Especificar o modelo do publicante"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Algúns clientes Jabber pode almacenar o contrasinal no computador, pero debe facer isto só no seu computador persoal por razóns de seguridade."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Cola de mensaxes diferidas de ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Iniciar módulos en "}.
@ -301,58 +312,80 @@
{"Statistics of ~p","Estatísticas de ~p"}.
{"Stop Modules at ","Deter módulos en "}.
{"Stop Modules","Detener módulos"}.
{"Stop Modules","Deter módulos"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Nodos detidos"}.
{"Storage Type","Tipo de almacenamiento"}.
{"Storage Type","Tipo de almacenamento"}.
{"Store binary backup:","Gardar copia de seguridade binaria:"}.
{"Store plain text backup:","Gardar copia de seguridade en texto plano:"}.
{"Subscriber Address","Dirección do subscriptor"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Ese alcume que xa está en uso por outro ocupante"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Ese alcume xa está a ser usado por outro ocupante"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","O alcume xa está rexistrado por outra persoa"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","O CAPTCHA é válido."}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","As coleccións coas que un nodo está afiliado"}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","A verificación de CAPTCHA fallou"}.
{"the password is","a contrasinal é"}.
{"The password is too weak","O contrasinal é demasiado débil"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","O contrasinal da súa conta Jabber cambiouse correctamente."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Produciuse un erro ao cambiar o contrasinal: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Produciuse un erro ao crear a conta: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Produciuse un erro ao eliminar a conta: "}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Esta é insensible: Macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta páxina permite crear unha conta Jabber neste servidor Jabber. o seu JID (Jabber IDentificador) será da forma: nomeusuario@servidor. Por favor le coidadosamente as instrucións para encher correctamente os campos."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Esta páxina permite anular o rexistro dunha conta Jabber neste servidor Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Sala non anónima"}.
{"Time delay","Atraso temporal"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Demasiadas peticións de CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Demasiadas mensaxes sen recoñecer recibilos"}.
{"To ~s","A ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Salas totais"}.
{"Traffic rate limit is exceeded","Hase exedido o límite de tráfico"}.
{"Transactions Aborted:","Transaccións abortadas:"}.
{"Transactions Committed:","Transaccións finalizadas:"}.
{"Transactions Logged:","Transaccións rexistradas:"}.
{"Transactions Restarted:","Transaccións reiniciadas:"}.
{"Unable to generate a CAPTCHA","No se pudo generar un CAPTCHA"}.
{"Unauthorized","Non autorizado"}.
{"Unregister a Jabber account","Eliminar o rexistro dunha conta Jabber"}.
{"Unregister","Eliminar rexistro"}.
{"Update message of the day (don't send)","Actualizar mensaxe do dia, pero non envialo"}.
{"Update message of the day on all hosts (don't send)","Actualizar a mensaxe do día en todos os dominos (pero non envialo)"}.
{"Update ~p","Actualizar ~p"}.
{"Update plan","Plan de actualización"}.
{"Update script","Script de actualización"}.
{"Uptime:","Tempo desde o inicio:"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","É obrigatorio usar STARTTLS"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Requírese o uso de STARTTLS"}.
{"User Management","Administración de usuarios"}.
{"Username:","Nome de usuario:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Os usuarios non están autorizados a rexistrar contas con tanta rapidez"}.
{"Users Last Activity","Última actividade dos usuarios"}.
{"User ~s","Usuario ~s"}.
{"vCard User Search","Procura de usuario en vCard"}.
{"vCard User Search","vCard busqueda de usuario"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Hosts Virtuais"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Os visitantes non están autorizados a cambiar os seus That alcumes nesta sala"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Os visitantes non teñen permitido cambiar os seus alcumes nesta sala"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Os visitantes non poden enviar mensaxes a todos os ocupantes"}.
{"Voice request","Petición de voz"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","As peticións de voz están desactivadas nesta sala"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Cando enviar o último elemento publicado"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Permitir subscripciones"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Máis tarde, pode cambiar o seu contrasinal utilizando un cliente Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","fuches bloqueado nesta sala"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Debes encher o campo \"Alcumo\" no formulario"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data e CAPTCHA para rexistrarche"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para poder rexistrar o alcume"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para configurar as opcións de mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para configurar a sala"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necesitas un cliente con soporte de x:data para poder buscar"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","A súa lista de privacidade activa negou o encaminamiento desta estrofa."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","A túa cola de mensaxes diferidas de contactos está chea. A mensaxe descartouse."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","A súa conta Jabber creouse correctamente."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","A súa conta Jabber eliminouse correctamente."}.
{"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","As súas mensaxes a ~s encóntranse bloqueadas. Para desbloquear, visite ~s"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
{"Administration of ","ניהול של "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","נדרשות הרשאות מנהל"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","שם ידידותי עבור הצומת"}.
{"All activity","כל פעילות"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","להתיר למזהה Jabber זה להירשם לצומת PubSub זה?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","התר למשתמשים לשנות את הנושא"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","התר למשתמשים לתשאל משתמשים אחרים"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","התר למשתמשים לשלוח הזמנות"}.
@ -24,10 +22,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","התר למבקרים לשנות שם כינוי"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","התר למבקרים לשלוח הודעות פרטיות אל"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","התר למבקרים לשלוח טקסט מצב בתוך עדכוני נוכחות"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","התר למבקרים לשלוח בקשות ביטוי"}.
{"All Users","כל המשתמשים"}.
{"anyone","לכל אחד"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","נדרשת סיסמה כדי להיכנס אל חדר זה"}.
@ -69,8 +65,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","מחק את בשורת היום"}.
{"Delete Selected","מחק נבחרות"}.
{"Delete User","מחק משתמש"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","מסור התראות אירוע"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","מסור מטעני ייעוד (מטע״ד) יחד עם התראות אירוע"}.
{"Disc only copy","העתק של תקליטור בלבד"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","קבוצות מוצגות:"}.
@ -88,9 +82,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","מנהל רשת ejabberd"}.
{"Empty Rooms","חדרים ריקים"}.
{"Enable logging","אפשר רישום פעילות"}.
{"Enable message archiving","אפשר אחסון הודעות"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","קידוד עבור שרת ~b"}.
{"End User Session","סיים סשן משתמש"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","הזן רשימה של {מודול, [אפשרויות]}"}.
@ -105,14 +97,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","שרת ג׳אבּר Erlang"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","דוגמא: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","הוצא כתובות Jabber מתוך אתגר CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","יצא את כל הטבלאות בתור שאילתות SQL לתוך קובץ:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","יצא מידע של כל המשתמשים שבתוך שרת זה לתוך קבצי PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","יצא מידע של כל המשתמשים שבתוך מארח לתוך קבצי PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","נכשל לחלץ JID מתוך אישור בקשת הביטוי שלך"}.
{"Family Name","שם משפחה"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","מלא את שדות אלו כדי לחפש עבור כל משתמש Jabber מבוקש"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","מלא את הטופס כדי לחפש אחר כל משתמש Jabber מבוקש (באפשרותך להוסיף * בסוף שדה כדי להתאים למחרוזת-משנה)"}.
{"Friday","יום שישי"}.
{"From ~s","מאת ~s"}.
@ -123,7 +113,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","השג זמן כניסה אחרון של משתמש"}.
{"Get User Password","השג סיסמת משתמש"}.
{"Get User Statistics","השג סטטיסטיקת משתמש"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","להעניק ביטוי לאישיות זו?"}.
{"Group ","קבוצה "}.
{"has been banned","נאסר/ה"}.
@ -146,8 +135,6 @@
{"Improper message type","טיפוס הודעה לא מתאים"}.
{"Incoming s2s Connections:","חיבורי s2s נכנסים:"}.
{"Incorrect password","מילת מעבר שגויה"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","סינוף שגוי: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","תפקיד שגוי: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","כתובות IP"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","ערוץ IRC (אל תשים סימן # ראשון)"}.
@ -162,7 +149,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות לועידה"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","אין זה מותר לשלוח הודעות פרטיות"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","רישום חשבון Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","מזהה Jabber ~s הינו שגוי"}.
{"Jabber ID","מזהה Jabber"}.
{"Join IRC channel","הצטרף לערוץ IRC"}.
@ -190,8 +176,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","הפוך חדר לחדר שנתון לחיפוש פומבי"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","מספר מרבי של נוכחים"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","מספר מרבי של פריטים לקיבוע"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","גודל מרבי של מטען ייעוד (payload) ביחידות מידה של byte"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","נדרשת חברות כדי להיכנס אל חדר זה"}.
@ -199,10 +183,7 @@
{"Message body","גוף הודעה"}.
{"Middle Name","שם אמצעי"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","תדירות מינימלית בין בקשות ביטוי (בשניות)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","נדרשות הרשאות אחראי"}.
{"moderators only","לאחראים בלבד"}.
{"Modified modules","מודולים שהותאמו"}.
{"Modules at ~p","מודולים אצל ~p"}.
@ -218,21 +199,13 @@
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","שם כינוי ~s לא קיים בחדר"}.
{"Nickname","שם כינוי"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","לא סופק גוף עבור הודעת בשורה"}.
{"nobody","אף אחד"}.
{"No Data","אין מידע"}.
{"Node ID","מזהה צומת (NID)"}.
{"Node not found","צומת לא נמצא"}.
{"Node ~p","צומת ~p"}.
{"No limit","ללא הגבלה"}.
{"No resource provided","לא סופק משאב"}.
{"Not Found","לא נמצא"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","הודע מנויים כאשר פריטים מוסרים מתוך הצומת"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","הודע מנויים כאשר תצורת הצומת משתנה"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","הודע מנויים כאשר הצומת נמחק"}.
{"Number of occupants","מספר של נוכחים"}.
{"Number of online users","מספר של משתמשים מקוונים"}.
{"Number of registered users","מספר של משתמשים רשומים"}.
@ -243,7 +216,6 @@
{"Online Users:","משתמשים מקוונים:"}.
{"Online Users","משתמשים מקוונים"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","מסור התראות למשתמשים זמינים בלבד"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","רק חברים רשאים לתשאל ארכיונים של חדר זה"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","רק אחראים ומשתתפים רשאים לשנות את הנושא בחדר זה"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","רק אחראים רשאים לשנות את הנושא בחדר זה"}.
@ -258,7 +230,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","חיבורי s2s יוצאים"}.
{"Owner privileges required","נדרשות הרשאות בעלים"}.
{"Packet","חבילת מידע"}.
{"Password ~b","סיסמה ~b"}.
{"Password Verification:","אימות סיסמה:"}.
{"Password Verification","אימות סיסמה"}.
@ -269,21 +240,16 @@
{"Period: ","משך זמן: "}.
{"Permanent rooms","חדרים קבועים"}.
{"Persist items to storage","פריטים קבועים לאחסון"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","אנא שים לב כי אפשרויות אלו יגבו את מסד הנתונים המובנה Mnesia בלבד. אם הינך עושה שימוש במודול ODBC, עליך גם לגבות את מסד הנתונים SQL אשר מצוי ברשותך בנפרד."}.
{"Please specify file name.","אנא ציין שם קובץ."}.
{"Please specify file size.","אנא ציין גודל קובץ."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","אנא, המתן לזמן מה לפני שליחת בקשת ביטוי חדשה"}.
{"Port ~b","פורט ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","הצג כתובות Jabber ממשיות"}.
{"private, ","פרטי, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","בקשת מנוי PubSub"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","טהר את כל הפריטים כאשר המפרסם הרלוונטי הופך לבלתי מקוון"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","שאילתות אל חברי הועידה אינן מותרות בחדר זה"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","העתק RAM וגם תקליטור"}.
{"RAM copy","העתק RAM"}.
@ -309,13 +275,11 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","שחזר גיבוי בינארי לאלתר:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","שחזר גיבוי טקסט גלוי (plain text) לאלתר:"}.
{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","תפקידים להם נוכחות הינה משודרת"}.
{"Room Configuration","תצורת חדר"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","יצירת חדר נדחתה על ידי פוליסת שירות"}.
{"Room description","תיאור חדר"}.
{"Room Occupants","נוכחי חדר"}.
{"Room title","כותרת חדר"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","קבוצות רשימה מורשות להירשם"}.
{"Roster of ","רשימה של "}.
{"Roster size","גודל רשימה"}.
@ -333,7 +297,6 @@
{"Server ~b","שרת ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","קבע את בשורת היום ושלח למשתמשים מקוונים"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","קבע את בשורת היום בכל המארחים ושלח למשתמשים מקוונים"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","קבוצות רשימה משותפות"}.
@ -342,9 +305,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","כבה שירות"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s מזמינך לחדר ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","ישנם לקוחות Jabber אשר מסוגלים לאחסן את הסיסמה שלך בתוך המחשב, אולם עליך לעשות זאת רק בתוך המחשב האישי שלך מסיבות ביטחוניות."}.
{"Specify the access model","ציין מודל גישה"}.
{"Specify the event message type","ציין טיפוס הודעת אירוע"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","ציין מודל פרסום"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","תור הודעות לא מקוונות של ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","התחל מודולים אצל "}.
{"Start Modules","התחל מודולים"}.
@ -361,29 +321,26 @@
{"Subscriber Address","כתובת מנוי"}.
{"Sunday","יום ראשון"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","שם כינוי זה כבר מצוי בשימוש על ידי נוכח אחר"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","שם כינוי זה הינו רשום על ידי מישהו אחר"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","CAPTCHA הינה תקפה."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","אימות CAPTCHA נכשל"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","האוספים עמם צומת מסונף"}.
{"The password is too weak","הסיסמה חלשה מדי"}.
{"the password is","הסיסמה היא"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","סיסמת חשבון Jabber שונתה בהצלחה."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","אירעה שגיאה בשינוי הסיסמה: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","אירעה שגיאה ביצירת החשבון: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","אירעה שגיאה במחיקת החשבון: "}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","כתובת IP זו רשומה ברשימה שחורה בתוך ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","חלק זה אינו ער לרישיות: macbeth הינה זהה למחרוזת MacBeth וגם Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","עמוד זה מתיר ליצור חשבון Jabber בשרת Jabber זה. כתובת JID (Jabber IDentifier) תגובש באופן של: username@server. אנא קרא בזהירות את ההוראות למילוי נכון של השדות."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","עמוד זה מתיר לך לבטל רישום של חשבון Jabber בתוך שרת Jabber זה."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","חדר זה אינו אנונימי"}.
{"Thursday","יום חמישי"}.
{"Time delay","זמן שיהוי"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","יותר מדי בקשות CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","יותר מדי (~p) אימותים כושלים מתוך כתובת IP זו (~s). הכתובת תורשה לקבל גישה בשעה ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","יותר מדי סטנזות בלי אישורי קבלה"}.
{"To ~s","אל ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","חדרים סה״כ"}.
@ -406,7 +363,6 @@
{"Uptime:","זמן פעילות:"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","נדרש שימוש של STARTTLS"}.
{"User JID","JID משתמש"}.
{"User Management","ניהול משתמשים"}.
{"Username:","שם משתמש:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","משתמשים אינם מורשים לרשום חשבונות כל כך במהירות"}.
@ -419,19 +375,15 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","מארחים מדומים"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","מבקרים אינם מורשים לשנות את שמות הכינויים שלהם בחדר זה"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","מבקרים אינם מורשים לשלוח הודעות אל כל הנוכחים"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","בקשות ביטוי מנוטרלות בועידה זו"}.
{"Voice request","בקשת ביטוי"}.
{"Wednesday","יום רביעי"}.
{"When to send the last published item","מתי לשלוח את הפריט המפורסם האחרון"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","האם להתיר הרשמות"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","באפשרותך לשנות את הסיסמה שלך מאוחר יותר באמצעות לקוח Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","נאסרת מן חדר זה"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","עליך למלא את השדה \"שם כינוי\" בתוך התבנית"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","עליך להשתמש בלקוח אשר תומך x:data וגם CAPTCHA כדי להירשם"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","עליך להשתמש בלקוח אשר תומך x:data כדי לרשום את השם כינוי"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","עליך להשתמש בלקוח אשר מסוגל להבין x:data כדי להגדיר הגדרות mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","עליך להשתמש בלקוח אשר מסוגל להבין x:data כדי להגדיר חדר"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","עליך להשתמש בלקוח אשר מסוגל להבין x:data כדי לחפש"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","רשימת הפרטיות הפעילה שלך אסרה את הניתוב של סטנזה זו."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","תור הודעות קשר לא מקוונות הינו מלא. ההודעה סולקה."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Administrasi"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Hak istimewa Administrator dibutuhkan"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Nama yang dikenal untuk node"}.
{"All activity","Semua aktifitas"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Izinkan ID Jabber ini untuk berlangganan pada node pubsub ini?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Perbolehkan pengguna untuk mengganti topik"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Perbolehkan pengguna untuk mengetahui pengguna lain"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Perbolehkan pengguna mengirimkan undangan"}.
@ -24,7 +22,6 @@
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Izinkan pengunjung untuk mengirim teks status terbaru"}.
{"All Users","Semua Pengguna"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Diperlukan kata sandi untuk masuk ruangan ini"}.
@ -64,8 +61,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Hapus pesan harian pada semua host"}.
{"Delete Selected","Hapus Yang Terpilih"}.
{"Delete User","Hapus Pengguna"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Memberikan pemberitahuan acara"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Memberikan muatan dengan pemberitahuan acara"}.
{"Disc only copy","Hanya salinan dari disc"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Tampilkan Grup:"}.
@ -100,7 +95,6 @@
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Ekspor data pengguna pada sebuah host ke berkas PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Family Name","Nama Keluarga (marga)"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Isi kolom untuk mencari pengguna Jabber yang sama"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Isi formulir untuk pencarian pengguna Jabber yang cocok (Tambahkan * ke mengakhiri pengisian untuk menyamakan kata)"}.
@ -132,8 +126,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Impor Pengguna Dari jabberd14 Spool File"}.
{"Improper message type","Jenis pesan yang tidak benar"}.
{"Incorrect password","Kata sandi salah"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Afiliasi tidak valid: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Peran tidak valid: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","Alamat IP"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","Channel IRC (tidak perlu menempatkan # sebelumnya)"}.
@ -148,7 +140,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Hal ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan pribadi ke konferensi"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Pendaftaran Akun Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s tidak valid"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Gabung channel IRC"}.
{"joins the room","bergabung ke ruangan"}.
@ -174,8 +165,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Buat ruangan dapat dicari"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Maksimum Jumlah Penghuni"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Max item untuk bertahan"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Max kapasitas ukuran dalam bytes"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Hanya Member yang dapat masuk ruangan ini"}.
@ -184,7 +173,6 @@
{"Message body","Isi Pesan"}.
{"Middle Name","Nama Tengah"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Hak istimewa moderator dibutuhkan"}.
{"moderators only","Hanya moderator"}.
{"Modified modules","Modifikasi modul-modul"}.
@ -198,18 +186,11 @@
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Nama Julukan ~s tidak berada di dalam ruangan"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Tidak ada isi pesan yang disediakan untuk mengirimkan pesan"}.
{"No Data","Tidak Ada Data"}.
{"Node ID","ID Node"}.
{"Node not found","Node tidak ditemukan"}.
{"No limit","Tidak terbatas"}.
{"None","Tak satupun"}.
{"No resource provided","Tidak ada sumber daya yang disediakan"}.
{"Not Found","Tidak Ditemukan"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Beritahu pelanggan ketika item tersebut dikeluarkan dari node"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Beritahu pelanggan ketika ada perubahan konfigurasi node"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Beritahu pelanggan ketika node dihapus"}.
{"Number of occupants","Jumlah Penghuni"}.
{"Number of online users","Jumlah pengguna online"}.
{"Number of registered users","Jumlah pengguna terdaftar"}.
@ -220,7 +201,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Pengguna Online:"}.
{"Online Users","Pengguna Yang Online"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Hanya mengirimkan pemberitahuan kepada pengguna yang tersedia"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Hanya moderator dan peserta yang diizinkan untuk mengganti topik pembicaraan di ruangan ini"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Hanya moderator yang diperbolehkan untuk mengubah topik dalam ruangan ini"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Hanya penghuni yang diizinkan untuk mengirim pesan ke konferensi"}.
@ -242,18 +222,15 @@
{"Path to File","Jalur ke File"}.
{"Period: ","Periode:"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Pertahankan item ke penyimpanan"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Harap dicatat bahwa pilihan ini hanya akan membuat cadangan builtin Mnesia database. Jika Anda menggunakan modul ODBC, anda juga perlu untuk membuat cadangan database SQL Anda secara terpisah."}.
{"Port ~b","Port ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Tampilkan Jabber ID secara lengkap"}.
{"private, ","pribadi, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Permintaan pertemanan PubSub"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Bersihkan semua item ketika penerbit yang relevan telah offline"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Permintaan untuk para anggota konferensi tidak diperbolehkan di ruangan ini"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","RAM dan disc salinan"}.
{"RAM copy","Salinan RAM"}.
@ -283,7 +260,6 @@
{"Room description","Keterangan ruangan"}.
{"Room Occupants","Penghuni Ruangan"}.
{"Room title","Nama Ruangan"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Kelompok kontak yang diizinkan untuk berlangganan"}.
{"Roster of ","Kontak dari"}.
{"Roster size","Ukuran Daftar Kontak"}.
@ -309,9 +285,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Shut Down Layanan"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s mengundang anda ke ruangan ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Beberapa klien Jabber dapat menyimpan password di komputer Anda. Gunakan fitur itu hanya jika Anda mempercayai komputer Anda aman."}.
{"Specify the access model","Tentukan model akses"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Tentukan jenis acara pesan"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Tentukan model penerbitan"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Antrian Pesan Offline ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Mulai Modul pada"}.
{"Start Modules","Memulai Modul"}.
@ -328,14 +301,12 @@
{"Submitted","Ulangi masukan"}.
{"Subscriber Address","Alamat Pertemanan"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Julukan itu sudah digunakan oleh penghuni lain"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Julukan tersebut telah didaftarkan oleh orang lain"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Captcha ini benar."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Verifikasi CAPTCHA telah gagal"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Koleksi dengan yang berafiliasi dengan sebuah node"}.
{"the password is","kata sandi yaitu:"}.
{"The password is too weak","Kata sandi terlalu lemah"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Kata sandi pada akun Jabber Anda telah berhasil diubah."}.
@ -345,6 +316,7 @@
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Pada bagian ini huruf besar dan kecil tidak dibedakan: Misalnya macbeth adalah sama dengan MacBeth juga Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Halaman ini memungkinkan untuk membuat akun Jabber di layanan Jabber ini. JID Anda (Jabber Pengenal) akan berbentuk: namapengguna@layanan. Harap baca dengan seksama petunjuk-petunjuk untuk mengisi kolom dengan benar."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Pada bagian ini memungkinkan Anda untuk membatalkan pendaftaran akun Jabber pada layanan Jabber ini."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ruangan ini tidak dikenal"}.
{"Time delay","Waktu tunda"}.
@ -379,15 +351,12 @@
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Visitor tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengubah nama julukan di ruangan ini"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Visitor tidak diperbolehkan untuk mengirim pesan ke semua penghuni"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Ketika untuk mengirim item terakhir yang dipublikasikan"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Apakah diperbolehkan untuk berlangganan"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Anda dapat mengubah kata sandi anda dilain waktu dengan menggunakan klien Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Anda telah diblokir dari ruangan ini"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Anda harus mengisi kolom \"Julukan\" dalam formulir"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Anda memerlukan klien yang mendukung x:data dan CAPTCHA untuk mendaftar"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Anda memerlukan klien yang mendukung x:data untuk mendaftar julukan"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Anda memerlukan x:data klien untuk mampu mengkonfigurasi pengaturan mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Anda memerlukan x:data klien untuk dapat mengkonfigurasi ruangan"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Anda memerlukan x:data klien untuk melakukan pencarian"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Daftar privasi aktif Anda telah menolak routing ztanza ini"}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kontak offline Anda pada antrian pesan sudah penuh. Pesan telah dibuang."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Amministrazione di "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Necessari i privilegi di amministratore"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Un nome comodo per il nodo"}.
{"All activity","Tutta l'attività"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Consentire a questo Jabber ID l'iscrizione a questo nodo pubsub?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Consentire agli utenti di cambiare l'oggetto"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Consentire agli utenti query verso altri utenti"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Consentire agli utenti l'invio di inviti"}.
@ -23,10 +21,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Consentire ai visitatori di cambiare il nickname"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Consentire agli ospiti l'invio di messaggi privati a"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Consentire ai visitatori l'invio di testo sullo stato in aggiornamenti sulla presenza"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Consentire agli ospiti l'invio di richieste di parola"}.
{"All Users","Tutti gli utenti"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Per entrare in questa stanza è prevista una password"}.
@ -66,8 +62,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Eliminare il messaggio del giorno (MOTD) su tutti gli host"}.
{"Delete Selected","Eliminare gli elementi selezionati"}.
{"Delete User","Eliminare l'utente"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Inviare notifiche degli eventi"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Inviare il contenuto del messaggio con la notifica dell'evento"}.
{"Disc only copy","Copia su disco soltanto"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Gruppi visualizzati:"}.
@ -99,13 +93,11 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Esempio: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"segreto\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.serverdiprova.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Escludi degli ID Jabber dal passaggio CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Esportare i dati di tutti gli utenti nel server in file PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Esportare i dati degli utenti di un host in file PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Impossibile estrarre il JID dall'approvazione della richiesta di parola"}.
{"Family Name","Cognome"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Riempire i campi per la ricerca di utenti Jabber corrispondenti ai criteri"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Riempire il modulo per la ricerca di utenti Jabber corrispondenti ai criteri (Aggiungere * alla fine del campo per la ricerca di una sottostringa"}.
@ -116,7 +108,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Ottenere la data di ultimo accesso dell'utente"}.
{"Get User Password","Ottenere la password dell'utente"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Ottenere le statistiche dell'utente"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Dare parola a questa persona?"}.
{"Group ","Gruppo "}.
{"has been banned","è stata/o bandita/o"}.
@ -138,8 +129,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Importare utenti da file di spool di jabberd14"}.
{"Improper message type","Tipo di messaggio non corretto"}.
{"Incorrect password","Password non esatta"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Affiliazione non valida: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Ruolo non valido: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","Indirizzi IP"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","Canale IRC (senza il # iniziale)"}.
@ -154,7 +143,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Non è consentito l'invio di messaggi privati alla conferenza"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registrazione account Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID (Jabber ID)"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Il Jabber ID ~s non è valido"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Entra nel canale IRC"}.
{"joins the room","entra nella stanza"}.
@ -180,8 +168,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Rendere la sala visibile al pubblico"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Numero massimo di occupanti"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Numero massimo di elementi da conservare persistentemente"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Dimensione massima del contenuto del messaggio in byte"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Per entrare in questa stanza è necessario essere membro"}.
@ -189,9 +175,7 @@
{"Message body","Corpo del messaggio"}.
{"Middle Name","Altro nome"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Intervallo minimo fra due richieste di parola (in secondi)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Necessari i privilegi di moderatore"}.
{"moderators only","moderatori soltanto"}.
{"Modified modules","Moduli modificati"}.
@ -203,21 +187,13 @@
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrazione di un nickname su "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Il nickname ~s non esiste nella stanza"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Nessun corpo fornito per il messaggio di annuncio"}.
{"No Data","Nessuna informazione"}.
{"Node ID","ID del nodo"}.
{"Node not found","Nodo non trovato"}.
{"No limit","Nessun limite"}.
{"No resource provided","Nessuna risorsa fornita"}.
{"Not Found","Non trovato"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Notificare gli iscritti quando sono eliminati degli elementi dal nodo"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Notificare gli iscritti quando la configurazione del nodo cambia"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Notificare gli iscritti quando il nodo è cancellato"}.
{"Number of occupants","Numero di presenti"}.
{"Number of online users","Numero di utenti online"}.
{"Number of registered users","Numero di utenti registrati"}.
@ -228,7 +204,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Utenti connessi:"}.
{"Online Users","Utenti online"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Inviare le notifiche solamente agli utenti disponibili"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","La modifica dell'oggetto di questa stanza è consentita soltanto ai moderatori e ai partecipanti"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","La modifica dell'oggetto di questa stanza è consentita soltanto ai moderatori"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Soltanto i moderatori possono approvare richieste di parola"}.
@ -251,19 +226,16 @@
{"Path to File","Percorso del file"}.
{"Period: ","Periodo:"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Conservazione persistente degli elementi"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","N.B.: Queste opzioni comportano il salvataggio solamente del database interno Mnesia. Se si sta utilizzando il modulo ODBC, è necessario salvare anche il proprio database SQL separatamente."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Attendi qualche istante prima di inviare una nuova richiesta di parola"}.
{"Port ~b","Porta ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Rendere visibile il Jabber ID reale a"}.
{"private, ","privato, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Richiesta di iscrizione per PubSub"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Cancella tutti gli elementi quando chi li ha pubblicati non è più online"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","In questa stanza non sono consentite query ai membri della conferenza"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","Copia in memoria (RAM) e su disco"}.
{"RAM copy","Copia in memoria (RAM)"}.
@ -293,7 +265,6 @@
{"Room description","Descrizione della stanza"}.
{"Room Occupants","Presenti nella stanza"}.
{"Room title","Titolo della stanza"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Gruppi roster abilitati alla registrazione"}.
{"Roster","Lista dei contatti"}.
{"Roster of ","Lista dei contatti di "}.
{"Roster size","Dimensione della lista dei contatti"}.
@ -319,9 +290,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Terminare il servizio"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s ti invita nella stanza ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alcuni client Jabber possono conservare la password nel tuo computer. Utilizza tale funzione soltanto se ritieni che il tuo computer sia sicuro."}.
{"Specify the access model","Specificare il modello di accesso"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Specificare il tipo di messaggio di evento"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Definire il modello di pubblicazione"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Coda di ~s messaggi offline"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Avviare moduli su "}.
@ -338,14 +306,12 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Indirizzo dell'iscritta/o"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Il nickname è già in uso all'interno della conferenza"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Questo nickname è registrato da un'altra persona"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Il CAPTCHA è valido."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","La verifica del CAPTCHA ha avuto esito negativo"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Le collezioni a cui è affiliato un nodo"}.
{"the password is","la password è"}.
{"The password is too weak","La password è troppo debole"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Il cambio di password del tuo account Jabber è andato a buon fine."}.
@ -355,6 +321,7 @@
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Non fa differenza fra minuscolo e maiuscolo: macbeth, MacBeth e Macbeth si equivalgono."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Questa pagina consente di creare un account Jabber in questo server Jabber. Il tuo JID (Jabber IDentifier) avrà la forma: nome_utente@server. Leggi attentamente le istruzioni per compilare i campi correttamente."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Questa pagina consente di eliminare un account Jabber da questo server Jabber."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Questa stanza non è anonima"}.
{"Time delay","Ritardo"}.
@ -378,7 +345,6 @@
{"Update script","Script di aggiornamento"}.
{"Uptime:","Tempo dall'avvio:"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Utilizzo di STARTTLS obbligatorio"}.
{"User JID","JID utente"}.
{"User Management","Gestione degli utenti"}.
{"Username:","Nome utente:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Non è consentito agli utenti registrare account così rapidamente"}.
@ -393,15 +359,12 @@
{"Voice request","Richiesta di parola"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","In questa conferenza le richieste di parola sono escluse"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Quando inviare l'ultimo elemento pubblicato"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Consentire iscrizioni?"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Potrai in seguito cambiare la password utilizzando un client Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Sei stata/o bandita/o da questa stanza"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Si deve riempire il campo \"Nickname\" nel modulo"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","La registrazione richiede un client che supporti x:data e CAPTCHA"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Per registrare il nickname è necessario un client che supporti x:data"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Per la configurazione del modulo IRC è necessario un client che supporti x:data"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Per la configurazione della stanza è necessario un client che supporti x:data"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Per effettuare ricerche è necessario un client che supporti x:data"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","In base alla tua attuale lista privacy questa stanza è stata esclusa dalla navigazione."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","La coda dei messaggi offline del contatto è piena. Il messaggio è stato scartato"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
{"Administration of ","管理: "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","管理者権限が必要です"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","ノードのフレンドリネーム"}.
{"All activity","すべて"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","この Jabber ID に、この pubsubードの購読を許可しますか ?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","ユーザーによる件名の変更を許可"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","ユーザーによる他のユーザーへのクエリーを許可"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","ユーザーによる招待を許可"}.
@ -24,10 +22,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","傍聴者のニックネームの変更を許可"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","傍聴者によるプライベートメッセージの送信を次の相手に許可"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","傍聴者によるプレゼンス更新のステータス文の送信を許可"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","傍聴者による発言権の要求を許可"}.
{"All Users","全ユーザー"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","このチャットルームに入るにはパスワードが必要です"}.
@ -69,8 +65,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","お知らせメッセージを削除"}.
{"Delete Selected","選択した項目を削除"}.
{"Delete User","ユーザーを削除"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","イベント通知を配送する"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","イベント通知と同時にペイロードを配送する"}.
{"Disc only copy","ディスクだけのコピー"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","表示グループ:"}.
@ -88,9 +82,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd ウェブ管理"}.
{"Empty Rooms","空のルーム"}.
{"Enable logging","ロギングを有効"}.
{"Enable message archiving","メッセージアーカイブを有効化"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","サーバーのエンコーディング ~b"}.
{"End User Session","エンドユーザーセッション"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","{モジュール, [オプション]}のリストを入力してください"}.
@ -105,14 +97,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","例: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","CAPTCHA 入力を免除する Jabber ID"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","すべてのテーブルをSQL形式でファイルにエクスポート: "}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","サーバーにあるすべてのユーザーデータを PIEFXIS ファイルにエクスポート (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","ホストのユーザーデータを PIEFXIS ファイルにエクスポート (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","発言権要求の承認から JID を取り出すことに失敗しました"}.
{"Family Name","姓"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","項目を入力してユーザーを検索してください"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","項目を入力してユーザーを検索を行えます (* を使用すると部分文字列にマッチします)"}.
{"From ~s","From ~s"}.
@ -123,7 +113,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","最終ログイン時間を取得"}.
{"Get User Password","パスワードを取得"}.
{"Get User Statistics","ユーザー統計を取得"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","この人に発言権を与えますか ?"}.
{"Group ","グループ"}.
{"has been banned","はバンされました"}.
@ -146,8 +135,6 @@
{"Improper message type","誤ったメッセージタイプです"}.
{"Incoming s2s Connections:","内向き s2s コネクション:"}.
{"Incorrect password","パスワードが違います"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","無効な分掌です: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","無効な役です: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","IP アドレス"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC チャンネル (先頭に#は不要)"}.
@ -163,7 +150,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","プライベートメッセージを送信することはできません"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber アカウント登録"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s は無効です"}.
{"Join IRC channel","IRC チャンネルに参加"}.
{"joins the room","がチャットルームに参加しました"}.
@ -190,8 +176,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","チャットルームを検索可"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","最大在室者数"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","アイテムの最大保存数"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","最大ぺイロードサイズ (byte)"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","このチャットルームに入るにはメンバーでなければなりません"}.
@ -199,10 +183,7 @@
{"Message body","本文"}.
{"Middle Name","ミドルネーム"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","発言権の要求の最小時間間隔 (秒)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","モデレーター権限が必要です"}.
{"moderators only","モデレーターにのみ"}.
{"Modified modules","更新されたモジュール"}.
@ -218,21 +199,13 @@
{"Nickname Registration at ","ニックネーム登録: "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","ニックネーム ~s はこのチャットルームにいません"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","アナウンスメッセージはありませんでした"}.
{"No Data","データなし"}.
{"Node ID","ードID"}.
{"Node not found","ノードが見つかりません"}.
{"Node ~p","ノード ~p"}.
{"No limit","制限なし"}.
{"No resource provided","リソースが指定されていません"}.
{"Not Found","見つかりません"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","アイテムがノードから消された時に購読者へ通知する"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","ノード設定に変更があった時に購読者へ通知する"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","ノードが削除された時に購読者へ通知する"}.
{"Number of occupants","在室者の数"}.
{"Number of online users","オンラインユーザー数"}.
{"Number of registered users","登録ユーザー数"}.
@ -243,7 +216,6 @@
{"Online Users:","オンラインユーザー:"}.
{"Online Users","オンラインユーザー"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","有効なユーザーにのみ告知を送信する"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","メンバーのみがこのルームのアーカイブを取得できます"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","モデレーターと参加者のみがチャットルームの件名を変更できます"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","モデレーターのみがチャットルームの件名を変更できます"}.
@ -258,7 +230,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","外向き s2s コネクション"}.
{"Owner privileges required","主宰者の権限が必要です"}.
{"Password ~b","パスワード ~b"}.
@ -269,21 +240,16 @@
{"Period: ","期間: "}.
{"Permanent rooms","永続チャットルーム"}.
{"Persist items to storage","アイテムをストレージに保存する"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","これらのオプションは組み込みの Mnesia データーベースのバックアップのみを行うことに注意してください。もし ODBC モジュールを使用している場合は、SQL データーベースのバックアップを別に行う必要があります。"}.
{"Please specify file name.","ファイル名を指定してください。"}.
{"Please specify file size.","ファイルサイズを指定してください。"}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","新しい発言権の要求を送るまで少し間をおいてください"}.
{"Port ~b","ポート ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","本当の Jabber ID を公開"}.
{"private, ","プライベート、"}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","PubSub 購読者のリクエスト"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","公開者がオフラインになるときに、すべてのアイテムを削除"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","このチャットルームでは、会議のメンバーへのクエリーは禁止されています"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","RAM, ディスクコピー"}.
{"RAM copy","RAM コピー"}.
@ -309,13 +275,11 @@
{"Restore binary backup after next ejabberd restart (requires less memory):","ejabberd の再起動時にバイナリバックアップからリストア (メモリ少):"}.
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","直ちにバイナリバックアップからリストア:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","直ちにプレーンテキストバックアップからリストア:"}.
{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","プレゼンスをブロードキャストするロール"}.
{"Room Configuration","チャットルームの設定"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","サービスポリシーによってチャットルームの作成が禁止されています"}.
{"Room description","チャットルームの説明"}.
{"Room Occupants","在室者"}.
{"Room title","チャットルームのタイトル"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","名簿グループは購読を許可しました"}.
{"Roster of ","名簿: "}.
{"Roster size","名簿サイズ"}.
@ -332,7 +296,6 @@
{"Send announcement to all users","すべてのユーザーにアナウンスを送信"}.
{"Server ~b","サーバー ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","お知らせメッセージを設定し、オンラインユーザーに送信"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","全ホストのお知らせメッセージを設定し、オンラインユーザーに送信"}.
@ -342,9 +305,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","サービスを停止"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s はあなたをチャットルーム ~s に招待しています"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Jabber クライアントはコンピューターにパスワードを記憶できます。コンピューターが安全であると信頼できる場合にのみ、この機能を使用してください。"}.
{"Specify the access model","アクセスモデルを設定する"}.
{"Specify the event message type","イベントメッセージ種別を設定"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","公開モデルを指定する"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s' のオフラインメッセージキュー"}.
{"Start Modules at ","モジュールを開始: "}.
{"Start Modules","モジュールを起動"}.
@ -361,29 +321,26 @@
{"Subscriber Address","購読者のアドレス"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","そのニックネームは既にほかの在室者によって使用されています"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","ニックネームはほかの人によって登録されています"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","CAPTCHA は有効です。"}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","CAPTCHA 検証は失敗しました"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","提携されたノードの集合です"}.
{"the password is","パスワードは"}.
{"The password is too weak","このパスワードは単純過ぎます"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Jabber アカウントのパスワード変更に成功しました。"}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","パスワードの変更中にエラーが発生しました: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","アカウントの作成中にエラーが発生しました: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","アカウントの削除中にエラーが発生しました: "}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","このIPアドレスはアクセスを禁止されています ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","大文字と小文字は区別しません: macbeth は MacBeth や Macbeth と同じです。"}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","ここはこの Jabber サーバーにアカウントを作成するページです。あなたの JID (JabberID) は username@server のような形式になります。注意事項どおり、正しく項目を記入してください。"}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","このページはサーバー上のJabberアカウントを削除するページです。"}.
{"This room is not anonymous","このチャットルームは非匿名です"}.
{"Time delay","遅延時間"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","CAPTCHA 要求が多すぎます"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","~p回の認証に失敗しました。このIPアドレス(~s)は~s UTCまでブロックされます。"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","多くのスタンザが応答していません"}.
{"To ~s","宛先 ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","チャットルーム数"}.
@ -407,7 +364,6 @@
{"Use of STARTTLS required","STARTTLS の使用が必須です"}.
{"User JID","ユーザー JID"}.
{"User Management","ユーザー管理"}.
@ -419,19 +375,15 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","バーチャルホスト"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","傍聴者はこのチャットルームでニックネームを変更することはできません"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","傍聴者はすべての在室者にメッセージを送信することはできません"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","この会議では、発言権の要求はできません"}.
{"Voice request","発言権を要求"}.
{"When to send the last published item","最後の公開アイテムを送信するタイミングで"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","購読を許可するかどうか"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","あなたは後で Jabber クライアントを使用してパスワードを変更できます。"}.
{"You have been banned from this room","あなたはこのチャットルームからバンされています"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","フォームの\"ニックネーム\"欄を入力する必要があります"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","登録を行うには x:data と CAPTCHA をサポートするクライアントが必要です"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","ニックネームを登録するには x:data をサポートするクライアントが必要です"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","mod_irc の設定には x:data をサポートするクライアントが必要です"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","チャットルームを設定するには x:data をサポートするクライアントが必要です"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","検索を行うためには x:data をサポートするクライアントが必要です"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","あなたのプライバシーリストはこのスタンザのルーティングを拒否しました。"}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","相手先のオフラインメッセージキューが一杯です。このメッセージは破棄されます。"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Beheer van "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","U hebt beheerdersprivileges nodig"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Bijnaam voor deze knoop"}.
{"All activity","Alle activiteit"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Deze gebruiker toestaan te abonneren op deze pubsub node?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Sta gebruikers toe het onderwerp te veranderen"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Gebruikers mogen naar andere gebruikers verzoeken verzenden"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Gebruikers mogen uitnodigingen verzenden"}.
@ -23,10 +21,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Sta bezoekers toe hun naam te veranderen"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Gebruikers mogen privéberichten verzenden aan"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Sta bezoekers toe hun statusbericht in te stellen"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Gebruikers mogen stemaanvragen verzenden"}.
{"All Users","Alle gebruikers"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","U hebt een wachtwoord nodig om deze chatruimte te kunnen betreden"}.
@ -68,8 +64,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Verwijder bericht-van-de-dag op alle hosts"}.
{"Delete Selected","Geselecteerde verwijderen"}.
{"Delete User","Verwijder Gebruiker"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Gebeurtenisbevestigingen Sturen"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Berichten bezorgen samen met gebeurtenisnotificaties"}.
{"Disc only copy","Harde schijf"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Weergegeven groepen:"}.
@ -88,7 +82,6 @@
{"Enable logging","Logs aanzetten"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Zet bericht-archivering aan"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Karakterset voor server ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Verwijder Gebruikers-sessie"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Voer lijst met op te starten modules als volgt in: {Module, [Opties]}"}.
@ -103,14 +96,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Voorbeeld: [{\"irc.example.org\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"geheim\"}, {\"vendetta.example.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {irc,testserver.nl\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Geen CAPTCHA test voor Jabber IDs"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exporteer alle tabellen als SQL-queries naar een bestand:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exporteer data van alle gebruikers in de server naar PIEFXIS-bestanden (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exporteer data van alle gebruikers van een host naar PIEXFIS-bestanden (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Er kon geen JID worden ontleend uit deze stemaanvraag"}.
{"Family Name","Achternaam"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Vul de velden in om te zoeken naar Jabber-gebruikers op deze server"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Gebruik de velden om te zoeken (Voeg achteraan het teken * toe om te zoeken naar alles wat met het eerste deel begint.)."}.
{"From ~s","Van ~s"}.
@ -121,7 +112,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Tijd van Laatste Aanmelding Opvragen"}.
{"Get User Password","Gebruikerswachtwoord Opvragen"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Gebruikers-statistieken Opvragen"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Stemaanvraag honoreren voor deze persoon?"}.
{"Group ","Groep "}.
{"has been banned","is verbannen"}.
@ -143,8 +133,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Importeer gebruikers via spool-bestanden van jabberd14"}.
{"Improper message type","Onjuist berichttype"}.
{"Incorrect password","Foutief wachtwoord"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Ongeldige affiliatie: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Ongeldige rol: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","IP-adres"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC kanaal (zonder eerste #)"}.
@ -159,7 +147,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Er mogen geen privéberichten naar de chatruimte worden verzonden"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber-account registratie"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","De Jabber ID ~s is ongeldig"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Ga IRC kanaal binnen"}.
{"joins the room","betrad de chatruimte"}.
@ -186,8 +173,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Chatruimte doorzoekbaar maken"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Maximum aantal aanwezigen"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Maximum aantal in het geheugen te bewaren items"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Maximumgrootte van bericht in bytes"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","U moet lid zijn om deze chatruimte te kunnen betreden"}.
@ -195,9 +180,7 @@
{"Message body","Bericht"}.
{"Middle Name","Tussennaam"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Minimale interval tussen stemaanvragen (in seconden)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","U hebt moderatorprivileges nodig"}.
{"moderators only","moderators"}.
{"Modified modules","Gewijzigde modules"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Modules op ~p"}.
@ -212,22 +195,14 @@
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registratie van een bijnaam op "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","De bijnaam ~s bestaat niet in deze chatruimte"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","De mededeling bevat geen bericht"}.
{"No Data","Geen gegevens"}.
{"Node ID","Node ID"}.
{"Node not found","Node niet gevonden"}.
{"Node ~p","Node ~p"}.
{"No limit","Geen limiet"}.
{"No resource provided","Geen bron opgegeven"}.
{"Not Found","Niet gevonden"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Abonnees informeren wanneer items verwijderd worden uit de node"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Abonnees informeren wanneer de instellingen van de node veranderen"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Abonnees informeren wanneer de node verwijderd word"}.
{"Number of occupants","Aantal aanwezigen"}.
{"Number of online users","Aantal Aanwezige Gebruikers"}.
{"Number of registered users","Aantal Geregistreerde Gebruikers"}.
@ -238,7 +213,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Online gebruikers:"}.
{"Online Users","Online gebruikers"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Notificaties alleen verzenden naar online gebruikers"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Alleen moderators en deelnemers mogen het onderwerp van deze chatruimte veranderen"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Alleen moderators mogen het onderwerp van deze chatruimte veranderen"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Alleen moderators kunnen stemaanvragen goedkeuren"}.
@ -262,19 +236,16 @@
{"Period: ","Periode: "}.
{"Permanent rooms","Permanente groepsgesprekken"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Items in het geheugen bewaren"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Merk op dat volgende opties enkel backups maken van de ingebouwde database Mnesia. Als U de ODBC module gebruikt dan moeten daarvan afzonderlijke backups gemaakt worden."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Wacht s.v.p. met het maken van een nieuwe stemaanvraag."}.
{"Port ~b","Poort ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Jabber ID's kunnen achterhaald worden door"}.
{"private, ","privé, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","PubSub abonnee verzoek"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Verwijder alle items wanneer de gerelateerde publiceerder offline gaat"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Er mogen geen verzoeken verzenden worden naar deelnemers in deze chatruimte"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","RAM en harde schijf"}.
{"RAM copy","RAM"}.
@ -305,7 +276,6 @@
{"Room description","Beschrijving"}.
{"Room Occupants","Aantal aanwezigen"}.
{"Room title","Naam van de chatruimte"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Contactlijst-groepen die mogen abonneren"}.
{"Roster of ","Roster van "}.
{"Roster size","Contactlijst Groote"}.
@ -331,9 +301,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Stop Service"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s nodigt je uit voor het groepsgesprek ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Sommige Jabber-clienten kunnen het wachtwoord opslaan op Uw computer. Gebruik deze mogelijkheid alleen als U vertrouwd dat Uw computer afdoende beveiligd is."}.
{"Specify the access model","Geef toegangsmodel"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Geef type van eventbericht"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Publicatietype opgeven"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","offline berichten van ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Modules starten op "}.
{"Start Modules","Modules starten"}.
@ -350,30 +317,27 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Abonnee Adres"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Deze bijnaam is al in gebruik door een andere aanwezige"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Deze bijnaam is al geregistreerd door iemand anders"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","De geautomatiseerde Turing-test is geslaagd."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","De CAPTCHA-verificatie is mislukt"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","De collecties waar een node mee is gerelateerd"}.
{"the password is","het wachtwoord is"}.
{"The password is too weak","Het wachtwoord is te zwak"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Het wachtwoord van Uw Jabber-account is succesvol veranderd."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Er was een fout bij het veranderen van het wachtwoord:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Er was een fout bij het creeern van de account:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Er was een fout bij het verwijderen van de account."}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Dit IP-adres is geblokkeerd in ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Dit is niet hoofdlettergevoelig: macbeth is hetzelfde als MacBeth en Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Deze pagina maakt het mogelijk een Jabber-account te registreren op deze server. Uw JID (Jabber IDentiteit) zal er als volg uit zien: gebruikersnaam@server. Lees de instructies zorgvuldig teneinde de velden correct in te vullen."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Deze pagina maakt het mogelijk een Jabber-account op deze server op te heffen."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Deze chatruimte is niet anoniem"}.
{"Time delay","Vertraging"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Te veel CAPTCHA-aanvragen"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Te veel (~p) mislukte authenticatie-pogingen van dit IP-adres (~s). Dit adres zal worden gedeblokkeerd om ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Te veel niet-bevestigde stanzas"}.
{"To ~s","Naar ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Aantal groepsgesprekken"}.
@ -396,7 +360,6 @@
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Gebruik van STARTTLS is vereist"}.
{"User JID","JID Gebruiker"}.
{"User Management","Gebruikersbeheer"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Het is gebruikers niet toegestaan zo snel achter elkaar te registreren"}.
@ -411,15 +374,12 @@
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Stemaanvragen zijn uitgeschakeld voor deze chatruimte"}.
{"Voice request","Stemaanvraag"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Wanneer het laatst gepubliceerde item verzonden moet worden"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Abonnementsaanvraag toestaan"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","U can het wachtwoord later veranderen met een Jabber-client."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","U werd verbannen uit deze chatruimte"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","U moet het veld \"bijnaam\" invullen"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","U hebt een client nodig die x:data en CAPTCHA ondersteunt om een bijnaam te registreren"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","U hebt een client nodig die x:data ondersteunt om een bijnaam te registreren"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","U hebt een client nodig die x:data ondersteunt om dit IRC-transport in te stellen"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","U hebt een client nodig die x:data ondersteunt om deze chatruimte in te stellen"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","U hebt een client nodig die x:data ondersteunt om te zoeken"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Uw actieve privacy-lijst verbied het routeren van dit stanza."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Te veel offline berichten voor dit contactpersoon. Het bericht is niet opgeslagen."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Administrasjon av "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Administratorprivilegier kreves"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Et vennlig navn for noden"}.
{"All activity","All aktivitet"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Tillat denne Jabber ID å abonnere på denne pubsub "}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Tillat brukere å endre emne"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Tillat brukere å sende forespørsel til andre brukere"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Tillat brukere å sende invitasjoner"}.
@ -23,10 +21,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Tillat besøkende å endre kallenavn"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Tillat brukere å sende private meldinger til"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Tillat besøkende å sende status tekst i "}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Tillat brukere å sende lyd forespørsler"}.
{"All Users","Alle Brukere"}.
{"anyone","hvem som helst"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Et passord kreves for tilgang til samtalerommet"}.
@ -66,8 +62,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","Slett melding for dagen"}.
{"Delete Selected","Slett valgte"}.
{"Delete User","Slett Bruker"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Lever begivenhets kunngjøringer"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Send innhold sammen med kunngjøringer"}.
{"Disc only copy","Kun diskkopi"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Viste grupper:"}.
@ -99,13 +93,11 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Eksempel: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Ekskluder Jabber IDer fra CAPTCHA utfordring"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Eksporter data om alle brukere i en server til PIEFXIS filer"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Eksporter data om alle brukere i en host til PIEFXIS filer (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Feilet i forsøk på å hente JID fra din lyd forespørsel godkjenning"}.
{"Family Name","Etternavn"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Fyll inn felt for å søke etter Jabber brukere"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Fyll inn skjemaet for å søke etter Jabber bruker (Legg til * på slutten av feltet for å treffe alle som starter slik)"}.
@ -116,7 +108,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Vis Brukers Siste Påloggings Tidspunkt"}.
{"Get User Password","Hent Brukers Passord"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Vis Bruker Statistikk"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Gi lyd til denne personen?"}.
{"Group ","Gruppe "}.
{"has been banned","har blitt bannlyst"}.
@ -138,8 +129,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Importer Brukere Fra jabberd14 Spoolfiler"}.
{"Improper message type","Feilaktig meldingstype"}.
{"Incorrect password","Feil passord"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Ugyldig rang: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Ugyldig rolle: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","IP adresser"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC kanal (ikke skriv den første #)"}.
@ -154,7 +143,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Det er ikke tillatt å sende private meldinger til "}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber Konto Registrering"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Ugyldig Jabber ID ~s"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Bli med i IRC kanal"}.
{"joins the room","kommer inn i rommet"}.
@ -180,8 +168,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Gjør rommet offentlig søkbart"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Maksimum Antall Deltakere"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Høyeste # elementer som skal lagres"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Største innholdsstørrelse i byte"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Medlemskap kreves for tilgang til samtalerommet"}.
@ -189,9 +175,7 @@
{"Message body","Meldingskropp"}.
{"Middle Name","Mellomnavn"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Minimums interval mellom lyd forespørsler (i sekunder)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Redaktørprivilegier kreves"}.
{"moderators only","kun for redaktører"}.
{"Modified modules","Endrede moduler"}.
@ -203,21 +187,13 @@
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrer Kallenavn på "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Kallenavn ~s eksisterer ikke i dette rommet"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Ingen meldingskropp gitt for kunngjørings melding"}.
{"No Data","Ingen Data"}.
{"Node ID","Node ID"}.
{"Node not found","Noden finnes ikke"}.
{"No limit","Ingen grense"}.
{"No resource provided","Ingen ressurs angitt"}.
{"Not Found","Finnes Ikke"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Informer abonnenter når elementer fjernes fra noden"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Informer abonnenter når node konfigurasjonen endres"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Informer abonnenter når noden slettes"}.
{"Number of occupants","Antall deltakere"}.
{"Number of online users","Antall tilkoblede brukere"}.
{"Number of registered users","Antall registrerte brukere"}.
@ -228,7 +204,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Tilkoblede Brukere:"}.
{"Online Users","Tilkoblede Brukere"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Send kunngjøringer bare til tilgjengelige brukere"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Bare redaktører og deltakere kan endre emnet i dette rommet"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Bare ordstyrer tillates å endre emnet i dette rommet"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Bare ordstyrer kan godkjenne lyd forespørsler"}.
@ -251,19 +226,16 @@
{"Path to File","Sti til Fil"}.
{"Period: ","Periode: "}.
{"Persist items to storage","Vedvarende elementer til lagring"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Merk at disse valgene vil bare sikkerhetskopiere den innebygde Mnesia databasen. Dersom du bruker ODBC modulen må du også ta backup av din SQL database."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Vennligst vent en stund før du sender en ny lyd forespørsel"}.
{"Port ~b","Port ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Presenter ekte Jabber IDer til"}.
{"private, ","privat, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","PubSub abonements forespørsel"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Rydd alle elementer når den aktuelle utgiveren logger av"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Forespørsler til konferanse medlemmene er ikke tillat i dette rommet"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","RAM og diskkopi"}.
{"RAM copy","RAM kopi"}.
@ -293,7 +265,6 @@
{"Room description","Rom beskrivelse"}.
{"Room Occupants","Samtalerom Deltakere"}.
{"Room title","Romtittel"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Kontaktliste grupper som tillates å abonnere"}.
{"Roster of ","Kontaktliste for "}.
{"Roster size","Kontaktliste størrelse"}.
@ -319,9 +290,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Avslutt Tjeneste"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s inviterer deg til rommet ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Noen Jabber klienter kan lagre passordet på datamaskinen. Bruk bare den funksjonen dersom du er sikker på at maskinen er trygg."}.
{"Specify the access model","Spesifiser aksess modellen"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Spesifiser hendelsesbeskjed type"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Angi publiserings modell"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~ss kø for Frakoblede Meldinger"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Start Moduler på "}.
{"Start Modules","Start Moduler"}.
@ -338,14 +306,12 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Abonnements Adresse"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Det kallenavnet er allerede i bruk av en annen deltaker"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Det kallenavnet er registrert av en annen person"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Captchaen er ikke gyldig"}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","CAPTCHA godkjenningen har feilet"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Samlingene som en node er assosiert med"}.
{"the password is","passordet er"}.
{"The password is too weak","Passordet er for svakt"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Passordet for din Jabber konto ble endret."}.
@ -355,6 +321,7 @@
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Denne er ufølsom for små og store bokstaver: macbeth er det samme som MacBeth og Macbeth. "}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Denne siden lar deg lage en Jabber konto på denne Jabber serveren. Din JID (Jabber ID) vil være i formatet: brukernavn@server. Vennligst les instruksjonene nøye slik at du fyller ut skjemaet riktig."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Denne siden lar deg avregistrere en Jabber konto på denne Jabber serveren."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Dette rommet er ikke anonymt"}.
{"Time delay","Tids forsinkelse"}.
@ -379,7 +346,6 @@
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Bruk av STARTTLS kreves"}.
{"User JID","Bruker JID"}.
{"User Management","Bruker Behandling"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Brukere får ikke lov til registrere kontoer så fort"}.
@ -393,15 +359,12 @@
{"Voice request","Lyd forespørsel"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Lyd forespørsler er blokkert i denne konferansen"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Når skal siste publiserte artikkel sendes"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Om man skal tillate abonnenter"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Du kan når som helst endre passordet via en Jabber klient."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Du har blitt bannlyst i dette rommet."}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Du må fylle inn feltet \"Nickname\" i skjemaet"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Du trenger en klient som støtter x:data og CAPTCHA for registrering "}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Du trenger en klient som støtter x:data for å registrere kallenavnet"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Du trenger en x:data kompatibel klient for å konfigurere mod_irc instillinger"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Du trenger en klient som støtter x:data for å "}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Du tregner en klient som støtter x:data for å kunne "}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Din aktive privat liste har blokkert rutingen av denne strofen."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kontaktens frakoblede meldingskø er full. Meldingen har blitt kassert."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Zarządzanie "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Wymagane uprawnienia administratora"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Przyjazna nazwa węzła"}.
{"All activity","Cała aktywność"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Pozwól temu Jabber ID na zapisanie się do tego węzła PubSub"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Pozwól użytkownikom zmieniać temat"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Pozwól użytkownikom pobierać informacje o innych użytkownikach"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Pozwól użytkownikom wysyłać zaproszenia"}.
@ -24,10 +22,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Pozwól uczestnikom na zmianę nicka"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Pozwól użytkownikom wysyłać prywatne wiadomości"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Pozwól uczestnikom na wysyłanie statusów opisowych"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Pozwól użytkownikom wysyłać zaproszenia"}.
{"All Users","Wszyscy użytkownicy"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Aby wejść do pokoju wymagane jest hasło"}.
@ -69,8 +65,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","Usuń wiadomość dnia"}.
{"Delete Selected","Usuń zaznaczone"}.
{"Delete User","Usuń użytkownika"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Dostarczaj powiadomienia o zdarzeniach"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Dostarczaj zawartość publikacji wraz z powiadomieniami o zdarzeniach"}.
{"Disc only copy","Kopia tylko na dysku"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Wyświetlane grupy:"}.
@ -88,9 +82,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd: Panel Administracyjny"}.
{"Empty Rooms","Puste pokoje"}.
{"Enable logging","Włącz logowanie"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Włącz archiwizowanie rozmów"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Kodowanie znaków dla serwera ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Zakończ sesję uzytkownika"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Wprowadź listę {Moduł, [Opcje]}"}.
@ -105,14 +97,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Przykład: [{\"wroclaw.irc.pl\",\"utf-8\"}, {\"warszawa.irc.pl\", \"iso8859-2\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Pomiń Jabber ID z żądania CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Wyeksportuj wszystkie tabele jako zapytania SQL do pliku:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Eksportuj dane wszystkich użytkowników serwera do plików w formacie PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Eksportuj dane użytkowników z hosta do plików w formacie PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Nie udało się wydobyć JID-u z twojego żądania"}.
{"Family Name","Nazwisko"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Wypełnij pola aby znaleźć pasujących użytkowników Jabbera"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Wypełnij formularz aby wyszukać użytkowników Jabbera (dodaj * na koniec zapytania aby wyszukać po fragmencie)"}.
@ -123,7 +113,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Pokaż czas ostatniego zalogowania uzytkownika"}.
{"Get User Password","Pobierz hasło użytkownika"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Pobierz statystyki użytkownika"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Udzielić głosu tej osobie?"}.
{"Group ","Grupa "}.
{"has been banned","został wykluczony"}.
@ -146,8 +135,6 @@
{"Improper message type","Nieprawidłowy typ wiadomości"}.
{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Przychodzące połączenia s2s:"}.
{"Incorrect password","Nieprawidłowe hasło"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Nieprawidłowa przynależność: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Nieprawidłowa rola: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","Adresy IP"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","Kanał IRC (nie używaj #)"}.
@ -163,7 +150,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Wysyłanie prywatnych wiadomości jest zabronione"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Zakładanie konta Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s jest niepoprawny"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Dołącz do kanału IRC"}.
{"joins the room","dołącza do pokoju"}.
@ -190,8 +176,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Pozwól wyszukiwać pokój"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Maksymalna liczba uczestników"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Maksymalna liczba przechowywanych przedmiotów"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Maksymalna wielkość powiadomienia w bajtach"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Musisz być na liście członków tego pokoju aby do niego wejść"}.
@ -199,10 +183,7 @@
{"Message body","Treść wiadomości"}.
{"Middle Name","Drugie imię"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Minimalny odstęp między żądaniami głosowymi (w sekundach)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Wymagane uprawnienia moderatora"}.
{"moderators only","tylko moderatorzy"}.
{"Modified modules","Zmodyfikowane moduły"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Moduły na ~p"}.
@ -217,22 +198,14 @@
{"Nickname","Nazwa użytkownika"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Rejestracja nazwy użytkownika na "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Nie ma nicka ~s w tym pokoju"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Brak treści powiadomienia"}.
{"No Data","Brak danych"}.
{"Node ID","ID węzła"}.
{"Node not found","Węzeł nie został znaleziony"}.
{"Node ~p","Węzeł ~p"}.
{"No limit","Bez limitu"}.
{"No resource provided","Nie podano zasobu"}.
{"Not Found","Nie znaleziono"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Informuj subskrybentów o usunięciu elementów węzła"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Informuj subskrybentów o zmianach konfiguracji węzła"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Informuj subskrybentów o usunięciu węzła"}.
{"Number of occupants","Liczba uczestników"}.
{"Number of online users","Liczba zalogowanych użytkowników"}.
{"Number of registered users","Liczba zarejestrowanych użytkowników"}.
@ -243,7 +216,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Użytkownicy zalogowani:"}.
{"Online Users","Użytkownicy zalogowani"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Dostarczaj powiadomienia tylko dostępnym użytkownikom"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Tylko moderatorzy mogą przeglądać archiwa tego pokoju"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Tylko moderatorzy i uczestnicy mogą zmienić temat tego pokoju"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Tylko moderatorzy mogą zmienić temat tego pokoju"}.
@ -258,7 +230,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Wychodzące połączenia s2s"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Wymagane uprawnienia właściciela"}.
{"Password ~b","Hasło ~b"}.
@ -269,21 +240,16 @@
{"Period: ","Przedział czasu: "}.
{"Permanent rooms","Stałych pokoi"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Przechowuj na stałe dane PubSub"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Te opcje kopii zapasowych dotyczą tylko wbudowanej bazy danych typu Mnesia. Jeśli korzystasz z modułu ODBC, musisz wykonać kopie bazy we własnym zakresie."}.
{"Please specify file name.","Proszę podać nazwę pliku."}.
{"Please specify file size.","Proszę podać rozmiar pliku."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Proszę poczekać chwile, zanim wyślesz nowe żądanie głosowe"}.
{"Port ~b","Port ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Prawdziwe Jabber ID widoczne dla"}.
{"private, ","prywatny, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Żądanie subskrybcji PubSub"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Usuń wszystkie elementy w momencie kiedy publikujący rozłączy się"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Informacje o członkach konferencji nie są dostępne w tym pokoju"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","Kopia na dysku i w pamięci RAM"}.
{"RAM copy","Kopia w pamięci RAM"}.
@ -309,13 +275,11 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Natychmiast odtwórz kopię binarną:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Natychmiast odtwórz kopię z postaci tekstowej:"}.
{"Restore","Przywróć z kopii"}.
{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Role dla których wysyłane są statusy"}.
{"Room Configuration","Konfiguracja pokoju"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Zasady serwera zabraniają tworzyć nowe pokoje"}.
{"Room description","Opis pokoju"}.
{"Room Occupants","Lista uczestników"}.
{"Room title","Tytuł pokoju"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Grupy kontaktów uprawnione do subskrypcji"}.
{"Roster","Lista kontaktów"}.
{"Roster of ","Lista kontaktów "}.
{"Roster size","Rozmiar listy kontaktów"}.
@ -333,7 +297,6 @@
{"Server ~b","Serwer ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Wyślij wiadomość dnia do wszystkich zalogowanych użytkowników"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Ustaw wiadomość dnia dla wszystkich hostów i wyślij do zalogowanych uzytkowników"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Wspólne grupy kontaktów"}.
@ -342,9 +305,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Wyłącz usługę"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s zaprasza Cię do pokoju ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Niektóre klienty Jabber mogą zapisywać Twoje hasło na komputerze. Używaj tej opcji tylko jeśli ufasz komputerowi na którym pracujesz."}.
{"Specify the access model","Określ model dostępu"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Określ typ wiadomości"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Określ model publikującego"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Kolejka wiadomości offline użytkownika ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Uruchom moduły na "}.
{"Start Modules","Uruchom moduły"}.
@ -361,30 +321,27 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Adres subskrybenta"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Ta nazwa użytkownika jest używana przez kogoś innego"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Ta nazwa użytkownika jest już zarejestrowana przez inną osobę"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Captcha jest poprawna."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Weryfikacja CAPTCHA nie powiodła się."}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Grupy, do których należy węzeł"}.
{"the password is","hasło to:"}.
{"The password is too weak","Hasło nie jest wystarczająco trudne"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Hasło do Twojego konta zostało zmienione."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Podczas próby zmiany hasła wystąpił błąd:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Wystąpił błąd podczas tworzenia konta:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Podczas usuwania konta wystąpił błąd:"}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Ten adres IP został zablokowany w ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Pole nie rozróżnia wielkości liter: słowo Hanna jest takie samo jak hAnna lub haNNa."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Niniejsza strona pozwala na założenie konta Jabber na tym serwerze. Twój JID (Jabber IDentyfikator) będzie miał postać: nazwa_użytkownika@serwer. Przeczytaj dokładnie instrukcję i wypełnij pola."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Ta strona pozwala usunąć konto Jabber z tego serwera."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ten pokój nie jest anonimowy"}.
{"Time delay","Opóźnienie"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Za dużo żądań CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Zbyt wiele (~p) nieudanych prób logowanie z tego adresu IP (~s). Ten adres zostanie odblokowany o ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Zbyt wiele niepotwierdzonych pakietów"}.
{"To ~s","Do ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Wszystkich pokoi"}.
@ -406,7 +363,6 @@
{"Update script","Skrypt aktualizacji"}.
{"Uptime:","Czas pracy:"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Wymagane jest użycie STARTTLS"}.
{"User JID","Użytkownik "}.
{"User Management","Zarządzanie użytkownikami"}.
{"Username:","Nazwa użytkownika:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Użytkowncy nie mogą tak szybko rejestrować nowych kont"}.
@ -417,21 +373,17 @@
{"vCard User Search","Wyszukiwanie vCard użytkowników"}.
{"Virtual Hosts","Wirtualne Hosty"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Uczestnicy tego pokoju nie mogą zmieniać swoich nicków"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Odwiedzający nie mogą wysyłać wiadomości do wszystkich obecnych"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Głosowe żądania są wyłączone w tym pokoju"}.
{"Voice request","Żądanie głosowe"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Kiedy wysłać ostatnio opublikowaną rzecz"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Czy pozwolić na subskrypcje"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Możesz później zmienić swoje hasło za pomocą dowolnego klienta Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Zostałeś wykluczony z tego pokoju"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Musisz wypełnić pole \"Nazwa użytkownika\" w formularzu"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Potrzebujesz klienta obsługującego x:data aby zarejestrować nick"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Potrzebujesz klienta obsługującego x:data aby zarejestrować nick"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Potrzebujesz klienta obsługującego x:data aby skonfigurować mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Potrzebujesz klienta obsługującego x:data aby skonfigurować pokój"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Potrzebujesz klienta obsługującego x:data aby wyszukiwać"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Aktualna lista prywatności zabrania przesyłania tej stanzy"}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Kolejka wiadomości offline adresata jest pełna. Wiadomość została odrzucona."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Administração de "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Se necessita privilégios de administrador"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Um nome familiar para o nó"}.
{"All activity","Todas atividades"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Autorizar este Jabber ID para a inscrição neste tópico pubsub?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Permitir a usuários modificar o assunto"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Permitir a usuários pesquisar informações sobre os demais"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Permitir a usuários envio de convites"}.
@ -24,10 +22,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permitir mudança de apelido aos visitantes"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Permitir visitantes enviar mensagem privada para"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permitir atualizações de status aos visitantes"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Permitir aos visitantes o envio de requisições de voz"}.
{"All Users","Todos os usuários"}.
{"anyone","qualquer um"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Se necessita senha para entrar nesta sala"}.
@ -69,8 +65,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Apagar a mensagem do dia em todos os hosts"}.
{"Delete Selected","Remover os selecionados"}.
{"Delete User","Deletar Usuário"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Entregar as notificações de evento"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Enviar payloads junto com as notificações de eventos"}.
{"Disc only copy","Somente cópia em disco"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Grupos Exibidos:"}.
@ -88,9 +82,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd Web Admin"}.
{"Empty Rooms","Salas vazias"}.
{"Enable logging","Permitir criação de logs"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Habilitar arquivamento de mensagens"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Codificação para o servidor ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Terminar Sessão do Usuário"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Introduza lista de {módulo, [opções]}"}.
@ -105,14 +97,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Servidor Jabber em Erlang"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Exemplo: [{\"irc.teste.net\", \"koi8-r\"}, 6667, \"senha\"}, {\"dominio.foo.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.servidordeteste.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Excluir IDs Jabber de serem submetidos ao CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Exportar todas as tabelas como SQL para um arquivo:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportar todos os dados de todos os usuários no servidor, para arquivos formato PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportar dados dos usuários em um host, para arquivos PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Não foi possível extrair o JID (Jabber ID) da requisição de voz"}.
{"Family Name","Sobrenome"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Preencha campos para buscar usuários Jabber que concordem"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Preencha o formulário para buscar usuários Jabber. Agrega * ao final de um campo para buscar sub-palavras."}.
@ -123,7 +113,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Obter a Data do Último Login"}.
{"Get User Password","Obter Senha do Usuário"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Obter Estatísticas do Usuário"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Dar voz a esta pessoa?"}.
{"Group ","Grupo "}.
{"has been banned","foi banido"}.
@ -146,8 +135,6 @@
{"Improper message type","Tipo de mensagem incorreto"}.
{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Conexões que entram de s2s"}.
{"Incorrect password","Senha incorreta"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Afiliação não válida: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Cargo (role) é não válido: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","Endereços IP"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","Canal IRC (não coloque o #)"}.
@ -163,7 +150,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir o envio de mensagens privadas para a sala"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registros de Contas Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","O Jabber ID ~s não es válido"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Juntar-se ao canal IRC"}.
{"joins the room","Entrar na sala"}.
@ -177,7 +163,7 @@
{"Last year","Último ano"}.
{"leaves the room","Sair da sala"}.
{"Listened Ports at ","Portas abertas em "}.
{"Listened Ports","Portas escutadas"}.
{"Listened Ports","Portas abertas"}.
{"List of modules to start","Listas de módulos para inicializar"}.
{"List of rooms","Lista de salas"}.
{"Low level update script","Script de atualização low level"}.
@ -190,8 +176,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Tornar sala pública possível de ser encontrada"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Número máximo de participantes"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Máximo # de elementos que persistem"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Máximo tamanho do payload em bytes"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Necessitas ser membro desta sala para poder entrar"}.
@ -199,10 +183,7 @@
{"Message body","Corpo da mensagem"}.
{"Middle Name","Nome do meio"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","O intervalo mínimo entre requisições de voz (em segundos)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Se necessita privilégios de moderador"}.
{"moderators only","apenas moderadores"}.
{"Modified modules","Módulos atualizados"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Módulos em ~p"}.
@ -216,23 +197,15 @@
{"New Password:","Nova Senha:"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registro do apelido em "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","O nick ~s não existe na sala"}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","O apelido ~s não existe na sala"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Nenhum corpo de texto fornecido para anunciar mensagem"}.
{"No Data","Nenhum dado"}.
{"Node ID","ID do Tópico"}.
{"Node not found","Nó não encontrado"}.
{"Node ~p","Nó ~p"}.
{"No limit","Ilimitado"}.
{"No resource provided","Nenhum recurso foi informado"}.
{"Not Found","Não encontrado"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Notificar subscritores quando os elementos se eliminem do nodo"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Notificar subscritores quando cambia la configuração do nodo"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Notificar subscritores quando o nodo se elimine"}.
{"Number of occupants","Número de participantes"}.
{"Number of online users","Número de usuários online"}.
{"Number of registered users","Número de usuários registrados"}.
@ -243,7 +216,6 @@
{"Online Users","Usuários conectados"}.
{"Online Users:","Usuários online"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Somente enviar notificações aos usuários disponíveis"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Somente os membros podem procurar nos arquivos desta sala"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Somente os moderadores e os participamentes podem alterar o assunto desta sala"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Somente os moderadores podem alterar o assunto desta sala"}.
@ -258,7 +230,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections:","Conexões que partem de s2s"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Se requer privilégios de proprietário da sala"}.
{"Password ~b","Senha ~b"}.
@ -269,21 +240,16 @@
{"Period: ","Período: "}.
{"Permanent rooms","Salas permanentes"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Persistir elementos ao armazenar"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Observe que tais opções farão backup apenas da base de dados Mnesia. Caso você esteja utilizando o modulo ODBC, você precisará fazer backup de sua base de dados SQL separadamente."}.
{"Please specify file name.","Por favor informe o nome do arquivo."}.
{"Please specify file size.","Por favor informe o tamanho do arquivo."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Por favor, espere antes de enviar uma nova requisição de voz"}.
{"Port ~b","Porta ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Tornar o Jabber ID real visível por"}.
{"private, ","privado, "}.
{"Publish-Subscribe","Publicação de Tópico"}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","PubSub requisição de assinante"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Descartar todos os itens quando o publicante principal estiver offline"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Nesta sala não se permite consultas aos membros da sala"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","Cópias na RAM e disco rígido"}.
{"RAM copy","Cópia em RAM"}.
@ -309,13 +275,11 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Restaurar backup binário imediatamente"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Restaurar backup formato texto imediatamente:"}.
{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Para quem a presença será notificada"}.
{"Room Configuration","Configuração de salas"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Sala não pode ser criada devido à política do serviço"}.
{"Room description","Descrição da Sala"}.
{"Room Occupants","Número de participantes"}.
{"Room title","Título da sala"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Listar grupos autorizados"}.
{"Roster","Lista de contatos"}.
{"Roster of ","Lista de contatos de "}.
{"Roster size","Tamanho da Lista"}.
@ -333,7 +297,6 @@
{"Server ~b","Servidor ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Definir mensagem do dia e enviar a todos usuários online"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Definir mensagem do dia em todos os hosts e enviar para os usuários online"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Grupos Shared Roster"}.
@ -341,10 +304,7 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Mostrar Tabela Ordinária"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Parar Serviço"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s convidou você para a sala ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alguns clientes jabber podem salvar a sua senha no seu computador. Use recurso somente se você considera este computador seguro o suficiente."}.
{"Specify the access model","Especificar os modelos de acesso"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Especificar o tipo de mensagem para o evento"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Especificar o modelo do publicante"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Alguns clientes jabber podem salvar a sua senha no seu computador. Use o recurso somente se você considera este computador seguro o suficiente."}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s's Fila de Mensagens Offline"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Iniciar módulos em "}.
@ -354,36 +314,33 @@
{"Stop Modules at ","Parar módulos em "}.
{"Stop Modules","Parar módulos"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Nos parados"}.
{"Stopped Nodes","Nós parados"}.
{"Storage Type","Tipo de armazenamento"}.
{"Store binary backup:","Armazenar backup binário:"}.
{"Store plain text backup:","Armazenar backup em texto:"}.
{"Subscriber Address","Endereço dos Assinantes"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","O apelido (nick) já está sendo utilizado"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","O nick já está registrado por outra pessoa"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","O apelido já está registrado por outra pessoa"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","O CAPTCHA é inválido."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","A verificação do CAPTCHA falhou"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","As coleções com as quais o nó está relacionado"}.
{"the password is","a senha é"}.
{"The password is too weak","Senha considerada fraca'"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","A senha da sua conta Jabber foi mudada com sucesso."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Houve um erro ao mudar a senha: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Houve um erro ao criar esta conta: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Houve um erro ao deletar esta conta: "}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Este endereço IP está bloqueado em ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Não é 'case insensitive': macbeth é o mesmo que MacBeth e ainda Macbeth. "}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta pagina aceita criações de novas contas Jabber neste servidor. A sua JID (Identificador Jabber) será da seguinte forma: 'usuário@servidor'. Por favor, leia cuidadosamente as instruções para preencher corretamente os campos."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Esta pagina aceita criações de novas contas Jabber neste servidor. O seu JID (Identificador Jabber) será da seguinte forma: 'usuário@servidor'. Por favor, leia cuidadosamente as instruções para preencher corretamente os campos."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Esta página aceita para deletar uma conta Jabber neste servidor."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Essa sala não é anônima"}.
{"Time delay","Intervalo (Tempo)"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Número excessivo de requisições para o CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Número excessivo (~p) de tentativas falhas de autenticação (~s). O endereço será desbloqueado às ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","número excessivo de instâncias sem confirmação"}.
{"To ~s","Para ~s"}.
@ -406,7 +363,6 @@
{"Update script","Script de atualização"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","É obrigatório uso de STARTTLS"}.
{"User JID","Usuário JID"}.
{"User Management","Gerenciamento de Usuários"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Usuários não estão autorizados a registrar contas imediatamente"}.
@ -419,21 +375,17 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","Hosts virtuais"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Nesta sala, os visitantes não podem mudar seus apelidos"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Os visitantes não podem enviar mensagens a todos os ocupantes"}.
{"Voice request","Requisição de voz"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Requisições de voz estão desabilitadas nesta conferência"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Quando enviar o último tópico publicado"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Permitir subscrições"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Mais tarde você pode alterar a sua senha usando um cliente Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Você foi banido desta sala"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Você deve completar o campo \"Apelido\" no formulário"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Você precisa de um cliente com suporte de x:data para poder registrar o nick"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Você precisa de um cliente com suporte de x:data para poder registrar o apelido"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Você precisa de um cliente com suporte a x:data para registrar o seu apelido"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Necessitas um cliente com suporte de x:data para configurar as opções de mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Necessitas um cliente com suporte de x:data para configurar a sala"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Necessitas um cliente com suporte de x:data para poder buscar"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Sua lista de privacidade ativa negou o roteamento deste."}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Sua lista de privacidade ativa negou o roteamento desta instância."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Sua fila de mensagens offline esta cheia. Sua mensagem foi descartada"}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully created.","Sua conta jabber foi criada com sucesso."}.
{"Your Jabber account was successfully deleted.","Sua conta Jabber foi deletada com sucesso."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
{"Enter path to text file","Introduza caminho para o ficheiro de texto"}.
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Servidor Jabber em Erlang"}.
{"Family Name","Apelido"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Preencha os campos para procurar utilizadores Jabber coincidentes"}.
{"From ~s","De ~s"}.
{"Full Name","Nome completo"}.
@ -53,12 +52,9 @@
{"Import Users from Dir at ","Importar utilizadores a partir do directório em "}.
{"Improper message type","Tipo de mensagem incorrecto"}.
{"Incorrect password","Palavra-chave incorrecta"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Afiliação inválida: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Papel inválido: ~s"}.
{"IRC Username","Nome do utilizador de IRC"}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Não é permitido enviar mensagens privadas do tipo \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Impedir o envio de mensagens privadas para a sala"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","O Jabber ID ~s não é válido"}.
{"Last Activity","Última actividade"}.
{"Listened Ports at ","Portas em escuta em "}.
{"List of modules to start","Lista de módulos a iniciar"}.
@ -76,7 +72,6 @@
{"Node not found","Nodo não encontrado"}.
{"No resource provided","Não foi passado nenhum recurso"}.
{"Online Users","Utilizadores ligados"}.
@ -131,5 +126,4 @@
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Os visitantes não podem enviar mensagens para todos os ocupantes"}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Foi banido desta sala"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","É necessário um cliente com suporte de x:data para configurar as opções do mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","É necessário um cliente com suporte de x:data para configurar a sala"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","É necessário um cliente com suporte de x:data para poder procurar"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Администрирование "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Требуются права администратора"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Легко запоминаемое имя для узла"}.
{"All activity","Вся статистика"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Разрешить этому Jabber ID подписаться на данный узел?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Разрешить пользователям изменять тему"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Разрешить iq-запросы к пользователям"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Разрешить пользователям посылать приглашения"}.
@ -23,10 +21,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Разрешить посетителям изменять псевдоним"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Разрешить посетителям посылать приватные сообщения"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Разрешить посетителям вставлять текcт статуса в сообщения о присутствии"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Разрешить посетителям запрашивать право голоса"}.
{"All Users","Все пользователи"}.
{"anyone","всем участникам"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Чтобы войти в эту конференцию, нужен пароль"}.
@ -68,8 +64,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","Удалить сообщение дня"}.
{"Delete Selected","Удалить выделенные"}.
{"Delete User","Удалить пользователя"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Доставлять уведомления о событиях"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Доставлять вместе с уведомлениями o публикациях сами публикации"}.
{"Disc only copy","только диск"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Видимые группы:"}.
@ -88,7 +82,6 @@
{"Email","Электронная почта"}.
{"Enable logging","Включить журналирование"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Включить хранение сообщений"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Кодировка сервера ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Завершить сеанс пользователя"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Введите список вида {Module, [Options]}"}.
@ -103,14 +96,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Пример: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Исключить показ капчи для списка Jabber ID"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Экспортировать все таблицы в виде SQL запросов в файл:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Экспорт данных всех пользователей сервера в файлы формата PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Экспорт пользовательских данных домена в файлы формата PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Ошибка обработки JID из вашего запроса на право голоса"}.
{"Family Name","Фамилия"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Заполните форму для поиска пользователя Jabber"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Заполните форму для поиска пользователя Jabber (Если добавить * в конец поля, то происходит поиск подстроки)"}.
{"From ~s","От ~s"}.
@ -121,7 +112,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Получить время последнего подключения пользователя"}.
{"Get User Password","Получить пароль пользователя"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Получить статистику по пользователю"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Предоставить голос?"}.
{"Group ","Группа "}.
{"has been banned","запретили входить в комнату"}.
@ -143,8 +133,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Импорт пользователей из спула jabberd14"}.
{"Improper message type","Неправильный тип сообщения"}.
{"Incorrect password","Неправильный пароль"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Недопустимый ранг: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Недопустимая роль: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","IP адреса"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","Канал IRC (без символа #)"}.
@ -159,7 +147,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Запрещено посылать приватные сообщения"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Регистрация Jabber-аккаунта"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s недопустимый"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Присоединиться к каналу IRC"}.
{"joins the room","вошёл(а) в комнату"}.
@ -186,8 +173,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Сделать комнату видимой всем"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Максимальное количество участников"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Максимальное число сохраняемых публикаций"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Максимальный размер полезной нагрузки в байтах"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","В эту конференцию могут входить только её члены"}.
@ -195,9 +180,7 @@
{"Message body","Тело сообщения"}.
{"Middle Name","Отчество"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Минимальный интервал между запросами на право голоса"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Требуются права модератора"}.
{"moderators only","только модераторам"}.
{"Modified modules","Изменённые модули"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Модули на ~p"}.
@ -213,21 +196,13 @@
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Псевдоним ~s в комнате отсутствует"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Тело объявления не должно быть пустым"}.
{"No Data","Нет данных"}.
{"Node ID","ID узла"}.
{"Node not found","Узел не найден"}.
{"Node ~p","Узел ~p"}.
{"No limit","Не ограничено"}.
{"No resource provided","Не указан ресурс"}.
{"Not Found","Не Найдено"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Уведомлять подписчиков об удалении публикаций из сборника"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Уведомлять подписчиков об изменении конфигурации сборника"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Уведомлять подписчиков об удалении сборника"}.
{"Number of occupants","Число присутствующих"}.
{"Number of online users","Количество подключённых пользователей"}.
{"Number of registered users","Количество зарегистрированных пользователей"}.
@ -238,7 +213,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Подключённые пользователи:"}.
{"Online Users","Подключённые пользователи"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Доставлять уведомления только доступным пользователям"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Только модераторы и участники могут изменять тему в этой комнате"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Только модераторы могут изменять тему в этой комнате"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Только модераторы могут утверждать запросы на право голоса"}.
@ -262,19 +236,16 @@
{"Period: ","Период"}.
{"Permanent rooms","Постоянные комнаты"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Сохранять публикации в хранилище"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Заметьте, что здесь производится резервное копирование только встроенной базы данных Mnesia. Если Вы также используете другое хранилище данных (например с помощью модуля ODBC), то его резервное копирование следует осуществлять отдельно."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Пожалуйста, подождите перед тем как подать новый запрос на право голоса"}.
{"Port ~b","Порт ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Сделать реальные Jabber ID участников видимыми"}.
{"private, ","приватная, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Запрос подписчика PubSub"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Очищать все записи автора публикации когда он отключается"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Запросы к пользователям в этой конференции запрещены"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","ОЗУ и диск"}.
{"RAM copy","ОЗУ"}.
@ -305,7 +276,6 @@
{"Room description","Описание комнаты"}.
{"Room Occupants","Участники комнаты"}.
{"Room title","Название комнаты"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Группы списка контактов, которым разрешена подписка"}.
{"Roster of ","Ростер пользователя "}.
{"Roster size","Размер списка контактов"}.
@ -331,9 +301,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Остановить службу"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s приглашает вас в комнату ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Некоторые Jabber-клиенты могут сохранять пароль на Вашем компьютере. Используйте эту функцию только в том случае, если считаете это безопасным."}.
{"Specify the access model","Укажите механизм управления доступом"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Укажите тип сообщения о событии"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Условия публикации"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Oчередь офлайновых сообщений ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Запуск модулей на "}.
{"Start Modules","Запуск модулей"}.
@ -350,29 +317,26 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Адрес подписчика"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Этот псевдоним уже занят другим участником"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Этот псевдоним зарегистрирован кем-то другим"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Проверка капчи прошла успешно."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Проверка капчи не пройдена"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Имя коллекции, в которую входит узел"}.
{"The password is too weak","Слишком слабый пароль"}.
{"the password is","пароль:"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Пароль Вашего Jabber-аккаунта был успешно изменен."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Ошибка при смене пароля:"}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Ошибка при создании аккаунта:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Ошибка при удалении аккаунта:"}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Этот IP адрес находится в чёрном списке ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Регистр не имеет значения: \"маша\" и \"МАША\" будет считаться одним и тем же именем."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Здесь Вы можете создать Jabber-аккаунт на этом Jabber-сервере. Ваш JID (Jabber-идентификатор) будет в виде: \"пользователь@сервер\". Пожалуйста, внимательно читайте инструкции для правильного заполнения полей."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Здесь Вы можете удалить Jabber-аккаунт с этого сервера."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Эта комната не анонимная"}.
{"Time delay","По истечение"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Слишком много запросов капчи"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Слишком много (~p) неудачных попыток аутентификации с этого IP-адреса (~s). Адрес будет разблокирован в ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Слишком много неподтверждённых пакетов"}.
{"To ~s","К ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Все комнаты"}.
@ -395,7 +359,6 @@
{"Uptime:","Время работы:"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Вы обязаны использовать STARTTLS"}.
{"User JID","JID пользователя"}.
{"User Management","Управление пользователями"}.
{"Username:","Имя пользователя:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Пользователи не могут регистрировать учётные записи так быстро"}.
@ -411,15 +374,12 @@
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Запросы на право голоса отключены в этой конференции"}.
{"Voice request","Запрос на право голоса"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Когда посылать последний опубликованный элемент"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Разрешить подписку"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Позже Вы можете изменить пароль через Jabber-клиент."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Вам запрещено входить в эту конференцию"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Вы должны заполнить поле \"Псевдоним\" в форме"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Чтобы зарегистрироваться, требуется x:data-совместимый клиент"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Чтобы зарегистрировать псевдоним, требуется x:data-совместимый клиент"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Чтобы настроить параметры mod_irc, требуется x:data-совместимый клиент"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Чтобы сконфигурировать комнату, требуется x:data-совместимый клиент"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Чтобы воспользоваться поиском, требуется x:data-совместимый клиент"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Маршрутизация этой строфы запрещена вашим активным списком приватности."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Очередь недоставленных сообщений Вашего адресата переполнена. Сообщение не было сохранено."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Administrácia "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Sú potrebné práva administrátora"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Prístupný názov pre uzol"}.
{"All activity","Všetky aktivity"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Dovoliť tomuto Jabber ID odoberať PubSub uzol?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Povoliť užívateľom meniť tému"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Povoliť užívateľom dotazovať sa informácie o iných užívateľoch"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Povoliť používateľom posielanie pozvánok"}.
@ -23,10 +21,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Návštevníci môžu meniť prezývky"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Povoliť užívateľom odosielať súkromné správy"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Návštevníci môžu posielať textové informácie v stavových správach"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Povoliť používateľom posielanie pozvánok"}.
{"All Users","Všetci užívatelia"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Pre vstup do miestnosti je potrebné heslo"}.
@ -66,8 +62,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","Zmazať správu dňa"}.
{"Delete Selected","Zmazať vybrané"}.
{"Delete User","Vymazať užívateľa"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Doručiť oznamy o udalosti"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Doručiť náklad s upozornením na udalosť"}.
{"Disc only copy","Len kópia disku"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Zobrazené skupiny:"}.
@ -99,13 +93,11 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Príklad: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Nepoužívať CAPTCHA pre nasledujúce Jabber ID"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportovať dáta všetkých uživateľov na serveri do súborov PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportovať dáta uživateľov na hostitelovi do súborov PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Nepodarilo sa nájsť JID v súhlase o Voice."}.
{"Family Name","Priezvisko"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Vyplnte políčka pre vyhľadávanie Jabber užívateľa"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Pre vyhľadanie Jabber používateľa vyplňte formulár (pridajte znak * na koniec, pre vyhľadanie podreťazca)"}.
@ -116,7 +108,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Zobraziť čas posledného prihlásenia"}.
{"Get User Password","Zobraziť heslo užívateľa"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Zobraziť štatistiku užívateľa"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Prideltiť Voice tejto osobe?"}.
{"Group ","Skupina "}.
{"has been banned","bol(a) zablokovaný(á)"}.
@ -138,8 +129,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Importovať užívateľov z jabberd14 spool súborov"}.
{"Improper message type","Nesprávny typ správy"}.
{"Incorrect password","Nesprávne heslo"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Neplatné priradenie: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Neplatná rola: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","IP adresa"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC kanál (bez počiatočnej #)"}.
@ -154,7 +143,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Nie je povolené odosielať súkromné správy do konferencie"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Registrácia jabber účtu"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s je neplatné"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Pripojit IRC kanál"}.
{"joins the room","vstúpil(a) do miestnosti"}.
@ -180,8 +168,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Nastaviť miestnosť ako verejne prehľadávateľnú"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Počet účastníkov"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Maximálny počet položiek, ktoré je možné natrvalo uložiť"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Maximálny náklad v bajtoch"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Pre vstup do miestnosti je potrebné byť členom"}.
@ -189,9 +175,7 @@
{"Message body","Telo správy"}.
{"Middle Name","Prostredné meno: "}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Sú potrebné práva moderátora"}.
{"moderators only","moderátorom"}.
{"Modified modules","Modifikované moduly"}.
@ -203,21 +187,13 @@
{"Nickname Registration at ","Registrácia prezývky na "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Prezývka ~s v miestnosti neexistuje"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Správa neobsahuje text"}.
{"No Data","Žiadne dáta"}.
{"Node ID","ID uzlu"}.
{"Node not found","Uzol nenájdený"}.
{"No limit","Bez limitu"}.
{"No resource provided","Nebol poskytnutý žiadny zdroj"}.
{"Not Found","Nebol nájdený"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Upozorniť prihlásených používateľov na odstránenie položiek z uzlu"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Upozorniť prihlásených používateľov na zmenu nastavenia uzlu"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Upozorniť prihlásených používateľov na zmazanie uzlu"}.
{"Number of occupants","Počet zúčastnených"}.
{"Number of online users","Počet online užívateľov"}.
{"Number of registered users","Počet registrovaných užívateľov"}.
@ -228,7 +204,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Online používatelia:"}.
{"Online Users","Online užívatelia"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Doručovať upozornenia len aktuálne prihláseným používateľom"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Len moderátori a zúčastnený majú povolené meniť tému tejto miestnosti"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Len moderátori majú povolené meniť tému miestnosti"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Len moderátori môžu schváliť žiadosť o Voice"}.
@ -251,19 +226,16 @@
{"Path to File","Cesta k súboru"}.
{"Period: ","Čas:"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Uložiť položky natrvalo do úložiska"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Prosím, berte na vedomie, že tieto nastavenia zázálohujú iba zabudovnú Mnesia databázu. Ak používate ODBC modul, musíte zálohovať vašu SQL databázu separátne."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Prosím počkate, predtým než pošlete novú žiadosť o Voice"}.
{"Port ~b","Port ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Zobrazovať skutočné Jabber ID"}.
{"private, ","súkromná, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Žiadosť odberateľa PubSub"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Odstrániť všetky relevantné položky, keď užívateľ prejde do módu offline"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Dotazovať sa o členoch nie je v tejto miestnosti povolené"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","Kópia RAM a disku"}.
{"RAM copy","Kópia RAM"}.
@ -293,7 +265,6 @@
{"Room description","Popis miestnosti"}.
{"Room Occupants","Ľudí v miestnosti"}.
{"Room title","Názov miestnosti"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Skupiny kontaktov, ktoré môžu odoberať"}.
{"Roster of ","Zoznam kontaktov "}.
{"Roster size","Počet kontaktov v zozname"}.
{"Roster","Zoznam kontaktov"}.
@ -318,9 +289,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Vypnúť službu"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s Vás pozýva do miestnosti ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Niektorí Jabber klenti môžu ukladať heslá v počítači. Používajte túto funkciu len ak veríte, že sú tam v bezpečí. "}.
{"Specify the access model","Uveďte model prístupu"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Uveďte typ pre správu o udalosti"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Špecifikovať model publikovania"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s Offline správy"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Spustiť moduly na "}.
{"Start Modules","Spustiť moduly"}.
@ -337,14 +305,12 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Adresa odberateľa"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Prezývka je už používaná iným členom"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Prezývka je už zaregistrovaná inou osobou"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Platná CAPTCHA."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Overenie pomocou CAPTCHA zlihalo"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Kolekcie asociované s uzlom"}.
{"the password is","heslo je"}.
{"The password is too weak","heslo je"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Heslo k Jabber účtu bolo úspešne zmenené."}.
@ -354,6 +320,7 @@
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Veľké a malé písmená sa nerozlišujú: macbeth je to isté ako MacBeth a Macbeth."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Táto stránka umožňuje refistrovať Jabber účet na tomto serveri. Vaše JID (Jabber IDentifikátor) bude vo formáte: užívateľ@server. Pozorne sledujte inštrukcie, aby ste údaje vypnili správne."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Na tejto stránke si môžete zrušiť Jabber účet registrovaný na tomto serveri."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Táto miestnosť nie je anonymná"}.
{"Time delay","Časový posun"}.
@ -377,7 +344,6 @@
{"Update script","Aktualizované skripty"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Je vyžadované použitie STARTTLS "}.
{"User JID","Používateľ "}.
{"User Management","Správa užívateľov"}.
{"Username:","IRC prezývka"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Nieje dovolené vytvárať účty tak rýchlo po sebe"}.
@ -392,15 +358,12 @@
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Žiadosti o Voice nie sú povolené v tejto konferencii"}.
{"Voice request","Žiadosť o Voice"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Kedy odoslať posledne publikovanú položku"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Povoliť prihlasovanie"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Neskôr si heslo môžete zmeniť pomocou Jabber klienta."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Boli ste vylúčený z tejto miestnosti"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Musíte vyplniť políčko \"Prezývka\" vo formulári"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Na registráciu prezývky potrebujete klienta podporujúceho z x:data"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Na registráciu prezývky potrebujete klienta podporujúceho z x:data"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Pre konfiguráciu mod_irc potrebujete klienta podporujúceho x:data"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Na konfiguráciu miestnosti potrebujete klienta podporujúceho x:data"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Na vyhľadávanie potrebujete klienta podporujúceho x:data"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Aktívny list súkromia zbránil v smerovaní tejto stanzy."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Fronta offline správ tohoto kontaktu je plná. Správa bola zahodená."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Administration av "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Administrationsprivilegier krävs"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Ett vänligt namn for noden"}.
{"All activity","All aktivitet"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Tillåt denna Jabber ID att prenumerera på denna pubsub node"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Tillåt användare att byta ämne"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Tillåt användare att söka efter andra användare"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Tillåt användare att skicka inbjudningar"}.
@ -24,7 +22,6 @@
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Tillåt gäster att skicka statustext som uppdatering"}.
{"All Users","Alla användare"}.
{"Backup Management","Hantera säkerhetskopior"}.
@ -57,8 +54,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","Ta bort dagens meddelande"}.
{"Delete Selected","Tabort valda"}.
{"Delete User","Ta bort användare"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Skicka eventnotifikation"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Skicka innehåll tillsammans med notifikationer"}.
{"Disc only copy","Endast diskkopia"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Visade grupper:"}.
@ -91,7 +86,6 @@
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Exportera data av användare i en host till PIEFXIS fil (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Family Name","Efternamn"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Fyll i fält för att söka efter jabberanvändare"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Fyll i formuläret för att söka efter en användare (lägg till * på slutet av fältet för att hitta alla som börjar så)"}.
@ -122,8 +116,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Importera användare från jabberd14 Spool filer"}.
{"Improper message type","Felaktig medelandetyp"}.
{"Incorrect password","Fel lösenord"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Ogiltlig rang: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Ogiltlig roll: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","IP adresser"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC kanal (skriv inte första #)"}.
@ -137,7 +129,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Det är inte tillåtet att skicka privata medelanden med typen \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Det är inte tillåtet att skicka privata medelanden till den här konferensen"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Otillåtet Jabber ID ~s"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Lägg till IRC kanal"}.
{"joins the room","joinar rummet"}.
@ -162,8 +153,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Gör rummet publikt sökbart"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Maximalt antal av användare"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Högsta antal dataposter som sparas"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Högsta innehållsstorlek i bytes"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Du måste vara medlem för att komma in i det här rummet"}.
@ -171,7 +160,6 @@
{"Message body","Meddelande kropp"}.
{"Middle Name","Mellannamn"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Moderatorprivilegier krävs"}.
{"moderators only","endast moderatorer"}.
{"Modified modules","Uppdaterade moduler"}.
@ -184,18 +172,11 @@
{"No body provided for announce message","Ingen kropp behövs för dessa meddelanden"}.
{"No Data","Ingen data"}.
{"Node ID","Node ID"}.
{"Node not found","Noden finns inte"}.
{"No limit","Ingen gräns"}.
{"No resource provided","Ingen resurs angiven"}.
{"Not Found","Noden finns inte"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Meddela prenumeranter när dataposter tas bort från noden"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Meddela prenumeranter när nodens konfiguration ändras"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Meddela prenumeranter när noden tas bort"}.
{"Number of occupants","Antal besökare"}.
{"Number of online users","Antal inloggade användare"}.
{"Number of registered users","Antal registrerade användare"}.
@ -205,7 +186,6 @@
{"Online Users","Anslutna användare"}.
{"Online Users:","Inloggade användare"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Skicka notifikationer bara till uppkopplade användare"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Endast moderatorer och deltagare har tillåtelse att ändra ämnet i det här rummet"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Utomstående får inte skicka medelanden till den här konferensen"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","Utomstående får inte skicka iq-queries till den här konferensen"}.
@ -225,13 +205,11 @@
{"Path to File","Sökväg till fil"}.
{"Pending","Ännu inte godkända"}.
{"Period: ","Period: "}.
{"Persist items to storage","Spara dataposter permanent"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Kom ihåg att dessa inställningar endast tar backup pa builtin Mnesias databas. Om du använder ODBC modul så måste du ta backup på SQLs databas enskilt"}.
{"Port ~b","Port ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Nuvarande äkta Jabber IDs till"}.
{"private, ","privat, "}.
@ -261,7 +239,6 @@
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Skapandet av rum är förbjudet enligt lokal policy"}.
{"Room Occupants","Antal besökare"}.
{"Room title","Rumstitel"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Rostergrupper tillåts att prenumerera"}.
{"Roster of ","Kontaktlista för "}.
{"Roster size","Roster storlek"}.
@ -285,8 +262,6 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Visa normal tabell"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Stäng ner servicen"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s bjöd in dig till rummet ~s"}.
{"Specify the access model","Specificera accessmodellen"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Ange publiceringsmodell"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s's offline meddelandekö"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Starta moduler på "}.
{"Start Modules","Starta moduler"}.
@ -303,12 +278,12 @@
{"Submitted","Skicka in"}.
{"Subscriber Address","Prenumerationsadress"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Smeknamnet är reserverat"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Din CAPTCHA är godkänd."}.
{"the password is","Lösenordet är"}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Detta rum är inte anonymt"}.
{"Time delay","Tidsförsening"}.
@ -339,12 +314,9 @@
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Det är inte tillåtet for gäster att ändra sina smeknamn i detta rummet"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Besökare får inte skicka medelande till alla"}.
{"When to send the last published item","När att skicka senast publicerade ämne"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Tillåta prenumerationer?"}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Du har blivit bannlyst från det här rummet"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Du måste fylla i fält \"smeknamn\" i formen"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Du behöer en klient som stöjer x:data för att konfigurera mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Du behöver en klient som stödjer x:data för att konfiguera detta rum"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Du behöver en klient som stödjer x:data, för att kunna söka"}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Din kontaktkö for offlinekontakter ar full"}.
{"Your messages to ~s are being blocked. To unblock them, visit ~s","Dina meddelanden till ~s är blockerade. För att avblockera dem, gå till ~s"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -14,13 +14,11 @@
{"Administration of ","การดูแล "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","ต้องมีสิทธิพิเศษของผู้ดูแลระบบ"}.
{"All activity","กิจกรรมทั้งหมด"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","อนุญาตให้ Jabber ID นี้เข้าร่วมเป็นสมาชิกของโหนด pubsub หรือไม่"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ถามคำถามกับผู้ใช้คนอื่นๆ ได้"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ส่งคำเชิญถึงกันได้"}.
{"Allow users to send private messages","อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้ส่งข้อความส่วนตัว"}.
{"All Users","ผู้ใช้ทั้งหมด"}.
{"Backup","การสำรองข้อมูล "}.
@ -51,8 +49,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","ลบข้อความของวันบนโฮสต์ทั้งหมด"}.
{"Delete Selected","ลบข้อความที่เลือก"}.
{"Delete User","ลบผู้ใช้"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","ส่งการแจ้งเตือนเหตุการณ์"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","ส่งส่วนของข้อมูล (payload) พร้อมกับการแจ้งเตือนเหตุการณ์"}.
{"Disc only copy","คัดลอกเฉพาะดิสก์"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","กลุ่มที่แสดง:"}.
@ -76,7 +72,6 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Family Name","นามสกุล"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","กรอกข้อมูลลงในฟิลด์เพื่อค้นหาผู้ใช้ Jabber ที่ตรงกัน"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","กรอกข้อมูลในแบบฟอร์มเพื่อค้นหาผู้ใช้ Jabber ที่ตรงกัน (ใส่เครื่องหมาย * ที่ท้ายสุดของฟิลด์เพื่อจับคู่กับสตริงย่อย)"}.
@ -100,8 +95,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","อิมพอร์ตผู้ใช้จากไฟล์เก็บพักข้อมูล jabberd14"}.
{"Improper message type","ประเภทข้อความไม่เหมาะสม"}.
{"Incorrect password","รหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","การเข้าร่วมที่ไม่ถูกต้อง: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","บทบาทไม่ถูกต้อง: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","ที่อยู่ IP"}.
{"IRC Transport","การส่ง IRC"}.
{"IRC Username","ชื่อผู้ใช้ IRC"}.
@ -109,7 +102,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","ไม่อนุญาตให้ส่งข้อความส่วนตัวไปยัง \"กลุ่มสนทนา\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","ไม่อนุญาตให้ส่งข้อความส่วนตัวไปยังห้องประชุม"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s ไม่ถูกต้อง"}.
{"joins the room","เข้าห้องสนทนานี้"}.
@ -130,15 +122,12 @@
{"Make room public searchable","สร้างเป็นห้องที่บุคคลทั่วไปสามารถค้นหาได้"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","จำนวนผู้ครอบครองห้องสูงสุด"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","จำนวนสูงสุดของรายการที่ยืนยัน"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","ขนาดสูงสุดของส่วนของข้อมูล (payload) มีหน่วยเป็นไบต์"}.
{"Message body","เนื้อหาของข้อความ"}.
{"Middle Name","ชื่อกลาง"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","ต้องมีสิทธิพิเศษของผู้ดูแลการสนทนา"}.
{"moderators only","สำหรับผู้ดูแลการสนทนาเท่านั้น"}.
@ -150,17 +139,10 @@
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","ไม่มีชื่อเล่น ~s อยู่ในห้องนี้"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","ไม่ได้ป้อนเนื้อหาสำหรับข้อความที่ประกาศ"}.
{"No Data","ไม่มีข้อมูล"}.
{"Node ID","ID โหนด"}.
{"Node not found","ไม่พบโหนด"}.
{"No limit","ไม่จำกัด"}.
{"No resource provided","ไม่ได้ระบุข้อมูล"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","แจ้งเตือนผู้สมัครสมาชิกเมื่อรายการถูกลบออกจากโหนด"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","แจ้งเตือนผู้สมัครสมาชิกเมื่อการกำหนดค่าโหนดเปลี่ยนแปลง"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","แจ้งเตือนผู้สมัครสมาชิกเมื่อโหนดถูกลบ"}.
{"Number of occupants","จำนวนผู้ครอบครองห้อง"}.
{"Number of online users","จำนวนผู้ใช้ออนไลน์"}.
{"Number of registered users","จำนวนผู้ใช้ที่ลงทะเบียน"}.
@ -170,7 +152,6 @@
{"Online Users:","ผู้ใช้ออนไลน์:"}.
{"Online Users","ผู้ใช้ออนไลน์"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","ส่งการแจ้งเตือนถึงผู้ใช้ที่สามารถติดต่อได้เท่านั้น"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","ผู้ครอบครองห้องเท่านั้นที่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ส่งข้อความไปยังห้องประชุม"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","ผู้ครอบครองห้องเท่านั้นที่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ส่งกระทู้ถามไปยังห้องประชุม"}.
{"Only service administrators are allowed to send service messages","ผู้ดูแลด้านการบริการเท่านั้นที่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ส่งข้อความการบริการ"}.
@ -188,11 +169,9 @@
{"Path to File","พาธของไฟล์ข้อมูล"}.
{"Period: ","ระยะเวลา:"}.
{"Persist items to storage","ยืนยันรายการที่จะจัดเก็บ"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","แสดง Jabber IDs ที่ถูกต้องแก่"}.
{"private, ","ส่วนตัว, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","คำร้องขอของผู้สมัครเข้าใช้งาน PubSub"}.
@ -242,8 +221,6 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","แสดงตารางทั่วไป"}.
{"Shut Down Service","ปิดการบริการ"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s เชิญคุณเข้าร่วมสนทนาในห้อง ~s"}.
{"Specify the access model","ระบุโมเดลการเข้าถึง"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","ระบุโมเดลผู้เผยแพร่"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s's ลำดับข้อความออฟไลน์"}.
{"Start Modules","เริ่มโมดูล"}.
@ -260,10 +237,10 @@
{"Subscriber Address","ที่อยู่ของผู้สมัคร"}.
{"the password is","รหัสผ่านคือ"}.
{"This room is not anonymous","ห้องนี้ไม่ปิดบังชื่อ"}.
{"Time delay","การหน่วงเวลา"}.
@ -291,11 +268,8 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","โฮสต์เสมือน"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","ผู้เยี่ยมเยือนไม่ได้รับอนุญาตให้ส่งข้อความถึงผู้ครอบครองห้องทั้งหมด"}.
{"When to send the last published item","เวลาที่ส่งรายการที่เผยแพร่ครั้งล่าสุด"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","อนุญาตให้เข้าร่วมเป็นสมาชิกหรือไม่"}.
{"You have been banned from this room","คุณถูกสั่งห้ามไมให้เข้าห้องนี้"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","คุณต้องกรอกฟิลด์ \"Nickname\" ในแบบฟอร์ม"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","คุณต้องใช้ไคลเอ็นต์ที่รองรับ x:data เพื่อกำหนดการตั้งค่า mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","คุณต้องใช้ไคลเอ็นต์ที่รองรับ x:data เพื่อกำหนดค่าห้องสนทนา "}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","คุณต้องใช้ไคลเอ็นต์ที่รองรับ x:data เพื่อค้นหา"}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","ลำดับข้อความออฟไลน์ของผู้ที่ติดต่อของคุณเต็มแล้ว ข้อความถูกลบทิ้งแล้ว"}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -13,9 +13,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Yönetim : "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Yönetim yetkileri gerekli"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Düğüm için dostane bir isim"}.
{"All activity","Tüm aktivite"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Bu Jabber ID bu pubsub düğümüne üye olmasına izin verilsin mi?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Kullanıcıların konu değiştirmesine izin ver"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Kullanıcıların diğer kullanıcıları sorgulamalarına izin ver"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Kullanıcıların davetiye göndermelerine izin ver"}.
@ -23,10 +21,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Ziyaretçilerin takma isim değiştirmelerine izin ver"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Ziyaretçilerin özel mesaj göndermelerine izin ver"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Ziyaretçilerin varlık (presence) güncellemelerinde durum metni göndermelerine izin ver"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Ziyaretçilerin ses isteğine göndermelerine izin ver"}.
{"All Users","Tüm Kullanıcılar"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Bu odaya girmek için parola gerekiyor"}.
@ -66,8 +62,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Tüm sunuculardaki günün mesajını sil"}.
{"Delete Selected","Seçilenleri Sil"}.
{"Delete User","Kullanıcıyı Sil"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Olay uyarıları gönderilsin"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Yükleri (payload) olay uyarıları ile beraber gönder"}.
{"Disc only copy","Sadece disk kopyala"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Gösterilen Gruplar:"}.
@ -99,13 +93,11 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Sunucusu"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Örnek: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"gizli\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}], {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]"}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","CAPTCHA doğrulamasını şu Jabber ID'ler için yapma"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Sunucudaki tüm kullanıcıların verisini PIEFXIS dosyalarına (XEP-0227) dışa aktar:"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Bir sunucudaki kullanıcıların verisini PIEFXIS dosyalarına (XEP-0227) dışa aktar:"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Ses isteği onayınızdan JID bilginize ulaşılamadı"}.
{"Family Name","Soyisim"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Eşleşen jabber kullanıcılarını aramak için alanları doldurunuz"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Eşleşen jabber kullanıcılarını aramak için formu doldurunuz (Alt dizgi eşlemek için alanın sonuna * ekleyin)"}.
@ -116,7 +108,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Kullanıcı Son Giriş Zamanınlarını Al"}.
{"Get User Password","Kullanıcı Parolasını Al"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Kullanıcı İstatistiklerini Al"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Bu kişiye ses verelim mi?"}.
{"Group ","Group "}.
{"has been banned","odaya girmesi yasaklandı"}.
@ -138,8 +129,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Jabberd 1.4 Spool Dosyalarından Kullanıcıları İçeri Aktar"}.
{"Improper message type","Uygunsuz mesaj tipi"}.
{"Incorrect password","Yanlış parola"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Geçersiz ilişki: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Geçersiz rol: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","IP adresleri"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC kanalı (ilk # işaretini koymayın)"}.
@ -154,7 +143,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Konferansa özel mesajlar gönderilmesine izin verilmiyor"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber Hesap Kaydı"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s geçersiz"}.
{"Join IRC channel","IRC kanalına katıl"}.
{"joins the room","odaya katıldı"}.
@ -180,8 +168,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Odayı herkes tarafından aranabilir hale getir"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Odada En Fazla Bulunabilecek Kişi Sayısı"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Kalıcı hale getirilecek en fazla öğe sayısı"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","En fazla yük (payload) boyutu (bayt olarak)"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","Bu odaya girmek için üyelik gerekiyor"}.
@ -189,9 +175,7 @@
{"Message body","Mesajın gövdesi"}.
{"Middle Name","Ortanca İsim"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Ses istekleri arasında olabilecek en az aralık (saniye olarak)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Moderatör yetkileri gerekli"}.
{"moderators only","sadece moderatörler"}.
{"Modified modules","Değişen modüller"}.
@ -203,21 +187,13 @@
{"Nickname Registration at ","Takma İsim Kaydı : "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","~s takma ismi odada yok"}.
{"Nickname","Takma isim"}.
{"nobody","hiç kimse"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Duyuru mesajının gövdesi yok"}.
{"No Data","Veri Yok"}.
{"Node ID","Düğüm ID"}.
{"Node not found","Düğüm bulunamadı"}.
{"No limit","Sınırsız"}.
{"No resource provided","Hiç kaynak sağlanmadı"}.
{"Not Found","Bulunamadı"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Düğümden öğeler kaldırıldığında üyeleri uyar"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Düğüm ayarları değiştiğinde üyeleri uyar"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Bir düğüm silindiğinde üyeleri uyar"}.
{"Number of occupants","Oda sakini sayısı"}.
{"Number of online users","Bağlı kullanıcı sayısı"}.
{"Number of registered users","Kayıtlı kullanıcı sayısı"}.
@ -228,7 +204,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Bağlı Kullanıcılar:"}.
{"Online Users","Bağlı Kullanıcılar"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Uyarıları sadece durumu uygun kullanıcılara ulaştır"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Sadece moderatörlerin ve katılımcıların bu odanın konusunu değiştirmesine izin veriliyor"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Sadece moderatörlerin bu odanın konusunu değiştirmesine izin veriliyor"}.
{"Only moderators can approve voice requests","Yalnız moderatörler ses isteklerini onaylayabilir"}.
@ -251,19 +226,16 @@
{"Path to File","Dosyanın Yolu"}.
{"Pending","Sıra Bekleyen"}.
{"Period: ","Periyot:"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Öğeleri depoda kalıcı hale getir"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Bu seçeneklerin sadece gömülü Mnesia veritabanını yedekleyeceğine dikkat edin. Eğer ODBC modülünü kullanıyorsanız, SQL veritabanınızı da ayrıca yedeklemeniz gerekiyor."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Lütfen yeni bir ses isteği göndermeden önce biraz bekleyin"}.
{"Port ~b","Kapı (Port) ~b"}.
{"Port","Kapı (Port)"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Gerçek Jabber ID'lerini göster :"}.
{"private, ","özel"}.
{"Publish-Subscribe","Yayınla-Üye Ol"}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","PubSub üye isteği"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","İlgili yayıncı çevirimdışı olunca tüm onunla ilgili olanları sil"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Bu odada konferans üyelerine sorgu yapılmasına izin verilmiyor"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","RAM ve disk kopyala"}.
{"RAM copy","RAM kopyala"}.
@ -293,7 +265,6 @@
{"Room description","Oda tanımı"}.
{"Room Occupants","Oda Sakini Sayısı"}.
{"Room title","Oda başlığı"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Üye olunmasına izin verilen kontak listesi grupları"}.
{"Roster","Kontak Listesi"}.
{"Roster of ","Kontak Listesi : "}.
{"Roster size","İsim listesi boyutu"}.
@ -319,9 +290,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Servisi Kapat"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s sizi ~s odasına davet ediyor"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Bazı Jabber istemcileri parolanızı bilgisayarınızda saklayabilir. Bu özelliği ancak bilgisayarın güvenli olduğuna güveniyorsanız kullanın."}.
{"Specify the access model","Erişim modelini belirtiniz"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Olay mesaj tipini belirtiniz"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Yayıncı modelini belirtiniz"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s Kullanıcısının Mesaj Kuyruğu"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Modülleri Başlat : "}.
@ -338,14 +306,12 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Üye Olanın Adresi"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Takma isim odanın başka bir sakini tarafından halihazırda kullanımda"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","O takma isim başka biri tarafından kaydettirilmiş"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","İnsan doğrulaması (captcha) geçerli."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","CAPTCHA doğrulaması başarısız oldu"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Bir düğüm ile bağlantılı koleksiyonlar"}.
{"the password is","parola :"}.
{"The password is too weak","Parola çok zayıf"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Jabber hesabınızın parolası başarıyla değiştirildi."}.
@ -355,6 +321,7 @@
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Burada büyük küçük harfi yapılmaz: macbeth ile MacBeth ve Macbeth aynıdır."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Bu sayfa bu Jabber sunucusunda bir Jabber hesabı oluşturulmasına olanak tanıyor. Sizin JID'iniz (Jabber Tanımlayıcısı) şu biçemde olacaktır: kullanici_adi@sunucu. Lütfen alanları doğru doldurabilmek için yönergeleri dikkatle okuyunuz."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Bu sayfa bu Jabber sunucusundan bir Jabber hesabının kaydını silmeye olanak tanıyor."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Bu oda anonim değil"}.
{"Time delay","Zaman gecikmesi"}.
@ -378,7 +345,6 @@
{"Update script","Betiği Güncelle"}.
{"Uptime:","Hizmet Süresi:"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","STARTTLS kullanımı gereklidir"}.
{"User JID","Kullanıcı JID"}.
{"User Management","Kullanıcı Yönetimi"}.
{"Username:","Kullanıcı adı:"}.
@ -393,15 +359,12 @@
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Bu konferansta ses istekleri etkisizleştirilmiş durumda."}.
{"Voice request","Ses isteği"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Son yayınlanan öğe ne zaman gönderilsin"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Üyeliklere izin verilsin mi"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Parolanızı daha sonra bir Jabber istemci kullanarak değiştirebilirsiniz."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Bu odaya girmeniz yasaklandı"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Formda \"Takma isim\" alanını doldurmanız gerekiyor"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Takma isminizi kaydettirmek için x:data ve CAPTCHA destekleyen bir istemciye gereksinimiz var"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Takma isminizi kaydettirmek için x:data destekleyen bir istemciye gereksinimiz var"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","mod_irc ayarlarını düzenlemek için x:data becerisine sahip bir istemciye gereksinimiz var"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Odayı ayarlamak için x:data becerisine sahip bir istemciye gereksinimiz var"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Arama yapabilmek için x:data becerisine sahip bir istemciye gereksinimiz var"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Etkin mahremiyet listeniz bu bölümün yönlendirilmesini engelledi."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Çevirim-dışı mesaj kuyruğunuz dolu. Mesajını dikkate alınmadı."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Адміністрування "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Необхідні права адміністратора"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","Псевдонім для вузла"}.
{"All activity","Вся статистика"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Чи дозволити цьому Jabber ID підписатись новини наданого вузла"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Дозволити користувачам змінювати тему"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Дозволити iq-запити до користувачів"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Дозволити користувачам надсилати запрошення"}.
@ -24,10 +22,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Дозволити відвідувачам змінювати псевдонім"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Дозволити відвідувачам відсилати приватні повідомлення"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Дозволити відвідувачам відсилати текст статусу в оновленнях присутності"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Дозволити відвідувачам надсилати голосові запрошення"}.
{"All Users","Всі користувачі"}.
{"anyone","всім учасникам"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","Щоб зайти в цю конференцію, необхідно ввести пароль"}.
@ -69,8 +65,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","Видалити повідомлення дня"}.
{"Delete Selected","Видалити виділені"}.
{"Delete User","Видалити Користувача"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Доставляти сповіщення про події"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Доставляти разом з повідомленнями про публікації самі публікації"}.
{"Disc only copy","Тільки диск"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Видимі групи:"}.
@ -88,9 +82,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","Веб-інтерфейс Адміністрування ejabberd"}.
{"Email","Електронна пошта"}.
{"Empty Rooms","Порожні кімнати"}.
{"Enable logging","Включити журнал роботи"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Ввімкнути архівацію повідомлень"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Кодування для сервера ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Закінчити Сеанс Користувача"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Введіть перелік такого виду {Module, [Options]}"}.
@ -105,14 +97,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Приклад: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Пропускати ці Jabber ID без CAPTCHA-запиту"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Експорт усіх таблиць, як SQL запити, у файл"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Експорт даних всіх користувачів сервера до файлу PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Експорт даних користувачів домена до файлу PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Помилка витягнення JID з вашого схвалення голосового запиту"}.
{"Family Name","Прізвище"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Заповніть поля для пошуку користувача Jabber"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Заповніть поля для пошуку користувача Jabber (Додайте * в кінець поля для пошуку підрядка)"}.
{"From ~s","Від ~s"}.
@ -123,7 +113,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Отримати Час Останнього Підключення Користувача"}.
{"Get User Password","Отримати Пароль Користувача"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Отримати Статистику по Користувачу"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Надати голос персоні?"}.
{"Group ","Група "}.
{"has been banned","заборонили вхід в кімнату"}.
@ -146,8 +135,6 @@
{"Improper message type","Неправильний тип повідомлення"}.
{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Вхідні s2s-з'єднання:"}.
{"Incorrect password","Неправильний пароль"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Недопустимий ранг: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Недопустима роль: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","IP адреси"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","Канал IRC (не включаючи #)"}.
@ -163,7 +150,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","Приватні повідомлення не дозволені"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Реєстрація Jabber-акаунту"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s недопустимий"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Приєднатися до каналу IRC"}.
{"joins the room","увійшов(ла) в кімнату"}.
@ -190,8 +176,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Зробити кімнату видимою всім"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Максимальна кількість учасників"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Максимальне число збережених публікацій"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Максимальний розмір корисного навантаження в байтах"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","В цю конференцію можуть входити тільки її члени"}.
@ -199,10 +183,7 @@
{"Message body","Тіло повідомлення"}.
{"Middle Name","По-батькові"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Мінімальний інтервал між голосовими запитами (в секундах)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Необхідні права модератора"}.
{"moderators only","тільки модераторам"}.
{"Modified modules","Змінені модулі"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Модулі на ~p"}.
@ -218,21 +199,13 @@
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Псевдонім ~s в кімнаті відсутній"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Тіло оголошення має бути непустим"}.
{"No Data","Немає даних"}.
{"Node ID","ID вузла"}.
{"Node not found","Вузол не знайдено"}.
{"Node ~p","Вузол ~p"}.
{"No limit","Без обмежень"}.
{"No resource provided","Не вказаний ресурс"}.
{"Not Found","не знайдено"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Повідомляти абонентів про видалення публікацій із збірника"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Повідомляти абонентів про зміни в конфігурації збірника"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Повідомляти абонентів про видалення збірника"}.
{"Number of occupants","Кількість присутніх"}.
{"Number of online users","Кількість підключених користувачів"}.
{"Number of registered users","Кількість зареєстрованих користувачів"}.
@ -243,7 +216,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Підключені користувачі:"}.
{"Online Users","Підключені користувачі"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Доставляти повідомленнями тільки доступним користувачам"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Тільки модератори можуть запитувати архіви цієї кімнати"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Тільки модератори та учасники можуть змінювати тему в цій кімнаті"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Тільки модератори можуть змінювати тему в цій кімнаті"}.
@ -258,7 +230,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Вихідні s2s-з'єднання"}.
{"Owner privileges required","Необхідні права власника"}.
{"Password ~b","Пароль ~b"}.
{"Password Verification:","Перевірка Пароля:"}.
{"Password Verification","Перевірка Пароля"}.
@ -269,21 +240,16 @@
{"Period: ","Період"}.
{"Permanent rooms","Постійні кімнати"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Зберегати публікації до сховища"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Зауважте, що ця опція відповідає за резервне копіювання тільки вбудованної бази даних Mnesia. Якщо Ви також використовуєте інше сховище для даних (наприклад за допомогою модуля ODBC), то його резервне копіювання потрібно робити окремо."}.
{"Please specify file name.","Будь ласка вкажіть ім'я файлу."}.
{"Please specify file size.","Будь ласка вкажіть розмір файлу."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Будь ласка, почекайте деякий час перед тим, як знову відправляти голосовий запит"}.
{"Port ~b","Порт ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Зробити реальні Jabber ID учасників видимими"}.
{"private, ","приватна, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Запит на підписку PubSub"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Видалити всі елементи, коли особа, що їх опублікувала, вимикається від мережі"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Запити до користувачів в цій конференції заборонені"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","ОЗП та диск"}.
{"RAM copy","ОЗП"}.
@ -309,13 +275,11 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Відновити з бінарної резервної копії негайно:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Відновити з текстової резервної копії негайно:"}.
{"Restore","Відновлення з резервної копії"}.
{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Ролі для яких поширюється наявність"}.
{"Room Configuration","Конфігурація кімнати"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","Створювати конференцію заборонено політикою служби"}.
{"Room description","Опис кімнати"}.
{"Room Occupants","Учасники кімнати"}.
{"Room title","Назва кімнати"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Дозволені для підписки групи ростера"}.
{"Roster of ","Ростер користувача "}.
{"Roster size","Кількість контактів"}.
@ -333,7 +297,6 @@
{"Server ~b","Сервер ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Встановити повідомлення дня та надіслати його підключеним користувачам"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Встановити повідомлення дня на всіх хостах та надійслати його підключеним користувачам"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Спільні групи контактів"}.
@ -342,9 +305,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Вимкнути Сервіс"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s запрошує вас до кімнати ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Деякі Jabber-клієнти можуть зберігати пароль на вашому комп'ютері. Користуйтесь цією функцією тільки у тому випадку, якщо вважаєте її безпечною."}.
{"Specify the access model","Визначити модель доступу"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Вкажіть тип повідомлень зі сповіщеннями про події"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Умови публікації"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","Черга офлайнових повідомлень ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Запуск модулів на "}.
{"Start Modules","Запуск модулів"}.
@ -361,29 +321,26 @@
{"Subscriber Address","Адреса абонента"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Псевдонім зайнято кимось з присутніх"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Псевдонім зареєстровано кимось іншим"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Перевірку капчею закінчено успішно"}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Перевірку капчею не пройдено"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Колекція, до якої входить вузол"}.
{"The password is too weak","Пароль надто простий"}.
{"the password is","пароль:"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Пароль вашого Jabber-акаунту був успішно змінений."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Помилка при зміні пароля: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Помилка при створенні акаунту:"}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Помилка при видаленні акаунту: "}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Ця IP адреса у чорному списку ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Регістр не має значення: \"МАША\" та \"маша\" буде сприйматися як одне й те саме ім'я."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Тут ви можете зареєструвати обліковий запис Jabber на цьому сервері. Ваш JID (ідентифікатор Jabber) матиме вигляд \"користувач@сервер\". Щоб вірно заповнити поля нижче, будь ласка, уважно читайте інструкції до них."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Ця сторінка дозволяє видалити свій акаунт з Jabber-сервера."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Ця кімната не анонімна"}.
{"Time delay","Час затримки"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Надто багато CAPTCHA-запитів"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","Забагато (~p) помилок авторизації з цієї IP адреси (~s). Адресу буде розблоковано о ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Занадто багато пакетів без відповідей"}.
{"To ~s","До ~s"}.
{"Total rooms","Всього кімнат"}.
@ -406,7 +363,6 @@
{"Uptime:","Час роботи:"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","Ви мусите використовувати STARTTLS"}.
{"User JID","JID Користувача"}.
{"User Management","Управління Користувачами"}.
{"Username:","Ім'я користувача:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Користувачам не дозволено так часто реєструвати облікові записи"}.
@ -419,19 +375,15 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","віртуальні хости"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Відвідувачам не дозволяється змінювати псевдонім в цій кімнаті"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Відвідувачам не дозволяється надсилати повідомлення всім присутнім"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Голосові запити відключені в цій конференції"}.
{"Voice request","Голосовий запит"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Коли надсилати останній опублікований елемент"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Дозволяти підписку"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Пізніше можна змінити пароль через Jabber-клієнт."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Вам заборонено входити в цю конференцію"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Вам необхідно заповнити поле \"Псевдонім\" у формі"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Для реєстрації псевдоніму необхідно використовувати клієнт з підтримкою x:data"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Для реєстрації псевдоніму необхідно використовувати клієнт з підтримкою x:data"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Для налагодження параметрів mod_irc необхідно використовувати клієнт, що має підтримку x:data"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Для конфігурування кімнати потрібно використовувати клієнт з підтримкою x:data"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Для пошуку необхідний клієнт із підтримкою x:data"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Маршрутизація цієї строфи була відмінена активним списком приватності."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Черга повідомлень, що не були доставлені, переповнена. Повідомлення не було збережено."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,13 +14,11 @@
{"Administration","Quản trị"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","Yêu cầu đặc quyền của nhà quản trị"}.
{"All activity","Tất cả hoạt động"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Cho phép Jabber ID đăng ký nút môđun xuất bản đăng ký này không?"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Cho phép người sử dụng hỏi người sử dụng khác"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Cho phép người sử dụng gửi lời mời"}.
{"Allow users to send private messages","Cho phép người sử dụng gửi thư riêng"}.
{"All Users","Tất Cả Người Sử Dụng"}.
{"Announcements","Thông báo"}.
{"anyone","bất kỳ ai"}.
{"April","Tháng Tư"}.
{"August","Tháng Tám"}.
{"Backup Management","Quản lý Sao Lưu Dự Phòng"}.
@ -51,8 +49,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","Xóa thư trong ngày"}.
{"Delete Selected","Tùy chọn Xóa được Chọn"}.
{"Delete User","Xóa Người Sử Dụng"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Đưa ra các thông báo sự kiện"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Đưa ra thông tin dung lượng với các thông báo sự kiện"}.
{"Description:","Miêu tả:"}.
{"Disc only copy","Chỉ sao chép vào đĩa"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Nhóm được hiển thị:"}.
@ -76,7 +72,6 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber Server Bản quyền"}.
{"Family Name","Họ"}.
{"February","Tháng Hai"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Điền vào các ô để tìm kiếm bất kỳ các thông tin nào khớp với Người sử dụng Jabber"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Điền vào mẫu này để tìm kiếm bất kỳ thông tin nào khớp với Người sử dụng Jabber (Thêm dấu * vào cuối ô để thông tin khớp với chuỗi bên trong)"}.
{"Friday","Thứ Sáu"}.
{"From ~s","Nhận từ ~s"}.
@ -100,8 +95,6 @@
{"Import Users From jabberd14 Spool Files","Nhập Người Sử Dụng Từ Các Tập Tin Spool jabberd14"}.
{"Improper message type","Loại thư không phù hợp"}.
{"Incorrect password","Mật khẩu sai"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Tư cách không hợp lệ: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Vai trò không hợp lệ: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","Địa chỉ IP"}.
{"IRC Transport","Truyền tải IRC"}.
{"IRC Username","Tên truy cập IRC"}.
@ -109,7 +102,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages of type \"groupchat\"","Không được phép gửi những thư riêng loại \"groupchat\""}.
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","Không được phép gửi những thư riêng đến phòng họp"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s không hợp lệ"}.
{"January","Tháng Một"}.
{"joins the room","tham gia phòng này"}.
{"July","Tháng Bảy"}.
@ -130,15 +122,12 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Tạo phòng có thể tìm kiếm công khai"}.
{"March","Tháng Ba"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Số Lượng Người Tham Dự Tối Đa"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Số mục tối đa để lưu trữ"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Kích thước dung lượng byte tối đa"}.
{"May","Tháng Năm"}.
{"Members:","Thành viên:"}.
{"Memory","Bộ Nhớ"}.
{"Message body","Thân thư"}.
{"Middle Name","Họ Đệm"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","Yêu cầu đặc quyền của nhà điều phối"}.
{"moderators only","nhà điều phối duy nhất"}.
{"Monday","Thứ Hai"}.
@ -150,17 +139,10 @@
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Bí danh ~s không tồn tại trong phòng này"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","Không có nội dung trong thư thông báo"}.
{"No Data","Không Dữ Liệu"}.
{"Node ID","ID Nút"}.
{"Node not found","Nút không tìm thấy"}.
{"No limit","Không giới hạn"}.
{"None","Không có"}.
{"No resource provided","Không có nguồn lực cung cấp"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Thông báo cho người đăng ký khi nào các mục chọn bị gỡ bỏ khỏi nút"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Thông báo cho người đăng ký khi nào cấu hình nút thay đổi"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Thông báo cho người đăng ký khi nào nút bị xóa bỏ"}.
{"November","Tháng Mười Một"}.
{"Number of occupants","Số người tham dự"}.
{"Number of online users","Số người sử dụng trực tuyến"}.
{"Number of registered users","Số người sử dụng đã đăng ký"}.
{"October","Tháng Mười"}.
@ -170,7 +152,6 @@
{"Online","Trực tuyến"}.
{"Online Users:","Người Sử Dụng Trực Tuyến:"}.
{"Online Users","Người Sử Dụng Trực Tuyến"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Chỉ gửi thông báo đến những người sử dụng hiện có"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send messages to the conference","Chỉ có những đối tượng tham gia mới được phép gửi thư đến phòng họp"}.
{"Only occupants are allowed to send queries to the conference","Chỉ có những đối tượng tham gia mới được phép gửi yêu cầu đến phòng họp"}.
{"Only service administrators are allowed to send service messages","Chỉ có người quản trị dịch vụ mới được phép gửi những thư dịch vụ"}.
@ -188,11 +169,9 @@
{"Path to File","Đường dẫn đến Tập Tin"}.
{"Period: ","Giai đoạn: "}.
{"Persist items to storage","Những mục cần để lưu trữ"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Jabber ID thực tế hiện hành đến"}.
{"private, ","riêng,"}.
{"Publish-Subscribe","Xuất Bản-Đăng Ký"}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Yêu cầu người đăng ký môđun Xuất Bản Đăng Ký"}.
@ -242,8 +221,6 @@
{"Show Ordinary Table","Hiển Thị Bảng Thường"}.
{"Shut Down Service","Tắt Dịch Vụ"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s mời bạn vào phòng ~s"}.
{"Specify the access model","Xác định mô hình truy cập"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Xác định mô hình nhà xuất bản"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s's Danh Sách Chờ Thư Ngoại Tuyến"}.
{"Start","Khởi động"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Môđun Khởi Động tại "}.
@ -260,10 +237,10 @@
{"Subject","Tiêu đề"}.
{"Submitted","Đã gửi"}.
{"Subscriber Address","Địa Chỉ Người Đăng Ký"}.
{"Subscription","Đăng ký"}.
{"Sunday","Chủ Nhật"}.
{"the password is","mật khẩu là"}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Phòng này không nặc danh"}.
{"Thursday","Thứ Năm"}.
{"Time delay","Thời gian trì hoãn"}.
{"Time","Thời Gian"}.
@ -291,11 +268,8 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","Máy Chủ Ảo"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Người ghé thăm không được phép gửi thư đến tất cả các người tham dự"}.
{"Wednesday","Thứ Tư"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Khi cần gửi mục được xuất bản cuối cùng"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Xác định nên cho phép đăng ký không"}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Bạn bị cấm tham gia phòng này"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Bạn phải điền thông tin vào ô \"Nickname\" trong biểu mẫu này"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Bạn cần có một trình ứng dụng khách hỗ trợ định dạng dữ liệu x: để xác định các thiết lập mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","Bạn cần có một trình ứng dụng khách hỗ trợ định dạng dữ liệu x: để xác định cấu hình phòng họp"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Bạn cần có một trình ứng dụng khách hỗ trợ định dạng dữ liệu x: để tìm kiếm"}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Danh sách chờ thư liên lạc ngoại tuyến của bạn đã đầy. Thư này đã bị loại bỏ."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
{"Administration of ","Manaedjaedje di "}.
{"Administrator privileges required","I fåt des priviledjes di manaedjeu"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","On no uzeu-ahessåve pol nuk"}.
{"All activity","Dispoy todi"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","Permete ki ci Jabber ID ci si poye abouner a ç' nuk eplaidaedje-abounmint ci?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","Les uzeus polèt candjî l' tite"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","Les uzeus polèt cweri ls ôtes uzeus"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","Les uzeus polèt evoyî priyaedjes"}.
@ -24,10 +22,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","Permete ki les viziteus candjexhe leus metous nos"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","Les uzeus polèt evoyî des messaedjes privés"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","Permete ki les viziteus evoyexhe des tecse d' estat dins leus messaedjes di prezince"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","Les uzeus polèt evoyî des dmandes di vwès"}.
{"All Users","Tos les uzeus"}.
{"anyone","tot l' minme kî"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","I fåt dner on scret po poleur intrer dins cisse såle ci"}.
@ -69,8 +65,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day on all hosts","Disfacer l' messaedje do djoû so tos les lodjoes"}.
{"Delete Selected","Disfacer les elemints tchoezis"}.
{"Delete User","Disfacer èn uzeu"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","Evoyî des notifiaedjes d' evenmints"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","Evoyî l' contnou avou les notifiaedjes d' evenmints"}.
{"Disc only copy","Copeye seulmint sol deure plake"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","Groupes håynés:"}.
@ -88,9 +82,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","Manaedjeu waibe ejabberd"}.
{"Empty Rooms","Såles vudes"}.
{"Enable logging","Mete en alaedje li djournå"}.
{"Enable message archiving","Mete en alaedje l' årtchivaedje des messaedjes"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","Ecôdaedje pol sierveu ~b"}.
{"End User Session","Fini l' session d' l' uzeu"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","Dinez ene djivêye del cogne {Module, [Tchuzes]}"}.
@ -105,14 +97,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Sierveu Jabber Erlang"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","Egzimpe: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","Esclure les IDs Jabber des kesses CAPTCHA"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","Espoirter totes les tåves, come des cmandes SQL, viè on fitchî"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Espoirter les dnêyes di tos les uzeus do sierveu viè des fitchîs PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","Espoirter les dnêyes di tos les uzeus do sierveu viè des fitchîs PIEFXIS (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","Nén moyén di rsaetchî on JID foû d' l' aprovaedje di vosse dimande di vwès"}.
{"Family Name","No d' famile"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","Rimplixhoz les tchamps po cweri èn uzeu Jabber"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","Rimplixhoz les tchamps do formulaire po cweri èn uzeu Jabber (radjouter «*» al fén do tchamp po cweri tot l' minme kéne fén d' tchinne"}.
@ -123,7 +113,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","Riçure li date/eure do dierin elodjaedje di l' uzeu"}.
{"Get User Password","Riçure sicret d' l' uzeu"}.
{"Get User Statistics","Riçure les statistikes di l' uzeu"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","Permete li vwès po cisse djin ci?"}.
{"Group ","Groupe "}.
{"has been banned","a stî bani"}.
@ -146,8 +135,6 @@
{"Improper message type","Sôre di messaedje nén valide"}.
{"Incoming s2s Connections:","Raloyaedjes s2s en intrêye:"}.
{"Incorrect password","Sicret nén corek"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","Afiyaedje nén valide: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","Role nén valide: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","Adresses IP"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","Canå IRC (èn nén mete li prumî #)"}.
@ -163,7 +150,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages to the conference","On n' pout nén evoyî des messaedjes privés dins cisse conferince ci"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Edjîstraedje di conte Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID","ID Jabber"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Li Jabber ID ~s n' est nén valide"}.
{"Join IRC channel","Radjonde canå IRC"}.
{"joins the room","arive sol såle"}.
@ -190,8 +176,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","Rinde li såle di berdelaedje cweråve publicmint"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","Nombe macsimom di prezints"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","Nombe macsimoms di cayets permanints"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","Contnou macsimom en octets"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","I fåt esse mimbe po poleur intrer dins cisse såle ci"}.
@ -199,10 +183,7 @@
{"Message body","Coir do messaedje"}.
{"Middle Name","No do mitan"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","Tins minimom etur deus dmandes di vwès (e segondes)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","I fåt des priviledjes di moderateu"}.
{"moderators only","les moderateus seulmint"}.
{"Modified modules","Modules di candjîs"}.
{"Modules at ~p","Modules so ~p"}.
@ -217,22 +198,14 @@
{"Nickname","Metou no"}.
{"Nickname Registration at ","Edjîstraedje di metou no amon "}.
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","Li metou no ~s n' egzistêye nén dins l' såle"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","I n' a nou coir do messaedje po ciste anonce la"}.
{"No Data","Nole dinêye disponibe"}.
{"Node ID","ID d' nuk"}.
{"Node not found","Nuk nén trové"}.
{"Node ~p","Nuk ~p"}.
{"No limit","Pont d' limite"}.
{"No resource provided","Nole rissoûce di dnêye"}.
{"Not Found","Nén trové"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","Notifyî åzès abounés cwand des cayets sont oisté foû do nuk"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","Notifyî åzès abounés cwand l' apontiaedje do nuk candje"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","Notifyî åzès abounés cwand l' nuk est disfacé"}.
{"Number of occupants","Nombe di prezints"}.
{"Number of online users","Nombe d' uzeus raloyîs"}.
{"Number of registered users","Nombe d' uzeus edjîstrés"}.
@ -243,7 +216,6 @@
{"Online Users:","Uzeus raloyîs:"}.
{"Online Users","Uzeus raloyîs"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","Seulmint evoyî des notifiaedje åzès uzeus disponibes"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","Seulmint les mimbes polèt cweri les årtchives dins cisse såle ci"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","Seulmint les moderateus et les pårticipants polèt candjî l' sudjet dins cisse såle ci"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","Seulmint les moderateus polèt candjî l' sudjet dins cisse såle ci"}.
@ -258,7 +230,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","Raloyaedjes s2s e rexhowe"}.
{"Owner privileges required","I fåt des priviledjes di prôpietaire"}.
{"Password ~b","Sicret ~b"}.
@ -269,21 +240,16 @@
{"Period: ","Termene:"}.
{"Permanent rooms","Såles tofer la"}.
{"Persist items to storage","Cayets permanints a wårder"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","Notez ki ces tchuzes la vont seulmint fé ene copeye di såvrité del båze di dnêyes Mnesia costrûte å dvins do programe. Si vos eployîz ene difoûtrinne båze di dnêyes avou l' module ODBC, vos dvoz fé ene copeye di såvrité del båze SQL da vosse sepårumint."}.
{"Please specify file name.","Dinez l' no do fitchî."}.
{"Please specify file size.","Dinez l' grandeu do fitchî."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","Ratindez ene miete s' i vs plait divant d' rivoyî ene nouve dimande di vwès"}.
{"Port ~b","Pôrt ~b"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","Mostrer les vraiys Jabber IDs a"}.
{"private, ","privé, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","Dimande d' eplaidaedje-abounmint d' èn abouné"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","Purdjî tos les cayets cwand l' eplaideu aloyî va foû raloyaedje"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","Les cweraedjes des mimbes del conferince ni sont nén permetous dins cisse såle ci"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","Copeye e memwere (RAM) et sol deure plake"}.
{"RAM copy","Copeye e memwere (RAM)"}.
@ -309,14 +275,12 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","Rapexhî do côp foû d' ene copeye di såvrité binaire:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","Rapexhî do côp foû d' ene copeye di såvrité tecse:"}.
{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","Roles ki leu prezince est difuzêye"}.
{"Room Configuration","Apontiaedje del såle"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","L' ahivaedje del såle est rfuzé pal politike do siervice"}.
{"Room description","Discrijhaedje del såle"}.
{"Room Occupants","Prezints el såle"}.
{"Room title","Tite del såle"}.
{"Roster","Djivêye des soçons"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","Pårtaedjîs groupes di soçons k' on s' î pout abouner"}.
{"Roster of ","Djivêye des soçons da "}.
{"Roster size","Grandeu del djivêye des soçons"}.
{"RPC Call Error","Aroke di houcaedje RPC"}.
@ -333,7 +297,6 @@
{"Server ~b","Sierveu ~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","Defini l' messaedje do djoû et l' evoyî åzès uzeus raloyîs"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","Defini l' messaedje do djoû so tos les lodjoes et l' evoyî åzès uzeus raloyîs"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","Pårtaedjîs groupes ezès djivêyes di soçons"}.
@ -342,9 +305,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","Arester siervice"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s vos preye sol såle ~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","Des cliyints Jabber k' i gn a polèt wårder vosse sicret sol copiutrece, mins vos n' duvrîz fé çoula ki sol copiutrece da vosse, po des råjhons di såvrité."}.
{"Specify the access model","Sipecifyî l' modele d' accès"}.
{"Specify the event message type","Sipecifyî l' sôre do messaedje d' evenmint"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","Dinez l' modele d' eplaideu"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","messaedjes ki ratindèt el cawêye po ~s"}.
{"Start Modules at ","Renonder les modules so "}.
@ -361,29 +321,26 @@
{"Submitted","Candjmints evoyîs"}.
{"Subscriber Address","Adresse di l' abouné"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","Li metou no est ddja eployî pa ene ôte sakî sol såle"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","Li metou no est ddja edjîstré pa ene ôte sakî"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","Li CAPTCHA est valide."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","Li verifiaedje CAPTCHA a fwait berwete"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","Les ramexhnêyes k' on nuk est afiyî avou"}.
{"the password is","li scret est"}.
{"The password is too weak","li scret est trop flåw"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","Li scret do conte Jabber da vosse a stî candjî comifåt."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot candjant l' sicret: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot ahivant l' conte: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","Åk n' a nén stî tot disfaçant l' conte: "}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","Ciste adresse IP est so ene noere djivêye e ~s"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","Pont d' diferince etur les grandes et ptitès letes: «macbeth» est l' minme ki «MacBeth» ou co «Macbeth»"}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","Cisse pådje permete d' ahiver on conte Jabber so ç' sierveu Jabber ci. Li JID (IDintifieu Jabber) da vosse serè del cogne: noduzeu@sierveu. Lijhoz atintivmint les instruccions po bén rimpli les tchamps."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","Cisse pådje permete di disdjîstrer on conte Jabber so ç' sierveu ci."}.
{"This room is not anonymous","Cisse såle ci n' est nén anonime"}.
{"Time delay","Tårdjaedje"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","Pår trop di dmandes CAPTCHA"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","I gn a-st avou pår trop (~p) d' otintifiaedjes k' ont fwait berwete vinant di ciste adresse IP la (~s). L' adresse serè disblokêye a ~s UTC"}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","Pår trop di messaedjes sins acertinaedje di rçuvaedje"}.
{"To ~s","Viè ~s"}.
@ -406,7 +363,6 @@
{"Update script","Sicripe di metaedje a djoû"}.
{"Uptime:","Tins dispoy l' enondaedje:"}.
{"Use of STARTTLS required","L' eployaedje di STARTTL est oblidjî"}.
{"User JID","JID d' l' uzeu"}.
{"User Management","Manaedjaedje des uzeus"}.
{"Username:","No d' uzeu:"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","Les noveas uzeus n' si polèt nén edjîstrer si raddimint"}.
@ -419,19 +375,15 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","Forveyous sierveus"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","Les viziteus èn polèt nén candjî leus metous no po ç' såle ci"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","Les viziteus n' polèt nén evoyî des messaedjes a tos les prezints"}.
{"Voice request","Dimande di vwès"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","Les dmandes di vwès sont dismetowes e cisse conferince ci"}.
{"When to send the last published item","Cwand evoyî l' dierin cayet eplaidî"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","Si on permete les abounmints"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","Vos ploz candjî vosse sicret pus tård avou on cliyint Jabber."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","Vos avoz stî bani di cisse såle ci"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","Vos dvoz rimpli l' tchamp «Metou no» dins l' formiulaire"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","Vos avoz mezåjhe d' on cliyint ki sopoite x:data eyet CAPTCHA po vs edjîstrer"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","Vos avoz mezåjhe d' on cliyint ki sopoite x:data po-z edjîstrer l' metou no"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","Vos avoz mezåjhe d' on cliyint ki sopoite x:data po candjî ls apontiaedjes di mod_irc"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","I vs fåt on cliyint ki sopoite x:data por vos poleur apontyî l' såle"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","Vos avoz mezåjhe d' on cliyint ki sopoite x:data po fé on cweraedje"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","Vosse djivêye di privaceye active a rfuzé l' evoyaedje di ç' messaedje ci."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","Li cawêye di messaedjes e môde disraloyî di vosse soçon est plinne. Li messaedje a stî tapé å diale."}.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
{"Administration of ","管理"}.
{"Administrator privileges required","需要管理员权限"}.
{"A friendly name for the node","该节点的友好名称"}.
{"All activity","所有活动"}.
{"Allow this Jabber ID to subscribe to this pubsub node?","允许该Jabber ID订阅该pubsub节点?"}.
{"Allow users to change the subject","允许用户更改主题"}.
{"Allow users to query other users","允许用户查询其它用户"}.
{"Allow users to send invites","允许用户发送邀请"}.
@ -24,10 +22,8 @@
{"Allow visitors to change nickname","允许用户更改昵称"}.
{"Allow visitors to send private messages to","允许访客发送私聊消息至"}.
{"Allow visitors to send status text in presence updates","更新在线状态时允许用户发送状态文本"}.
{"Allow visitors to send voice requests","允许访客发送声音请求"}.
{"All Users","所有用户"}.
{"A password is required to enter this room","进入此房间需要密码"}.
@ -69,8 +65,6 @@
{"Delete message of the day","删除每日消息"}.
{"Delete Selected","删除已选内容"}.
{"Delete User","删除用户"}.
{"Deliver event notifications","传递事件通知"}.
{"Deliver payloads with event notifications","用事件通告传输有效负载"}.
{"Disc only copy","仅磁盘复制"}.
{"Displayed Groups:","已显示的组:"}.
@ -88,9 +82,7 @@
{"ejabberd Web Admin","ejabberd网页管理"}.
{"Empty Rooms","空房间"}.
{"Enable logging","启用服务器端聊天记录"}.
{"Enable message archiving","启用消息归档"}.
{"Encoding for server ~b","服务器~b的编码"}.
{"End User Session","结束用户会话"}.
{"Enter list of {Module, [Options]}","请输入{模块, [选项]}列表"}.
@ -105,14 +97,12 @@
{"Erlang Jabber Server","Erlang Jabber服务器"}.
{"Example: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\", 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}].","例如: [{\"irc.lucky.net\", \"koi8-r\"}, 6667, \"secret\"}, {\"vendetta.fef.net\", \"iso8859-1\", 7000}, {\"irc.sometestserver.net\", \"utf-8\"}]."}.
{"Exclude Jabber IDs from CAPTCHA challenge","从验证码挑战中排除Jabber ID"}.
{"Export all tables as SQL queries to a file:","将所有表以SQL查询语句导出到文件:"}.
{"Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","将服务器上所有用户的数据导出到 PIEFXIS 文件 (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227):","将某主机的用户数据导出到 PIEFXIS 文件 (XEP-0227):"}.
{"Failed to extract JID from your voice request approval","无法从你的声音请求确认信息中提取JID"}.
{"Family Name","姓氏"}.
{"Fill in fields to search for any matching Jabber User","填充字段以搜索任何匹配的Jabber用户"}.
{"Fill in the form to search for any matching Jabber User (Add * to the end of field to match substring)","填充表单以搜索任何匹配的Jabber用户(在字段末添加*来匹配子串)"}.
{"From ~s","来自~s"}.
@ -123,7 +113,6 @@
{"Get User Last Login Time","获取用户上次登陆时间"}.
{"Get User Password","获取用户密码"}.
{"Get User Statistics","获取用户统计"}.
{"Grant voice to this person?","为此人授权声音?"}.
{"Group ","组"}.
{"has been banned","已被禁止"}.
@ -146,8 +135,6 @@
{"Improper message type","不恰当的消息类型"}.
{"Incoming s2s Connections:","入站 s2s 连接:"}.
{"Incorrect password","密码不正确"}.
{"Invalid affiliation: ~s","无效加入: ~s"}.
{"Invalid role: ~s","无效角色: ~s"}.
{"IP addresses","IP地址"}.
{"IRC channel (don't put the first #)","IRC频道 (不要输入第一个#号)"}.
@ -163,7 +150,6 @@
{"It is not allowed to send private messages","不可以发送私聊消息"}.
{"Jabber Account Registration","Jabber帐户注册"}.
{"Jabber ID","Jabber ID"}.
{"Jabber ID ~s is invalid","Jabber ID ~s 无效"}.
{"Join IRC channel","加入IRC频道"}.
{"joins the room","加入房间"}.
@ -190,8 +176,6 @@
{"Make room public searchable","使房间可被公开搜索"}.
{"Maximum Number of Occupants","允许的与会人最大数"}.
{"Max # of items to persist","允许持久化的最大内容条目数"}.
{"Max payload size in bytes","最大有效负载字节数"}.
{"Membership is required to enter this room","进入此房间需要会员身份"}.
@ -199,10 +183,7 @@
{"Message body","消息主体"}.
{"Middle Name","中间名"}.
{"Minimum interval between voice requests (in seconds)","声音请求的最小间隔(以秒为单位)"}.
{"Moderator privileges required","需要主持人权限"}.
{"moderators only","仅主持人"}.
{"Modified modules","被修改模块"}.
{"Modules at ~p","位于~p的模块"}.
@ -218,21 +199,13 @@
{"Nickname ~s does not exist in the room","昵称~s不在该房间"}.
{"No body provided for announce message","通知消息无正文内容"}.
{"No Data","没有数据"}.
{"Node ID","节点ID"}.
{"Node not found","没有找到节点"}.
{"Node ~p","节点~p"}.
{"No limit","不限"}.
{"No resource provided","无资源提供"}.
{"Not Found","没有找到"}.
{"Notify subscribers when items are removed from the node","当从节点删除内容条目时通知订阅人"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node configuration changes","当节点设置改变时通知订阅人"}.
{"Notify subscribers when the node is deleted","当节点被删除时通知订阅人"}.
{"Number of occupants","驻留人数"}.
{"Number of online users","在线用户数"}.
{"Number of registered users","注册用户数"}.
@ -243,7 +216,6 @@
{"Online Users:","在线用户:"}.
{"Online Users","在线用户"}.
{"Only deliver notifications to available users","仅将通知发送给可发送的用户"}.
{"Only members may query archives of this room","只有会员可以查询本房间的存档"}.
{"Only moderators and participants are allowed to change the subject in this room","只有主持人和参与人可以在此房间里更改主题"}.
{"Only moderators are allowed to change the subject in this room","只有主持人可以在此房间里更改主题"}.
@ -258,7 +230,6 @@
{"Outgoing s2s Connections","出站 s2s 连接"}.
{"Owner privileges required","需要持有人权限"}.
{"Password ~b","~b的密码"}.
{"Password Verification:","密码确认:"}.
{"Password Verification","确认密码"}.
@ -269,21 +240,16 @@
{"Period: ","持续时间: "}.
{"Permanent rooms","永久房间"}.
{"Persist items to storage","持久化内容条目"}.
{"Please note that these options will only backup the builtin Mnesia database. If you are using the ODBC module, you also need to backup your SQL database separately.","注意:这些选项仅将备份内置的 Mnesia 数据库. 如果您正在使用 ODBC 模块, 您还需要分别备份您的数据库."}.
{"Please specify file name.","请指定文件名称."}.
{"Please specify file size.","请指定文件大小."}.
{"Please, wait for a while before sending new voice request","请稍后再发送新的声音请求"}.
{"Port ~b","~b的端口"}.
{"Present real Jabber IDs to","将真实Jabber ID显示给"}.
{"private, ","保密, "}.
{"PubSub subscriber request","PubSub订阅人请求"}.
{"Purge all items when the relevant publisher goes offline","相关发布人离线后清除所有选项"}.
{"Queries to the conference members are not allowed in this room","本房间不可以查询会议成员信息"}.
{"RAM and disc copy","内存与磁盘复制"}.
{"RAM copy","内存(RAM)复制"}.
@ -309,13 +275,11 @@
{"Restore binary backup immediately:","立即恢复二进制备份:"}.
{"Restore plain text backup immediately:","立即恢复普通文本备份:"}.
{"Roles for which Presence is Broadcasted","广播存在性的角色"}.
{"Room Configuration","房间配置"}.
{"Room creation is denied by service policy","创建房间被服务策略拒绝"}.
{"Room description","房间描述"}.
{"Room Occupants","房间人数"}.
{"Room title","房间标题"}.
{"Roster groups allowed to subscribe","允许订阅的花名册组"}.
{"Roster of ","花名册属于"}.
{"Roster size","花名册大小"}.
@ -333,7 +297,6 @@
{"Server ~b","服务器~b"}.
{"Set message of the day and send to online users","设定每日消息并发送给所有在线用户"}.
{"Set message of the day on all hosts and send to online users","设置所有主机上的每日消息并发送给在线用户"}.
{"Shared Roster Groups","共享的花名册组群"}.
@ -342,9 +305,6 @@
{"Shut Down Service","关闭服务"}.
{"~s invites you to the room ~s","~s邀请你到房间~s"}.
{"Some Jabber clients can store your password in the computer, but you should do this only in your personal computer for safety reasons.","某些 Jabber 客户端可以在你的计算机里存储密码. 请仅在你确认你的计算机安全的情况下使用该功能."}.
{"Specify the access model","指定访问范例"}.
{"Specify the event message type","指定事件消息类型"}.
{"Specify the publisher model","指定发布人范例"}.
{"~s's Offline Messages Queue","~s的离线消息队列"}.
{"Start Modules at ","要启动的模块位于 "}.
{"Start Modules","启动模块"}.
@ -361,29 +321,26 @@
{"Subscriber Address","订阅人地址"}.
{"That nickname is already in use by another occupant","该昵称已被另一用户使用"}.
{"That nickname is registered by another person","该昵称已被另一个人注册了"}.
{"The CAPTCHA is valid.","验证码有效."}.
{"The CAPTCHA verification has failed","验证码检查失败"}.
{"The collections with which a node is affiliated","加入结点的集合"}.
{"The password is too weak","密码强度太弱"}.
{"the password is","密码是"}.
{"The password of your Jabber account was successfully changed.","你的Jabber帐户密码已成功更新."}.
{"There was an error changing the password: ","修改密码出错: "}.
{"There was an error creating the account: ","帐户创建出错: "}.
{"There was an error deleting the account: ","帐户删除失败: "}.
{"This IP address is blacklisted in ~s","此IP地址在~s中已被列入黑名单"}.
{"This is case insensitive: macbeth is the same that MacBeth and Macbeth.","此处不区分大小写: macbeth 与 MacBeth 和 Macbeth 是一样的."}.
{"This page allows to create a Jabber account in this Jabber server. Your JID (Jabber IDentifier) will be of the form: username@server. Please read carefully the instructions to fill correctly the fields.","本页面允许在此服务器上创建Jabber帐户. 你的JID (Jabber ID) 的形式如下: 用户名@服务器. 请仔细阅读说明并正确填写相应字段."}.
{"This page allows to unregister a Jabber account in this Jabber server.","此页面允许在此Jabber服务器上注销Jabber帐户"}.
{"This room is not anonymous","此房间不是匿名房间"}.
{"Time delay","时间延迟"}.
{"Too many CAPTCHA requests","验证码请求太多"}.
{"Too many (~p) failed authentications from this IP address (~s). The address will be unblocked at ~s UTC","来自IP地址(~p)的(~s)失败认证太多. 该地址将在UTC时间~s被禁用."}.
{"Too many unacked stanzas","未被确认的节太多"}.
{"To ~s","发送给~s"}.
{"Total rooms","所有房间"}.
@ -406,7 +363,6 @@
{"Use of STARTTLS required","要求使用 STARTTLS"}.
{"User JID","用户JID"}.
{"User Management","用户管理"}.
{"Users are not allowed to register accounts so quickly","不允许用户太频繁地注册帐户"}.
@ -419,19 +375,15 @@
{"Virtual Hosts","虚拟主机"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to change their nicknames in this room","此房间不允许用户更改昵称"}.
{"Visitors are not allowed to send messages to all occupants","不允许访客给所有占有者发送消息"}.
{"Voice requests are disabled in this conference","该会议的声音请求以被禁用"}.
{"Voice request","声音请求"}.
{"When to send the last published item","何时发送最新发布的内容条目"}.
{"Whether to allow subscriptions","是否允许订阅"}.
{"You can later change your password using a Jabber client.","你可以稍后用Jabber客户端修改你的密码."}.
{"You have been banned from this room","您已被禁止进入该房间"}.
{"You must fill in field \"Nickname\" in the form","您必须填充表单中\"昵称\"项"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data and CAPTCHA to register","您需要一个支持 x:data 和验证码的客户端进行注册"}.
{"You need a client that supports x:data to register the nickname","您需要一个支持 x:data 的客户端来注册昵称"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure mod_irc settings","您需要一个兼容 x:data 的客户端来配置mod_irc设置"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to configure room","您需要一个兼容 x:data 的客户端来配置房间"}.
{"You need an x:data capable client to search","您需要一个兼容 x:data 的客户端来搜索"}.
{"Your active privacy list has denied the routing of this stanza.","你的活跃私聊列表拒绝了在此房间进行路由分发."}.
{"Your contact offline message queue is full. The message has been discarded.","您的联系人离线消息队列已满. 消息已被丢弃"}.

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